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Deputy Supervises Father Spanking Daughter

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posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Thundersmurf
a reply to: jude11

Jude, I honestly can't believe how this thread has turned out. As retiredTxn stated, some people seem to be unable to distinguish the difference between hitting and spanking.

It's just crazy. Going by the logic of a few closed, narrow minded people in this thread, kissing your child will be deemed a sexual act in the not too distant future.

It's just madness watching people spew their spurious logic without even thinking about what they are saying.

Thanks for bringing this story to our attention - I think it's maddening that a police officer would be called to witness something like this, but I can completely understand the Father's fear in this crazy PC day and age.


I guess spanking is a topic that stings (pun)

Yeah, it went way off course. So much so that I have a suspicion it was actually intended to.


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:42 PM
There seems to be 2 forms of fetishism being performed, according to the article. The one, warranted through discipline...the other, a carefully veiled form of sanctioned voyeurism...that occurs 'sometimes'...because, telling your wife/partner you have attended a 'disciplinary' call-out, is different to saying you went to a booth to watch someone get spanked...


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:55 PM
Biggest problem I see are lawyers and courts. They first took discipline from the schools, now they are coming for you.
edit on 1/3/2015 by mugger because: sp.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:04 PM
Since there seems to be about 90% of the posters here caught up in some sick fetish labeling and not the actual OP, I'm out.

Thanks to those that addressed the topic at hand but never have I been so Disappointed in others here on ATS.


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: jude11
Since there seems to be about 90% of the posters here caught up in some sick fetish labeling and not the actual OP, I'm out.

Thanks to those that addressed the topic at hand but never have I been so Disappointed in others here on ATS.


That's unfortunate.

I'm curious though...since when is 'being there to witness a persons child getting spanked' considered to be an emergency situation?


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: jude11

This is the progressive conditioning working dear readers.....Take a good hard look at the future.

It's not's right wing worship of authority that's the cause.

I got money to wager that the dad calling the cops before spanking his kid, was a Republican.

You are 100% wrong. The far right wing is the absence of laws or regulations and is in fact anarchy. The political spectrum is best judged by control or laws and regulations. The farther left you go the more laws and regulations you have until you have fascism or outright control. Truth be told this always ends up being an Oligarchy form of government just like Hitlers Nazi Germany.

So this story is about people being afraid of the the laws and regulations put in place to control and cause fear that is why this is in fact....................Progressive liberal conditioning. Progressives always know what is best for everyone else and they use laws and regulations to keep the strangle hold on control. Progressive PTB are smart and always try and pass the blame.

I can prove what I am saying is it conservatives crying out about spanking children or is it the progressive liberals? I see the truth and anyone with any sense will also see it.
edit on 3-1-2015 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: akushla99

Since when do you need to call the cops over punishing your child period.

I'll say it again, if your thought process of disciplining your child requires you to think it needs to be done under supervision of a police officer, regardless of be sacred of the big bad 'PC' police, you might want to rethink what the hell you are doing.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: akushla99

Since when do you need to call the cops over punishing your child period.

I'll say it again, if your thought process of disciplining your child requires you to think it needs to be done under supervision of a police officer, regardless of be sacred of the big bad 'PC' police, you might want to rethink what the hell you are doing.

I agree...and I think that was the original line of thought OP wanted to go on...but, being as we are on a 'conspiracy' site with deny ignorance as its motto - why 911?...sometimes we attend these call-outs...sometimes a spade is a shovel...

...or these parents are so rock-dumb, they have given up trying to even seem intelligent...IDK?!


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: jude11

This is the progressive conditioning working dear readers.....Take a good hard look at the future.

It's not's right wing worship of authority that's the cause.

I got money to wager that the dad calling the cops before spanking his kid, was a Republican.

You are 100% wrong. The far right wing is the absence of laws or regulations and is in fact anarchy. The political spectrum is best judged by control or laws and regulations. The farther left you go the more laws and regulations you have until you have fascism or outright control. Truth be told this always ends up being an Oligarchy form of government just like Hitlers Nazi Germany.

So this story is about people being afraid of the the laws and regulations put in place to control and cause fear that is why this is in fact....................Progressive liberal conditioning. Progressives always know what is best for everyone else and they use laws and regulations to keep the strangle hold on control. Progressive PTB are smart and always try and pass the blame.

