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Are alien abductions still happening?

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posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Flying lessons for Elliot, you know that will end badly.
We see it so many times aliens trying to force people to fly.
Take a lesson from the movie Rainman.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:06 AM
Book: The Alien Scalpel is proof enough of abductions, and reading the book's appendices and lab results done by world class labs and verified as materials with isotopic ratios that can not be found in this solar system, since every solar system has very distinct and unique isotopes for all naturally occurring elements is clear enough for scientists that did the testing, but perhaps not for the squeamish who visit ATS and troll all the religion and UFO threads trying to whitewash the universe with their sterile version of life. That view takes on the delusion that life has no consequences or meaning. Reality shows that something else is actually in the works.

The personal story of a professional physician's work involving one of the greatest breakthroughs of all time -- scientific proof that anomalous bio-electromagnetic implants of extraterrestrial origin have been removed from persons reporting alien abduction experiences. This revised and updated book includes and is supported by new scientific reports and a new photo gallery section. The evidence presented here provides enough evidence to believe that we have cosmic companions and they are here with us now.

This important book by Californian podiatric surgeon Dr. Roger Leir, MD, was first published in 1998 by The National Institute for Discovery Science and financed by Bob Bigelow's Foundation. It has seen a couple of updated editions in the current century, so there is more than one version available to read. It chronicles, in the first person, Dr. Leir's involvement in identifying, surgically removing and analyzing implants from the bodies of serial abductees in southern California (the surgeries were performed at more than one clinical location) and may be the nearest thing we have to irrefutable scientific proof that the abductors do place small devices in abductees' bodies, for purposes about which we can only speculate. The book runs to 230 pages including several detailed appendices. The original 1998 edition has a foreword penned by Whitley Strieber, following which the author introduces himself, his surgical credentials and his history of interest in the subject of UFOs, abductees and implants. Dr. Leir reveals he had a couple of personal NDEs which convinced him there is more to us than just our biological material and he may, in fact, be an abductee himself though this is not made explicit in the book. The chronological narrative describes how Dr. Leir's original offer in 1995 to surgically remove suspected `alien implants' from serial abductees was taken up by Derrell Sims at a MUFON meeting; how dates were agreed and patients selected; how surgery was planned, financed and organized and how the involvement of a large number of people became necessary, from nursing assistants to anaesthetists to assistant surgeons, to someone to collect abductees from the airport and drive them to the surgery. The surgeries were professionally recorded and filmed, and relayed live to an adjacent room full of invited guests who read like the `Who's Who' of ufology in the 1990s together with interested professional medics and people working in related bio-medical disciplines. The nature of the objects removed from patients during the first and second waves of surgeries are then described, analyzed and discussed. One of the eight removed objects was found to be mundane (possibly a piece of glass); the other seven were `exotic'. Here's how the objects were lab-tested: 1. Density immersion technique in toluene 2. Mechanical properties analysis including hardness and elastic modulus 3. X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy 4. Scanning electron microscopy 5. X-ray diffraction pattern analysis 6. Electromagnetic properties analysis (All analyses were double-blind tested) The tissues surrounding these small metallic foreign objects, which looked like `cantaloupe seeds radiating small tendrils', were invariably devoid of any inflammatory reaction and were found, inexplicably, to contain nerve proprioceptors. Now, we can speculate all day about what might be going on here but one thing we can say, with certainty, is that no way do these things exhibit the characteristics normally seen with foreign bodies which find their way, through accident or other means, into the human organism. In `normal' cases, a foreign body would generate substantial and persistent inflammatory tissue response and nerve tissue would never develop around it: it seems these things were somehow designed to be bio-compatible with the abductee and `wired in' to the nervous system. Other interesting characteristics included: * All objects were recovered from the left side of the body

* All the `exotic' specimens (7 of the 8) emitted a powerful electro-magnetic field easily detectable with a gauss meter

* When removed from the human body, all 7 `exotic' specimens bizarrely and inexplicably fluoresced under UV black light

* During laboratory analysis, the objects were found to be complex and contained a diversity of elements (Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Zn) not normally found together in natural objects

