posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to:
And how many of those things you rail against in your OP are actually supported by the majority of the public?
Seriously, you're going to claim that protecting children is an unpopular cause? That taxation is unfair, while you use the roads, enjoy public
spaces, emergency services, a legal system, political process?
Here's what people like you don't seem to understand (and by "people like you" I mean constitution waving ranters looking for a revolution) you do
not represent the wider public, that is what voting is for.
And yes, as I said just a couple of days ago in response to another thread like this, acting against the will of the people in an imagined crusade
against the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT would be deemed terrorism. You would be not unlike any other radical group seeking to usurp the
democratic process to inflict your political ideals onto a society.
If you don't like the way your government is running things, protest, organize political opposition, create debate and discussion, run for office, do
one of the many things you are entirely free to do in your free country (freedoms your democratic system affords you).
But, and this is the important part many people like you ignore, you don't get to decide what is best for your country and use force to achieve it,
you don't get to take up arms against your government for an imagined political Utopian ideal, the moment you do that you are a terrorist.