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GOP Assault on Social Security Could be 'Death Sentence' for Nation's Disabled

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posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 06:57 PM
I explained this before in a thread I started.

This particular move targeted the disabled. Here’s how: The overall Social Security fund is well-funded for the next two decades or so (and easily remedied beyond that point), but the disability insurance trust fund needs a short-term cash infusion from the larger retirement account.

As Kathy Ruffing and Paul van de Water have pointed out, both Republican and Democratic Congresses have made this kind of fund-to-fund adjustment 11 times. But now, perhaps in an attempt to add to the false hysteria over Social Security’s finances, they’re refusing to make this routine correction.

If it stands, disability insurance benefits for 11 million people – benefits which are meager in the best of times – will be cut by 20 percent next year.

This isn’t the first time Republicans in Congress have targeted the disabled – or children, the elderly, and other Social Security beneficiaries. They have insisted on cutting the Social Security Administration’s already lean budget, for example, even though it does not contribute to the overall federal deficit.

That has led to “invisible benefit cuts” for recipients who are unable to navigate the system or receive the proper assistance as a result.

As a result of these budget cuts, the waiting time for a disability benefit appeal has risen to more than a year – 396 days – and is rising each year. For someone who’s unable to work, the suffering caused by that delay is incalculable.

This is clear and concise nothing abstract or complex.

People forget these things the GOP do and some are apathetic

I’ll never understand how people can defend the indefensible
edit on 13-2-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 07:01 PM
Our so-called leadership is scandalous. Particularly on the GOP side. I don’t even know why the Constitution comes into the conversation anymore. The Constitution? What’s that? It’s convoluted, out of context interpretation is most often used as an excuse for bad behavior, if you ask me. The lunatics out there preaching the Constitution while sticking it to the people remind me of the Bible Thumpers who “Praise the Lord” on Sunday, then get drunk and beat their wives on Monday. Hypocrites. Self-serving, self-righteous hypocrites.

Don’t tell your GOP buddies this, but our founding fathers were very distrustful, even hateful, of the “evil corporate machine” and regulated the hell out of it. They knew the danger inherent in corporations when left to their own devices. It had a lot to do with why we revolted against England. The power wielded by the East India Company and it’s dominance over trade pissed off the colonists and led to the Boston Tea Party. Back in Britain large corporations were funding elections, and their stock was owned by most of the parliament. In other words, corporations owned the government and ran the show. Our founding fathers took a very dim view of this, which resulted in heavy regulations on corporations after the government was established and the Constitution was written. For instance, corporations were allowed to exist for 20-30 years max, could produce only a single commodity, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And, unlike today, political contributions by corporations was considered a criminal offense in most states. Banks were also distrusted and looked upon like corporations. In an 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin, Thomas Jefferson wrote,

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Jefferson went a little further, when in 1816 he said,

I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Any of this sound familiar? I seriously doubt the GOP of today would enjoy the support and/or approval of the founders of this nation.

I get really tired of hearing from the conservatives about the welfare fraud being committed by those on disability and food stamps. As though ALL people who get these benefits are crooks and should be cutoff. When it comes to shaving the budget, the GOP is quick to recommend cutting these programs, while the 20-30 billion bucks going annualy to oil subsidies is off limits. They scream about not having the money to support the social safety net, and yet refuse to make the super rich pay another dime in taxes. They’ll take a little old lady’s Meal on Wheels away from her before taking away any of the tax loopholes Donald Trump enjoys. It’s disgusting.

The fact is, a BIG chunk of my income goes to taxes. I’m not rich enough to enjoy the many loopholes afforded the elite, but do well enough to fall into the 33% bracket. That’s a BIG chunk. Even so, I’m not complaining about it. The way I see it, there’s a cost for membership to a civilized society. It’s not a free ride. I’m just paying my membership fees. Of course, not everyone in society is able to pay much, and may even require a helping hand. Many are not fortunate enough to be blessed with good health, a good education and a well paying job. Personally, I’d much prefer to pay a little more in taxes to help these folks out than trip over their dead bodies in the street. I know one thing: I don’t pay nearly as much in support of the safety net, and that little old lady’s Meal on Wheels, as I do to support the military industrial complex. Sometimes I have to wonder, “Does John Bohner have a soul? Or a clue? Does his party stand for ANYTHING positive for this nation?”

