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Feminists request use of "jazz hands" rather than clapping to avoid triggering "anxiety" [OP UPD

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posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:46 PM
One last bit:

If any of you are interested in what the CO-ED SEVEN MILLION STRONG NUS actually stands for:


There you will find such extremist notions as:

"Stop Student Poverty" and "Vote at 16"

and more actions in the general areas of Student Rights, Student Welfare, Education Campaigns and The Environment.

I realize these kids are far, far too liberal-left for some of you, but nonetheless ... herewith are their nefarious plans exposed.


posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Seeing as the whole thing is only talking about women and minority groups it by default excludes men! WHERE DOES IT MENTION STRAIGHT WHITE MEN IN THE WHOLE LIST?

And what about the section on legalising sex work - but the client is still criminalised! Not biased I guess??

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: AgentSmith
a reply to: Gryphon66

Seeing as the whole thing is only talking about women and minority groups it by default excludes men! WHERE DOES IT MENTION STRAIGHT WHITE MEN IN THE WHOLE LIST?

And what about the section on legalising sex work - but the client is still criminalised! Not biased I guess??

The agenda is from a conference on Women's Issues. The focus is on Women's Issues AT THIS PARTICULAR CONFERENCE.

That is not the only conference or the only meeting or the only action agenda or the only philosophical viewpoint expressed by the CO-ED 7 MILLION STRONG NUS. Look at the links I just provided ... this is not what you think it is. Breathe and read.
edit on 16Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:51:47 -050015p042015366 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:51 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: STTesc

I beg your pardon. I did the same thing to you I'm citing you for doing to the Feminists.

I don't know whether you're an extremist or not.

Your post that I responded to is full of absolutisms. I know that in reality you're only sharing your OPINION of what Feminism is and isn't ... but you presented it as if it were the full facts for everyone everywhere.

But, apologies where apologies are due. I had no right to call you an extremist on the basis of one post.

So Feminism is about abortion and condoms? I honestly don't see what you're trying to argue here, that Feminism isn't about empowering women? What exactly in my post did you not agree with? The only opinion I stated was that, like racism, it's a modern day witch hunt... which it is (i like this pun).

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: STTesc

Did I say that Feminism is about abortion and condoms? Nope.

Read what I said, it's fairly clear. I called you out on a list of absolute comments about what "Feminism" is and isn't.

You neglected to state "in my opinion." So I just clarified for you. Your opinion is just that.

Others have other opinions. The millions of people (both male and female) who consider themselves Feminists (indeed fighting for equality and empowerment for women) probably have millions of different agendas, definitions and "what is and what isn't lists."

Your classification scheme for "all Feminism" as a witch-hunt is merely ... your political statement.

That is my argument. Simple and to the point. Final apology for the "extremist" bit.
edit on 16Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:57:01 -050015p042015366 by Gryphon66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: AgentSmith
Not sure why the mentally ill are increasingly being allowed to call the shots...
And even if it is PTSD, it's still mental illness. I suffer from this due to several significant events but I don't expect society to mold around me so I don't get 'triggered'. I do everything I can to try and cure the issues I have, and these people should too.

That has to do with the underlying problem I believe. People need to be considerate, if not then people might as well become oblivious to eachother. Sure it's a black and white depiction and there's a lot of nuances but I think I have a point. Either learn to live with eachother and accept eachother, be good and kind and have a lot of room for self expression, or become indifferent to eachothers' needs and wants, leaving little room for self expression. It's either one way or the other. Clearly such groups want to be sensitive to eachother and going more towards a society based on persona's where everyone can be touched on an emotional level. The other option is not to even be able to touch one another on such a level, be self reliant, make up one's own destiny so to speak.

This also ties in with the perceived image of male and female, the male who creates his own reality with women in it who let themselves be guided by males. It's what love declarations depend upon, if a male can't make a woman believe it's about true love there's no chance on producing any offspring. All the 'new' social stuff (not traditional) can still work, but women actually will have to change themselves a great deal, like convincing themselves if love is true which in my view is one of humanities oldest secrets but I digress.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

My examples were very real examples, displaying typical bigoted double standards of which you support involving special treatment of said groups, not of special rights. (well, except in the case of Affirmative Action) You're the only one bringing up "special rights". My original post didn't even include the verbiage "special rights".

Good job though displaying your anger and hatred for anyone not sharing your liberal bigoted views.

edit on 26-3-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

1. Cable channels with topical interest are not indicators of special treatment, special rights, special status or special specialness.

2. College grants awarded to applicants with certain qualifications set by the designee of the grant are not indicators of special treatment, special rights, special status or special ...

Well, you get the idea.

3. Your current claim that I am bigoted, hateful, or angry because I demonstrated that your examples were ridiculous ... is as ridiculous as the rest of your claims.

