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Forced Vaccinations: What Could Possibly go Wrong?

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posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: Boadicea

High quality cod liver oil is also an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins A and D and is not saturated fat.

Just for your interest "Cod liver oil" was a standard supplement given in daily doses to young children ... I recall it was used in the 1950s onwards in the UK though it may have an earlier history ... also vitamin C tablets were commonly given out by parents ... This was due to a Government campaign at that time which parents took up ...

Another little nugget is that measles was not considered dangerous and all children got that ... In fact we looked forward to getting it because you got time off school ... Deaths were never really heard of unless there was other complications regarding the child's general health ... Mumps also fell into the same category ... Amongst those old enough to remember it seems very far fetched regarding the fear of such things ...

I believe all those years ago that children's immune systems were far healthier because the diets back then where much healthier ... Everyone cooked and baked ... there were no GMOs and also non of the chemical concoctions added to food

Many people grew their own food also as a matter of course ... where as today keeping a garden is now becoming popular again ... though it was once a standard thing to do

Thank you for sharing your wise words. I can affirm everything you said... I'm old enough that I did get the measles before vaccines were available, but I don't remember any impromptu school vacations so it was probably before I started school. And I remember the cod liver oil! It was a staple in our home, along with castor oil. Yuk! Mom gave it to us by the spoonful with a honey chaser. But mostly I just remember Mom putting blankets around our bunk beds to keep it dark, with me at one end and my sister at the other.

We always had a vegetable garden growing up, as did most of our neighbors. We had friends that brought us fresh-caught fish and fresh eggs... and we shared our fresh picked artichokes and Mom's fresh baked bread
I still have a veggie garden, supplemented by the farmers market, a couple fruit trees, do my own baking and cooking, and pretty much stick with whole foods that we prepare ourselves. My kids never had fake fats or sugars, ate real butter and eggs, and snacked on cherry tomatoes and bell peppers and peas that they picked off the vine. I'm so glad that home gardens and community gardens are making a comeback. I hope it continues. It's crazy to me that we don't encourage more of this kind of resourcefulness and self-sufficiency. I don't think we know the half of GMOs' negative impact on our health and it will backfire on us.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
a reply to: artistpoet

Forcing vaccinations on people is as good as forcing a gun grab on them. In the interest of "public health" public safety", everyone's rights must be stripped. It's like "think of the children!" in any other argument. Except of course this time even the ones who are against things being done against a person's will are buying it.

Excellent point. Thank you! One of the reasons I support gun rights is because we have a natural right, and therefore inalienable right, to defend ourselves... The right to say "no" is one of our first lines of defense, and is also a natural right, and therefore an inalienable right. We are endowed by our Creator -- however one identifies that Creator -- with the ability to think and reason and to make our own choices. We also have the Constitutional right to be secure in our person.

Forced vaccinations are literally a crime against humanity.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
Lol ... I am glad you are not in charge of "Health Care" ...
The point being that some amongst us wish to make our own decisions regarding whether or not to take the shots based upon researching the subjects pros and cons ...

Hey, this way you are vaccinated and never have to worry about pesky things you don't understand.

Government...we're here to HELP YOU!™

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

While researching, I was disappointed to see that although WHO and others have recommended a specific course of Vitamin A supplements for ALL measles cases (100,000 IUs for children under 1 year, and 200,000 IUs for anyone over 1 year), based on a proven 50% reduction in mortality, that there are no such recommendations and/or protocols in the U.S. At least I couldn't find any.

That's because it's only been studied in populations with awful vitamin A deficiencies. If you live in the US, you've likely gotten some as a kid from formula or milk.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet

Just for your interest "Cod liver oil" was a standard supplement given in daily doses to young children ... I recall it was used in the 1950s onwards in the UK though it may have an earlier history ... also vitamin C tablets were commonly given out by parents ... This was due to a Government campaign at that time which parents took up ...

You'd have to wonder what the mercury content was like in fish liver oil these days, though. It might be less getting MMR.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Hey, this way you are vaccinated and never have to worry about pesky things you don't understand.

Government...we're here to HELP YOU!™

Lol ... I am sure you are well meaning on behalf of your wonderful government but I am afraid I am one of those awkward ones who is just too bloody minded and wilful ... When they tick my name on their list for re-educating perhaps I will play ball but first you gotta find me and I put up a real fight

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

You'd have to wonder what the mercury content was like in fish liver oil these days, though. It might be less getting MMR.

Yes this is true ... what with all the nuclear fallout in the ocean I tend to glow green these days

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:37 PM
If they do attempt to force vaccinacions on people what will the public dare to do about it?

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

One would hope that people will stand together in Liberty for free choice both those who want their jabs and those who do not
And not be fooled by propaganda that divides us

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
And not be fooled by propaganda that divides us

See? It's that sort of nonsense that just begs for a nice dose of Easels®.

"Easels Contagious Vaccine - now what you don't know really CAN'T hurt you!"

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

One would hope that people will stand together in Liberty for free choice both those who want their jabs and those who do not

And not be fooled by propaganda that divides us

One would hope we arent all rounded up and put in FEMA camps or prisons for resisting. . . .

