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Panicked super rich buying boltholes with private airstrips to escape if poor rise up

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posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 10:31 PM
The country will be better off without them period.

Just think of a hypothetical scenario where they arent allowed back in the country at all.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 10:36 PM
Let them try to hide with their piles of paper.
Their meat will end up in the bellies of the hungry.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 10:38 PM
Here's a couple ideas....

1. Work MORE. Quit bitching about how you CAN'T get ahead and start thinking of how you CAN get ahead. Get a 2nd job. A part time job. Work from home on the side. There's tons of options so cut the "there are no jobs" bs. There are jobs all over the damn place that pay 50k a year plus. Can't find one in your town? MOVE. Get yourself out of the problem. In the meantime, quit whining.

2. Quit getting pointless college degrees in useless fields. No one wants a history degree or a womens lit major, etc. Get a degree in something where the world is growing. Can't afford 2-4 years of college? Learn a trade.

3. Get your hands dirty. Quit looking for the easy job and find one to support your family. No offense but I personally find it revolting that people would sit on gov't benefits while working a minimum wage job because they're too lazy/proud/dumb to relocate or learn something new.

Ya know, I work in the oil and gas industry (not for a big oil company - for a small services company). We used to hire farm kids. They were strong, worked hard, didn't complain, and earned good money from us. Now the farm kids are fewer and the city kids are coming to work. Half of them drop out of the training orientation because it's too dangerous (hardly) and then you get the ones whining about (and I'm not making this up) needing time off for sore testicles, waking up with a sore arm, or (this is my favourite) they only want to work when it's warm out. Well, that isn't how the industry works, but in their head, if its too cold/too wet/too hot/too dry they quit and turn into posters on ATS whining about "the man".

TL;DR? Hike up your shorts, put your nose down, and get to work. Life's hard - but it's not TOO hard.

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: stolencar18
Here's a couple ideas....

1. Work MORE. Quit bitching about how you CAN'T get ahead and start thinking of how you CAN get ahead. Get a 2nd job. A part time job. Work from home on the side. There's tons of options so cut the "there are no jobs" bs. There are jobs all over the damn place that pay 50k a year plus. Can't find one in your town? MOVE. Get yourself out of the problem. In the meantime, quit whining.

2. Quit getting pointless college degrees in useless fields. No one wants a history degree or a womens lit major, etc. Get a degree in something where the world is growing. Can't afford 2-4 years of college? Learn a trade.

3. Get your hands dirty. Quit looking for the easy job and find one to support your family. No offense but I personally find it revolting that people would sit on gov't benefits while working a minimum wage job because they're too lazy/proud/dumb to relocate or learn something new.

Ya know, I work in the oil and gas industry (not for a big oil company - for a small services company). We used to hire farm kids. They were strong, worked hard, didn't complain, and earned good money from us. Now the farm kids are fewer and the city kids are coming to work. Half of them drop out of the training orientation because it's too dangerous (hardly) and then you get the ones whining about (and I'm not making this up) needing time off for sore testicles, waking up with a sore arm, or (this is my favourite) they only want to work when it's warm out. Well, that isn't how the industry works, but in their head, if its too cold/too wet/too hot/too dry they quit and turn into posters on ATS whining about "the man".

TL;DR? Hike up your shorts, put your nose down, and get to work. Life's hard - but it's not TOO hard.

Heres an idea flee with the 1% rather than spouting nonsense in thier defence. We have the right to freedom of speech if you dont like it and just want corporations to rule without anyone saying anything about it your in the wrong country. The American people arent buying what your selling.
edit on 27-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Thier actions illustrate thier guilt. Just like the elites that have reservations for underground bases. If they think hiding like rock spiders as a end result is worth sucking the life blood of the masses then they really are as sick in the head as I imagine.

Nazi Germany's war criminals fled to South America too. Blended in and faded in to obscurity. I recall Bush Jr buying up land in Parguay too. These monsters are methodical.

Hopefully the snakes and reptiles alike in NZ will reclaim these rodents.
edit on 27-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: stolencar18

Spoken like an enabler of the corrupt. Maybe it's just Stockholm syndrome.

Work more as a commoner , make more money , get more taxes taken from you.


Become a corporation exempt of taxes or huge tax breaks

You do the math

By your logic we are "unemployed" and join ATS to complain. And if we "get our hands dirty" problem solved. Never mind greed corruption because it is not a issue. You are quite complicit with the machine. Typical callous robotic mantra of a corporate guy.You are the company that you keep.Literally.

