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If the universe is infinite...

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posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

No you can't. Space is a vacuum which means there is no air, which means there is no medium that allows for vibrations to travel.

Elementary school stuff.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: korkythecat

The only comprehension of infinity I can understand is the concept of travelling as far as you can in one direction and ending up at your start point, that is a function of the assumed curvature. In that sense we are always on the outer edge as it were....weird!

No, even that would imply a limit.
Infinity is travelling forever in one direction and never ever returning back to your start point. Never.

edit on 20151America/Chicago01pm1pmThu, 08 Jan 2015 14:51:16 -06000115 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: infinityorder

Sure does.
i have just watched this about infinity...I aint gonna claim I understood it all but

Just about to watch this one also.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:55 PM
Yes, in the vastness of this Universe, there IS a Han Solo, Luke, Leigha... Chewie... etc., however, one of Han's copies wears a chartreuse vest ... and plays for both Rebellion AND Empire, so-to-speak... don't ask me how I know, just leave it at a bizarre abduction where the probing went on far too long.

But on a slightly more serious note... if the quantum physics ideas that every possibility splits into two new Universes holds merit, then not only would we have an infinite Universe (or nearly so) but we'd have infinite variations of said Universes, growing/splitting with every action of every sub-atomic particle where more than one possibility of action exists.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it... eta, and maybe I can go to the Universe where I didn't decide to post this?

edit on 1/8/2015 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/8/2015 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:56 PM
How coincidental...I was just (3minutes ago) speaking to my brother about the "infinity" of space. My take is that we don't really exist. Perhaps we are an aspect of nothingness. You see, I can't help but wonder where our so-call "expanding" cosmos, space, dimension etc., is expanding into....And, where is that space also 'infinitely" expanding into and so forth - for an infinity of spaces in which something else can expand into ?? Just a thought. Good luck finding an answer though.......... reply to: boymonkey74

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

I eventually came to the conclusion that our universe can't be infinite and I can prove it. One way is a thought experiment.

Pretend it is infinite. This means infinite possibilities like you said. Among the infinite possibilities, you must include the possibility of a finite universe. Therefore an infinite universe would surround itself in a finite one thus becoming finite itself.

Or... let's say it is infinite. That would mean that somebody somewhere out in space has both the ability and mission to serve your every request. So, out loud, say "I want you to beam down a purple llama". If nobody beams one down to you, the universe is not infinite.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:01 PM
We're reasonably sure the universe is not infinite because if it were - if an infinite number of stars had been burning for an infinite amount of time - the overall heat of the universe would be infinite as well. Since it isn't we assume that a finite number of stars have been radiating heat for a finite length of time.

But it is a pretty big place so maybe we can imagine some type of Star Wars type of scenario playing out. However, my problem with intergalactic war is this - If the participants can do things like travel through hyperspace, build immensely large battleships with artificial gravity, what could they possibly have to fight about? If you have the raw materials and technology to wage that kind of war, wouldn't problems like resource scarcity, land availability, and ideological concerns already have been worked out? What could they possibly be fighting over?

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

"Now" is relative.....

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:01 PM
What if the universe is but a hologram, our brain the "prism" through which is projected, materializing out there in 3D for our limited 5 senses to be percepted?

Such hologram would be infinite, going infinitely small and infinitely large, leaving us just the narrow window of perception to make do with our own individuality, fate, time and space. We could only speculate beyond this point, were that the case...

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

Man last time I do anything you say....I did as you asked and look whats in me room...

Gonna have to feed it....or eat it

Great post btw.

I guess there is many paradoxes to do with infinity.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo
a reply to: boymonkey74

I eventually came to the conclusion that our universe can't be infinite and I can prove it. One way is a thought experiment.

Pretend it is infinite. This means infinite possibilities like you said. Among the infinite possibilities, you must include the possibility of a finite universe. Therefore an infinite universe would surround itself in a finite one thus becoming finite itself.

Or... let's say it is infinite. That would mean that somebody somewhere out in space has both the ability and mission to serve your every request. So, out loud, say "I want you to beam down a purple llama". If nobody beams one down to you, the universe is not infinite.

It seems like you are also confusing "infinite universe" with "infinite multiverses".

In an infinite UNIverse there is no need for every quantum possibility to exist at every possible moment, only for there to be no edge to the physical universe and no beginning/endpoint for its existence. When you start to address things like time in an infinite universe, then maybe every possibility will eventually play out. But the notion that

" somebody somewhere out in space has both the ability and mission to serve your every request. So, out loud, say "I want you to beam down a purple llama". If nobody beams one down to you, the universe is not infinite."
is not in support of a(n) (in)finite universe.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: ZeroReady

Living beings are idiots
... what you said was said about trains, steam engine, radio, TV, even nuclear bombs, schools .. etc. It may sound logical in your mind, but when things play out, everything goes to hell

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: ChaosComplex

Agreed... infinite multiverses.

