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Feminists request use of "jazz hands" rather than clapping to avoid triggering "anxiety" [OP UPD

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+50 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:26 PM
Just when the world could get no stranger... along comes this:

NUS Women are meeting in Solihull for their annual get together. The message read: “Some delegates are requesting that we move to jazz hands rather than clapping, as it’s triggering anxiety. Please be mindful!” The original request is said to have come from Oxford University, and despite being widely ridiculed on Twitter, the NUS was standing by the plan.

South-Eastern women’s officer Gee Linford-Grayson told the Daily Express: “Loud clapping and whooping can be intimidating and distracting when you’re speaking on stage.” A spokesperson added: “The request was made by some delegates attending the conference. We strive to make NUS events accessible and enjoyable for all, so each request is considered.”

The NUS has already taken a number of steps to protect its vulnerable women in the past. At their main conference they operate a “women-only safe space” where delegates who feel unable to be near men can hang around together.

There's so freaking many wrong things with this article I almost thought it was a farcical Onion piece when I first saw it.

First of all, I can't help but be amused at that last line in the above quote. In what other ass-end of society is it socially acceptable to smear an entire demographic of humanity in that way? "We need female only zones because some of our members just don't feel safe around me." When Bernie flippin' Goetz said essentially the same goddamn thing about black people in New York, after being mugged multiple times, he was rightfully crucified by the public. When people have said the same thing about Muslims in the wake of 9/11, they have been openly brutalized in the media. When a man has grown up to be mysoginistic due to living in a home with an abusive mother or matriarchal and anti-male structure, he's told to grow a pair and STFU... Why is the same not being said to these women? I thought feminists were the paragon of female strength, not shrinking, quaking violets too afraid of men to be in their presence?

And clapping? Clapping? We gonna talk about clapping?

From my experience with family members suffering from PTSD, one thing I have learned is that the sufferer bears the responsibility to change, NOT those around the sufferer (assuming it isn't a personal space issue at fault.) Yet here we are, once again, seeing suggested behavior changes directed at those who don't have the problem, to accommodate the sufferers. Yet again these particular feminists are left looking pretty weak, frail, and whiney.

I have a 7 year old daughter. As a dad who doesn't want to see her victimized, I'm raising her to be a true feminist... IN CONTROL of her own destiny and IN CONTROL of her own lot in life. Strong, clever, and stubborn, not weak, needy, and whiney. What we're seeing here isn't even remotely feminism. It's actually the opposite of feminism because it requires the world to change to suit you, rather than giving the woman the power to change themselves to conquer the world. If my daughter were to grow up and join this "victim cult," I'd feel like I had failed her and raised a young lady with no self esteem and no empowerment who jumped on the first female doomsday train that stopped at the station.

This was just discovered online:
This is the list of and explanation of all the motions going into the conference. This document may well challenge some arguments in this thread and is some significant grist for the mill in discussing exactly what the NUS Women's Conference is trying to accomplish. It also verifies that the "Women-Only Safe Zones" mentioned in the OP Breitbart article are absolutely real and condoned, defended, and approved by the NUS Women's section.
edit on 26-3-2015 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

+43 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:34 PM
Feminists just want everyone to bow down to them. They are offended by pretty much everything and make themselves difficult to be around.

This is the typical demand of equal rights by lobbying for special conditions. GLBT groups pull crap like this all the time. "I just want to be treated like everyone else so here is a list of special treatment I would like that is specific to my gender or orientation"

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

They also ban photography at events as it may intimidate delegates from overseas, so our photo is a suggestion of what the delegates might look like.

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:40 PM
The writer of that article is quite insulting and intolerant, but, hey, this is nothing new.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: burdman30ott6

They also ban photography at events as it may intimidate delegates from overseas, so our photo is a suggestion of what the delegates might look like.

Oh.... My.... Goodness....

That photo is worth a 1000 words. Talk about a lack of self respect and dignity.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: MentorsRiddle

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: burdman30ott6

They also ban photography at events as it may intimidate delegates from overseas, so our photo is a suggestion of what the delegates might look like.

Oh.... My.... Goodness....

That photo is worth a 1000 words. Talk about a lack of self respect and dignity.

That was the article writer's strange biased imagine of them, not the women of NUS.

Who they are:

edit on 25-3-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Another day in Bizarro World where up is down, bad is good, right is left, the criminally insane run countries and it's everyone else's responsibility to fix some twits problem. Feminazi's... you gotta love 'em, God knows, nobody else does. Next we'll hear that when the carnie's in town, there can only be booths that sell pies and burgers, no hot dogs for sale allowed LOL.

Cheers - Dave

+3 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:45 PM
Jazz hands might give me PTSD.


+11 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:50 PM
Hey Feminists?