I always hear this invalid load of tripe from the greener side of the grass. "stop complaning get a job blah blah" You are detached and indifferent to the majority of your human counterparts. Because you have everything you wanted. You are part of the problem.
edit on 28-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2015 @ 11:59 PM
Would one really want to be the salesperson that set up a deal like this? Seems to me, they would be the easiest link if someone wanted to discover the secret location of where ever the property is. Wonder if there are any statistics on them.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: TrueAmerican
Lets preempt and get them now.

Part of thier exit strategy if you notice involves mass surveillance. Also disarming the public. As well as the militarization of the police state as we have seen. The ruling class is doing everything they can to bail themself out.

Come civil disobedience they prepared for that. We cant exactly form a lynch mob with pitch forks and torches and round them up . They passed legislation to deem dissenters a terrorists. They undermined our ability to organize against them . We cant even assemble peacefully without para military jack boots at our throats. All this done with false flag events. They love that conspiracy web sites and anti-gov web sites can be used as a honey pot to identify "undesirables" not to mention social media. Once you understand the paradigm of government > politicians > lobbyists > corporations/banks then it is all modeled after ancient rome and imperialism . The oligarchy anticipates dissent long before revolt happens. History teaches us this. It s really a waiting game. All we can do is brace ourselves and survive through it and let it take its course. Those who fail to learn from thier past mistakes are forever doomed to repeat it.
edit on 28-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

I'd be so ignorant and foolish to think everyone could do what I did, or that I simply put in more efforts than others.

What you say is so true , There at some stage also has to be an element of luck , or good advice . Everyone quotes Google , Microsoft , Facebook etc but these are the exceptions rather than the rule . All these companies went global because they had good ideas . Many good ideas never get of the ground for a number of reasons . The world is littered with dead good ideas . Luck certainly plays a part . Right idea at the right time but no backer or wrong advice is always going to struggle . Also as you said all these people took risks . I never took risks because of bad advice . If i had i would own a better house than i do and most likely would not need to work . However i did not take the risk , but i am still doing a lot better than most . And yes i would still work if i had made it big . Alcohol is a killer .

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 12:58 AM
We don't want them here in NZ

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 01:22 AM
The super rich don't need a runway, they just get in their private submarine and go under water to a private island.

Private Submarine

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: stolencar18
What it is with people being obsessed with trying to take everyone else's money or stop anyone else from becoming wealthy?
(spare me the "oh I like wealth, I hate greed" bs).

Capitalism works , problem with it is that class warfare is being waged and it has become a different animal.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: mdl59
What is wrong with you people? There is always going to be inequality. It will never go away. We need inequality to exist until such time there is a Utopia where all people are equal, there is no need for money or commodities, etc. Until that time, there will be the need for money and when there is a need for money and services there will always be those who have more because they choose to spend it differently than others. Come on! It doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to process that fact. a reply to: TrueAmerican

So the ends justify the means ? Yeah like starvation & homeless is OK as long as we have luxuries and I can get my whopper and fries in a heart beat. And spending money is the secret to success lol. Ok so if I spend my money on the right things it will be returned to me oh say 10 fold ?

This is not about those with more. It is about those with everything and lining thier pockets with money that is not thier own. When looters raid a store its criminal. When bankers steal money and get bailed out it is just business.

RIiiiiiight ! ?

There is some homeless veteran out there eating from a dumpster. I guess he spent his money poorly.
edit on 28-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: Jamie1

originally posted by: infinityorder

Nobody demands everyone gets paid the same...they demand to make enough for food and shelter when they work 40 hours.

Then maybe they should get more education, more experience, and more skills so they can provide more value and get paid more money.

Education requires money , a lot of it. Do you think College is free ?

Your analogy is basically that of survival of the fittest. To think people actually think this way is scary. I work in skilled trades. I acquired a skillset over the years. And I dont make more than I did previously.

Are people posting from the 1950's on here or something ?
edit on 28-1-2015 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: TrueAmerican

In this type of event the mob will lock on to any rich like a heat seeking missile and will murder and steal. You all seem so proud of it, expecting them to sit around while a mob strings them from a tree.

Mob pride is insidious.

The Mob is alive and well , it is on capital hill , in our financial institutions , corporations even in religious institutions. The mob didnt die with the Mafia it just ran for congress.

There is your Mob

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: Jamie1

originally posted by: Pimpish
a reply to: Jamie1

Costs money to get more education and skills. If you're living paycheck to paycheck barely paying bills and eating, you have no money to spend on education. Not everyone is privileged enough to have been able to go to college after high school. Some people didn't have the grades, some people had to start working immediately due to family situations, plus many other reasons where more education simply wasn't possible.

It's not so black and white as you make it seem.

Some people show up in the U.S. with nothing and within a year have their own business.

