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Olivia Wilde Isn't Apologizing For That Photo Of Her Breastfeeding

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posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: WarminIndy

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: Willtell
Woman are sometimes too cavalier about understanding the sexual nature of men, I believe. Or are they just pretending they don’t understand?

1) Same argument that religious fundamentalists (Jewish and Muslim included) use to demand that women cover up or not appear in public unaccompanied.
2) It is legal for women to go topless in public. Sadly, they don't much.

Where is it legal?
And depends on the Jewish lady, maybe Hasidic Jews, but there are a lot of Jewish women who aren't religious. The Jewish women I know aren't afraid to go out in public alone. I think you should limit that to Muslim fundamentalism.

Sorry, I neglected to specify that in ONTARIO, it is legal for women to go topless. Again, sadly, they rarely seem to.
As to my reference to Jews? I was not taking away from any Jewish womans' choices. Rather, I was pointing out that some orthodox men seem to have a problem with the fairer sex...for example:

Groups of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men keep delaying flights by refusing to sit next to women Link

Jewish Women's Group Defies Rules to Pray at Wailing Wall Link me that ranks up there with burkas, niqabs, no driving, etc in the Muslim world. And all ties back in to certain opinions in this thread...that women, by exposing their breasts (or wrists...ankles...whatever), even to feed their children, become fair game for men's prurient interests. Rape, stoning, harassment and the like. It's all just a matter of degrees, and it ain't on the woman.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: WarminIndy
Lol, project your misguided thoughts much?
I walk through town topless in the Summer and I'm glad women have the same right as myself.
Some stores have a 'no topless' policy so I carry a t-shirt, same for any women who might wish to be topless.
Our laws are gender neutral. Yours appear to be backward, religiously based, and sexist.
Land of the cavemen lol.

Good for you.

Tell us, do you also notice women who are topless and would you help them across the street more quicker than an old lady?

Men go topless here all the time.

But tell us, what emotion is evoked when you see a woman topless? Do you first think "Oh, there's a lady showing off her natural baby feeding organs", or does it please you very much to see women topless?

A little dishonest, I think you are. Go ahead, tell us the real reason you don't mind seeing women topless. Yes, sex. Not for any natural, baby feeding reasons.

But I bet you also have a preference for sizes and colors too, don't you? Wouldn't that make you a racist and bigot if you have a preference, and so you aren't thinking about baby feeding.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: WarminIndy

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: Willtell
Woman are sometimes too cavalier about understanding the sexual nature of men, I believe. Or are they just pretending they don’t understand?

1) Same argument that religious fundamentalists (Jewish and Muslim included) use to demand that women cover up or not appear in public unaccompanied.
2) It is legal for women to go topless in public. Sadly, they don't much.

Where is it legal?
And depends on the Jewish lady, maybe Hasidic Jews, but there are a lot of Jewish women who aren't religious. The Jewish women I know aren't afraid to go out in public alone. I think you should limit that to Muslim fundamentalism.

Sorry, I neglected to specify that in ONTARIO, it is legal for women to go topless. Again, sadly, they rarely seem to.
As to my reference to Jews? I was not taking away from any Jewish womans' choices. Rather, I was pointing out that some orthodox men seem to have a problem with the fairer sex...for example:

Groups of ultra-Orthodox Jewish men keep delaying flights by refusing to sit next to women Link

Jewish Women's Group Defies Rules to Pray at Wailing Wall Link me that ranks up there with burkas, niqabs, no driving, etc in the Muslim world. And all ties back in to certain opinions in this thread...that women, by exposing their breasts (or wrists...ankles...whatever), even to feed their children, become fair game for men's prurient interests. Rape, stoning, harassment and the like. It's all just a matter of degrees, and it ain't on the woman.

Yes, that is what I said, Hasidic Jews. But Jewish women tend to stay Hasidic for personal reasons, she might for family pressure, but no Jewish woman is expected to stay Hasidic if she doesn't really want to.