* Xeropthalmia (night blindness) was common to 50% of the male patients and 90% of the female; in the general population, the percentage is in single digits (of course this might be just a bizarre coincidence)

Dr. Leir describes how he and Derrell Sims were courted by Dr. John Alexander and Bob Bigelow, invited to NIDS HQ in Nevada and how the NIDS Board eventually offered to finance their research and bankroll future surgeries. They also, eventually, financed this book. He also describes the unlooked-for and unwelcome minor celebrity status he gradually acquired as more and more TV and news media networks, magazines and periodicals wanted to interview him, and how he was invited to conferences all over the world to present his findings.

The appendices run to 36 pages and reproduce all the biopsy reports, biological analysis reports and lab summaries in full.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: droid56

I would say yes and they have been here a very long time, Alien as in strange to us is accurate but I am not so certain they are from far away star systems leaning more toward inter-dimensional or even older species.
The Chinese proverb is one of my favourite one's "The most cunning animal is the one no man has yet seen"
I also believe the vast majority of the Abductions were for analysis and sampling of test groups and also following potential spillages of toxic substance by private black operations groups who may have induced hypnotic (Triangular injection mark's etc) state or altered states of consciousness to facilitate a disinformation project in order to hide there action's, the Black choppers and the cattle mutilations are the most telling.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Great post NCA. I always find it incredible when people say, "Where is the evidence?" We have so much scientific evidence of all sorts of things happening, but people still don't want to believe it. I have friends who have never even read a book about UFOs or abductions who say, 'There is no evidence!' Excuse me? have you done any research in the area? Have you spoken to abductees or professional commercial airline pilots who have witnessed UFOs right by their planes first hand? What kind of evidence do they want? Most are willing to believe in an almighty God that they have never seen or spoken to but when scientific evidence such as physical implants or the testimony of perfectly sane people is there for all to see, they still ask for more. I told someone to read 'The Alien Scalpel' once and they would not. I gave them an opportunity to read about evidence for themselves - they said, 'because it's not known in the 'mainstream', it can't be true.' I give up.

And even if all of this is not being done by ETs and is coming from some Government source (e.g.; man made craft, abductions of people for reasons unknown), this STIILL needs to be explained!

I honestly believe that even if an alien mothership landed on Sydney Harbour Bridge tomorrow, most people would not believe it. As my signature quote by Carl Sagan states - Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 10:56 AM
I don't want to enter the debate about the reality of alien abduction, I regard it as a phenomenon; whatever the reality of it, I had such experiences. For myself, and the many others that I have been in contact with who also did, they stopped around the year 2000.
In my case, I felt I found a way to "beat" them, by channeling my intent and focus of emotion. In one experience, I actually made them get blown backwards with the force of mind.

I still get uncomfortable when the "hum" is loud, as that used to precede an experience, but have no memory of current contact. I usually will cut off much thought about those experiences, because I have this instinctual idea that thinking about it too much will "invite" them back.

I have talked to other "abductees" who had the experiences stop at about the same time, but they don't have any idea why.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: droid56
Whitley Strieber's first ET book with the picture of the huge eyed alien on the cover had a profound impact on me. In the years after reading that book, I read numerous other stories of alien abductions that were similar to Strieber's. Though I have never been abducted by greys, at least according to my conscious mind, I gradually began to accept that this phenomenon was real. Mind blowing stuff, indeed!

I understand that some of you either completely disbelieve the alien abduction idea, or you are at least skeptical, but I look at this phenomenon as a person that believes that many of the accounts from various anonymous individuals, people clearly not motivated by money, are reporting something real.

I seem to recall that Whitley made an effort to see his abductions as difficult, but still something that enhanced his spiritual growth, But I eventually decided that he was wrong, and that the alien abduction program by the greys was exploitive in nature, with the hybrid program being the main goal. The big question for me is what event, slow or gradual, would be setting the stage for we humans being replaced to some degree by the hybrids?

I understand that it is difficult to look at this question in a serious way while our 3D reality holds steady, but maybe one day it will not be so strange a question.

