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Forced Vaccinations: What Could Possibly go Wrong?

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posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: Bedlam
You mean like the Fort Dix immunization in 1976...

Hey, that vaccine worked BETTER than normal. So what if a few people were briefly ill?

...or the one in the 2000s that lead to Gulf War syndrome?

Nah, that was the mycoplasma. Had that crap for a solid six months after I got out. Really made my first year at college a fun FUN experience. I whiz doxycycline to this day from all the dox I took that year.

So go and ask the vets who are suffering and fighting to get help.

Hey, I am immune to pretty much everything, all thanks to my vaccinations. And the plutonium shots.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Boadicea

Excellent start.

The recent out breaks of whooping cough and measles have included a high percentage of fully vaccinated children and even some adults. Where is the protection in vaccinating? A child that has been vaccinated with the MMR can remain contagious for a few days, how is that providing protection to infants and folks that can not be vaccinated?

It is indeed just a start! I have found much that is very disturbing while researching, and I thank you for the additional info and links.

My daughter gave birth back in May and I was on hand when the pediatrician made his first exam of the baby at the hospital. He spent roughly one minute with the infant and about 10 mins trying to convince his mother to vaccinate with Hep B and vitamin K. He was unable to provide an insert and had no idea what chemicals were in the vaccination, and admitted to not knowing what Thimerosal was.

Here is an insert for the Hep B that the all caring and wise doctors wanted to inject into a brand new 12 hour old perfect human .....a whole lot of ambiguity and dangerous side effects.

I have a real big issue with a government that recommends a hep B to an infant. It's not a nice feeling when your new born is perceived as a future sexual deviant and drug user.

What especially bothers me about this is that babies cannot make their own antibodies until about 12 months; chances are that they will need a "booster" at a later age. They should be getting these immunities (albeit temporary) from their mother's milk, but mothers do not breastfeed as long (if at all) these days, and those who acquired their "immunity" from vaccinations won't be able to pass those along anyway. What have we done? We seriously need to re-think our approach to vaccines and immunity.

Vaccine manufacturers have a lot of work to do before an educated public starts to trust them.

And doctors.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Bedlam
a reply to: crayzeed
a reply to: Witness2008

Here are a few more examples I found in my research:

Natural News: “Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007)”

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:53 PM
I was talking to my 85 year old Mum the other day about vaccinations and how there is a push to make them Mandatory

She stared in disbelief and said ... "That is not right and they will never get away with it"
She is right ... they will not get away with this because it is just plain wrong

Immediately after receiving MMR in the 1960s ... My youngest brother had seizures and regressed from being a normal baby to be diagnosed with Severe Autism ... This story has been told over and over by thousands of parents

The truth will out ... they will not get away with this

edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
...Natural News...

Ah, yes, the authoritative source. Check out the headlines today:

How three naturopathic doctors cured cancer

Vaccine Zombie music video re-launched: Health Ranger song lyrics foretold today's vaccine police state five years ago!

Make this natural antibiotic formula at home to treat any infection

Fills me with confidence in their material, it does.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Yup happened to me in 1989. Except my autism isn't severe (Asperger's high functioning) but I'm not saying it hasn't taken its toll.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:57 PM
I don't know if you know how drug trials work. Let me give you an insight.
I've been on quite a few trials ( mainly searching for an effective painkiller with little side effects) With periods of 3 to 6 months. I've had placebos and the real things. Now on the trial you have to keep a daily diary and put down all feelings at all times ie. dizziness, feeling sick, being sick, everything. Well, if say half way through the trial you go out and have a drink and it makes you sick you have to record it as it might be the drug and not the drink that has made you sick.
The same applies if you've had a dodgy meal and it gives you diarrhoea, you have to put it down.
Now you understand why when you open your drug box and the leaflet falls out you read all the side effects and it lists virtually all the side effects that anyone can have. Like how can you be constipated and have diarrhoea at the same time? It's just a coverall for the drugs company.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

Sorry to hear that ... but glad you were not "vegetable - ised"

My best to you and thank you for speaking up
edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

You're welcome. I've been flamed on here for just bringing it up. Including one poster who claimed I couldn't be telling the truth because "how can I know what happened to me as an infant." I mean, really?

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: Boadicea
...Natural News...

Ah, yes, the authoritative source.

Ah yes... kill the messenger... and I have to admit they make it easy
Seriously, it's a good list, easily checked and verified.

Check out the headlines today:

How three naturopathic doctors cured cancer

Vaccine Zombie music video re-launched: Health Ranger song lyrics foretold today's vaccine police state five years ago!

Make this natural antibiotic formula at home to treat any infection

Fills me with confidence in their material, it does.

Yes, indeed, Natural News is the drama queen of headlines, always jumping to the worst possible conclusion, but you can also find golden nuggets of information there, often with links, and too often that no one else will print. So they do serve a purpose.

And I haven't looked at their natural antibiotic formula, but in my research, I did find some recommendations for the fat-soluble vitamins' power against infection, with many recommendations for adding water-soluble C. It's something I'm going to check out further when I have time.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Seriously, it's a good list, easily checked and verified.

Not sure what going back to 1846 really adds, other than "there's not enough episodes to fill out a good list", maybe.