And Hasidic women aren't stoned to death either. By the way, I know a Jewish lady from Toronto and I know her family from Sudbury. They definitely are not Hasidic.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: HooHaa
She should show some kind of modesty
Why, because you have weird emotions when you see a productive gland of a female body feeding a human child.
Nah, you would be laughed at and thought of as a weirdo in my area.
Do you suffer the same emotions when you see a calf suckling off a cow? You know, the calf that gets removed from its mother and sold off as veal solely so we can extend the cow's milking time for our breakfast cereal?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy
Fella, you can try your full of # argument as much as you like but as I said previously, I see nothing sexual about a woman breastfeeding her child. Perhaps you do and that is obviously your problem, not mine.
I shall explain a little more clearly, I am pleased that women have equal right to bear their tops in public as I can when it is hot. I am a heterosexual male, so of course I appreciate the female form, as some females appreciate mine when I am working hard.
When a woman is feeding her child then her breasts are beautiful body organs which is doing something lovely, keeping her child alive.
If you cannot seperate the two situations in your sexual thoughts then it is you with the problem...and frankly weird in my opinion.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: HooHaa
She should show some kind of modesty
Why, because you have weird emotions when you see a productive gland of a female body feeding a human child.
Nah, you would be laughed at and thought of as a weirdo in my area.
Do you suffer the same emotions when you see a calf suckling off a cow? You know, the calf that gets removed from its mother and sold off as veal solely so we can extend the cow's milking time for our breakfast cereal?

And when you see a woman with no baby but breasts exposed, do you think "Oh, a mammalial gland for baby feeding". No you don't.

Do you follow well-endowed women in the pubs hoping if you buy her a drink she might rip off that top and show you something? Or do you give her a glass of water and say "oh, nice baby feeding organs, your babies won't go hungry"?

You aren't fooling us. They all get prettier at closing time, right?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: WarminIndy
Fella, you can try your full of # argument as much as you like but as I said previously, I see nothing sexual about a woman breastfeeding her child. Perhaps you do and that is obviously your problem, not mine.
I shall explain a little more clearly, I am pleased that women have equal right to bear their tops in public as I can when it is hot. I am a heterosexual male, so of course I appreciate the female form, as some females appreciate mine when I am working hard.
When a woman is feeding her child then her breasts are beautiful body organs which is doing something lovely, keeping her child alive.
If you cannot seperate the two situations in your sexual thoughts then it is you with the problem...and frankly weird in my opinion.

Not a fella.

I'm the female, the weaker, the fairer sex. Tell me what I don't know, I'm the one with the breasts.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy
I don't see your point?
I can separate sexual thoughts about breasts when a mother is breastfeeding. Are you saying you are unable to do that?
That says much about you.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: WarminIndy
I don't see your point?
I can separate sexual thoughts about breasts when a mother is breastfeeding. Are you saying you are unable to do that?
That says much about you.

Now you state you are a woman I think your views are even more weird lol

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: WarminIndy
Yes, that is what I said, Hasidic Jews. But Jewish women tend to stay Hasidic for personal reasons, she might for family pressure, but no Jewish woman is expected to stay Hasidic if she doesn't really want to.
And Hasidic women aren't stoned to death either. By the way, I know a Jewish lady from Toronto and I know her family from Sudbury. They definitely are not Hasidic.

You miss my point...I'm talking about men, particularly very religious ones, projecting their sense of modesty on the world around them, and the core issue appears to be that if they are 'tempted', it is the fault of the woman and not themselves. And it is the responsibility of a woman to shield them from 'unclean' thoughts. I see this breastfeeding controversy in exactly the same light. If a guy gets a little charge out of it...that's not at issue. What is at issue is guys acting out, which ranges from from arsholery to criminal behaviour. And it ain't on the woman. Suffice to say, in Ontario, breastfeeding in public is legal, and really no big deal.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: WarminIndy
Yes, that is what I said, Hasidic Jews. But Jewish women tend to stay Hasidic for personal reasons, she might for family pressure, but no Jewish woman is expected to stay Hasidic if she doesn't really want to.
And Hasidic women aren't stoned to death either. By the way, I know a Jewish lady from Toronto and I know her family from Sudbury. They definitely are not Hasidic.

