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Vaccines Harmful, Ineffective: Mainstream Studies

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+29 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 08:32 AM
New studies from Canada, the US, Japan and Hong Kong support Canada's 2009 finding that seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu - and does NOT provide higher protection than no vaccine. This information is being suppressed in the mainstream media, and most published public reports spin the info to minimize the data's importance and protect Big Pharma.

We already knew:

* Flu vaccines prevent children from building their natural immunity to other flu viruses. By comparison, a natural infection induces cross-immunity. This means that regularly vaccinated kids are sitting ducks in a pandemic - because they haven't built up their immunity.

* Mild flu infections confer immunity to a broad range of strains, old and new, while vaccines do not.

* Vaccination programs speed virus evolution, and create new strains.

The Real Problem

Viruses can kill - but there are no real treatments. Accepted wisdom says the best defence is prevention, and vaccines are it. There is nothing else in the "arsenal."

The Real Solution

Minimize exposure and get a "little sick" - this will build "immunity" (nature's way of bringing everything and everyone into "harmony).

Flu vaccine paradox adds to public health debate

'Canadian problem' an example of odd effects of prior vaccination

People who receive flu vaccines year after year can sometimes show reduced protection, an effect that Canadian infectious disease specialists say muddies public health messages for annual flu vaccine campaigns.

During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, researchers at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control originally thought seasonal flu shots from 2008 might offer extra protection against the new pandemic strain. They were puzzled to find instead, seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu.

……..What was originally called "the Canadian problem" has since been found in a randomized control trial by researchers in Hong Kong, with more supporting evidence from Japan and the U.S.

…….researchers in several countries have found a blunting or "interference" effect between previous seasonal vaccines and reduced levels of vaccine protection in later years for some strains.

…….."We have kind of hyped this vaccine so much for so long we are starting to believe our own hype. …."

Effectiveness of Flu Vaccine Raises More Red Flags

Study adds more data on effects of consecutive-year flu shots

edit on 17/1/15 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 17/1/15 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: soficrow

From your link....

People who receive flu vaccines year after year can sometimes show reduced protection

But yeah, encourage the spread of ignorance and increase the chances of people (especially the young and old) dying.....GJ!

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:23 AM
I can't take flu shots, I get sicker than if I get the flu. I ran my genetics and some variants, supposedly bad variants, show I have a high Mucosal Immunity. So much that I can get an overreaction. So they call this a genetic flaw because I react against flu shots? I also have a reduction in antigen production, I suppose this mutation is a correction to the autoimmune issues I have.

I know people who reacted to the flue shot badly so haven't gotten one and have not even got a cold or the flu in thirty years. I do not think the information we are fed on the effectiveness of these shots over the year was even near correct. Right now, this years effectiveness of the vaccine is at 23 percent, and people are getting sick. Now, natural immunity is better than that.

I also read that once you take flu shots for a few years that you lost natural immunity and needed to take the vaccines or risk a higher chance of getting the flu. So once you take it for a while, you need to keep taking it. That sounds more like a settup to me to trim the population in the future. All they need to do is find something really bad about the vaccines and ban them and many people will die. They are trying to make us weak and dependent so they can control us.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I can't take flu shots, I get sicker than if I get the flu. I ran my genetics and some variants, supposedly bad variants, show I have a high Mucosal Immunity. So much that I can get an overreaction. So they call this a genetic flaw because I react against flu shots? I also have a reduction in antigen production, I suppose this mutation is a correction to the autoimmune issues I have.

I know people who reacted to the flue shot badly so haven't gotten one and have not even got a cold or the flu in thirty years. I do not think the information we are fed on the effectiveness of these shots over the year was even near correct. Right now, this years effectiveness of the vaccine is at 23 percent, and people are getting sick. Now, natural immunity is better than that.

I also read that once you take flu shots for a few years that you lost natural immunity and needed to take the vaccines or risk a higher chance of getting the flu. So once you take it for a while, you need to keep taking it. That sounds more like a settup to me to trim the population in the future. All they need to do is find something really bad about the vaccines and ban them and many people will die. They are trying to make us weak and dependent so they can control us.

Do you have anything other than anecdotes to show that any of this is true?
edit on 17-1-2015 by Prezbo369 because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: rickymouse
I can't take flu shots, I get sicker than if I get the flu. I ran my genetics and some variants, supposedly bad variants, show I have a high Mucosal Immunity. So much that I can get an overreaction. So they call this a genetic flaw because I react against flu shots? I also have a reduction in antigen production, I suppose this mutation is a correction to the autoimmune issues I have.

