The indefinite horrendous music I can handle.
Hell, my iPod is loaded with a variety of sonic weaponry that would make most people not "in tune" with bizarre aspects of American Culture go mad
within an it's completely understandable to me as a non-lethal tactic to disorient detainees.
However, I'm not a fan of physical altercations or violence in any way, shape or form so some aspects of these reports leave me with a bit of a bad
taste left over. But to be fair, this is war, and war is a nightmare and a different standard of rules apply in that landscape.
I'd like to think if the non-lethal tactics were effective on their own, physical coersion could have been avoided.
Of course, that's the little peacenik hippie optimist in me talking.
I'm certainly not going to stick my head in the sand and pretend war isn't hell and that even the most upstanding of soldiers don't have breaking
points after seeing the firsthand realities of the hell-scapes in conflict regions.
Try being an enlisted family man with kids at home and holding a regional civilian child in your arms who was caught in the crossfire of a war the kid
had nothing to do with. That beautiful child just playing in the wrong place and the wrong time getting hit from enemy fire. No chance of survival.
No hope for a future. The medics can't work fast enough and the wound has blown half the child's head off. The kid is still alive and suffering
somehow, and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to save them.
I haven't seen this firsthand but I have friends and family who have. And yes, after witnessing that reality I'm pretty sure any sane, rational and
loving person on the lines would eventually reach their breaking point with enemy combatants. That's elementary psychology when it comes to war. I'm
sure many of our own would relish the thought of busting one of those jerks in the face without repercussions. Some men do so when given the
opportunity. I don't blame them one damn bit.
It's easy to pass "moral" judgement on our Soldiers from the comfort of our Homeland chairs, yet I choose not to do so because I know damn well these
men and women in uniform have sacrificed above and beyond a call of duty that I myself cannot commit to because I know - deep down - I simply don't
have the stomach or guts for what it takes out there.
That said - let the music play and crank that noise up to eleven.
edit on 2/25/15 by GENERAL EYES because: damn of these days Alice.