You want to see grody medical experiments, you should have seen the French nerve gas/bio agent films we used to get. Lots more fun than dosing up the FDA water coolers.

eta: To stay on topic, if you don't like police administered neighborhood mass injections, what about infectious agents that confer immunity? Sort of like a measles vaccine delivered by a head cold?
edit on 14-2-2015 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

This is about the immorality of forcing vaccines into people ...

Those opposed to forced vaccination have good reason to think as they do

Vaccines can and do cause serious damage

It is fine if you want to take that risk however large or slight as it may be but remember ... If things go wrong you have no recourse and are left to pick up the pieces

But to force this on others goes against the principal of the individual rights of choice

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Forcing vaccinations on people is as good as forcing a gun grab on them. In the interest of "public health" public safety", everyone's rights must be stripped. It's like "think of the children!" in any other argument. Except of course this time even the ones who are against things being done against a person's will are buying it.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: Boadicea
Seriously, it's a good list, easily checked and verified.

Not sure what going back to 1846 really adds, other than "there's not enough episodes to fill out a good list", maybe.

Or that it points out the ongoing bad behavior as in "always has been and always will be."

You want to see grody medical experiments, you should have seen the French nerve gas/bio agent films we used to get. Lots more fun than dosing up the FDA water coolers.

No, thank you. I know enough to know just how inhumane some humans can be.

eta: To stay on topic, if you don't like police administered neighborhood mass injections, what about infectious agents that confer immunity? Sort of like a measles vaccine delivered by a head cold?

Interesting thought, in theory not much different than how vaccines work; what would be the advantage over vaccines in practice?

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
a reply to: artistpoet

Forcing vaccinations on people is as good as forcing a gun grab on them. In the interest of "public health" public safety", everyone's rights must be stripped. It's like "think of the children!" in any other argument. Except of course this time even the ones who are against things being done against a person's will are buying it.

Yes so called liberals are succumbing to the orchestrated media onslaught ... the weak cave in whilst the stronger one's are being labelled as ignorant and stupid ... but it is all water off a ducks back ... we see the agenda pushers and manipulated cheer leaders of this tyranny for what they are

In the end it is about choice ... a fork in the road ... but the strong will not be shepherded whilst the weak will be manipulated and pushed without even realising it ...

edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: typos

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Interesting thought, in theory not much different than how vaccines work; what would be the advantage over vaccines in practice?

No shots, and it's infectious, so you get them just by going to the mall.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

No shots, and it's infectious, so you get them just by going to the mall.

Lol ... I am glad you are not in charge of "Health Care" ...
The point being that some amongst us wish to make our own decisions regarding whether or not to take the shots based upon researching the subjects pros and cons ...

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: Boadicea
Interesting thought, in theory not much different than how vaccines work; what would be the advantage over vaccines in practice?

No shots, and it's infectious, so you get them just by going to the mall.

Not me... I don't do the mall.

I thought you might say it would somehow be more effective somehow. If I had my druthers, we would do more studies on vitamins and other nutritional supplements, and perhaps find a way to truly make them a harmless childhood disease thru proper nutrition and supplementation.

While researching, I was disappointed to see that although WHO and others have recommended a specific course of Vitamin A supplements for ALL measles cases (100,000 IUs for children under 1 year, and 200,000 IUs for anyone over 1 year), based on a proven 50% reduction in mortality, that there are no such recommendations and/or protocols in the U.S. At least I couldn't find any. I did find recommendations to supplement for those "at risk" of deficiency... but do we really even know what that is? The current recommended daily intake appears to be based on the minimum required to prevent night blindness, which may just be a minimal required level as opposed to an optimal required level. And the popular substitution of pre-vitamin A in the form of beta-carotenes and such is dangerously misleading in that the conversion ratio is seldom mentioned, which can be 4:1 or 6:1 or even more. I couldn't even pin that down! Also concerning is the conventional wisdom to avoid fats, especially saturated fats -- the best source for the fat soluble vitamins!

Despite the considerable research I've been doing for days, there are so many more questions than answers. But I do know we need to do more nutritional research.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

Also concerning is the conventional wisdom to avoid fats, especially saturated fats -- the best source for the fat soluble vitamins!

Let me correct myself: High quality cod liver oil is also an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins A and D and is not saturated fat. Unfortunately, current processing methods have a detrimental effect on the vitamin content. I have more reading to do about that though before I understand all the whys and wherefores.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

High quality cod liver oil is also an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins A and D and is not saturated fat.

Just for your interest "Cod liver oil" was a standard supplement given in daily doses to young children ... I recall it was used in the 1950s onwards in the UK though it may have an earlier history ... also vitamin C tablets were commonly given out by parents ... This was due to a Government campaign at that time which parents took up ...

Another little nugget is that measles was not considered dangerous and all children got that ... In fact we looked forward to getting it because you got time off school ... Deaths were never really heard of unless there was other complications regarding the child's general health ... Mumps also fell into the same category ... Amongst those old enough to remember it seems very far fetched regarding the fear of such things ...

I believe all those years ago that children's immune systems were far healthier because the diets back then where much healthier ... Everyone cooked and baked ... there were no GMOs and also non of the chemical concoctions added to food

Many people grew their own food also as a matter of course ... where as today keeping a garden is now becoming popular again ... though it was once a standard thing to do

edit on 14-2-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

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