So... when we collapse upon each moment of "now" which previously existed in superposition, we are essentially jumping into a new universe where the implications/consequences of each moment are played out. For every "fork in the road" there is a universe for each road of the fork.

We are all space/time travelers jumping from one universe to the next with each passing moment.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:37 PM
It is expectation , the expectation of consciousness which expands infinity.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:44 PM
Yes a lot of things we would be writing about would be occuring elsewhere.

If humans are elsewhere, And you decend from them. Then Yes there would be a greater possiblity of running into someone who is a distant relative that could be a spitting image of your ancestor. Say in the occurance that you too show the same characteristics when born.

So there very well could be a carbon copy of you walking around in this galaxy or the next or even a distant galaxy.

As our creators found a way to contain our consiousness within Dark Energy itself. It's the nature of it, How any particle can be formed into it. And how It can form into any particle. Since all mass originates from black matter and energy.
Our religious texts decribing a God who is everywhere and is part of the holy spirit would make more sense in relation to the fact that black matter and energy IS everywhere. Thus, Not really breaking any technicalities with some peoples understanding of God.

However this may be the only Earth. With exactly everything the way it is. There may be other planets similar to Earth. However, the chances of those planets having huge hunks of rock missing from it and still being habitable like our planet here Earth is also unlikely. As many planets hold their sphereical shape unless something catastrophic happens.

Earth is in such a case that a huge chunk of our mantle is actually missing and was replaced with water.

It is possible the moon is a remnant of that collision or impact that cause such an object as the moon to come from our surface. I guess over years of being bombarded with space debris has left a layer of dust around the surface of the Moon. Giving it the Greyish color. Of course that is just my hypothesis.

Can these things occure elsewhere in the universe with the probability of Infinity? It's possible. Also we won't exactly know how close or far away our similar instanced occurance would be. Or if the occurance would have any ancestral links to our own here on Earth. It is quite possible humans have been crawling across space and time. And we just adapt our bodies to Each planet and galaxy we visit. As travelling as Energy beings. Then Planting the seeds of life, And creating human pairs that are properly adapted to such planet so they can evolve and turn into a colony. Space ports, So that more explorers can be sent out from the new colonial *way point*.

However if you think that is our passed, you may get lost in day dreaming the possiblities. I for one do think this may be a possiblity. And a long the way we deal with confrontations. Which has either led to what caused the dishapened planet we see today, or rather. We could of found it like this 200.000 years ago. Albiet. The creators were here longer. Terra forming the planet.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 04:10 PM
BTW what even is a multi-verse?

Is it just a collection of galaxies? Making up a mega galaxy?

That's not really a multi-verse because its still all within tangible reach. If you took the time and effort to get there. You could fly in one direction correct?

So where are these multi-verses? There's no room for them. Empty space is Dark energy, It's empty space because it fills up True void. In the effects of true void. Nothing would orbit. Everything would clump together. However it is like an Atmosphere that won't go away. And has no passable charges. It cannot pass charges onto other mass unless its energy is replenished.

Dark energy is created by entropy. Entropy is decaying matter and energy. Which, with weak and faint magnetic forces (The basis of all matter itself relies fundamentally on Magnetism, Even gravity and the Lensing effect is caused by Magnetism.

Magnetism is what bends light. Obviously. It's also what bends any and all objects. It also aligns all objects.
In fact, Gravity does not exist at all. It is only magnetism.

The only psyonic waves matter is transmitting to each other is magnetism. Varying degrees of it. Magnetism is the strong force in the universe because it is what literally solidifies everything in our universe and creates order from chaos.

All those pretty snowflakes with geometry are made by Magnetic charges distributing in such a fashion as to hold shape.
Of course, Magnetism isn't always perfect via alignment as magnetism is dependant upon potencial energy.

All mass has potencial energy. Which means burning, expending or using energy for kenetic motion depleats the potencial energy.

All matter decays. Well except dark energy. It's the opposite. Since it is made of the smallest fragments imaginable from matter. Condensed to such a point magnetism, the law of alignment is broken. Where pressure becomes the stronge force. Causes Dense tiny specks to form. Like tiny black daimonds floating around in space. The fragments within these black dots are the fragments of planets, stars ext. All of them so tightly packed that they cannot move or vibrate.

