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If God created everything, why does religion contradicts so many things??

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posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: NOTurTypical

Look, it get it. You're claiming that your God didn't create anything that isn't solid and concrete. I'm saying that scriptures and Christian doctrine disagree with you. A blaring example is the tree in the Garden of Eden, a contradiction which you still haven't cleared up to my satisfaction.

Personally, I don't believe in "Original Sin" or "Objective Good and Evil". I don't believe the Bible presents an objective moral standard, or that objective morality, even on a "godly level" exists. Even Christian doctrine suggests that, in the end, Jesus judges subjectively, on what's inside a person's heart and mind, not by a objective set of rules of right and wrong.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 04:46 PM
edit on 28-1-2015 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: johndeere2020

Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).
edit on 28-1-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: johndeere2020

Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).

Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:00 PM
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: johndeere2020

johndeere2020:Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

VHB: Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.
edit on 28-1-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
I don't think God would create something, only to oppose and undermine it. In this discussion, we focus on Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) for they are the most popular and influential religions in the world.

For example, in wealth, religion often says that good people will have abundance and bad people will experience poverty and misery - this is the kind of programming you'll hear in churches even if the Bible is not clear (divided) on the subject.

In reality, the greediest and often, very evil and corrupt people becomes the richest and often die in abundant material wealth. Some really good and selfless people died in misery and poverty.

Jesus taught that mercy is good while sacrifice is pointless. But there are many teachings in Abrahamic religions which result to misery. Women are treated with lesser authority than men and sometimes, even sub-humans. But studies show that women actually make better leaders than men in a business setting and results to higher productivity.

Many of the most religious nations on the planet are also the most miserable and figures badly in observation of human rights. The most non religous nations (with the exception of communist and dictatorial nations) figures highly in the respect of human life, equality and their citizens enjoying a high quality of living on average and low crime rates.

Additional references not necessary, you'll have to be deaf and blind to not see these things happen in our world.

Your confusing God with Religion. They are not the same thing. One is made up and the other is either an intelligence or a happening.

If your wondering what I am getting at it is this: God is either an intelligence that cause everything to exist or God is what caused everything to exist even if not an intelligence. AKA if Big bang is how everything happened then that is God.
edit on 28-1-2015 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I just could not hold my self on this one, I mean the topic of the OP, that is why I posted, actually I don't believe in any religious factions or denominations, too many this days anyway.

Is funny that people always find a way to blame a higher being for the ills of humanity when humanity is the one that had created every conflict in the world.

Is call The human nature of free will.

I don't believe that is a god or creator that really cares what human beings do to each other, while in their human flesh.

Either that or we got some higher beings that are either very funny or very cruel.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: johndeere2020

originally posted by: charlyv
Religions are human inventions.
But God has always been here.
God is probably DNA.

Close, what made us in our forms today is a virus. Go look it up in google.

I will go further back than that. The elements that make DNA possible, and of course, virus, are the products of super-nova in stars. Since DNA is the definitive replicator, then there must be a quantum mechanism that links it all together. I call it GOD.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I just could not hold my self on this one, I mean the topic of the OP, that is why I posted, actually I don't believe in any religious factions or denominations, too many this days anyway.

Is funny that people always find a way to blame a higher being for the ills of humanity when humanity is the one that had created every conflict in the world.

Is call The human nature of free will.

I don't believe that is a god or creator that really cares what human beings do to each other, while in their human flesh.

Either that or we got some higher beings that are either very funny or very cruel.

