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GOP Assault on Social Security Could be 'Death Sentence' for Nation's Disabled

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posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:30 PM
GOP or Dem, both are just greedy politicians and both are part of the game that is being played against the people of the US of A.

I said years ago we would be better off outsourcing our political positions,

just like they allowed to happen to our jobs!

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: diggindirt
a reply to: mymymy
I'm not making any outrageous claims---I'm telling what I see right up-close and personal. I can point to at least 6 people in my extended family who are defrauding society by claiming to be disabled---it's like a little club---they all go to the same doctor (who is known for getting claims through) and the same lawyer (same deal, he and doc are buds) and all the same social services organizations. I would report them but the last time the Congress made those cuts to the budget I was told that the budget cuts were taken in the investigative staff needed to prove fraud so only 1 out 10 fraud allegations are even investigated.

Well, if you're sitting idly by while people defraud the system, you're just as much the problem as they are. Report fraud, dammit all. "Not my problemitis" is what screws everyone legit over when someone starts pointing out scammers, "See, they do it, see! No one stops them!" YOU could stop them, but you don't.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: StopWhiningAboutIt
Nice "My Book" Drop....nothing like trolling for likes in a sea of the uninformed. Don't forget to put the part in there about limiting Government and the powers and restrictions of congress....but I'm sure being an astute Democrat you already thought to limit those as the Democrats are fond of limiting the freedoms of their citizens, most notably the first 10 amendments to the constitution (Thats the Bill of Rights BTW)..But hey what ever fits your narrative of affecting women, children and minorities right?

And for the record no I'm not a republican, I don't subscribe to the independents or the Tea party, just a plain old American who loves guns, red meat and less government control...and can spot BS when I see it..

Limiting the freedoms of the their citizens, eh? Nice talking point. Fact of the matter is that both parties are willing to do that when they need to. Another fact is this....the cuts that the GOP suggests ALWAYS affect women, children, and minorities disproportionately. ALWAYS.

You seem like a smart person, and so I would hope that you can see why people would call into question the aims of the GOP in particular when they do things like complain about the social welfare net in this country while defending tooth and nail the money we send yearly to countries like Israel so that they can fly members of the Jewish faith "home" to worship properly.
edit on 15-2-2015 by bullseyelqcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

WOW, and they're doing this EVERY month??? Dang, disability must pay THOUSANDS for people to be able to do that! Unless of course you're greatly exaggerating, or more likely you have never actually seen this and are just regurgitating what right wing websites say

Nice try at deflecting from the massive problem of disability fraud in this country by trying to paint people as right wing or left wing. You obviously must lead a cherished life hidden away from it all. Try going into a Wal_Mart between the 1st and 3rd of every month and see it for yourself..better yet walk into a tax place and see them filing for returns in the thousands of dollars that they didn't pay a penny into. The neighbors to the left of me have their Grand Am sitting out in front of their house because the new car they just bought with the close to 6 grand they got in tax returns( that again they didn't pay into) is sitting in their garage.

I have neighbors on both sides of me on disability..I have a very nice townhouse that my wife and I bust our asses to afford while they live in theirs rent free. You don't seem to understand that the check isn't the only thing they get. Between the HUD, foodstamps, medicaid, and utility assistance they get to spend that check on whatever they want.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: diggindirt

I have no doubt that there are people gaming the system, but to make it sound like an epidemic is ridiculous. I go to Walmart all the time and I see these people in there. I see them leaving with groceries mainly.

I call BS! Unless you're going into WM at a later time of the month when they get their foodstamps. They might by a few food items but they save the big food shopping for foodstamp day.

Basically instead of making wild outrageous claims, or just repeating them, I wish people would just say "I'm with "such and such" party and I follow them blindly and believe everything they tell me"

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

This kind of bugs me, but not for the reason you're hoping. So they have a new vehicle, ok. I assume you were privy to the details about why they needed a new one? And I also gather you're certain it's actually brand-spanking new & not a used one, right? And the old one is being kept? Or is it going to a junk/scrap yard at some point? Or sold? See, this high horse deal about poor people not deserving of something new is kind of bunk to me. If something nice can be acquired for very little, go for it. I'm a cheap-arse tightwad myself, I can tell you hands down, you can get VERY NICE stuff with a little searching if you go used. Nice enough stuff in fact, that I can fool someone like you into thinking I have more cash than I do. It's just a matter of looking hard. Why do they have to brown-nose to you & apologize for having transportation?