I know people who reacted to the flue shot badly so haven't gotten one and have not even got a cold or the flu in thirty years. I do not think the information we are fed on the effectiveness of these shots over the year was even near correct. Right now, this years effectiveness of the vaccine is at 23 percent, and people are getting sick. Now, natural immunity is better than that.

I also read that once you take flu shots for a few years that you lost natural immunity and needed to take the vaccines or risk a higher chance of getting the flu. So once you take it for a while, you need to keep taking it. That sounds more like a settup to me to trim the population in the future. All they need to do is find something really bad about the vaccines and ban them and many people will die. They are trying to make us weak and dependent so they can control us.

Do you have anything other than anecdotes to show that any of this is true?

Well, I am not going to start posting screen shots of my gene apps on this site. I do not know if I can copy and paste information from Pubmed without authorization, especially when it is being applied differently than they intend it too. The information about these vaccinations reducing your natural immunity was listed in many medical sites, is this the information you want verification of?

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: rickymouse
I can't take flu shots, I get sicker than if I get the flu. I ran my genetics and some variants, supposedly bad variants, show I have a high Mucosal Immunity. So much that I can get an overreaction. So they call this a genetic flaw because I react against flu shots? I also have a reduction in antigen production, I suppose this mutation is a correction to the autoimmune issues I have.

I know people who reacted to the flue shot badly so haven't gotten one and have not even got a cold or the flu in thirty years. I do not think the information we are fed on the effectiveness of these shots over the year was even near correct. Right now, this years effectiveness of the vaccine is at 23 percent, and people are getting sick. Now, natural immunity is better than that.

I also read that once you take flu shots for a few years that you lost natural immunity and needed to take the vaccines or risk a higher chance of getting the flu. So once you take it for a while, you need to keep taking it. That sounds more like a settup to me to trim the population in the future. All they need to do is find something really bad about the vaccines and ban them and many people will die. They are trying to make us weak and dependent so they can control us.

Do you have anything other than anecdotes to show that any of this is true?

Well, I am not going to start posting screen shots of my gene apps on this site. I do not know if I can copy and paste information from Pubmed without authorization, especially when it is being applied differently than they intend it too. The information about these vaccinations reducing your natural immunity was listed in many medical sites, is this the information you want verification of?

Well it'd be a start yes.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: soficrow

I totally agree with this study. I never had a flu or virus shot and never will (I'm 56). I subscribe to the reasoning that if you continue to try to protect yourself from bacteria and viruses, you will weaken your immune system. We live in an environment surrounded by bacteria and viruses. We have microscopic bacteria crawling on our bodies 24/7!

Gone are the days where you rode out the virus. If anyone here has ever had allergy shots due to extreme allergies, doctors treat the invasive allergy the same way. By injecting a small amount of allergen and increasing the dosage on a weekly basis, they're slowly adjusting the the bodies own immune system to tolerate the allergen.

I had extremely bad allergies to dust and pollen. For 3 straight years, I religiously went to my allergy doctor and received doses of the allergen. I remember he said one day to me, if I had more patients like you who came and got their shots on regular basis, most of them could of finished their allergy shot regiment years earlier. After 3 years of shots, my chronic coughing stopped, itchy red eyes in spring stopped, and so did my multiple sneezing attacks. My allergies were so bad in high school, my teachers would send me to the nurse thinking my red eyes were a sign I was on drugs!
edit on 17-1-2015 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2015 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: soficrow

It's not totally suppressed by msm, Global National last night did a story on this year's flu vvaccine, and said this year is a mismatch and likely won't stop people from getting sick this year.

They also said for the last few years, people that receive the vaccine are more likely to catch and get even more sick from the following years flu.

They said that a better vaccine is needed, one that covers all strains, til then to talk to their doctors to figure out if the vaccine is needed by them. Not everyone needs it, it takes away something from our own immune system, and if we are generally very healthy our immune system should fight it off.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

Erm. I provided about 7 links. From my main link:

....seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

The info is linked in the OP.

Annual vaccination against influenza hampers development of virus-specific CD8+ T cell immunity in children

Infection with seasonal influenza A viruses induces immunity to potentially pandemic influenza A viruses of other subtypes (heterosubtypic immunity). …annual influenza vaccination …hampers the development of virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses.

