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Deputy Supervises Father Spanking Daughter

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posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: jude11

most definitely have entered the twilight zone ....just when i think it cannot get stranger it does...

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: Thundersmurf

Maybe you could tell me what purpose it would serve to answer your ridiculous questions if you're going to call me a troll for my responses?

Assume much?

I'll just assume...


posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 05:09 PM
Violence is always the lesser choice when it comes to parenting.

But if one is bent on good ol' fashioned physical discipline, why pussy foot around? An electrical cord with one end's wires exposed and the other in a wall socket would teach valuable life lessons... no?

Oh, but that isn't a 'loving strike'... that's excessive and/or sick... yeah.

Degrees of rationalization amuses me... beg pardon.

And everyone but the girl in the OP is ... lesser.

edit on 1/2/2015 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/2/2015 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
Violence is always the lesser choice when it comes to parenting.

But if one is bent on good ol' fashioned physical discipline, why pussy foot around? An electrical cord with one end's wires exposed and the other in a wall socket would teach valuable life lessons... no?

Oh, but that isn't a 'loving strike'... that's excessive and/or sick... yeah.

Degrees of rationalization amuses me... beg pardon.

And everyone but the girl in the OP is ... lesser.

There will always be those that take things too far but that Does not mean the majority are all in the wrong for the actions of the few.

Keep shaping our society because of the actions of the few and we have vanilla as our only choice of flavor..


posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 05:53 PM
As far as I am concerned this is sex abuse of the child. I think the dad and the cop are both sick perverts.


a reply to: jude11

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Yeah the 'assumption' jibe was Speirs flavoured and in jest. Clearly you took that far too seriously.

I think this discussion's over. You don't seem to want to answer any questions so it's probably best that we just drop this and let the thread get back to what it was.

Nighty night

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: SallieSunshine

Absolutely ridiculous. How can you even justify that statement? Has there been any cases of a parent disciplining their child and then being charged with sexual assault? Or is more likely just plain, normal, non-sexual assault?

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 06:39 PM
My great-grandmother's mother died when she was a baby. She and her siblings ended up being raised by an angry, immature stepmother. When she was adult her father one day asked her if her stepmother was good to her. She said "yes" even though it was not the case because she didn't want her dad to feel guilty. So just because your kids don't admit how badly you damaged them, doesn't mean the damage wasn't done. If you really don't understand why hitting children is bad then read the book "For Your Own Good" by Alice Miller. In the book Miller describes how children need to believe their parents love them and many will accept being hit as a loving act and then go on to hit their own children to justify this erroneous notion. The reason this world is so screwed up is because people hit their kids thereby planting the idea in their heads that might makes right and its okay to hurt and humiliate someone to get what you want.


a reply to: retiredTxn
My children were spanked when the situation warranted it. Do they feel it was sexual, or feel scarred for life because of a spanking? I asked each of them. All of them said no.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: jude11
If there's an upside to this, the kids (and maybe their friends) will learn that the system will not protect them from a spanking...Could be the police are getting tired of responding to calls by spoiled kids...

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: Thundersmurf
a reply to: SallieSunshine

Absolutely ridiculous. How can you even justify that statement? Has there been any cases of a parent disciplining their child and then being charged with sexual assault? Or is more likely just plain, normal, non-sexual assault?

I agree.

It's only sexual assault in the eyes of a pervert but by so many replies here, all spankings are sexual.

It makes me question why.

Painting everyone with the same brush stroke is why we are the way we are in society today.


posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: SallieSunshine
My great-grandmother's mother died when she was a baby. She and her siblings ended up being raised by an angry, immature stepmother. When she was adult her father one day asked her if her stepmother was good to her. She said "yes" even though it was not the case because she didn't want her dad to feel guilty. So just because your kids don't admit how badly you damaged them, doesn't mean the damage wasn't done. If you really don't understand why hitting children is bad then read the book "For Your Own Good" by Alice Miller. In the book Miller describes how children need to believe their parents love them and many will accept being hit as a loving act and then go on to hit their own children to justify this erroneous notion. The reason this world is so screwed up is because people hit their kids thereby planting the idea in their heads that might makes right and its okay to hurt and humiliate someone to get what you want.

I never said I HIT my children. I spanked them when necessary. I have 7 grandchildren, and they are disciplined the same as my children were. If we are to assume your opinion is correct, not only have I sexually abused my children ( as others have stated ), I have made my children liars, and child abusers as well.

Spanking is not the reason this world is messed up. It's people like you who can't distinguish between spankings and hitting. I feel spankings are a parent's right, if used judiciously. Whether you wish to believe it or not, their is a big difference. Spankings do not humiliate and hurt children, hitting them does. I never spanked my kids to show how hurtful I could be, nor to humiliate them. I got their attention when other options were deemed inappropriate. As I also stated, having differing opinions is good. As long as you don't interfere with my choices, I won't interfere in yours.

I also read a book, and somewhere it stated something about spare the rod and spoil the child. Give it a read sometime, it's called the Bible. Also, you may want to look at another book, any version, and check the definitions of "hit" and "spank". I think someone may be confused here.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: retiredTxn
"I never said I HIT my children. I spanked them when necessary. I have 7 grandchildren, and they are disciplined the same as my children were. If we are to assume your opinion is correct, not only have I sexually abused my children ( as others have stated ), I have made my children liars, and child abusers as well. '

The word "spank" is a euphemism for "hit". People who spank their kids are hitting their kids. There is no distinction between these 2 words except in the minds of people who hit their kids.