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Nyiah
I haven't sat idly by. I have reported them. That's how I found out about the cuts to the investigative staff positions. I have a couple of friends who are retired police officers and used to be employed as contract investigators of these fraud allegations. When the cuts came down their contracts weren't renewed.
I found out about the cuts when I was talking to the lady in the local SS office, reporting a member of my family who was holding down a full time job for cash and drawing full benefits. He used a walker when he went in to report to the various social service agencies but was able to work 40 hours a week and play golf on weekends. His wife and two kids were drawing their checks as well.
It offends me that my offspring are working, paying their own way and being required to support their lazy cousins. It offends me that they are handing out corporate welfare as well as spending millions/day on stupid, horrid wars. I write my Congresscritters on a regular basis to update them on my views.
And on the subject of reporting fraud----have you ever attempted to report Medicare fraud by a doctor? If you were successful, please let me know how you accomplished it. I've been trying to make a report and get a reply for nearly a month.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 11:20 PM
Remember, they're the "culture of life", "compassionate conservatives", etc. At least when they're not bombing, bankrupting or torturing people.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 08:53 AM
Who is on Social Security Disability is getting $1200

All the people i know are getting about $600 to 800 a month. and all of them ARE disabled.

I am on a veterans disability pension and only getting $1078 a month.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:34 AM

with health care policies mandated, the social security disability part can be phased out...with no newcomers, as they will or should be covered under either the health policies or even workman compensation... let the current 'disability' recipients keep on being Covered and get COLA's under a grandfather clause... but future SS retirement should be for Pension only, the survivors, spouses, disability, should be taken care by other, better responsive & agile agencies

I won't clutter the post with two more amendments I would propose.... for now,
just let the above idea sink in, be pondered

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

Well call BS all you want. You and I both know there is no "massive" fraud problem.

The neighbors to the left of me have their Grand Am sitting out in front of their house because the new car they just bought with the close to 6 grand they got in tax returns( that again they didn't pay into) is sitting in their garage.

You say I'm trying to deflect by pointing out how absurd your comment was then you go and backpedal and say this? Are they buying all these high end items on the 1st of the month or with their income tax return?
If you want to complain about tax returns I'm right there with ya. My sister and brother in law made $85000 and got back 3800, a friend of his earned less than $3500 but got back almost $10000, both have 3 kids. THAT is the problem here, not "massive" disability fraud.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: ANNED

My parents are both disabled and get about $1800 combined a month. Plus here in Ohio they have to pay their own bills and get a whopping $30 a month in food stamps

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:58 AM
not only is the Obama-care insurance/healthcare operation breaking apart and in need of a major Fix

but the Word in the Tax Preparation Community is that the IRS is heavily targeting the Fraud that has been running rampant all around the Earned Income Credits and the fake payroll reports that are used to inflate the individuals' REFUND AMOUNT...
People getting $4,500 annual Refund checks while having a month or two of jobs...
like waitressing @ $2.50 hr and low end reported TIPS...
with a really jacked up fraudulent job that supposedly paid the person some $7 grand that year...making the numbers work out for a huge Return w/EIC... the preparer gets their $600.-$800 fee for preparing the paperwork, the person gets a very sizable check every year and still bears the penalty of tax return fraud because they signed the wigged-out, fake, Refund Due return

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: St Udio

With "Universal Single Payor" health care, the health care portion of Disability can be phased out (as can the health care portion of the VA, Worker's Comps and other like programs) but the housing and materil support portions would still be needed.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

How much money do we waste fighting endless wars to keep the military industrial complex in pay dirt..........How much money do we waste exploring space and other areas........How much money is wasted on salaries of government employees from what should be a small government........How much money do we waste on Mexican nationals who only come here for the money not to be American.........How much money do we waste on a corrupt jail and legal system and the war on drugs that should be legal according to the constitution.

The people at the bottom are going to wake up eventually with empty stomachs and rain pouring down on them. Past history has showed us time and time again what happens when this takes place.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
Yes it is a requirement but nowhere in the Constitution does it say we need to spend more than the next five countries combined. We could cut the welfare war machines budget by a good 60% and still defend our nation just fine. Also it doesn't say anywhere in our Constitution that we should be invading nations and fighting wars that are not ours to fight and staring wars for the benefit of corporations our military is supposed to be for the defense of OUR NATION only.