In my book, today’s GOP no longer serves the nation. They’ve sold us out to the likes of Donald Trump and the Koch Brothers. It’s a bad joke...

edit on 2/13/2015 by netbound because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/13/2015 by netbound because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
The assault on Social Security began when Obama cut their funds to finance Obamacare.....
Exactly...Obama shaved 500 billion (that 500 thousand million for a better perspective) off Social Security for that program as it is...And once we get all these millions of illegal aliens on the Social programs there will be no end in sight...The illegals are already getting the massive tax refunds that we, the taxpayers fork over every week...

It has to stop somewhere...

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: netbound
Our so-called leadership is scandalous. Particularly on the GOP side. I don’t even know why the Constitution comes into the conversation anymore. The Constitution? What’s that? It’s convoluted, out of context interpretation is most often used as an excuse for bad behavior, if you ask me. The lunatics out there preaching the Constitution while sticking it to the people remind me of the Bible Thumpers who “Praise the Lord” on Sunday, then get drunk and beat their wives on Monday. Hypocrites. Self-serving, self-righteous hypocrites.

Don’t tell your GOP buddies this, but our founding fathers were very distrustful, even hateful, of the “evil corporate machine” and regulated the hell out of it. They knew the danger inherent in corporations when left to their own devices. It had a lot to do with why we revolted against England. The power wielded by the East India Company and it’s dominance over trade pissed off the colonists and led to the Boston Tea Party. Back in Britain large corporations were funding elections, and their stock was owned by most of the parliament. In other words, corporations owned the government and ran the show. Our founding fathers took a very dim view of this, which resulted in heavy regulations on corporations after the government was established and the Constitution was written. For instance, corporations were allowed to exist for 20-30 years max, could produce only a single commodity, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And, unlike today, political contributions by corporations was considered a criminal offense in most states. Banks were also distrusted and looked upon like corporations. In an 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin, Thomas Jefferson wrote,

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Then why are banks insured by the FDIC? and wasn't it the Government that established that?

Jefferson went a little further, when in 1816 he said,

I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

[b]So when corporations sponsor presidential candidates, senators and governors campaigns and make back door deals that's OK, right?

Any of this sound familiar? I seriously doubt the GOP of today would enjoy the support and/or approval of the founders of this nation.
Nor would the Democrats with their expanding Government

I get really tired of hearing from the conservatives about the welfare fraud being committed by those on disability and food stamps. As though ALL people who get these benefits are crooks and should be cutoff. When it comes to shaving the budget, the GOP is quick to recommend cutting these programs, while the 20-30 billion bucks going annualy to oil subsidies is off limits. They scream about not having the money to support the social safety net, and yet refuse to make the super rich pay another dime in taxes. They’ll take a little old lady’s Meal on Wheels away from her before taking away any of the tax loopholes Donald Trump enjoys. It’s disgusting.

Which Article of the constitution allows for the creation of welfare? I remember something about Congress will not use treasury money without a consensus..could just be me

The super that 1% of the total population should pay the bill for the other 99%, this is based off a flawed ideal that there is a finite amount of money and somehow the rich stole the amount designated for the other 99% (sounds a lot like socialism) which doesn't jive with Article 4 of the constitution which guarantees the states a Republican Government (eg A REPUBLIC)

The fact is, a BIG chunk of my income goes to taxes. I’m not rich enough to enjoy the many loopholes afforded the elite, but do well enough to fall into the 33% bracket. That’s a BIG chunk. Even so, I’m not complaining about it. The way I see it, there’s a cost for membership to a civilized society. It’s not a free ride. I’m just paying my membership fees. Of course, not everyone in society is able to pay much, and may even require a helping hand. Many are not fortunate enough to be blessed with good health, a good education and a well paying job. Personally, I’d much prefer to pay a little more in taxes to help these folks out than trip over their dead bodies in the street. I know one thing: I don’t pay nearly as much in support of the safety net, and that little old lady’s Meal on Wheels, as I do to support the military industrial complex. Sometimes I have to wonder, “Does John Bohner have a soul? Or a clue? Does his party stand for ANYTHING positive for this nation?”