"Spanking is not the reason this world is messed up. It's people like you who can't distinguish between spankings and hitting. I feel spankings are a parent's right, if used judiciously. Whether you wish to believe it or not, their is a big difference. Spankings do not humiliate and hurt children, hitting them does. I never spanked my kids to show how hurtful I could be, nor to humiliate them. I got their attention when other options were deemed inappropriate. As I also stated, having differing opinions is good. As long as you don't interfere with my choices, I won't interfere in yours."

Yes of course you think you have the right to hit your child. It was drummed into your psyche by your own parents. Brainwashing accomplished. Bravo for not questioning your parents child-rearing methods, you would have made a "Good German". Oh, and I guarantee you almost every person sitting in a prison cell was hit by his or her parents.

"I also read a book, and somewhere it stated something about spare the rod and spoil the child. Give it a read sometime, it's called the Bible. Also, you may want to look at another book, any version, and check the definitions of "hit" and "spank". I think someone may be confused here. "

It was King Solomon in the Bible who recommends that you beat your children. Of course King Solomon's son Rehoboam turned out to be a cruel tyrant who was hated by his people. Maybe instead of taking everything in the Bible as literal you should use your brain to try to puzzle out a deeper meaning? But no, that might cause you to question yourself and your parents and your children. No thinking allowed! Sheeple mentality. Sad.


posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 09:13 PM

***** A T T E N T I O N ******

The topic of this thread is not other members or their personalities, likes, desires or other personal variables. Please post comments on-topic. There is not an unreasonable expectation of Civility when making exchanges, even it heated topics.


posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: jude11

I was going to leave this thread for everyone else to have a say...

But I feel the need to defend myself, just because I think this could be a sexual assault doesn't make me a pervert...
I'm sure others feel the same way...

It's only sexual assault in the eyes of a pervert

Actually it's a justified spanking to a pervert...
It's sexual assault to people who don't feel anyone has the right to touch a child's backside in any manner, even their own father.

all spankings are sexual.

I'd just like to clarify I never said or implied this...
I spoke solely on this news piece.

It makes me question why.

Like I merely questioned why a grown man would want to spank his 12yr old daughter so badly he called the police to justify it...
Over a "heated argument"...

That sets alarm bells off imo.


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 09:21 AM

I'd just like to clarify I never said or implied this...
I spoke solely on this news piece.

What is it about this particular news story which implied it was sexual? You claim that this is not your opinion about all spanking, but only this case - something about this story caused you to believe it's sexual. What is it?

Like I merely questioned why a grown man would want to spank his 12yr old daughter so badly he called the police to justify it...
Over a "heated argument"...

I still can't understand where you are making this wild leap from a father wanting to discipline his daughter to him beating her so badly he wanted a sheriff there to witness it. That doesn't even make sense - if he wanted to beat her badly, he wouldn't have called the sheriff no? He did call the sheriff who deemed it absolutely fine, and not excessive.

- What is contained in this story implied that the Father wanted to 'beat' her as opposed to simply disciplining her?
- What is contained in this story implied the Father wanted to 'beat' her 'badly' as opposed to just giving her a couple of light smacks?
- What makes you think that the Father called the cops to justify this as opposed to just making sure that he wasn't using excessive force?

I'm actually growing tired of your loaded word choices - you seem to have some sort of personal agenda here.

This thread should be discussing whether or not physical discipline is accepted and, probably more pertinent to this particular story, whether or not paid public servants should be available to witness it.

I've read the story through a few times, and there is nothing to this that would suggest the dad is sex-offender. I'm just not really sure where you are getting this from and why you are continually trying to push the paedophile angle.

edit on 3-1-2015 by Thundersmurf because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-1-2015 by Thundersmurf because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-1-2015 by Thundersmurf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: jude11

Jude, I honestly can't believe how this thread has turned out. As retiredTxn stated, some people seem to be unable to distinguish the difference between hitting and spanking.

It's just crazy. Going by the logic of a few closed, narrow minded people in this thread, kissing your child will be deemed a sexual act in the not too distant future.

It's just madness watching people spew their spurious logic without even thinking about what they are saying.

Thanks for bringing this story to our attention - I think it's maddening that a police officer would be called to witness something like this, but I can completely understand the Father's fear in this crazy PC day and age.


posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: jude11

After reading the article it makes me wonder why the father felt the need to call the police. Is he divorced with custody, looking to avoid something similar to the Adrian Peterson issue that could be used to take his girls away? Or was the girl the type that would threaten to call it child abuse in an attempt to avoid this type of punishment, perhaps the father was not going to stand for this type of behaviour and then contacted local authorities? I would really be interested in his reason more so than the back and forth opinions on whether physical punishment is an acceptable means of discipline.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Thundersmurf

What is the difference between spanking and hitting your child?
You say people can't distinguish the difference, so please educate us.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 11:39 AM
More weirdness from Florida and it's local police departments.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: argentus

***** A T T E N T I O N ******

The topic of this thread is not other members or their personalities, likes, desires or other personal variables. Please post comments on-topic. There is not an unreasonable expectation of Civility when making exchanges, even it heated topics.


Thank you!


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