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
One would hope we arent all rounded up and put in FEMA camps or prisons for resisting. . . .

Nah. Just line you up and let fly with the Pharma-jet.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

See? It's that sort of nonsense that just begs for a nice dose of Easels®.

"Easels Contagious Vaccine - now what you don't know really CAN'T hurt you!"

I know I know ... But there are non can take me ... I am bullet proof also ... they bounce off of me
Needles melt at my gaze and Easles run away in fear... Now stop it you funny fellow I am off to bed to dream of such things
And wont be surprised if this post is deleted as off topic

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 09:58 PM
You know, the subject of something like Easels® hasn't come up in those fun what-if games we get invited to play occasionally. But in all seriousness, I have to wonder if there's a rhinovirus or coronavirus that you could engineer to have measles, mumps, rubella, you name it protein sequences in the capsid, so that you'd develop an immunity to the thing.

Maybe I ought to file an intent to patent on it.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Boadicea

Excellent start.

The recent out breaks of whooping cough and measles have included a high percentage of fully vaccinated children and even some adults. Where is the protection in vaccinating? A child that has been vaccinated with the MMR can remain contagious for a few days, how is that providing protection to infants and folks that can not be vaccinated?

My daughter gave birth back in May and I was on hand when the pediatrician made his first exam of the baby at the hospital. He spent roughly one minute with the infant and about 10 mins trying to convince his mother to vaccinate with Hep B and vitamin K. He was unable to provide an insert and had no idea what chemicals were in the vaccination, and admitted to not knowing what Thimerosal was.

Here is an insert for the Hep B that the all caring and wise doctors wanted to inject into a brand new 12 hour old perfect human .....a whole lot of ambiguity and dangerous side effects.

I have a real big issue with a government that recommends a hep B to an infant. It's not a nice feeling when your new born is perceived as a future sexual deviant and drug user.

Vaccine manufacturers have a lot of work to do before an educated public starts to trust them.

What exactly is the problem with a doctor strongly recommending that this newborn infant receive Hep B Vaccine and Vitamin K supplementation (Vit. K is not a Vaccine, it's a fat-soluble vitamin)?? I seem to be missing something here. You are upset that this medical professional was urging your sister to protect her child against Hep B, which can be contracted without being a sexual deviant or a drug user by the way, and provide Vitamin K supplementation, which is practically standard operating procedure.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: kayej1188
... and provide Vitamin K supplementation, which is practically standard operating procedure.

Shh...don't tell them that the "perfect beings" are iron deficient too.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: kayej1188

The Hep B vaccine is loaded with heavy metals, mercury and aluminum. The vaccine can only protect for up to seven years. Where in the world would a child during the first seven years of his life contract Hep B but for intravenous drug use and irresponsible sex?

The vitamin K shot has benzyl alcohol as it's preservative and all breastfed babies inherit the vitamin within 24 hours of birth.

Why should mothers trust a doctors advice when that doctor has no idea as to the actual ingredients of what they are prescribing.

Did you bother to read the Hep B insert link that I posted?

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Note: I am not anti-vax by any means. Because it simply attempts to use our body's natural immuno-defense mechanisms, it's arguably one of the most natural and potentially effective means of protecting ourselves from serious diseases. I am NOT, however, for ALL vaccines,

Nearly all anti-vaxers say this. It's like saying, "I'm not racist, I know some great black people, but here are 99 links about black people committing crimes. I'm not racist at all, honest."

National Academies Press: “Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality”

I happen to have read that, or at least most of it. It was several years ago. The IOM affirms the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Journal of Pediatrics: “Adverse Events following Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccines in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, 1990-2013”

They didn't identify any new safety concerns with the Hib vaccine, which means the only safety concerns are those already in the FDA labeling. There are no serious adverse effects in the FDA labeling, just a day or two of irritability. A little under two percent got fevers. The vaccine is highly effective, and has reduced the incidence of Hib in the US by 99%, saving many lives.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology: “Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients”

Er, so what? They were evaluating an experimental measles test, and they used vaccine recipients because they couldn't find anyone who actually had the measles. (This was before Wakefield's opus convinced all the "I'm not anti-vaccine but" people to stop immunizing their kids.) Why do we care that they're excreting measles RNA?

Molecular and Genetic Medicine: “Review of Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and the Resulting Epidemics of Type 1 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, Emphasis on Explaining the Recent Accelerations in the Risk of Prediabetes and other Immune Mediated Diseases”

NEJM, "The development of type 1 diabetes in genetically predisposed children (defined as those who had siblings with type 1 diabetes) was not significantly associated with vaccination. Furthermore, there was no evidence of any clustering of cases two to four years after vaccination with any vaccine."

Current Medicine and Chemistry: “Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study”

"This study does not prove a causal relationship between the hexavalent vaccination and SIDS." And since you cited the IOM earlier, see their conclusion on this matter: "Based on this review, the committee concluded that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between some vaccines and SIDS; and that the evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between other vaccines and SIDS, SUDI, or neonatal death." And I'd bet the risk of not vaccinating is still higher than the risk of using that particular hexavalent vaccination.