Yeah, it IS black and white.

Blaming rich people for having too much money does nothing to put more money in your pocket.

Working hard, getting experience, and learning new skills does.

Very black and white. Simple in fact.

Stop complaining and start doing something to improve your own life instead of waiting for somebody else to do it for you.

Yeah that is what happened where im from. Now we have mexican resteraunts and south american stores on every block. Mind you the employees are all of the same countries of origin. And these folks send alot of that money back home. So does this help Americans ? Certainly not. American businesses owners were phased out by the competition. So if that is a good example to you then you fail to get the gravity of the situation.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 03:26 AM
Dont tell me "pull up your bootstraps". You're acting like the government and big business DIDNT sell out the American people. You're acting like Everyone can just work harder and get a better job... then who will do the "crap jobs"? Someone else who you will just tell to work harder and get a better job... so you see its a neverending cycle. why cant people make a living wage being a gardener, or a cook at a mcdonalds? Oh because then if they pay you more money then a hamburger will cost $15? I have an idea... maybe executives dont need million dollar bonuses on top of an already rediculous salary.

I guess you think walmart is being soo generous by employing so many people. I've seen people who are at their wits end. Good hardworking people. These people have nothing left to give.

The advancement of technology was supposed to benefit everybody. When robotic factories were built to make automobiles, tons of jobs were eliminated, but the price of cars did not drop. Only the profits of the company increased. They pocketed the cash. This is not in accordance with a balanced universe. Without some balance, ANY system will eventually fail.

They can still be filthy rich. Nobody is trying to take that away from them. But you have to leave enough crumbs for the workforce that made your wealth possible. Can't they see they are cannibalizing their own livelihood? Sure, they may "survive" in their hi tech survival bunkers, but would it not be preferable to be able to roam the earth freely, and feel the sunshine and wind on your face? And still be filthy rich, just not insanely rich?

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Well said. It is for lack of a better word a disease it is contagious. We as human beings tend to be selfish. This through our evolution since we were hunters and gatherers through learned behavior of service to self to ensure ones survival eventually became what we know as greed. We are especially selfish when we are chlidren and dont always like to share our toys. But then we learn the benefits of sharing. The insanely wealthy often revert back in to children and become sick and disillusioned. With no mom and dad to bend them over knee they become consumed with greed.

Recently watched the Hobbit five armies. The way the dwarf king is portrayed sums it up. The gold had him under a trance like state. Ill save the spoilers. For the same reason politicians ambitions for power to begin with. Its usually selfish people who seek wealth and power to begin with. You dont see too many humanitarians running for mayor or wanting to start a business.

What's good for the goose isnt always good for the gander.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: nerbot

That escalated quickly!

Here's the first one running out of fuel.


edit on 28/1/2015 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: DarthFazer
a reply to: stolencar18
quote shortened....
By your logic we are "unemployed" and join ATS to complain. And if we "get our hands dirty" problem solved. Never mind greed corruption because it is not a issue.

I always hear this invalid load of tripe from the greener side of the grass. "stop complaning get a job blah blah" You are detached and indifferent to the majority of your human counterparts. Because you have everything you wanted. You are part of the problem.

As expected, bunch of hyper-defensive whining responses, this one included. Who's said anything about me having everything I wanted? Not even close. The difference is I learned how to be content with what I DO have. I also know that tens of thousands of people relocate to this area I'm in every year for work and they FIND work within days that pays in the high 5 figures.

Also, the poster before you, you don't represent the American people. You represent you. Seems to me that a solid 75+% of the American people are surviving, if not thriving, regardless of how badly screwed up certain things are.

To the poster below me who thinks McDonalds should pay $15+....Get a second job, and a clue. And a calculator. I don't care how many million dollar bonuses are handed out (which, by the way, I agree with them getting - and if you got one you'd take it quite happily too) - if profit margins narrow too much businesses close, big or small. Jacking the price to offset it literally cancels out the increase in wage too. So a burger costs $15 and you make $15 an hour...rough numbers but you seem intelligent enough to figure this out - if wages become too high, people will lose the work. More automation will come in. Prices of goods goes up. Then your imaginary living wage needs to go up again because suddenly it's just not enough to live on anymore.

I hate to do this twice in a row but...
TL;DR? Quit blaming the corporations or capitalism or millionaires. Your shortfalls in life, your failures, successes, achievements, your getting ahead or falling behind is all in your hands. There's work out there. All over the place. Trouble is most of the people like you are too lazy to get your hands dirty or get a job that they feel is "beneath them". Hopefully government benefits get cut back in 2016 when the GOP wins. You shouldn't get any of it.

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