Kiss my A**

I'm sorry, but they are just going off the deep end.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

Yeah, because demanding "special treatment" like the same rights as everyone else is, you know, bad or something. I'm going to stop right here before I get too angry. "Special treatment"...good grief smh.

+2 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:53 PM
Nowhere in the article does it label the women of the NUS as feminists, the OP just assumed they were because ... I just don't know why.
edit on 25-3-2015 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:53 PM
These are students. Kids just learning to get very pissed on a regular basis.

They just dont want any clapping cos of their hangovers ......

+13 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:54 PM
Not sure why the mentally ill are increasingly being allowed to call the shots...
And even if it is PTSD, it's still mental illness. I suffer from this due to several significant events but I don't expect society to mold around me so I don't get 'triggered'. I do everything I can to try and cure the issues I have, and these people should too. What they're doing is avoidance, what they need is something like schema therapy. Ridiculous that once again people are bowing to this garbage which doesn't help anyone and only fuels their issues!

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
These are students. Kids just learning to get very pissed on a regular basis.

They just dont want any clapping cos of their hangovers ......

That's probably more the reason.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: AgentSmith
Not sure why the mentally ill are increasingly being allowed to call the shots...
And even if it is PTSD, it's still mental illness. I suffer from this due to several significant events but I don't expect society to mold around me so I don't get 'triggered'. I do everything I can to try and cure the issues I have, and these people should too. What they're doing is avoidance, what they need is something like schema therapy. Ridiculous that once again people are bowing to this garbage which doesn't help anyone and only fuels their issues!

I have exceptional hearing and I would agree that loud clapping and wooting would be distracting and annoying while presenting a speech.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 12:58 PM
*sings*If your a nut case and you know it clap your hands.......

+47 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:04 PM
This is a bad idea, let me explain. As a man I apparently have absolutely no control over my libido, my emotional maturity stalled somewhere around the age of 12 and every woman around me is a potential rape victim.
The image of hundreds of Jazz fingers thrust obscenely in the air like an explosion of tiny phallic symbols will surely set off the rape impulse in my Neanderthal brain and endanger all the women present. At the very least I may start undressing them with my eyes, driven into near madness by their plump little fingers waving erotically before me, forming "V" shapes reminiscent of shapely legs spread before me, enticing me, tempting me and inflaming my uncontrollable lust.

In light of the current level of political correctness, they may want to rethink this approach for the sake of all women.
edit on 3/25/2015 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:05 PM
Holy Jeebus. I agree, this may be what modern Feminism has become, but this is a total antithesis the entire motivation behind it. I'm sorry, but you are absolutely correct in saying that this wouldn't be tolerated from any other segment of society in relation to another. And jazz hands? Freakin jazz hands?
I'm not sure that there is any way to make my next statement and convey the passion in it properly without sounding grossly insensitive, but here goes.
This is a picture perfect example of why western society is in decline.
And here is why:
1) If you are so terrified of getting on a stage and speaking in front of your peers that clapping will send you spiraling into a panic attack, DO NOT ENGAGE IN PUBLIC SPEAKING. Now, if you are, for example, discouraging clapping in an audience full of autistic children who have deeply rooted sensory triggers and profound social disconnection, ok. That makes perfect sense. But if you are an adult, attending an event of your own free will, at which you have been asked or volunteered to speak, be prepared to do just that.
2) If any men's organization that hasn't already been dissolved or castrated by modern society proposed a 'men only' zone at an event equivalent to this, they would be assaulted by a wave of protests, shouted down at every turn, and likely sued out of existence. This type of thing might have made a tiny bit of sense in the beginning of the Feminist movement, when social norms still allowed, or at least didn't discuss, a husband beating his wife, and women new to the philosophy of the movement could understandably be overwhelmed by the environment of the conference. But today? Really? How is this in any way reflective of the environment these 'over stressed' women are going to go back to when they leave this conference? And how is this in the LEAST bit helpful to the apparently fragile psyches of these women?
Unless the purpose of the Feminist movement has been completely misunderstood or miscommunicated for all these years, this is completely a backwards step. And a massive one, at that.
Feminism is about equality, empowerment and self realization. It has caused a new cultural paradigm. And it is a wonderful thing that it has. But this has taken everything Feminism has accomplished and used it to allow women to act like the decades-old (and ridiculously inaccurate) stereotype that the movement spent so long overcoming.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:05 PM

The NUS Disabled Students’ campaign aims to remove the stigma from all disabilities, challenge perceptions and encourage all members of our society to take a positive attitude towards understanding the nature of disability and overcoming prejudices.

Educate yourself on their true intent.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 01:07 PM
In a feminists ideal world we'd all be like this guy

edit on 25-3-2015 by sosobad because: (no reason given)

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