Press Release: Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., regarding the 2004 article examining the possibility of a relationship between MMR vaccine and autism

"I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits." Thank you. That needed to be said. As for the rest, his co-authors disagree with him.

Health Impact News: Recent Italian Court Decisions on Vaccines and Autism

(Court docs here.)

Courts don't do science, so I'm skipping this one.

Financial Post: Junk Science Week: Vaccinating the ‘herd’

The logic in this editorial, or whatever it is, is really astounding. We had herd immunity before 1963 because everybody got the measles?!? Measles was "generally harmless and beneficial?!?"

Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time

Hardly surprising, since nobody claims that the vaccine is 100% effective in all recipients. But the fact that this is the first time it has occurred shows it is highly effective. I will skip future reappearances of the "vaccines aren't perfect" strawman.

CDC: “Measles Outbreak among Vaccinated High School Students – Illinois”


New England Journal of Medicine: “Mumps Outbreak in Orthodox Jewish Communities in the United States”

Strawman, but this is noteworthy: "The epidemiologic features of this outbreak suggest that intense exposures, particularly among boys in schools, facilitated transmission and overcame vaccine-induced protection in these patients. High rates of two-dose coverage reduced the severity of the disease and the transmission to persons in settings of less intense exposure." The CDC already recommends two doses for children, so it looks like we're good.

Out of space. Not sure it's worth continuing.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Officer Friendly will come around with his vax gun.

And I'll be waiting with a bigger, real gun.

There are certain things in life that are a given.
The Sun rises across the sky and then the Moon chases it.

If you stick your hand in a fire, it will hurt. If you stick your hand in a bucket of ice water, it will hurt.

However, there are also 3 rights that are a given.
The right to refuse. The right to defend yourself.
The right to be able to engage in the pursuit of happiness.

Violating one of those rights violates all of them in my opinion.

Remember folks, the 1st Amendment was created in order to talk out any problems the people might have with it's government.
The 2nd Amendment was created in case you need to defend the first.

Ohhh but thisguy, there will never be any disorder, some of you will say.
The government would never do anything to hurt us, the poor people. Forced vaccines are good for you.
Those vaccines have the potential for serious side effects that might end up being worse than the disease it was created for?

You sound like robots when you spout the party line.

I'm not anti vax, I'm anti big pharma injecting us with chemicals that could seriously hurt us.

Wake the frig up people.
1984 wasn't a warning. It was a prediction of what was to come.
The future is now, the dystopia that Orwell saw coming is all around us.

It's almost time to show that while all animals were created equal, the ones that were created more equal than others will see the butcher's knife pretty soon.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: thisguy27
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
Officer Friendly will come around with his vax gun.
And I'll be waiting with a bigger, real gun.
There are certain things in life that are a given.
The Sun rises across the sky and then the Moon chases it.
If you stick your hand in a fire, it will hurt. If you stick your hand in a bucket of ice water, it will hurt.
However, there are also 3 rights that are a given.
The right to refuse. The right to defend yourself.
The right to be able to engage in the pursuit of happiness.
Violating one of those rights violates all of them in my opinion.
Remember folks, the 1st Amendment was created in order to talk out any problems the people might have with it's government.
The 2nd Amendment was created in case you need to defend the first.
Ohhh but thisguy, there will never be any disorder, some of you will say.
The government would never do anything to hurt us, the poor people. Forced vaccines are good for you.
Those vaccines have the potential for serious side effects that might end up being worse than the disease it was created for?
You sound like robots when you spout the party line.
I'm not anti vax, I'm anti big pharma injecting us with chemicals that could seriously hurt us.
Wake the frig up people.
1984 wasn't a warning. It was a prediction of what was to come.
The future is now, the dystopia that Orwell saw coming is all around us.
It's almost time to show that while all animals were created equal, the ones that were created more equal than others will see the butcher's knife pretty soon.

You mean we shouldnt want our government happy shots and stand in lines like good cattle, I mean citizens and do what we are told by our big brother government because they have our best interests at heart right?

Home of the free land of the brave my arse, more like land of the suppressed home of the vaccinated.

I really wish we things were different and we had some kind of chance, but as I see it we are kind of lined up lke dominoes waiting to get knocked down, yes some may resist but the rest will just roll over and let thier liberties be taken away from them until we dont have anymore.

Lets not forget they may call us crazy and may even have us commited for not wanting to get shot with government happy juices/vaccinations.

I dont know what we could do if they ever did start making vaccinations mandatory, from the looks of it they have started with the kids, as mandatory, meaning no school if you dont have your kids take these shots. Its already begun and our fellow American people havent done a thing about it. Talk about disempowered, its just kinda sad to see people in lock step with whatever they are told to do.

Who is going to stand up if they ever decide to take our 2nd amendment away just for giggles, not many in my honest opinion. But there would be a few.

Land of the free home of the brave. . . . . Really am I missing something here?
edit on 15-2-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

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