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Black Protesters Storm NYC Restaurants – Target & Harass White People Eating Brunch

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posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: TheArrow

I am pretty up to speed on the lawsuits involving allegations of civil rights violations based upon race.

Let me give you a hint...the mass amount of such lawsuits are filed in places like NYC.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: TheArrow

Are you the private property owner?


Then why are you so upset about it if they aren't?

Since when do I need to be a property owner of one of the establishments in the Original Post to have an opinion?

Using that fractured logic you would need to be one of the protesters to agree with them. Which one of them were you?

I never said you needed to be a property owner. I asked why you were so upset.

I see you just joined yesterday. This is how ATS works. We report news from around the world, then we are free to give our opinions & discuss.....any questions???????

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

In London huh??? Well, looks like you need to work to take care of the happenings in your own country.

London is London. Do I need to continue with this explanation??

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: roadgravel

Actually, I'll bet many of them still will.

These idiots are not the entire Civil Rights movement.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Telos

Been throught the crime statistics a few pages back...
White people top the charts for all violent crimes accept for Murder/Manslaughter...

their music

"And they blame it on Marilyn... & the Heroin... where were the parents at... & look where it's at..." - Eminem!

Charlie, my comment was "announced" by a big MAYBE. Do not get into defensive so fast. It's considered to be another form of self victimizing.

Where I live, the crime rate is relatively very small per capita. In my city of over 3 millions there are usually about 40-60 deaths per year. When this figure goes north of that number, everyone freaks out and thinks the Judgment Day is Anyway, In this numbers, homicide has the highest of percentage and guess who are the authors? Over 90% are black guys killing each other or (rarely) other ethnic individuals. In the addition to the murder figure are robberies, aggravated assaults, drug related crimes and so forth. I'm sorry to say but black community tops the list of the offenders. So if in USA there is racism toward blacks which accounts for their high number of them in jail, how about Canada where we seriously have a very high tolerance and multicultural society in which we all take pride of?

You brought an example of Eminem. I could bring as example the whole rap and r&b industry. Do we really wanna go down that road? Once again, stop blaming all the problems on a non existent (of course in my opinion) racism and try to change the situation first within African-American community then on a larger scale by making it a sensitive matter for the whole society. Showing extreme behavior and launching "crusades" against white people will only get you antipathy and repulsion from all. American society is not 2-3 violent cops. The american police force is not 2-3 violent cops. Hatting an entire race only because some of its representatives aren't behaving properly toward other races is not only wrong but also pathological. Shows a strong complex of inferiority and abundance of insecurity. The core of an ethnic group is not defined by the action of the few but by the reaction of the many. At the end, you're not what others call you. You are what behavior you chose to embrace.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: TheArrow

originally posted by: Jamie1
Is the disproportionate percentage of blacks committing crime caused by their skin color?

I've already addressed this. Please follow along.

You've evaded it, not addressed it.

What evidence do you have that skin color is a variable of causation for any of these statistics you cite?


Or is it just your "logical" conclusion that skin pigmentation is the variable of causation, not neighborhood, education, single parent vs two parent home, drug addiction, employment status.

Do you consider yourself intelligent?

Do you realize that just MAYBE there are causation variables to explain the data other than the quantity of melanin found in a subjects skin.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon


Enlighten me as to what that has to do with me pointing out generalisations against Black people within the thread?

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: macman


Of what exactly?

Your "I haven't seen it, so it doesn't exist" fallacy is what needs to be explained imo!

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

The whites would immediately be attacked.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I'm a Memphian-never spilled a drop of black blood (except in self defense)-but plenty of my blood has been spilled at the hands of blacks.

These apologists on this board (and others) that are constantly using race as an excuse to steal rape and murder have no idea what it's like to go through something like that.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Telos

In the addition to the murder figure are robberies, aggravated assaults, drug related crimes and so forth. I'm sorry to say but black community tops the list of the offenders.

Murder/Robbery aside... Not according to the FBI stats they don't.

Otherwise I wouldn't say it.

I don't understand the contradictions to be honest...

First it's "take responsibility for your own actions"...
But then things like Music are used as a factor of someone's decisions.

So if in USA there is racism toward blacks which accounts for their high number of them in jail

I never said that racism equates to a higher incarceration rate, some might, I don't!

What I'm not gullible enough to swallow is the delusion that racism is "non-existent" in Law enforcement.

American society is not 2-3 violent cops.

Just like the black society in America is not 5-6 idiots who tweet stupid # about White people, perhaps?

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: FalcoFan
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

I'm a Memphian-never spilled a drop of black blood (except in self defense)-but plenty of my blood has been spilled at the hands of blacks.

These apologists on this board (and others) that are constantly using race as an excuse to steal rape and murder have no idea what it's like to go through something like that.
To be clear, though. I was treated pretty well by my housemates. There was a nice older lady (she was a hooker, but that's beside the point). She would make me collard greens and various over meals in exchange for rides to various places (I was one of the only ones there with a car). I never really asked questions about where she was going, but she was always very friendly.

