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originally posted by: darkbake
Gamergate is a group of people who think that feminists go too far in trying to shut down free speech in gaming. The feminists usually are pushing for anti-sexism in gaming, more woman lead roles, and things of that nature - they have a lot of complaints, to be sure.
Feminists Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu and feminist culture critic Anita Sarkeesian were targeted by a series of mysoginistic online attacks under the hashtag #gamergate. These included Doxing, which means revealing personal information (including home addresses) of someone to the online community, death threats, mass shooting threats and the like.
Recently, Brianna Wu was targeted by someone named ParkourDude91 posting a video message of himself on YouTube wearing a skull mask and threatening to come to her house and kill her. He claims that he was a past victim of schizophrenia, but is now on medication. You can see this new video he posted online that is of him after he wrecked his car "street racing" on the "highway" on his way to murder Briana Wu in a drive-by shooting. If you watch the video, you can see the man is obviously a bit out of it.
But one has to wonder, is everyone involved in the #Gamergate movement as crazy as this guy, or is he just making a bad name for the movement? Obviously he is crazy, and are feminists jumping on the opportunity to say "See? I told you men are out to get us" from this outlier?
Here is an example of a feminist video that would likely invoke the attention of the Gamergate group. In fact, I think it already did, as I'm pretty sure I read about this lady getting death threats, too. I would watch it in order to get a sense of what Gamergate is fighting against - when you watch the video, do you think the lady is crazy or has some good points about gaming? She is talking about how women are treated as a damsel in distress in video games and criticizes such games as Mario.
originally posted by: darkbake
So after watching that video, what do you think? Is Gamergate a legitimate group of people with a legitimate viewpoint that video games should be left alone? Are a few crazy people making a bad name for the movement? Or is the movement a bunch of backwards thugs?
Are the feminists off their rocker by pointing out what they consider to be offensive video games like Mario Bros.? Or do they have legitimate points?
What is the verdict on cyber bullying and death threats made online? Do people take them too seriously? Or are they something that should be regulated? Should there be punishments for someone who makes online threats or does cyber bullying? What about with kids? In the U.K. there has been a recent movement to censor the internet in this regard
originally posted by: HomerinNC
To me, gamergate is a bunch of pathetic virgins living in mommy's basement that are pissed that they cant find a girl, and theonly girl they will EVER get is their right hand, or have to PAY for one
originally posted by: Awolscout
What about Bayonetta? One of the biggest topics for people to look at and say oh yeah clearly sexist and designed by a man except it wasn't. Made for women by women. But what is sex positive feminism? A joke to Sarkeesian, Wu, Quinn, etc.
Actually instead of Sarkeesian I should've said McIntosh since she's just a mouthpiece for his words. Because he has an agenda to push.
originally posted by: Shamrock6
To deny that gamergate contains elements of gender ignores what has happened in gamergate. Part of (most of) the reason Quinn got involved is because it was alleged that she was sleeping with the guy reviewing her game.
And that article is written by a gent who goes into a "gamergate for dummies" explanation, and focuses on journalistic integrity rather than how it's solely about Quinn sleeping around, pixelated boobs, etc.
There is language in that article, by the by.
ETA - Much like threads on ATS can start out as one thing and end up talking about something only somewhat related, it happens in real life too. I can't remember the last time I saw a thread on ATS that was about one topic and one topic only, the entire way through. #GG isn't any different.
originally posted by: thekaboose
ALSO the whole game dev's jumping into to bed with critics, so what? Im sorry but if you have to base your judgement on buying a game purely on what someone else suggests then you need a slap (Please note this view comes from someone who would buy mag's to get floppy disk demo's of a game to try it out before buying so... 1/3 of the game played before wanting to play the rest or going - nope dont like it).
Only one thing worse then GG... thats the gaming community over all.... 90% of them foul mouthed, small minded "humans" spouting "I hope you get" the big C at people, shouting racist gibberish down microphones (I hear its worse on the xbox and ps networks)... I remember playing the original CS in beta... at most you would be called a d*ck followed by a bit of swearing then you carried on...
Now these little trolls...
originally posted by: boohoo
I think Quinn and Sarkeesian have managed to carve out a nice niche for themselves, getting paid for their opinion, without having to published peer reviewed work, nor conduct any real research. Its astounds me that they have found a way to make themselves relevant in an industry that they never worked in.
However, Gamergate is equally as useless. If they REALLY wanted to push back at people like Quinn and Sarkeesian all they really need to do is start a PAC (Political action committee) like all the big corps do. With the right amount of money and political support they could makes all these women's influence vanish overnight, by nitpicking their power through incremental legislation. BUT that requires real leadership and an actual long term strategy. Without that these women's influence will grow unchecked, due to not having a legitimate organization opposing their feminist position. Gamergate has to do EXACTLY what the NRA did when they formed the "Political Victory Fund" PAC. Not doing so means the Gamergate movement and opinion is meaningless. However, I think this is to complex and strategic for these people to implement.
I suspect that these videogame feminists are being financially supports by a group with deep pockets because as we all know, a big company can put anyone "out of business" these days by issuing endless IP takedown claims, cease and desist orders and frivolous court actions used to drain the recipient of money needed to pay for legal representation. In fact, I'm actually surprised that Video Publishers and designer haven't formed a PAC already to protect their political interests and counter dissent. Are videogame company executives short sighted buffoons too?
originally posted by: amazing
I would say this: Gamergate started off as some whiny little guy who was upset that he lost his girlfriend. Instead of being a mature adult about it he spewed it all over the internet for everyone to see. Private business should be private business.
Then Gamergate formed. Forget that fact that putting the world "Gate" after everything makes you look like a retard...because then it became an attack on Feminists in Gaming or really any woman that had an opinion that these little gamergate morons didn't agree with.