I don't disagree with a word that you just said.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Since my original comment got deleted because it was "off topic," here is the very relevant request from it that should have remained:

Maybe a link to the actual language of the bill so that we can decide for ourselves if it lives up to your hype?

Or, do you just expect us to take your word and the word a website who bills itself as "Breaking News & Views For The Progressive Community?" No bias there, yeah?

This is a simple request, and I assume that, since you're so passionate about the issue, that you read the actual bill and know where we can find it...

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

$1200 is a big check, Most do not get near that.
The ones that have worked min. wage jobs all their life normally average $600 a month.
If you have a long work history, and made decent wages, the average pay is $800 to $1000.
Very very few get the $1200 advertised.

I myself get $800 a month. Its not enough to live on, but helps keep the house payment up to date.
I hate not being able to work, but sadly have no choice, when diagnosed 4 years ago, i was told i had 3 years max to live. So far i have beat it, and am looking forward to many more years. I do hope i can get back to work. I know there will be no way i can hold down a full time job, so i am putting my skills together and setting up a paint shop, real flames, skulls and other graphics for bikes and cars. I figure this is something i can do when i am feeling well, and still make a full weeks wages. Its slow right now, had to start over and get all the equipment i need. Not easy to do on such a small amount a month. But i am getting there. orderd my 4th paint gun last month, have copressor, hoses, air filters, now i need to get stensles and paint, and i will be close to being set.
No one plans on having to go on disability, and its not much a month at all, but it helps a lot when times are hard.
If they cut it like they are talking, it will make it impossible for many to survive. You can not rent a apt or house and pay heat, elec and all the other, plus food and car and insurance to get to the doc's on less than $600 a month. How they expect people to survive is beyond me. We do not qualify for any other help, even though we have 2 kids in the house and the wife works at the gas station locally for $9 a hour, 35 to 40hrs a week.

It is ashame they messed with it in the first place. It was set, and would be a lot better now if they would of never touched it. But naturally they cant keep their hands out.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

This kind of bugs me, but not for the reason you're hoping. So they have a new vehicle, ok. I assume you were privy to the details about why they needed a new one? And I also gather you're certain it's actually brand-spanking new & not a used one, right? And the old one is being kept? Or is it going to a junk/scrap yard at some point? Or sold? See, this high horse deal about poor people not deserving of something new is kind of bunk to me. If something nice can be acquired for very little, go for it. I'm a cheap-arse tightwad myself, I can tell you hands down, you can get VERY NICE stuff with a little searching if you go used. Nice enough stuff in fact, that I can fool someone like you into thinking I have more cash than I do. It's just a matter of looking hard. Why do they have to brown-nose to you & apologize for having transportation?

I guess I should have stated it's not a brand spanking new car, but a very,very nice used SUV. Nothing wrong with the Grand Am, they just needed something bigger because they've had yet another baby. And no, I do not believe poor people that are capable of working but milk the system deserve something new or even something nice at tax payer expense. You may be a tightwad but they are not. As I've said I've known the guy since he was around 11..He's never had a job, and has never even tried to work. I don't expect anyone to "brown nose" me. I do expect people that are able to work and provide for their family to do so instead of sitting around in their pajamas all day every day and let the hard working people in this country to provide it for them.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

Well call BS all you want. You and I both know there is no "massive" fraud problem.

Well. I can't make you see it, if you refuse to even look.

The neighbors to the left of me have their Grand Am sitting out in front of their house because the new car they just bought with the close to 6 grand they got in tax returns( that again they didn't pay into) is sitting in their garage.

You say I'm trying to deflect by pointing out how absurd your comment was then you go and backpedal and say this? Are they buying all these high end items on the 1st of the month or with their income tax return?

How is pointing out yet another way they abuse the system by filing for tax returns when they didn't work and pay any tax back pedaling?

If you want to complain about tax returns I'm right there with ya. My sister and brother in law made $85000 and got back 3800, a friend of his earned less than $3500 but got back almost $10000, both have 3 kids. THAT is the problem here, not "massive" disability fraud.

Both disability fraud and these outrageous returns for not working are major issues in my eyes.

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