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Ontarians oppose the new graphic sex-ed program for schools

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posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:42 PM
Someone prove to me where a child pornographer wrote this curriculum.

And I don't mean a "sideways" association of circumstances.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Strawberry88
Care to explain to me what a teacher will answer when someone asks them that question?

The question of how two men have sex? I know what I'd say:
"There are many ways two people, regardless of gender, can have sexual relations. Even kissing is part of an intimate relationship. Each couple decides what is acceptable for themselves. So, there is no ONE WAY that ANY couple has sex. It all depends on the couple."

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:44 PM
Went through the thread, this was debunked, fine, I rest my case. It's still in social issues though so perhaps this needs to be moved.

Edit: Or was it?...

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: Strawberry88

But why did you focus on gay sex, a child could ask the same question about straight sex. The curriculum dint seem to suggest 5 year olds would be told the mechanics of sex.

Wow, I focused on gay sex now? Some of you really need to take things a little less personal. Did you read the quote I replied to? Not everyone is out to destroy the LGBT community or something, sheesh, none of you even know my orientation, not that it matters because I'm still opposed to teaching underaged children about sex, at least when it's strangers doing it and not me.

Let me just put this forward real quick: TEACHERS CAN BE PEDOPHILES TOO. Having experience with perv teachers I know full well that you can't trust someone simply because they're a teacher to also responsibly handle a delicate subject such as SEX and CHILDREN. We had gym teachers that peeked over lockers when I was 8, I don't want to live in a world where this kind of people gets a free card to talk about sex with MY CHILDREN. I WILL DO THAT THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

Anyway, I replied to this:

"And their friend/schoolmate's parents are a same sex couple"

That's what they said and what I replied to. Do you see now why I focused on same sex? Because that's already what the subject was about. When people are talking about bread do you also ask them "but why not cheese?", sorry the subject wasn't chosen by me.

The curriculum as far as I can tell did not go into detail but there was enough in their to make me raise my eyebrows nonetheless. There's more than enough that goes wrong in schools, let's force teachers to tell young kids even more about sex because why not.

Done here, you can think I'm prude or anything you like, I don't care. Hyperbole or not, if you're all going to stand in the middle ground pretending extremes don't happen, fine. I know better and I will be vocal about it. Especially when there are proven pervs involved, no matter how distant. They're everywhere, you're foolish to pretend they're not.

edit on 15-3-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-3-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:49 PM
More education is not the issue, its people adding there insecurities that is the issue here.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Telos
Levin was and is still considered to be the mastermind of this curriculum

So sayeth those who use Bronze-Age folk tales to get an handle on the 21'st century. Citing a hysterical religious site and the Toronto Sun is not going to get anyone an objective picture of anything...but even in the Sun, from a former Tory politician:

Levin is why you need sex-ed in schools
Lets be clear. As a former education minister, I can assure you the deputy minister is in charge of all aspects of the ministry, including curriculum development. Curriculum is the holy grail of education. Educrats spend most of their time pontificating (in a strange language called edubabble) about curriculum. Given both his nocturnal and professional interests, it’s ludicrous to suggest Levin would not have had an interest in the highly-charged area of the sex-ed curriculum. It is equally absurd to believe Levin wrote the sex-ed curriculum. Curriculum development is not a one-person show. If the Liberals’ new approach to sex-ed is flawed, it isn’t because Levin was deputy minister while it was first being developed. Indeed, he may be the best example of why a new approach to sex-ed is necessary.Sun

As to the homosexual agenda...

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Someone prove to me where a child pornographer wrote this curriculum.

And I don't mean a "sideways" association of circumstances.

Is Levin's own admission prove enough for you?

In a media interview later that year, Levin said, “I was the deputy minister of education. In that role, I was the chief civil servant. I was responsible for the operation of the Ministry of Education and everything that they do; I was brought in to implement the new education policy.”

And now the "conjecture"

“No matter what side people sit, these documents should end the narrative that Levin had nothing to do with the curriculum. He was in charge of it,” Warmington wrote.

I can't put clothes in a naked emperor, despite your will to do so.

edit on 15-3-2015 by Telos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Strawberry88

You can't wait to have classes about sex until a child is of age. I don't know what that is in Canada here in the UK that would be 16 that's far too late. As someone who was brought up in a family who didn't talk about sex i'll be glad when the school handle the matter at least they'll have had some training to do it. I wouldn't have a clue where to start.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

As to the homosexual agenda...

Homosexual agenda wasn't and is not the focus of this thread. Was brought up in one reply as a illustration to a comment and what is more important, wasn't coined as such by an heterosexual but was a declaration by a gay activist. Please let's stick to the topic.


posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Telos

I think the article quoted in the OP had an issue with homosexuality, it is part of the topic.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Strawberry88
Care to explain to me what a teacher will answer when someone asks them that question?

The question of how two men have sex? I know what I'd say:
"There are many ways two people, regardless of gender, can have sexual relations. Even kissing is part of an intimate relationship. Each couple decides what is acceptable for themselves. So, there is no ONE WAY that ANY couple has sex. It all depends on the couple."


And not all gay men have anal sex. Some find it disgusting.

But, many hetero couples do have anal sex.

There's a lot more to sex education then a physical act.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: Telos

I think the article quoted in the OP had an issue with homosexuality, it is part of the topic.

Oh definitely!

This site is a "Family Values" linked site.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
a reply to: Telos

I think the article quoted in the OP had an issue with homosexuality, it is part of the topic.