I honestly think you are complaining, and for some it is a free ride because they pay no taxes and live off tax dollars...I see this a lot with the Dems "Industrial Military Complex" you realize that the failed education system sucks up more than military spending and has less to show for it.

Government Spending: the Big Picture
The four big programs each cost about one trillion dollars a year.

Table 2.02: Total Spending Breakdown FY 2015
Where does all the money go? It is really quite simple. Governments at all levels, federal, state, and local, spend about $1.2 trillion a year on pensions, including Social Security and government employee pensions. Governments spend about $1.4 trillion a year on health care, principally Medicare and Medicaid. Governments spend about $0.9 trillion a year on education at all levels, principally at the local government level. [b]The federal government spends about $0.8 trillion a year on defense, including the Departments of Defense, State, and Veterans Affairs.[/b] Governments spend $0.5 trillion on welfare programs other than Medicaid. All other spending amounts to $1.4 trillion, including interest on the national debt. The grand total of all the spending is $6.2 trillion

In my book, today’s GOP no longer serves the nation. They’ve sold us out to the likes of Donald Trump and the Koch Brothers. It’s a bad joke...

Nice "My Book" Drop....nothing like trolling for likes in a sea of the uninformed. Don't forget to put the part in there about limiting Government and the powers and restrictions of congress....but I'm sure being an astute Democrat you already thought to limit those as the Democrats are fond of limiting the freedoms of their citizens, most notably the first 10 amendments to the constitution (Thats the Bill of Rights BTW)..But hey what ever fits your narrative of affecting women, children and minorities right?

And for the record no I'm not a republican, I don't subscribe to the independents or the Tea party, just a plain old American who loves guns, red meat and less government control...and can spot BS when I see it..
edit on 13-2-2015 by StopWhiningAboutIt because: Sometimes i spell like crap

edit on 13-2-2015 by StopWhiningAboutIt because: Spelling Spelling

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 08:54 PM

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: Iscool

The trouble is it was Medicare, per say, not SS. If my understanding err misunderstanding is correct.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: StopWhiningAboutIt

Only with 'on-the-books' budgeted spending. When you add in off the books and black spending which granted is hard to quanify (by design) and oh - ongoing war spending isn't in the budget either. So no, the US spends much more on militiary then education.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 11:09 PM
It would be awesome if they lead by example and cut their benefits first.

Congressional pension is a pension made available to members of the United States Congress. Members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five (5) years of service. A full pension is available to Members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age.

In 2002, the average pension payment ranged from $41,000 to $55,000.[4] As of November 2014, senior Members of Congress who have been in office for at least 32 years can earn about $139,000 a year.[5]

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 04:30 AM
This is a slap in the face for the people that payed in all their lives REQUIRED AND FORCED TO PAY INTO THE PLAN to say they don't deserve it is BS. All of you that want cuts for this and support welfare for the rich, corporate welfare, support for other nations, are just retarded. a reply to: SlapMonkey

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Good point why do we need to send our military overseas when we have a whole ocean separating is from any potential enemies couldn't we just beef up our coast guard and navy? Plus we keep sending billions of dollars overseas to countries that hate and despise us even the Europeans don't want us in their countries anymore why don't we just pack up and leave ? America has more national guard forces and reserves than any other country it would be imposible for a conventional army to destroy us!
It's time to let other countries handle their own affairs and take care of their own people! We need to clean our own house first and take care of our own citizens and legal residents. We have 2 unprotected borders we could have our armed forces there protecting our country!