To close, may I ask this question? Are you still being abducted by the greys? Have you heard about recent abductions? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the phenomenon has quieted down somewhat. Could it be because the hybrid program has completed its mission? I really don't know the answer.

Whitley Strieber has always kept an open mind about the subject. And to this day he makes no definitive claims about his experiences. But in recent years he' seems less and less interested in the "ET hypothesis". And seems to feel it's more akin to a paranormal (or even mystical) phenomena than it is to physical encounters with creatures in metal ships.

In fact, he's repeated several times that there seems to be a connection between abduction phenomena and ghost sightings. These connections haven't been discussed much in the literature, but he claims to have many reports of such links in the numerous letters he's received since the publication of "Communion".

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Moresby
In fact, he's repeated several times that there seems to be a connection between abduction phenomena and ghost sightings. These connections haven't been discussed much in the literature, but he claims to have many reports of such links in the numerous letters he's received since the publication of "Communion".

Of course there is.

People that want to see things are going to see things.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow

Of course there is.

People that want to see things are going to see things.

I disagree totally. To me, that means that people who desperately want to see something will find a way of thinking they have seen something. If something really is out there, then everyone will be able to see it and it will be repeatable and testable.

Saying "People will see things if they want to see things" is a total cop out in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow

Of course there is.

People that want to see things are going to see things.

This is such BS. I have seen it postulated before, in people who haven't looked into this much. The confusion between the alien enthousiasts and those who have had abduction type experiences.
For some reason, people get them mixed up.

I, and most of the "abductees" that I have gotten to know, had no interest whatsoever in such things. I had no interest in UFO's, did not believe in them, and had never even bothered to look into it. It was just a joke to me. That is exactly why those experiences were so troubling! I am sure that if one of those people who dream of contacting ET's, and spend their time watching the night skies had such an experience, they wouldn't find it troubling- because it would not challenge their view of reality and what is "real".

I don't know what it is about- I can think of several possible explanations- I still cannot bring myself to settle on belief in extraterrestrials, even if the experiences were as real as this moment right now.
But it just irritates the hell out of me to be characterized as one of those ET enthousiasts who believe strongly in all that.
(and "enthousiast" is a more diplomatic word than what I used to call them).

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Bluesma

You are exactly right Bluesma. All of the abductees that I have ever spoken to (with only one exception) were NOT interested in the UFO/Alien phenomenon before their own experiences. And to be honest, even though the abduction subject has interested me since childhood - I would not wish such a terrifying event upon myself....ever.

edit on 8-1-2015 by swinggal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

A freaking podiatrist? Your expert is a freaking podiatrist? He's not remotely qualified to conduct scientific testing of the nature you described. Can you name actual independent scientific experts in the field who have performed the same tests on the same items and obtained the same results?

Even if legitimate scientific tests find something previously not found, it is in no way proof that the substance came from extraterrestrials abducting humans.

There's a massive gap in critical reasoning.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: swinggal
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Great post NCA. I always find it incredible when people say, "Where is the evidence?" We have so much scientific evidence of all sorts of things happening, but people still don't want to believe it. I have friends who have never even read a book about UFOs or abductions who say, 'There is no evidence!' Excuse me? have you done any research in the area? Have you spoken to abductees or professional commercial airline pilots who have witnessed UFOs right by their planes first hand? What kind of evidence do they want? Most are willing to believe in an almighty God that they have never seen or spoken to but when scientific evidence such as physical implants or the testimony of perfectly sane people is there for all to see, they still ask for more. I told someone to read 'The Alien Scalpel' once and they would not. I gave them an opportunity to read about evidence for themselves - they said, 'because it's not known in the 'mainstream', it can't be true.' I give up.

And even if all of this is not being done by ETs and is coming from some Government source (e.g.; man made craft, abductions of people for reasons unknown), this STIILL needs to be explained!

