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Buddha rebuked a Demiurge god, who thought he was, The One True God.

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posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: JUhrman

The folks that crucified him had no problem understanding what he meant. The definition as you have it is really very ignorant this. Christ was indeed saying that His relationship with the Father was a divine one and different from the general understanding that we are all sons of God.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: JUhrman

The folks that crucified him had no problem understanding what he meant. The definition as you have it is really very ignorant this. Christ was indeed saying that His relationship with the Father was a divine one and different from the general understanding that we are all sons of God.

You see, that's always the problem when spiritual teachers try to convey something infinite with mere words. A lot of people are stuck at the most literal interpretations. I literally try in vain to convey my ideas for the last pages, and each time it's like I only talk to the wind. I'm used to it so no big deal, but if you want to talk with me about god and Jesus, you have to understand I will not talk about them as a Christian but as a mystic.

I'm not talking about what I believe, I'm talking about what I know, what I experienced. People who had the same experience know what I talk about too, that's also why I can tell when someone (even like Jesus) had a personal experience of god.

Yes Jesus considered he had a special relationship with god, because he experienced god, first hand.

I consider the same about me, and if you ask me if I'm the son of god I will say yes, I could say that. And then you would laugh at me and my apparent smugness in saying so, and deep down I'll know it's not at all the kind of message I want to convey.

My relationship with god is divine, and different from the general understanding of what god is. Yet I'm not special, there are countless people like me. We are not smarter, more devout, better or anything.

We just had an experience, like alien abductees or people with NDE, an experience that we cannot convey through words and that a lot of people call god. I'm perfectly aware that the vast majority of people don't see god that way, and it's perfectly normal since you can't visualize a subjective experience until you have it yourself.

That's what god is for me, and I'm 99% sure it's what it was for Jesus, and plenty of other spiritual teachers and mystics because I can tell by the words they use and the metaphor they make. I can also tell by personal discussions with other people like monks and priests.

Now if you don't agree with me, I have no problem with that, but trust me when I tell you someone can say he is the son of god without meaning he is someone better than others.

Now if you want to know more about that god I talk about, I'm available for it. But if we are going to be stuck with literal metaphors like god took some clay to make man, and then he judges our actions and sends us in a fiery pit if we have been bad, sorry, It's not my thing.

But if you want to know what these means and all other usual declarations about god and jesus in the context of god as a personally experienced reality, I'm all yours.
edit on 18-12-2014 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 06:40 AM
I agree with the view of false gods. I think though that buddah stood for something much more than that. He purely wanted to bring wisdom and insight to every other human just how he found it. It must've been an incredible experience to find what he found. I belive Buddhism is the only truely peaceful spiritual way of life. Every other religion brings death, suffering, condemnation, and horrors just to convert humans to your faith. I'm catholic but I don't belive because I haven't done evil that my original sin would let a god condem me to eternal fire and pain. Faith and spirituality is what you make it.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 06:53 AM

And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus; and Lucifer is worshipped by men under the name of Brahma; and Leviathan is worshipped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshipped by men under the name of Buddha.

The Cry of the 3rd Aethyr, Which is Called ZON

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: NiZZiM
I agree with the view of false gods. I think though that buddah stood for something much more than that. He purely wanted to bring wisdom and insight to every other human just how he found it. It must've been an incredible experience to find what he found. I belive Buddhism is the only truely peaceful spiritual way of life. Every other religion brings death, suffering, condemnation, and horrors just to convert humans to your faith. I'm catholic but I don't belive because I haven't done evil that my original sin would let a god condem me to eternal fire and pain. Faith and spirituality is what you make it.

I understand where you are coming from but what you say isn't correct. Of course there is the very common generalization regarding religious extremism that makes people believe religions (and not men) are responsible for suffering; forced conversions and killings. It's of course wrong.

But then, even your views regarding the catholic faith aren't in line with what is taught in the catechism so maybe you should re-read it to check if what you believe about christian faith and what is the reality of christian faith are the same thing.

For example you talk about eternal fire and pain while what the catholic church describes regarding hell (that's what we are talking about right?) as explained in the catechism, hell is (again!) a subjective and personal experience, self-imposed by the sinner who refuses to repent and seek forgiveness for it.

To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."