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:05 PM
From what I see in my own family, there is indeed a LOT of abuse going on in the Social Security Disability section. I have 5 members of my extended family that are drawing disability payments today. One of them is actually disabled. The others are lazy, shiftless individuals who are playing the system. It began with one finding a doc that told her because she was morbidly obese she would qualify for disability. She is morbidly obese because she sits on the couch watching soap operas and social media, eating junk foods all day for almost a year. She got sick last year and lost a lot of weight. Guess what? She was complaining about losing weight for fear of losing her "check"----not rejoicing that she was able to walk across the street without shortness of breath! It truly astounds me....greedy and grasping.
There is absolutely no reason these people can't work---but work interferes with their drinking, watching TV and social media. Their bosses just didn't understand.....and neither do I.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

"Since most disability recipients receive barely $1,200 a month, a cut of nearly 20 percent could mean the difference between affording food, medicine, clothing or paying bills. It is an unspeakable option and one that we are determined to prevent."
—Senator Bernie Sanders

Affording food? So are they taking away their foodstamps too? Affording medicine? Are they taking their health care too? Clothing and paying bills? You mean after all the HUD, foodstamps, medical, and and other assistance... their $1200.00 they get to buy the $100 shoes and $300 to $500 smartphones might be cut a little? Oh boo hoo.

I think a complete overhaul of disability is long over due. I don't know how it is in other parts of the country but here where I live the working class has to do all their errands the last week of the month because it's impossible to do it the 1st week of each month. These folks sure as hell aren't walking out of Wal-Mart with essentials, unless you call TVs, video games, tablets, and phones essentials. The smoke shop across the street from one of my jobs has a special delivery of cigs and beer at the end of the month just to keep up with the demand. These folks are buying clothes, cars, and the latest gadgets that most of us busts our butts for, and many still can't afford because we actually have to pay our bills. So, you'll have to excuse me if I don't jump on the pity wagon for them.
edit on 14-2-2015 by Simon_Boudreaux because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

These folks sure as hell aren't walking out of Wal-Mart with essentials, unless you call TVs, video games, tablets, and phones essentials.

WOW, and they're doing this EVERY month??? Dang, disability must pay THOUSANDS for people to be able to do that! Unless of course you're greatly exaggerating, or more likely you have never actually seen this and are just regurgitating what right wing websites say

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: mymymy
a reply to: Simon_Boudreaux

These folks sure as hell aren't walking out of Wal-Mart with essentials, unless you call TVs, video games, tablets, and phones essentials.

WOW, and they're doing this EVERY month??? Dang, disability must pay THOUSANDS for people to be able to do that! Unless of course you're greatly exaggerating, or more likely you have never actually seen this and are just regurgitating what right wing websites say

I guarantee you that the folks in my family who are drawing disability have the latest, most expensive gadgets while the working folk settle for what they can afford after their bills are paid. Please take into consideration that these "disabled" folk get a ton of "assistance" beyond the check that SSA sends them each month. Once they get that highly desirable "disabled" designation, they qualify for lots of other assistance, like rent, food stamps, trips to the food pantry, free transportation on public transit, visits to the free clothing store----you really wouldn't believe it unless you see it firsthand.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
a reply to: FyreByrd

The sky is falling. The sky is falling. God forbid anyone actually try to stamp out the fraud and waste in social programs.

what fraud and waste? the fraud and waste committed by government, the care providers, or the insurance companies? by cutting benefits and care to those who actually need it instead of the real people at fault?
why target those who need help over some imagined problem created by ignorant fools who cant spend their money wisely, who just made up this bull crap so they can blame other people who can't defend themselves for their own problems that they helped create by themselves.
yea that's right america, your problems are your own fault yet you continue to ignore the truth and look for others to blame.
stop it before you destroy your own country with your avarice and corruption you can't seem to control or even recognize being consumed by.

these cuts and various "changes" are screwing things up even worse and i worry that someday disability will mean seized assets, lost rights and forced suicide or "hospitalization" a.k.a imprisonment for life, i can see the signs already in the behavior of people, this whole cutting obsession is only creating more greedy behavior and corruption. it has only created a self destructive loop.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:35 PM
First...please stop referring to the government as "we". Our government does not represent the people of the USA. In fact, they are our enemy.

The big plan of government is to make everyone turn over every penny they earn to the government. The government will then distribute it to the people for what the government decides you need. And if you don't be a good little child...they will punish you by withholding your allowance. Obama has progressed this further than any president before him. Yes...R & D are bad, but this administration is a different beast entirely. Elect Clinton and you are sealing your own graves.