The only thing you got right was "liberal."

(post by projectbane removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

I'm saying that this kind of discussion, that you were weighing in on for some inexplicable reason when it doesn't affect you in any way according to your own statement, shows just how much you and others are NOT in favor of individual freedom and liberty.

Do you get that? Good.

This was my first line of my first post...

Holy bigfoot!

So I can't say I'm really serious about this post.... I did say I find much of it kind of stupid....

Your first reply to me went all "individual freedom and liberty"....

I still think it is silly either way... Jazz away my friend...

edit on 26-3-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

That's ALL your opinion, and I strongly disagree with it. Anything given to one group over another based on race, sexual preference etc is "special treatment", IMO. A T.V. channel with whites only is racist, BET is racist, not only that but it promotes segregation and SPECIAL TREATMENT. It's among a plethora of rampant double-standards going on by various groups.

I stand by my statement that you are bigoted, against any and all "groups" and those with political/spiritual or otherwise opinions/thoughts that you don't like. You have demonstrated that quite clearly here. Good luck trying to obtain your bigoted liberal utopia by spewing all your hate on a message board.

The only thing I can agree with when it comes to your vitriol, is that I agree to disagree with it. Now go smoke a blunt or something.
edit on 26-3-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: Gryphon66

That's ALL your opinion, and I strongly disagree with it. Anything given to one group over another based on race, sexual preference etc is "special treatment", IMO. A T.V. channel with whites only is racist, BET is racist, not only that but it promotes segregation and SPECIAL TREATMENT. It's among a plethora of rampant double-standards going on by various groups.

I stand by my statement that you are bigoted, against any and all "groups" and those with political/spiritual or otherwise opinions/thoughts that you don't like. You have demonstrated that quite clearly here. Good luck trying to obtain your bigoted liberal utopia by spewing all your hate on a message board.

The only thing I can agree with when it comes to your vitriol, is that I agree to disagree with it. Now go smoke a blunt or something.


Thanks for your opinions on my opinions on your opinions.

You're making the only angry, hateful bigot in this situation painfully obvious.

You babbled the standard "special rights/special treatment" line and got called on it.

Your examples of special treatment for gays and Blacks are cable channels and scholarships.

It's funny really at this point.

Thanks for the continuing comic relief from the tensions of this thread.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

LOL, you're welcome, and thanks for your snide comeback, as always!

You babbled the standard "special rights/special treatment" line and got called on it.

Uh. Nope. You only spewed your liberal spin and opinions regarding my original post to justify said special treatment, then turned it into a "rights" issue for good measure. It didn't get you anywhere!

Your examples of special treatment for gays and Blacks are cable channels and scholarships.

The fact that you quote these issues as some kind of joke, says a lot about your stance, and it says a lot about your character in general. It would no longer be a joke to your "liberal" agenda if there were "white only" T.V. channels and scholarships that "whites only" qualified for now would it? I thought we were trying to move past that era? Why are liberals always trying to bring it back, except this time replacing whites with minorities (soon to be the majority) and gays?? Then you wonder why you are seen as a bigot, now THAT'S funny!!

It's funny really at this point.

Yeah, your never-ending arrogant and snide posts have made it clear that it's hilarious to you. HAH! /sarc
edit on 26-3-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 11:41 PM
Let's review my "liberal spin" shall we?

Because a) cable channels are topical and b) grants and scholarships have qualifications you c) discrimination against white people in favor of gays and blacks.

And you repeat this again and again and again ...

You are ABSOLUTELY right, your stubborn regurgitation of the same flawed argument is a joke. However, I really do believe at this point that you don't see how ludicrous your position is.

Call me what you will and accuse me of what makes you feel better about yourself. This is my last post to you on the matter; have fun railing at the air.

posted on Mar, 26 2015 @ 11:54 PM
originally posted by: Gryphon66

Hahaha. Typical response from a liberal who refuses to see the obvious "in-your-face" double-standards taking place due to completely ignoring the facts and refusing to understanding the reality taking place around us.. Perhaps this is because of a contaminated cultural upbringing, or the attraction to popular political ideology, where dangerous levels of mental programming by liberal media have been achieved.

Because a) cable channels are topical and b) grants and scholarships have qualifications you c) discrimination against white people in favor of gays and blacks.

Soooo....Just completely skip past my entire response on this matter then downplay my entire point on the matter as any good extreme liberal would, simply to divert from the actual point/s being made. That's basically what I expected from you, so whatever.

Hey, it's popular to be this way, so why not! Keep being a sheep, I care not. I'm only trying to show the reality of our situation, the double-standards, the new era of segregation, NOT brought on by average people, but extreme leftist liberals and the media they worship. The reality is, society has gone completely insane. If it's not reigned in soon, we're truly doomed. This will literally become an "I told you so!" moment.