CIDRAP reports on the study:

Annual flu shots may lower cross-protection

…long-term annual vaccination using inactivated vaccines may hamper the induction of cross-reactive CD8+ T cell responses by natural infections and thus may affect the induction of heterosubtypic immunity. This may render young children that have not been previously infected with an influenza virus more susceptible to infection with a pandemic influenza virus of a novel subtype.

+16 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Prezbo369
a reply to: soficrow

From your link....

People who receive flu vaccines year after year can sometimes show reduced protection

But yeah, encourage the spread of ignorance and increase the chances of people (especially the young and old) dying.....GJ!

Big Pharma is that you?

Even the CDC has admitted that this year's flu vaccine is practically worthless so people took all the risks and were injected with toxic mercury for nothing. I am all for vaccines against devastating diseases like polio, but risks posed by vaccines for more minor illnesses like chicken pox, mumps and the flu are questionable.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: snowspirit

It's not totally suppressed by msm, Global National last night did a story on this year's flu vvaccine, and said this year is a mismatch and likely won't stop people from getting sick this year.

That's a totally different story - it has to do with the specific strain targeted by the vaccine. These studies show that seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu even when the vaccine targets the right strain - and does NOT provide higher protection than no vaccine. ....Very different than saying the vaccination was for the "wrong" strain.

edit on 17/1/15 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Even the CDC has admitted that this year's flu vaccine is practically worthless

True, this year's vaccine targets the wrong strain but... these studies show that seasonal flu vaccination almost doubles the risk of infection with pandemic flu even when the vaccine targets the right strain - and does NOT provide higher protection than no vaccine. ....Very different than saying the vaccination was for the "wrong" strain.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:20 AM
I haven't read all the links yet, but I'm a little confused. Sincere questions, not being snarky.

So we DO want to get sick in order to protect us from getting sicker? How do we control how sick we get? How do we make sure we only get a "little sick"? Take vitamin C once we get sick???

+5 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 10:52 AM
Play in the dirt, build antibodies naturally, drink honeysuckle tea.


posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

You've got nothing. Pull your pants up.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

You can't control how you get sick.
Mammals evolved in the constant presence of fungi, bacteria, and virus. The immune system is highly efficient in dealing with all these. Recovering from Flu provides a holistic resistance against a wide spectrum of infection.

Hacking the immune system is a fairly recent technique. It hyper stimulates one of the 3 subsystems involved.

No easy, controllable way to get infected by live contagion. That's why the ignorant masses want quick fixes and hacks. All chemical hacks have trade-offs. Even tylenol.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: eisegesis
Play in the dirt, build antibodies naturally, drink honeysuckle tea.


And eat real foods - lots of veggies, exercise, and take vitamin D if you don't get enough sun or if you wear too much sunscreen.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

Well, to start with you will need to understand the mucosal immune system. Here is a link that seems pretty easy to understand for you to read. When you trigger the immune system to fight something, it takes away the power of it to fight things that it has no antigens to. Without knowing the basics of how things work, you can't easily comprehend what I am going to show you next.

Next article. This shows that a natural derived immunity is better than an antigen derived immunity. This is also related to mucosal immunity. The body reacts to a different part of the virus with natural immunity. The Japanese have created a vaccine that actually works with boosting the natural immunity and it supposedly works against all viruses. This article is easy for me to read, but others might not easily understand it. Not understanding some of the terminology means nothing about intellect though, most people couldn't care less about what I study anyway.

Next. If you read this article, it will explain how a complete response is needed and not just an antigen based response. It notes that oral vaccines may be better for that. If you go down to the heading "ISSUES FOR CONVENTIONAL MODES OF VACCINATION" it kind of summarizes the problem of our present vaccines. Here is the article, it isn't really hard to understand but I have been reading tens of thousands of articles over the years. So I have lost some of my ability to know what others can comprehend in these things. I started by looking up words for the first three years to try to understand what they talked about. Some people already have this knowledge.

I'll try to find the summary of how the flu vaccines used over three years can cause a suppression of the immune system leading to a necessity of taking the flu shots so you don't get sick. I had multiple articles of that on my old computer, but the hard drive failed. I just need to find the wording to find the articles again. There is so much propaganda pushing for vaccines that without proper wording it is hard.

posted on Jan, 17 2015 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: soficrow

Awesome! I have been saying that for years!!! S&F

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