The reason I said it's the right wing that worships authority is because who do they always support? The cops, the military and big corporations. Thats three of the biggest authority figures known in the modern world. In fact the 3 ultimate authority figures.

Need I remind you of the right wing neocon Bush ultimate authority...The Patriot Act? The biggest usurper of personal freedom ever enacted in this country. So tell me again who knows what's best for everybody.....

You are right about the Oligarchy however....but it's a corporate Oligarchy that runs the government. Not politicians, the politicians just do the bidding of the real authority figures, pulling the strings behind the curtain.

And you brought up fascism so I'll leave with a S. Lewis quote...."When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag carrying a cross"

Nice try though.....

edit on 3-1-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: jude11

Out of all the crazy Orwellian things going on today, some I like others I do not....this is by far the most weird and possibly crazy.

Having a member of some law enforcement department supervise while you discipline your child is something that is very creepy and wrong.

All kids need strict discipline not god damn cuddles and kisses. But to ask for permission so as to avoid potential charges?? People better keep an eye on how subservient our lives are becoming answering to the almighty LAW!!

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:58 PM
reply to: Baddogma.

There have actually been numerous cases of parents using cattle prods or electric dog training collars for discipline (e.g., Jeffrey Hoveland of Minnesota). These devices leave superficial marks, if any, not extensive bruises that take days or weeks to heal, and are generally less painful than severe whippings with a belt or switch. And yet, while a multitude of people applaud and rationalize the whippings and the courts most often validate this support, nobody defends parents who punish their children with shocks. Prosecutors and juries will throw the book at them, and society tends to see them as heinous monsters--never mind how badly the child may have been behaving, the deterrent effect of those shocks, or the "important lesson" they convey to the child.

It's a remarkable double standard. Seems parents only have a right to physically punish their children if they use the same method most of us grew up with.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: retiredTxn

I never said I HIT my children. I spanked them when necessary. I have 7 grandchildren, and they are disciplined the same as my children were. If we are to assume your opinion is correct, not only have I sexually abused my children ( as others have stated ), I have made my children liars, and child abusers as well.

Spanking is not the reason this world is messed up. It's people like you who can't distinguish between spankings and hitting. I feel spankings are a parent's right, if used judiciously. Whether you wish to believe it or not, their is a big difference. Spankings do not humiliate and hurt children, hitting them does. I never spanked my kids to show how hurtful I could be, nor to humiliate them. I got their attention when other options were deemed inappropriate. As I also stated, having differing opinions is good. As long as you don't interfere with my choices, I won't interfere in yours.

I also read a book, and somewhere it stated something about spare the rod and spoil the child. Give it a read sometime, it's called the Bible. Also, you may want to look at another book, any version, and check the definitions of "hit" and "spank". I think someone may be confused here.

OK, is it fair to say that when you spank your child, it involves STRIKING him or her on the buttocks?

And if so, do you recognize that STRIKE and HIT are synonyms?

If a child spanks one of his his classmates, do school rules against hitting not apply?

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:34 PM
Getting back to the main focus of the thread, here's a Google search everyone here should try:

Florida deputy spanking paddle

At the top of the results you'll see this recent story of the deputy being called to supervise the paddling.

Just a few down the list, however, is a case from just a few years ago about another Florida deputy in a different county. Her name was Robin Pagoria.

Deputy Pagoria would film herself paddling underage girls at the request of her online boyfriend. (She's now in jail. Can you imagine how triggering this latest story must be for her victims?)

Here's something else the Okeechobee sheriff should address: Suppose the parents want to pull down the child's pants to make the spanking more painful? It's not illegal for them to do that. Do the deputies nonetheless require that the children whose spankings they witness remain fully clothed?

In addition to the potential for minors to be sexually exploited (or at least given reason to wonder if they have been), there are likely physical abuse liabilities. I mean, what training/instruction, if any, has the deputy received for this unusual task. How is he expected to intervene if at any point he feels the punishment is going overboard? What's he supposed to say or do, exactly? How qualified is he even to judge?

Does Child Protective Services have an opinion about all this?

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