I honestly believe that even if an alien mothership landed on Sydney Harbour Bridge tomorrow, most people would not believe it. As my signature quote by Carl Sagan states - Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I've read many of the books. Why don't you cite the testable scientific evidence proving that extraterrestrials have visited earth and abducted humans because I couldn't find it.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:48 PM
I'm still waiting for the Orion to enslave me. You know the green women from Star Trek.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:48 PM

edit on 8-1-2015 by LOSTinAMERICA because: double posted

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: swinggal
a reply to: Bluesma

You are exactly right Bluesma. All of the abductees that I have ever spoken to (with only one exception) were NOT interested in the UFO/Alien phenomenon before their own experiences. And to be honest, even though the abduction subject has interested me since childhood - I would not wish such a terrifying event upon myself....ever.

It would be interesting to track the history of alleged alien (ET) abductions. I'm betting the claims began after, not before, the publication of books and fiction magazine articles promoting the notion that extraterrestrials have visited earth and abducted people. Does anyone know of any abduction claims prior to that?

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Bluesma

People that don't believe aliens are abducting them are not abducted by aliens. Think about that for a while. If someone experiencing this phenomenon doesn't believe in aliens, the blame is placed on demons, or angels, or jinn, or men in black, or mental illness, or sleep paralysis, or any one of a number of other explanations people come up with when trying to explain what they believe is happening.

Most without any conclusive evidence.

Like I said, people see what they want to see. Whatever helps them make sense of their world.

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow
a reply to: Bluesma

People that don't believe aliens are abducting them are not abducted by aliens. Think about that for a while. If someone experiencing this phenomenon doesn't believe in aliens, the blame is placed on demons, or angels, or jinn, or men in black, or mental illness, or sleep paralysis, or any one of a number of other explanations people come up with when trying to explain what they believe is happening.

Most without any conclusive evidence.

Like I said, people see what they want to see. Whatever helps them make sense of their world.

I agree. This is a cultural phenomenon. I don't doubt that some people have had traumatic experiences they can't explain rationally. The unknown is, for most people, even more frightening than the belief that aliens have abducted them. At least the latter belief gives them membership in a club of sorts and they get support and understanding from fellow so-called abductees and fans of the belief system. It's absolutely no different from someone showing up at a fundamentalist church, throwing themselves on the altar, babbling in tongues and claiming to be possessed by demons/the Devil in terms of the support they receive for their claims. I think in some cases, maybe the majority, the claims are the result of mental illness or outright fabrication for attention. However, I do feel for the cases where the person has had a genuine strange and frightening experience they can't explain and are preyed-upon by ET Abduction Club and, especially, so-called therapists with an agenda.

(post by NoCorruptionAllowed removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 09:57 PM
I read somewhere online that alien ufo/abductions have tapered off a lot since the early 50s and 60s

aliens probably dont need to make house-calls anymore like the old days

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow
a reply to: Bluesma

People that don't believe aliens are abducting them are not abducted by aliens. Think about that for a while. If someone experiencing this phenomenon doesn't believe in aliens, the blame is placed on demons, or angels, or jinn, or men in black, or mental illness, or sleep paralysis, or any one of a number of other explanations people come up with when trying to explain what they believe is happening.

Most without any conclusive evidence.

Like I said, people see what they want to see. Whatever helps them make sense of their world.

That just isn't true. I did not (do not) believe I was abducted by aliens, and yet this phenomenon happened to me repeatedly. That is, we use that term to refer to a type of experience which includes specific point that others had in common. We could call the things percieved jinns if you want, or demons, or we can call it a hallucination, sleep paralysis, whatever suits you. Like I said, there are many potential explanations and I don't ultimately know the reality of it, but I did not believe in ET's, even after these events started, and yet- it continued to happen.

I assumed it was a psychotic break of some sort, and got myself to a shrink, but the two I went to did not feel I was psychotic, (or schizophrenic), and I was having no symptoms of mental sickness the rest of the time, so the question just remained open. I never could make sense of it, and cannot today.

Not believing never stopped the experiences from happening. Believing I was hallucinating didn't stop it from happening. I never had painful manipulations like some describe, but the most traumatic part was that I could not fit this into my comprehension of reality.
edit on 8-1-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

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