If you believe I say this to make a political "right wing" statement, then I would urge you to read the thread in my sig. This whole "system" has been taken over by psychopaths who would rather see society crumble, before their own insanity would ever be brought into the light.

Great job at proving your bias here though, you're a true genius!

This is my last post to you on the matter; have fun railing at the air.

Good! I really hope you meant that, because I would rather "rail at the air" than continue this with you. Good night!

edit on 27-3-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Modern American Feminism is just another social tool powers that be use to mold the society into useful degenerates

They want drones

And for the most part they get drones

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 02:57 AM
Is it just me, or do we, as a society, tend to "over-compensate".

With that I mean that we usually do more than we should to correct a mistake. Take for example slaves. We try to make it up to them by giving them more privileges (to make up for the wrong that has been done unto them) and still they end up abusing it, thereby reversing the roles in the end (illustrated mostly by Adam Sandler in some of his flicks). Same goes for Natives/Tribes. Same goes for victims of war like Zionists.

And we also have the opposite. We have those who used to be evil and now look at them! Now they're the champions of the world. defenders of peace and goodwill. Take for example Japan and Germany.

So what I'm trying to say is that when we try to solve problems like the abuse or dis-empowerment of women, we tend to over-compensate and turn them into monsters. Rather than help them, we spoil them. like spoiled brats - difficult to manage. And in the case of Japan and Germany, defeating or giving them a good spanking actually really makes them turn out better in the end.

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 03:08 AM
There used to be a time that Christians (of course mainly Catholics, for this was in the past) had their way with chauvinism. Males used to have this form of "male-ism" available to them. But since Christianity has evolved or devolved (depending on the reader, of course), we have left MOST of this relic of the past and embraced equality of rights.

However, since Islam is still in the middle ages, with this form of male-ism absent from Christianity, modern Christians can turn into Islam to practice their extreme male-ism/chauvinism. Tired of a motor mouth wife? Convert to islam and beat that incessant mouth to a pulp. Add new wife to replace mouth with younger lips. But then you have to eat the whole ensalada my friend.

You will be called for Jihad. [To good to be true eh? Too bad apostasy is rewarded with death. Can't leave this fraternity.]

So to all the feminazis out there who beat their husbands "figuratively" everyday, give the "possible jihadist recruit" a break before he expresses his frustration with your feminazism with his own form of terrorism.
edit on 27-3-2015 by headb because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 06:34 AM
So, just to summarize what we've learned in the thread so far:

1. The OP article at Breitbart is virtually 100% fake and reflects the reactionary sensationalism one generally expects from the websites of political extremist groups:

a. The photo used as the "cover" is not of NUS students, or of conference attendees, or anyone associated with the supposed content of the article.

They also ban photography at events as it may intimidate delegates from overseas, so our photo is a suggestion of what the delegates might look like.

b. The article totally misrepresents the two tweeted requests for "jazz hands" in lieu of applause at the NUS conference. Source: The Oxford Student

c. The article utterly ignores the fact that NUS is a co-educational (including men and women) organization of over 7 million UK students representing students at 600 different universities. Source: National Union of Students (NUS)

d. The article completely fails to mention that the Women's Conference is but one of multiple events sponsored yearly by NUS and represents only one aspect of the organization's focus which is equal rights for all students, student welfare, educational issues and environmental issues. National Union of Students (NUS): Who We Are

2. The OP, OP article and most of the ensuing thread is little more than a bash fest on Feminists that, while admittedly opinion-based, offers mostly more misrepresentations and ignorance of factual material.

3. The answer from many "compassionate conservatives" here at ATS toward those with mental illnesses and issues is apparently: "I/my friend/someone I know got over that problem and so these people just need to suck it up and shut up."

There, did I miss anything? Oh yeah:

4. In totally off-topic, tangential BS, several of our local rabid Conservatives amateur pundits linked the Feminist bash-fest to so-called "special rights" for racial minorities, gays and lesbians, etc., while providing (as usual) no meaningful evidence for their assertions.

5. And of course, last but not least, anyone pointing out any of these facts or trying to turn the conversation toward actual evidence-based material are repeatedly branded liberals, sheeple, yada-yada-schmeeple, in standard, no-to-low information posts utilizing the best in empty rhetoric and garbage logic.

Way to go ATS; this is undoubtedly one of our finest hours!

edit on 6Fri, 27 Mar 2015 06:50:06 -050015p062015366 by Gryphon66 because: formatting

posted on Mar, 27 2015 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: Krazysh0t

No I 'm against THIS
and P.C. garbage that forments it.

Fine, but don't conflate that with what happened in the article.

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