You miss my point...I'm talking about men, particularly very religious ones, projecting their sense of modesty on the world around them, and the core issue appears to be that if they are 'tempted', it is the fault of the woman and not themselves. And it is the responsibility of a woman to shield them from 'unclean' thoughts. I see this breastfeeding controversy in exactly the same light. If a guy gets a little charge out of it...that's not at issue. What is at issue is guys acting out, which ranges from from arsholery to criminal behaviour. And it ain't on the woman. Suffice to say, in Ontario, breastfeeding in public is legal, and really no big deal.

Yes, we can agree on that.

Men do things and then say the woman asked for it or deserves it. I have been to Ontario many times, I've never seen anyone topless.

Breastfeeding, that is another story, because usually the woman breastfeeding isn't exactly showing both at the same time.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:09 PM
As a mother of 2 who breastfed I would like to share my experiences. I am from the UK and I think it depends on where about you live as to how forward thinking people are on this matter. With baby number 1 there was nobody around me breastfeeding and it was very rare to see anyone breastfeeding in public. I was shy and would only feed at home or in the car, I would even hide away in another room if we had visitors. With a baby who fed almost constantly in the early days and still for up to 30 mins every 2 hours when she was older it made my life extremely difficult.

In the few years between kiddos more of my friends and young family had sprogs and started breastfeeding and I guess this gave me some confidence. I thought "stuff it" and fed wherever, whenever, including out and about, even though breastfeeding in public is still quite a rare sight locally. I am so glad I did, for the sake of my sanity and my family! I had a handful of "looks" but for the most part people didn't even notice or commented positively/smiled.

With regards to the photo I do feel it looks a little staged, there's no way I would feed baby nappy-less, this would make for an 80% chance of getting weed or pood on haha! However I do welcome breastfeeding in the public eye as I do feel it needs to be normalised again. You will also see more flesh on show in town on a Saturday night or a sunny day round here!

originally posted by: Harvin
a reply to: Willtell

What is funny is that if men breast fed babies they would be arrested, fined and god knows what else. That said, there are health issues regarding dispersing bodily fluids in public. In this day and age i dont see the need for it and yet this issue comes up like clockwork.

Do you know how breast feeding works? Baby latches on, sucks and then milk is dispersed into her mouth. Fear not, women are not going to be spraying milk all over the place and even so, it's just milk. I bet you drink milk that was squeezed from a cow's tit with no quarms. Now if you really think about it, that's weird!

And may I ask why you see no need for it, I am not wanting to make assumptions here?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: WarminIndy
I don't see your point?
I can separate sexual thoughts about breasts when a mother is breastfeeding. Are you saying you are unable to do that?
That says much about you.

Now you state you are a woman I think your views are even more weird lol

You are defending topless women, right?

I don't see you separating the two, I just think you are slightly turned off at the moment she is breastfeeding, because you still buy the woman the drink in the pub, right?

The issue is not with breastfeeding, you don't mind that, but you'll still buy her a drink if you think she'll expose it, so making laws in favor of it must be done by men, because then they get free looks. You wouldn't have to buy her the drink if it is legal. Yes, men made those laws.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy
Are you a man hater or something?
What exactly is it that you struggle to understand about developed and educated men being able to seperate sexual thoughts about breasts from women who are feeding their baby?

As I said previously, I go all Aww and mushy inside when I see a woman breastfeeding, I think it is a beautiful and natural thing, not at all sexual.
Do you not believe me?

edit on 19.4.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Good for her! There is no reason a mother should ever apologize for feeding her child. And, no, it isn't sexual. It's a natural thing, healthier for the baby and the mother. I fed mine wherever I was, and mostly didn't worry about covering. Now, I did it, usually, by lifting the shirt up on the side "in use", and not much showed, but different clothing has different requirements. The only place I ever covered with a light blanket was in church. For the record, my husband agrees that breastfeeding isn't sexual. Most of what shows, in most cases, is the baby's head.