What happens is, Just like building up energy in an Earthquake. These fragments build up their energy within the dark energy particle. Until over a set period of time. The fully charged fragments that have been fighting to break apart finally do in snap that sends super charged particles across space and time. Which eventually collect together and form another galaxy. Or join with an existing galaxy. Sometimes galaxies will grow to large and do a mitosis thing where they divide into 2 galaxies. Or 2 galaxies can collide and form 3. Or all destroy each other and leave 1.

The universe balences itself out, because it all comes down to numbers and science. There can only be so much mass in any given area because of opposing forces from surrounding galaxies would crush it. Or it would crush itself. Either way.

The universe is infinite but also limitted. That means, All the matter we can see in existance can span endlessly yes? Just as long as you make the distance correct? But the matter you encounter along the way does not contain infinite energy. As in, there is only so many planets and objects within a given space.

Infinity cannot be crammed into one tiny zone or dot. It is spread out among space and time quite literally. Time, as in not all the mass that exists or can exist or did exist exists all at the same time.

Since dark energy takes time to expand so that matter can be replenished.
It means that there is a growing period. Just like trees and plants. You can take what you need but you can't go overboard. Because you can kill the growth.

Of course the universe will replace any messes. But the point is, there is only so much matter in existance in a given place at a given time. So Infinity cannot be localized in such a way unless of course, you can eliminate distance. Then you can take little bits from lots of places and there would be no issue at all.

It's just an example to put things into perspective.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 04:12 PM
It's all pretty relative...

What happened a long time ago, in a galaxy far away could be happening right now if we managed to look at that galaxy from millions of light years away. As we look into the universe, all we see is the past from where we are looking. What we see 1 light year away happened 1 year ago and so on.

I don't believe that choices that are NOT made actually do something somewhere.
Even if you would go back in time to kill your own father, you could still go back to the future and won't disappear like in the movie Back to the Future because from YOUR time, you we're born.

So the lives of the people when you left for the past still went on in some way but never will collide with the new existence you have created from time traveling in the past. Never will you be able to go back in your previous reality even if you go back to kill yourself before killing your father. Now, if you kill yourself in the past you won't automatically die because the YOU you killed is like another you.

Very paradoxical.

Even if you go back in time to meet yourself when you we're younger to change your past, you won't wake up one day and remember that you visited yourself because the YOU that you visited isn't really you from your own existence.

I'm loosing's like, our brains aren't conceived to understand outside the limits of linear time...

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: theMediator

You can't travel back in time. That's like rewinding the universe. Or the galaxy.

Is there a memory bank somewhere that has all the information of everything that has move or orbited within our solar system? Well galaxy actually since we move around. And since the galaxy moves you'd need info on how far it moved to calculation the exact position where the planet is so you could make such an influence.

But again rewinding a whole universe is like uhh. lol.

Not possible.

But you can speed yourself up. You could technically set up some sort of video or data recording grid in an area. And in a way, Go back in time. lol. By watching the footage of course.

But you could speed yourself up, the molecules and everything within a given area.
Which would give the appearance of the outside world moving slower. Since you are moving faster.

You could also likewise. Slow your particles down to experience rapid fast forward travel.

But speeding up time within an area sounds more interesting.
It could be possible to cut time in building and manufacturing. If there was a way to replenish the matters eneregy within.
I guess using a very stable material with a long lifespan.

I find traveling in the passed tho very hard to believe.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: theMediator
But speeding up time within an area sounds more interesting.

Does time flow faster when the gravity of the area is extremely dense, like let's say, inside the Sun?
If it was possible, someone could point a camera towards a planet and then look at the video from inside a star and see the planet's time flow much faster than the people viewing from inside...

Another way to see the future would be to send a camera 1 light year away which in some way sends back the image faster than the speed of light. If this is possible, we could see the past before it happens...

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: theMediator

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: theMediator
But speeding up time within an area sounds more interesting.

Does time flow faster when the gravity of the area is extremely dense, like let's say, inside the Sun?
If it was possible, someone could point a camera towards a planet and then look at the video from inside a star and see the planet's time flow much faster than the people viewing from inside...

Another way to see the future would be to send a camera 1 light year away which in some way sends back the image faster than the speed of light. If this is possible, we could see the past before it happens...

I always daydreamed about something similar. I think we might someday be able to achieve quantum entangled observation from split photons where the "partnered" bits are potentially billions of light years away. If so, then we would be able to observe ourselves as we were billions of years ago and have a flawless record of our history. I realize it's highly conceptual but that's why it's a daydream.

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