Too many factions, too much advantage taken by a few that could spell and impliment POWER to control the masses. It is funny how people find a way to blame a higher power (here is how they do it) by claiming IT doesn't exist; when actually what they are saying is I am without power to help myself and need someone to prove there is something responsible for my failings. The argument is not about Gods existence at all. Free/Self will is the keystone; we were given it. Nothing cruel going on here (that is for the human to introspect/digest; its all on ourselves). God has memorized all of George Carlin's works, seen every episode of 'Saturday Night Live' 'South Park', 'The Colbert Report'. No one can tell me this entity does not have a sense of humor; as it allows for all shenanigans all over the world to happen and play out. Just one funny real time real world unfolding now: Greece about to default ON PURPOSE "nope, just not going to repay it" (hoping Spain follows suit) the gigantic monitary loan given from Germany, this should be fun.
edit on 28-1-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: johndeere2020

johndeere2020:Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

VHB: Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: marg6043

a reply to: johndeere2020

johndeere2020:Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

VHB: Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Just do a little research before you twist science with your mumbo jumbo agenda. There is evidence that humans were not only made, but altered throught time.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:07 PM
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

VHB: Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

Tangerine: God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Are you living in the physical world of matter and possess a reasoning ability, senses; self/free will and have the faculties to discriminate? I suppose the "tree" is a tricky one. Usually a seed is wind blown and naturally plants itself, or taken and planted by others, then it grows into a 'seedling' and if not eaten by native preditors (usually deer or rabbits) will grow into a mature plant ONLY IF the EARTH GOD waters it. I think the tree evolved from the Simian Ape specie but a unnatural glitch or MUTATION in one of the DNA strands caused it to grow ROOTS instead of feet.
edit on 28-1-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: vethumanbeing

I don't believe that is a god or creator that really cares what human beings do to each other, while in their human flesh.

Either that or we got some higher beings that are either very funny or very cruel.

Yeah... No Loving creator god would allow such a thing as Cancer to exist. There is NO love for humanity in any being that would allow Cancer to exist.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: Xeven

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: veteranhumanbeing

I don't believe that is a god or creator that really cares what human beings do to each other, while in their human flesh.

Either that or we got some higher beings that are either very funny or very cruel.

Yeah... No Loving creator god would allow such a thing as Cancer to exist. There is NO love for humanity in any being that would allow Cancer to exist.

Cancer is caused by the environment one lives in, or the toxic things one chooses to ingest (this one is all on you and your personal choices). You are actually saying No loving creator would allow the physical vehicle to eventually die. News flash here, you are more than your meat sack blood container; as is temporary housed in a human vessel; more importantly is the individuated unique spirit that DESCRIBES YOU (after all you created it in all of its diversity) is absolutely eternal; never to be vanquished, destroyed or forgotten.
edit on 28-1-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

VHB: Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

Tangerine: God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Are you living in the physical world of matter and possess a reasoning ability, senses; self/free will and have the faculties to discriminate? I suppose the "tree" is a tricky one. Usually a seed is wind blown and naturally plants itself, or taken and planted by others, then it grows into a 'seedling' and if not eaten by native preditors (usually deer or rabbits) will grow into a mature plant ONLY IF the EARTH GOD waters it. I think the tree evolved from the Simian Ape specie but a unnatural glitch or MUTATION in one of the DNA strands caused it to grow ROOTS instead of feet.

In other words, you can't answer my question by providing an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were created by a supernatural deity. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: marg6043

a reply to: johndeere2020

johndeere2020:Because God may have created Everything but human beings created religion.

Remember, God may be perfect but we human beings are not, so religions or any religion will never be of peace it was created to contradict in order to create resentment, anger and wars.

VHB: Almost right; God created everything ELSE just not the 'human being' or the human manifested out of the religious dogma expressly written or sound spoken speak (oral tradition) by others. The human created religion because God refuses to show itself. The Bible becomes a child's old style "Weekly Reader", be assured, its OKAY (there is an ethereal editor in charge and a publisher). Still confused about the distinctions of naming "Allah" vs "YHWY" vs Buddha vs ???? (the Christian god name escapes me).

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Just do a little research before you twist science with your mumbo jumbo agenda. There is evidence that humans were not only made, but altered throught time.