I'd like to see breastfeeding becoming the norm. The baby's immunity is increased quite a lot. There is no expensive formula to buy, and no worries about spoilage, contamination, product recalls, bottle costs, preparation time, or even getting the milk through an airport. For the mother, it helps her get back down to pre-baby weight, drastically reduces the chances of breast cancer, is more convenient, and means far greater bonding than does bottle feeding. In the middle of the night, it's a bug advantage, too, since feeding is almost automatic.

Now, all that said, some mothers simply aren't able, for various reasons, and that's alright. For the moms that can, it's the best deal in town.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Scouse100

Thank you.

These men can't seem to understand that our breasts are special. But then again, they don't seem to mind when men become transvestites and get implants to look like women. It's like they want to be women, without really being women. There is something about the feminine mystique.

Why are we expected to show them off to men? Why can't they just say "baby feeding organs" and leave it alone at that? No, they go to Hooters and then don't think about it then.

Cavemen grunting, and they say they are more advanced.....

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: WarminIndy
Are you a man hater or something?
What exactly is it that you struggle to understand about developed and educated men being able to seperate sexual thoughts about breasts from women who are feeding their baby?

As I said previously, I go all Aww and mushy inside when I see a woman breastfeeding, I think it is a beautiful and natural thing, not at all sexual.
Do you not believe me?

No, I do not believe you.

Do you or do you not go to the pub to buy the girl a drink hoping she will show you what she has? Do you and your pals ever sit around and talk about how you love to see that woman with the big jugs, headlights, hooters...or the many other names you call them?

Or are you so valiant and chivalrous that you say "oh, that woman has lovely baby feeding organs"?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: HooHaa
She should show some kind of modesty.. breast feeding your child is fine, but don't flip a tit out bare like that.. be discreet, place a towel or blanket over the nursing child... Go in the restroom or preload some bottles with breast milk.. the way she went about it screams controversy..

Three points here:

- Would you eat your dinner in a smelly toilet?

- Not all babies will tolerate a blanket over their head, mine certainly wouldn't.

- Have you ever tried expressing breast milk? For some women it is impossible, for me it was very time consuming, I could only get 2 oz per day which took 30 min and I needed 6oz for a bottle, it is not as simple as you might think.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: Willtell

Good for her! There is no reason a mother should ever apologize for feeding her child. And, no, it isn't sexual. It's a natural thing, healthier for the baby and the mother. I fed mine wherever I was, and mostly didn't worry about covering. Now, I did it, usually, by lifting the shirt up on the side "in use", and not much showed, but different clothing has different requirements. The only place I ever covered with a light blanket was in church. For the record, my husband agrees that breastfeeding isn't sexual. Most of what shows, in most cases, is the baby's head.

I'd like to see breastfeeding becoming the norm. The baby's immunity is increased quite a lot. There is no expensive formula to buy, and no worries about spoilage, contamination, product recalls, bottle costs, preparation time, or even getting the milk through an airport. For the mother, it helps her get back down to pre-baby weight, drastically reduces the chances of breast cancer, is more convenient, and means far greater bonding than does bottle feeding. In the middle of the night, it's a bug advantage, too, since feeding is almost automatic.

Now, all that said, some mothers simply aren't able, for various reasons, and that's alright. For the moms that can, it's the best deal in town.

I think this is a case of women are from Venus and men are from Mars.

You certainly don't sound like the kind of woman who goes around displaying them for exhibition.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy
So why are you all cross with me?
I think breastfeeding is a beautiful thing which should be the right of women everywhere to do whenever her and her baby need to if she wishes.
I also support the gender neutral laws in the UK which allows everyone to walk topless if they wish.
I'm genuinely not seeing whatever it is you are cross with me about, certainly from anything I've posted in this thread.

...I'm walking down my hill to catch the local shop before it closes, hopefully when I get back I'll read a reply explaining my crimes lol

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