posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 01:13 PM
SW off Kyushu update.:
previous post
Still going.
Still not quite 21days, will be tomorrow before I get the last 5hrs for that milestone.
In the latest available data the NE area had quite a tight consentration of quakes (14), the highest 3.2
The E area had about the same (13) the biggest quakes 2 x 3.7's
Total quakes, with the 4 seperate areas shown
Latest day available from the JMA Catalog.
2 previous days since I last posted about this.
Summary @ 04/12/2015 14:42:22 UTC (20:44:37 days elapsed time)
mag~1= 2, mag1= 195 , mag2= 264 , mag3= 162 , mag4= 43 , mag5= 4 , mag7= 1 , total= 671 , total energy released= 688,886.148 TTNT
We are moving house tomorrow, the old place is like a cyclone hit it. With the transfer of Internet I may be off line for a day if it doesn't switch
over smoothly.
I will try to get this finalized (21 days) early in the morning before the chaos starts.
I'll do a new animation when I get set up over at the new place (further away from the shoreline)
link to Kyushu page again
edit on
1200000033833815 by muzzy because: (no reason given)