Outside of the house was a different story. I was jeered at, threatened, told I was "in the wrong neighborhood" by multiple passerbys, etc. Kind of scary, in retrospect.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Well, per capita, they do rate higher than whites in crime rates on all but alcohol related incidents. Overall numbers, sure whites top them all but Murder/Robbery, but that is based on a population that is almost 6 times the size of the black population......not taking into account where the FBI's "Mixed race" category falls in this you put them in the white or black race group?

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Telos

In the addition to the murder figure are robberies, aggravated assaults, drug related crimes and so forth. I'm sorry to say but black community tops the list of the offenders.

Murder/Robbery aside... Not according to the FBI stats they don't.

Otherwise I wouldn't say it.

I thought was implied that when I mentioned that figure I wasn't talking about USA but Canada

I don't understand the contradictions to be honest...

First it's "take responsibility for your own actions"...
But then things like Music are used as a factor of someone's decisions.

Is up to you to "fight" who's using the entire community for their own agenda.

I never said that racism equates to a higher incarceration rate, some might, I don't!

No you did not, I did because is the most commonly used argument to justify the imprisonment of black individuals.

What I'm not gullible enough to swallow is the delusion that racism is "non-existent" in Law enforcement.

There might be some but is not the official line. That can be said for every field, now can't it?

Just like the black society in America is not 5-6 idiots who tweet stupid # about White people, perhaps?

Here we do agree.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:57 PM
originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon


What? I wanted to know about your experiences inside London's ghettos.

Enlighten me as to what that has to do with me pointing out generalisations against Black people within the thread?

There were major differences in the crimes committed in the different ghettos that I lived in.

White ghettos consisted primarily of domestic violence, sex abuse, and drug use. The black ghettos were armed robbery, drug use, assault, and murder.

Not saying murders didn't take place in the white ghettos--but they were rare, and mostly motivated by infidelity.

Murders in the black ghettos usually consisted around gang rivalries and turf wars and there were more of them.

I never went to sleep in white ghettos to the sounds of gunfire.

It's not an over generalization.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:57 PM
This is a movement alright. A bowl movement.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Jamie1

Frankly, I think its an interesting and beneficial phenomenon. Its intersting because as these types incidents occur more frequently, we can expect to see the phenomenon spread throughout the US. Its beneficial because 1) its cathartic for the black participants to vent their hatred for white people, white society and all things "white" and 2) it clearly demonstrates to the obviously clueless white population the depth and breadth of hatred of them and their ilk held on behalf of the black population.

Whites have long lived in a weird state of mind in the US. 99% of the whites seem to be totally clueless about the state of so called race relations in the US and I speculate that's because...they don't have any "relations" or interactions with black people other than, possibly, the work place, where I've experienced the sort of hands-off/cold war truce situation that exists. No way is this cluelessness more aptly demonstrated than in the white expression that they now live in a color blind society.

One of the most fascinating comments I heard made on the subject was by some white guest professor type guy on the Melissa Harris-Perry show. He made a bizarre statement I couldn't begin to fathom; he stated "My hope for 2015 is that the white population starts thinking of themselves in racial terms and begin to identify themselves as "white".

My reaction was..."Huh?" "Did he just say that"? "What does that mean?"

I've given that a lot of thought and then I had the light-bulb moment and realized exactly what this guy is talking about. As opposed to the black population which sees everything in terms of color/race, etc., the white population never identifies themselves with their skin color or race...they identify themselves simply as "Americans". That explains why the white population doesn't see what the radicalized blacks like Melissa Harris-Perry call "white privilege". The whites simply don't identify with their "whiteness".

So, its just my opinion, but I see these "demonstrations" as a good thing. They equate to a "teaching" moment and it may be overall beneficial to the white population. The results for the blacks on the other hand may, or may not be what they hope for. All that said...I'm not sure exactly what the blacks hope to attain here.

Should be very interesting to see how this plays out...particularly if you can avoid living/working in any one of the major US metro areas.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Like I said earlier I understand your point.

But logically you have to look at the criminal percentage of the respective colours...

Rather than the entire population of each race...

We can look at the 77% & 14%...

But which percentage of each is criminal?

I don't think the gulf in difference that's being perpetuated exists for either race to be honest.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: ScientificRailgun

There is ONE REASON why we usually have the most murders every year.

Just think if European countries/cities started having the amount of murders committed by one group.

They would be singing a different tune.

But,then again,they let the muslims take over,so....

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Here is an idea. How about you worry about what happens in your own country, seeing as there are issues there which could use your attention, then issues within the US.

Your issues in London don't correlate to issues in the US.

Funny, as your statements in London are all based on you making statements on ATS and we need to buy into it.

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