I'm sorry but I don't see it that way. In my opinion the issue is (and my scope was) the fact that a pedophile was in charge of designing kid's curriculum.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: Telos
Is Levin's own admission prove enough for you?

He didn't WRITE the curriculum. The Ministry of Education does not write it.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Telos

If it wasn't issue why was the sexual preference of the somebody even mentioned, I think it was even in the first line.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Annee
Someone prove to me where a child pornographer wrote this curriculum.

And I don't mean a "sideways" association of circumstances.

You know what's funny? A "sideways" association is more than enough. It doesn't even have to prove HE is involved, there are plenty of people like that involved.

Ridiculous how many of you can take a step back from all this without realising what kind of faith you're putting in the hands of STRANGERS who you know nothing about other than the fact they got a degree at TEACHING. THATS IT.

What makes these people superior over me to talk to MY children about their sexuality?

My kids, first and foremost, don't need to be confronted with the plethora of options they can choose from. Nature will choose FOR them. I don't care what sexuality they are. If they ask I'll tell them everything they want to know, and I can understand some of you prefer government or teachers to inform our children because of feared anti-gay rhetoric etc, but seriously, that can NOT be enough reason to allow potential sexual predators to engage in sexual conversation with children at such an early age.

Why do children aged 5 need the added confusion of ALL the sexual options they have? Society is not complicated enough as it is or what? WHEN they ask, THEN I'll inform them, even if it's at goddamn 3.

But what this is trying to do is confront ALL children with things MOST of them are NOT ready for, so SOME can be prepared in time.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Telos
Homosexual agenda wasn't and is not the focus of this thread. Was brought up in one reply as a illustration to a comment and what is more important, wasn't coined as such by an heterosexual but was a declaration by a gay activist. Please let's stick to the topic. Thanks

Really? Well,you could have fooled me... you're the one who opened your post by saying: "The new sex-ed program proposed by the liberal government of Ontario and its primer, the lesbian Kathleen Wynne has caused uproar and enraged parents who consider unacceptable the introduction of gender ideology, homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the earliest grades, to its graphic treatment of topics like masturbation and oral and anal sex. The program consistently pushes a morally and physically dangerous sexual agenda. The introduction of the program caused also a rally where hundreds of ontarians at Queen's Park on February 24, 2015 raised their voices against it."

Was I wrong to think that homosexuality might just have factored into your discussion? Followed by linking the nature of the content directly with Levin? Do we know what disingenuous means?

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

Really? Well,you could have fooled me... you're the one who opened your post by saying...

I'm not trying to fool anyone and actually I take offense of your "tone". I don't understand what's your scope in this thread, dealing with the elephant in the room or picking on words that I already explained (which I don't have to) that were part of the article and not my opinion. Learn rules of commentary analysis in which the replies can start with a copied phrase from the original material.

I'm done commenting about this.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:11 PM
Seems the vocal minority are overshadowing the majority of parents who have no problem with this curriculum. (What else is new?)

Want to see something from a little more neutral source, rather than the bigoted rantings of a religious right wing source?

Nothing Sexy About Ontario Curriculum

In the ongoing heated debate surrounding Ontario’s new sex-ed curriculum, it’s important to make a careful distinction between voices that are “loud” and the silent majority of parents who have no problem with the syllabus, says a well-known expert on public education.

“This curriculum is not encouraging anybody to have sex,” said Annie Kidder, executive director, People for Education. “It’s based on evidence about at what age is it important for kids to know what kind of things. This curriculum is not talking about the joys of sex as much as it’s about the relationships, bodies, health, bullying and safety. It’s not salacious by any stretch of imagination.”
The document – in the making since 2007 – was the result of consultations the Ministry of Education had with more than 4,000 parent school councils in the province. It also included input it garnered from an action group that studied bullying prevention, issues of homophobia, sexual harassment and gender-based violence. Public meetings held across Ontario also looked at new vision for public education and out of that exercise came an emphasis from different stakeholders on students’ mental and physical well-being.

Not that this would change anyone's mind. But all I can say is if you don't want your children educated about their bodies, relationships, bullying and safety, then put them in a private school or home-school them.

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: Annee
Someone prove to me where a child pornographer wrote this curriculum.

And I don't mean a "sideways" association of circumstances.

Is Levin's own admission prove enough for you?

In a media interview later that year, Levin said, “I was the deputy minister of education. In that role, I was the chief civil servant. I was responsible for the operation of the Ministry of Education and everything that they do; I was brought in to implement the new education policy.”

And now the "conjecture"

“No matter what side people sit, these documents should end the narrative that Levin had nothing to do with the curriculum. He was in charge of it,” Warmington wrote.

I can't put clothes in a naked emperor, despite your will to do so.

Refer to Johnny Canuck post

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 01:17 PM
When I was 12 I didn't have a teacher explain to me about sexting, or how if I ever feel like sex (you know, casual sex among 12 year olds should be perfectly acceptable) I should be sure to carry a condom,...

I still knew what a penis and a vagina were though, I also knew that rape was crime, sex should be consensual, all the good stuff.

But obviously in this day and age we NEED to take things further!

I can already see the first article now, about teacher-student sexting, increase in sexuality in children,...

What a ridiculous and hypocritical society we live in, and most of you are eager to play along

"LOOK AT THAT MILEY CYRUS SKANK GIRL! Hey, did you buy your 12yo daughter condoms yet for her sex-ed assignment? You never know when she might feel like humping jeffrey after having received his dickpic!"

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