Finally...speaking logically only, what "worth" do the disabled have? I don't ask that personally...I ask that on behalf of YOUR government. Old, disabled, worth so cut them off. That is the plan.

So lets get back to "we". Stop including the government in "we". "We" the people does NOT include this corrupt government we have allowed to grow and fester. They are all liars with a plan to kill you off if you don't produce. You are cattle. Plain and simple. what are you going to do?
edit on 2/15/2015 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

I have no doubt that there are people gaming the system, but to make it sound like an epidemic is ridiculous. I go to Walmart all the time and I see these people in there. I see them leaving with groceries mainly. To insinuate like the other poster who said that they are "buying cars and laptops and TV's and smartphones" makes it sound like the majority of these people are doing that, and it's ridiculous. Even if they do get all those other services provided for them, their monthly check is still a pittance (I'll take your word that this is how it is in your area, my parents are on disability and have to pay all their own bills out of their monthly checks)

Basically instead of making wild outrageous claims, or just repeating them, I wish people would just say "I'm with "such and such" party and I follow them blindly and believe everything they tell me"

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:47 PM
A military country that can't be bothered to take care of its veterans after they come home from serving their country abroad.

Go figure.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: mymymy
Well, you see, I'm not with any party and I am telling you only what I see in my extended family. The ones who are collecting disability benefits are the ones who are always buying the newest, latest of everything. They are not struggling with having to buy health care insurance or rent or food. Even their utilities are paid if they show their "disabled" card to the right people. The working families are having to pay for all that stuff so they can't afford the latest, biggest TV or phone. Most don't even have cable TV since they were forced to buy health care insurance at double the costs they paid just a couple of years ago. And yet these are the citizens who are going to have to keep working their fingers to the bones to pay for their lazy relatives.
I'm not making any outrageous claims---I'm telling what I see right up-close and personal. I can point to at least 6 people in my extended family who are defrauding society by claiming to be disabled---it's like a little club---they all go to the same doctor (who is known for getting claims through) and the same lawyer (same deal, he and doc are buds) and all the same social services organizations. I would report them but the last time the Congress made those cuts to the budget I was told that the budget cuts were taken in the investigative staff needed to prove fraud so only 1 out 10 fraud allegations are even investigated.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: StopWhiningAboutIt

That statement about the budget of education being bigger than that of the defense is COMPLETELY false. According to the 2015 budget, the military accounts for 55 percent of the funds spent. Now I'm not a math wizard, but I can add, and there is no combination of numbers I can put together to make the remainder bigger than 55%, so you can't possibly be right.

I don't know how you feel personally, but I will use this opportunity to point out a common issue I have most GOP supporters. They have no problem with an Iraqi citizen getting subsidy money from the Iraqi government courtesy of the US government, but will rail against a US citizen on government assistance. It confuses the crap out of me. Can anyone explain what the difference is? I mean, I can come up with a difference, but it doesn't work for the GOP....the only difference I can come up with is that the US citizen has paid at least some of the taxes that they are receiving as benefits, where the Iraqi has not...and is somehow GOP supporters would try to contend that the Iraqi was more due the funds. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Here is a simple way to deal with things....if we MUST go to war, then we do that. When we are done with our objective, we need to simply pull out and leave. No more hanging around rebuilding, no more propping up puppet governments. That would cut the need for so much money in the defense budget. We would also have less needless deaths to members of our armed forces because they are patrolling areas where only 2/3 of the population wants us there, and the 1/3 that doesn't hides among them like cowards. As it is, it's almost like countries are using war with America as a nationbuilding strategy...and its a good one. We come in, blow them up, then we spend OUR money rebuilding the country and installing a government.

Also, last time I checked, there was supposed to be a cost to doing business. Those in the Military Industrial Complex seem immune to that cost. Why is it that we can provide a company like Lockeed Martin 2 billion dollars to develop a plane for us, and then they have the nerve to charge us 200M dollars per plane when we buy them. Its not like Lockheed doesn't have money they could spend to develop a plane they could then bring to the government and sell. That would be the proper way to do things. Instead, we provide them the seed money that they use to rape us on the cost of the very product we helped them create. Its astounding.

Okay, I will end my rant with this.

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