How about starting with citing the testable evidence proving that God exists and then citing the testable evidence proving that humans and trees were created by this supernatural deity. Posting a link to a video about about genetics in no way proves either claim.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

VHB: Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

Tangerine: God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Are you living in the physical world of matter and possess a reasoning ability, senses; self/free will and have the faculties to discriminate? I suppose the "tree" is a tricky one. Usually a seed is wind blown and naturally plants itself, or taken and planted by others, then it grows into a 'seedling' and if not eaten by native preditors (usually deer or rabbits) will grow into a mature plant ONLY IF the EARTH GOD waters it. I think the tree evolved from the Simian Ape specie but a unnatural glitch or MUTATION in one of the DNA strands caused it to grow ROOTS instead of feet.

In other words, you can't answer my question by providing an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were created by a supernatural deity. Thank you.

Thanking you as well. In other words you cannot provide an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were NOT created by a supernatural deity.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: Tangerine
originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

VHB: Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

Tangerine: God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Are you living in the physical world of matter and possess a reasoning ability, senses; self/free will and have the faculties to discriminate? I suppose the "tree" is a tricky one. Usually a seed is wind blown and naturally plants itself, or taken and planted by others, then it grows into a 'seedling' and if not eaten by native preditors (usually deer or rabbits) will grow into a mature plant ONLY IF the EARTH GOD waters it. I think the tree evolved from the Simian Ape specie but a unnatural glitch or MUTATION in one of the DNA strands caused it to grow ROOTS instead of feet.

In other words, you can't answer my question by providing an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were created by a supernatural deity. Thank you.

Thanking you as well. In other words you cannot provide an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were NOT created by a supernatural deity.

it's impossible to prove a negative. Moreover, the onus is on the person making the positive claim (ie. God exists and created you) to prove the claim via testable evidence. That's what I'm asking you to do.

posted on Jan, 28 2015 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: veteranhumanbeing

Tangerine: Why the debate about what God created? The debate should start with the existence of God. Until there's testable evidence proving that God exists, the rest is tinsel on an imaginary tree.

VHB: Why not debate the BOSS, unless you think there were separate Gods creating differing things (tree god, cloud god, rock god etc). You are not about to blame this on the Earth God (it does exist) if only so as a place for us to STAND UPRIGHT UPON (we can't float). Discussing any proof God exists as a material being other by way of its EVIDENT creations is ridiculous; as it does not, It is simply an information gathering system (FORCE) of binary 1s and 0s data bits (not excluding strong and weak forces, magnetism and fields). This is highly theoretical and you know that, however I'm up to challenge if you are. Have you noticed how we are (as humans) actually treading in the same footprints of discovering what God is? We are mimicking it; and so doing will discover all of those things hidden.

Tangerine: God's evident creations? Hm. I see nothing evident. In fact, I see no creations. Where is the testable evidence that humans, for example, were created rather than evolved? Where is the testable evidence that a tree was created? Testable evidence, please.

Are you living in the physical world of matter and possess a reasoning ability, senses; self/free will and have the faculties to discriminate? I suppose the "tree" is a tricky one. Usually a seed is wind blown and naturally plants itself, or taken and planted by others, then it grows into a 'seedling' and if not eaten by native preditors (usually deer or rabbits) will grow into a mature plant ONLY IF the EARTH GOD waters it. I think the tree evolved from the Simian Ape specie but a unnatural glitch or MUTATION in one of the DNA strands caused it to grow ROOTS instead of feet.

In other words, you can't answer my question by providing an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were created by a supernatural deity. Thank you.

Thanking you as well. In other words you cannot provide an iota of testable evidence proving that humans or trees were NOT created by a supernatural deity.

it's impossible to prove a negative. Moreover, the onus is on the person making the positive claim (ie. God exists and created you) to prove the claim via testable evidence. That's what I'm asking you to do.

Can you prove your family exists? Do they exist? Can you show testable evidence that they exist?
edit on 28-1-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

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