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David Icke and political peadophiles. Is it time to re adress his claims?

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+28 more 
posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:13 PM
Before I begin I would like to say that yes, I know that most of the good people at ats do not like David Icke.

And yes I know he he claimed that the queen was a gekko and that the moon was a holographic so and so but this is one of his older theories.

David Icke has been adamant for years that several prominent politicians(one in particular) were involved in "satanic" ritual child abuse.

With the ongoing investigations my question is this?

If the politician he claimed was involved would you be prepared to re evaluate his other beliefs based on his assumption being correct.
edit on 1220141208pAmerica/Chicago2014-12-21T16:15:08-06:0015f15 by nonspecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:15 PM
Pedos come from all wakes of lifes. Why wouldnt there pedos among royality and high ranking politicians?

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:18 PM
My question was that David Icke has been making claims about particular politicians for many years.

Although he has been ridiculed (some would say quite rightly) for many of his opinions if it turned out he was right would you reconsider any of his other theories?

a reply to: Merinda

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

David Icke is a moron and a full blown idiot.

All he ever did was throw out loads and loads of wild make enough claims and one will stick.

David Icke is a waste of time!!

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:21 PM
In no way will I ever accept the notion that there are shape shifting lizard people.

Pedophiles (and thrill killers, rapists, # straight out of "Hostel") in high doubt. Those at the top can pay to cover their perversions. And with the creation of the Ultra-rich class...people so untouchable they can do anything due to unlimited wealth, who knows what they have done just to do it and get away with it.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:23 PM
So what you are saying is that David Icke said as many things as possible on the understandind that sooer or later one of them would turn out to be true and he could say I told you so?

I take it then that even if it turns out to be true you will still consider him a moron?

a reply to: projectbane

+39 more 
posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Merinda

That's not the issue at hand. David Icke claims that not only are there pedophiles in high ranking government positions but that it is widespread among the elite and covered up by people that should know better. He also believes, as I also suspect, that these children are not only abused but sacrificed in occult rituals as well. I honestly don't care what others believe regarding this. However, research on this topic has lead me to believe it is true. I don't discount any of Icke's theories. I have read all of his books and have come to believe him to be a rather sane and rational individual. This of course is simply my own opinion.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:24 PM
As above, if it turns out he was right would it not make you reconsider some of his other theories.

Maybe not the lizzard thing but would you give him a little more credit?

a reply to: the owlbear

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
So what you are saying is that David Icke said as many things as possible on the understandind that sooer or later one of them would turn out to be true and he could say I told you so?

I take it then that even if it turns out to be true you will still consider him a moron?

a reply to: projectbane

Yes, because we could all sit here and say things and eventually something will come true. The guy is a moron.

Here is MY claim.....David Icke will be found out to be ONE of the pedos from back in the 80's. HE will be arrested and charged with molesting children...after all, he fits the bill. That is my claim.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:27 PM
An opinion that as far as I understand is none too popular on ats with fairly good reason.

For me I would not be here without his books and opinions even though I rarley read him anymore.

The politician I am reffering to if involved would certainly raise his esteem in ny opinion

a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:29 PM
So you do not like David Icke then?

Is this because he makes wild unfounded claims about people and gives no real reason for doing so?

Good luck with that, if it turns out to be true I will re address your wild claims/

a reply to: projectbane

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Before I begin I would like to say that yes, I know that most of the good people at ats do not like David Icke.

And yes I know he he claimed that the queen was a gekko and that the moon was a holographic so and so but this is one of his older theories.

David Icke has been adamant for years that several prominent politicians(one in particular) were involved in "satanic" ritual child abuse.

With the ongoing investigations my question is this?

If the politician he claimed was involved would you be prepared to re evaluate his other beliefs based on his assumption being correct.

In a word, no. Let's keep in mind that he hasn't proved this claim, either. I find it bizarre that so many people want it to be true.

+14 more 
posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:40 PM
David Icke has been spot on and I am starting to believe that it is so embedded in the whole establishment, if the truth is ever exposed, it will be their downfall; hence the delay of any inquiry.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

While I may not believe every assertion this man come's out with and too be frank if he was not making so much money from it would believe he was Bat Sh** Crazy (A little like myself on that point) I do nevertheless like this man, and yes he is spot on with this point, not so certain about the lizard's though but then it is a big universe so I supposed anything it possible.

I think I may have a look at his forum at some point.

edit on 21-12-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:42 PM
I personally do not want it to be true, I have not read Icke for many years but with the current investigations I was wondering if he was right after all.

He went after one UK politican in particular and if implicated surley it validates him in some way?

a reply to: Tangerine

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:44 PM
If I remember one of his talks and books a while ago he admits that close freinds begged him to keep the lizzard part out of it, they beleived him right up untill that point.

But if he keeps getting it right then at what point would one stop beleiving?

a reply to: LABTECH767

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

Claiming that there are pedophiles in high places (and low ones as well) and claiming that there are shape shifting lizards are two different animals. One is a probable scenario and one is not. I hope you can see that. Just because the same person says both things doesn't really mean much.

So no, I'm not going to re-evaluate my stance on the probability of a holographic moon because he claimed something else was going on that has been since before he was born.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:45 PM
I think DI was onto something here. A mean, I don`t know about auld queeny and co are talking iguanas sort of thing, but I would definately think that DI does genuinely know something about pedo rings in the elite. To me the fact that a certain jimmy saville was prince charles` childhood mentor says a heck of lot. A mean think about that for a moment.

The problem I find with DI is some of his ideas are made up of great, thought provoking topics, but then he starts going on about the lizard people and all sorts of strange nonsense and i cringe slightly and turn him off. So no, I wouldn`t believe everything he says but I do think on this subject he is worth listening to. I certainly don`t think he threw a load of stuff out there hoping some would stick either.

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:48 PM
Agreed but the point I was attempting to make is that he did not make a broad claim but highlighted certain individuals in particular.

If these eminent elites came into investigation and were found guilty it would go a long way towards re evalulating his work.
a reply to: Taupin Desciple

posted on Dec, 21 2014 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: nonspecific

I think when you start claiming pretty wild things about living people then you have a responsibility to be able to prove those claims. I believe English common law calls it slander if you can't prove your claims then it is punishable...and rightly so.

I wouldn't want someone calling me a Pedophile with no proof and screaming it all over the place. In a civil society things like that aren't allowed.

Icke has so many wild claims out there it is going to take more than one being true to get me to shift my judgement of him. Alot more than one.

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