Many will argue that it's about ethics, but that's like saying you wanted to Join the KKK for the cool hats and robes and you aren't a racist. LOL
Form another hashtag and movement if you feel like you really need to address ethics in gaming....and let's all not forget that the word hashtag is also retarded. It's a pound sign for gods sake! ...and we used to just call those things tags until some retard decided it would be better to add another syllable?? What?
I stand in solidarity with anyone that is getting bullied anywhere no matter what. The three ladies mentioned in the OP have a right to express any opinion they want. free speech...they do not take their opinions to a hate/threat level and should expect the same in return.
So much wrong with this. like why aren't the police taking these threats seriously? Why do people still support gamergate when it's morphed into a terrorist/violent/anti female rights group.
Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, or Brianna Wu are welcome in my Dojo anytime. I got your back.
Can't stand cave man, terrorists who post online death threats to people they don't agree with. Let's put a stop to online domestic terrorists, shall we?
And I'll say it again...saying that all gamergaters aren't terrorist hate mongering anti woman cavemen is like saying that you wanted to join the KKK because you like the cool hats and robes. That doesn't cut it.
originally posted by: amazing
It's the death threats, the Doxxing, the rape threats, the horribly hateful comments. That's what's wrong with the gamergaters...that and they put Gate at the end of their word. That and the incessant whining. "poor us" ...that and they seem to want women to keep quiet, stay barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. "silly women, you can't have an're women for gods sake!"
originally posted by: amazing
True, but let's break it down and focus on one issue at a time. Is Gamergate an obnoxious group that threatens rape and death? Yes. So.
originally posted by: amazing
Yeah but as a well adjusted male, I don't have any of those problems. I can still play dead or alive and Halo...I got no problems. If women want to state their opinions, then they should be able to do so without threat of death and rape and doxxing and all the hateful online comments.
Why the fear of empowered women? Why the fear of women expressing their opinions?
originally posted by: amazing
It can happen to anyone, I agree, but this thread was about gamergate and the rape threats they make against women. Let's tackle one backwards hate group at a time. There's a whole list, but one thing at a time, my friend, one thing at a time. On this thread, the hate group, gamergate is first on the list.
originally posted by: amazing
Most of the fire is being fueled by the gamergaters...Show me where Quinn or anyone else has threated to rape or kill anyone.
Again. Women are allowed to speak out on any topic they want...if they want more games geared towards their ideal, they should push for it. Games are all about money. There will always be games for the male dominated market with male main characters, machismo, killing, death and women with big boobs...Because those games will always make money. gamergaters need not worry, if a few women want to speak out against them, etc.
the Outrage from gamergaters is out of context, out of control, sexist, hateful and bullying. No need for it.
Stay far away from's become toxic.
By defending gamergaters you are showing that you don't like women that speak out or have their own opinions. The question becomes...what are you afraid of? Would you be one of the ones that voted against the right for women to vote all those decades ago?
originally posted by: amazing
I agree with you. Whatever the original issue was...the pretext of collusion and ethics in reviews more games for women's all kind of smashed together depending on who you talk's now become a hate filled cesspool.
What needs to happen? If you really want to talk about ethics and all of that other crap, do in under a different flag or pretext and stay away from gamergate.
eitherway...they online bullying needs to stop...It doesn't matter if anyone fuels the fire from any side...there is still no excuse for sexist, hate-fueled, threats and posturing.
originally posted by: amazing
No totally not the same. Not at all.
It's like joining the Klan because you like the hood and robes, you'd still be a racist. Joining Gamergate because you like the stance on ethics is the same. Gamergate is nothing but online bullies and rapists that hate women. That's pretty simple.
Nothing Ironic. Gamers jumped on gamergate because they want their women to keep their mouths shut, and remain barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
Let's not forget how it started, with one guy whining about his girlfriend breaking up with him, cheating on him and he spewed it all over the internet publicly. Then it became a hate filled rage against women game developers and reviewers.
originally posted by: amazing
The bigger point is still missed. We know that Feminists are about equal rights and treatment of women. It started that way.
Gamergate has always been about whiny men that feel threatened by women, because they dared to have an opinion.
originally posted by: amazing
Yes so private relationship issues going public. One woman and that's just his side. Again, that's how this started. A guy who couldn't move on after his GF left him. That's pretty much it. And you want to be a part of that. Forget how retarded it is to have the world Gate inthe movements name. You do realize that watergate was an actual name of a place.
originally posted by: amazing
No matter how much you defend it, gamergate has become a haven for men who hate women and are violently opposed to any woman that has a feminist opinion.
It's become a haven for bullies.
I'll make the analogy again.
If you want to join the KKK for the cool robes and hoods, that's fine, but you're still a racist. That's what the KKK is.
If you want to join gamergate because you want better ethics in gaming, that's fine, but you're still a misogynist.
Start another group or movement. Stop threatening to rape Zoe Quinn. It's like joining ISIS because your a muslim. No...that doesn't cut it.
originally posted by: amazing
Sort of, but you're missing the point. The Nazi's made some amazing scientific breakthroughs and research. Would you declare yourself a NAZI because you like the science? I would hope not.
Gamergate has brought to light some seriously important issues regarding ethics in gaming journalism, but when it's the same problem with becoming a NAZI, it's all the other stuff that it stands for that is wrong. The rape threats, the death threats, the misogyny, the fierce push back against women that have the nerve to write about sexism in games. I like violent games, but I have a problem with beating up female prostitutes in GTA, and even though I love to play it, I can't argue that dead and alive is sexist. Women should be allowed to voice their opinion.
Start a new hashtag..preferably one without the retarded "gate" at the end and stop harrassing women for voicing opinions.
No one deserves rape, and death threats.