posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to:
i cain't contribute, BUT i can give a very, very helpful advice. Be careful of the kinds of ads you put on here and who gets more air time and cost.
In today's society this thinking is a cool gold coin in the pocket, if you know what i mean. Adds are a huge reflection of companies and if they
think something poped up as bad on your website with one of their adds was on it, even tho it was not connected to the bad , you get labeled bad. In
other words. If you have a bowl of sugar and an add puts up a short add," on the bowl of sugar" then the sugar in the bowl gets dirty. How is a
customer going to portray that sugar bowl? DIRTY. NO buy here. They don't like this, they would like the sugar bowl to remain a white clean color
other than the dirt specs that flew in it. My advice is to clean out ads that are inside of all the
topics you feel might be to controversial or high impact and leave ads in that are not high impact. Do this and you will have cleanned the sugar bowl
and put new sugar in. To make things even more better add a little honey in this christmas if you know what i mean. I should of went into buisness,
but that is not my thing, so merry chiristmas and i hope this helps. Maybe for chistmas talk about a topic that asks
what is your favorite comercials to sweeten the deal.