We may discuss for pages about what this means, but the key words are self-imposed, and exclusion. So I don't know where you got the idea that god sends us to hell (Actually I do, it's a lot of false preconceptions about religions like so many people here), but god doesn't do that. Actually, god isn't a person so he doesn't exactly do things.

The catholic church is clear, hell means this:

We exclude ourselves from the love of god

If you think this his something you can't accept from a religious teaching, I don't know what to tell you.

It's just basic logic and advice, you can't force love unto someone if he doesn't want to accept it. All that BS about a fiery pit and pain is just BS from people reading the text with a literal mind. It's not in the catechism and not the message conveyed by the church.

Maybe it's the message conveyed by some christian extremists and this again is where the problem with religions lies: extremisms and fundamentalisms.
edit on 18-12-2014 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Falcifer

And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus; and Lucifer is worshipped by men under the name of Brahma; and Leviathan is worshipped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshipped by men under the name of Buddha. - The Cry of the 3rd Aethyr, Which is Called ZON

I don't think a demon, who wants to influence humanity to follow the flesh instead of The Spirit would be warning people that pleasures of the flesh are short-lived, and to detach from things of the flesh such as greed and lust, like The Buddha did.

Maybe whoever wrote that didn't mean to say that belial is literally The Buddha, but instead, this demon is pretending to be Buddha to deceive people just as satan is pretending to be Jesus.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

All animate beings (and some not) have sentience that differ in degrees of "awareness". An ape would look at your structure as something to take apart and play with. A bear would consider it a possible winter 'den site' (bears are practical and take advantage of an opportunity). Neither animal would/could conceive this place you built as one created by a higher intelligence because it has no capacity for discernment on a human level (nice geodesic dome).

was just trying to make a point, like an "ant" seeing us, doesn't have the ability to fathom or comprehend, "us", so to, logic/reason dictates, that human logic/reason are limited (i.e. we can't fathom the size of our own universe, let alone galaxy), so it would be impossible for us to fathom inanimate beings that operate on a level a million times beyond us. And there are such beings, where we are like "ants" in intelligence compared to them. So a person can come across something like this via indigenous culture's "plant" substances, or NDE's, or sponataneous obe, and to them, a being like this has to be "god", even though in reality it is not.

We see the created world as one we created.

The world was here before humans existed.

Why does the truth have to be 'mythologicalized'; myth is truth one way or another no matter what belief system it originates from. They all mimic the same story lines (oddly). It is not hard at all to conclude this planet is a petri dish, experimental lab for all forms of potential to spring from by "others" (and they have many names throughout many cultures). I agree with "if a human observed a being doing/would think its god"; however they missed the part of the engineering process that caused them/made them cognizant or aware (enlightened as to their immediate circumstances).

Some think myth, or think there's some truth to it, while others still think its entirely true. Thus the nature of human thinking.

I am of the opinion we are God Particles it divided from itself to KNOW ITSELF better and ITS potential (as was lonely) and all behavior (human/animal) is allowed as it OWNS all failings or triumphs/living as/through us, its minions to express itself. There is no foul.

I mean, everyone has a variety of opinions of how it is, but really it is only one way, yes? I agree with you in as much as there seems to be some sort of aspect of freewill, or the allowance of duality to play itself out. Still, its chaos on earth, and in the spirit realms where I've seen/heard hells and souls trapped there, so at this point I am of the opinion that it shouldn't be this way. Something somewhere went wrong and the suffering that exists, should not be. The majority have a conscience and spontaneously "act" if they see a helpless puppy/kitty, child, old woman struggling/suffering. Now multiply the degrees of suffering to global scale.

I understand it this way. There is a field of energy or the Absolute Unbounded Oneness. One thinker sees it as a binary system of 1s and 0s organizing itself to make long strings of something that would resemble communication. Another would see it as Chaos organizing itself into small visual fractal compartments (coast line of England is the same visually from observed above at 4 inches as it is from 4 miles). I would not give "Source" the time of day; as IT is an egotistical narcissist blowhard.

"Source" is just a word, and yet in my own experience, separating the observer from the observed, I've found that the "source" of me as the observer, is the infinite ocean of beingness (omnipresent), to the drop of water that seems to be the pure subjectivity of pure obeersver, hence the term, "source." Any hang ups on the word are created in your own mind.

Right. Christ becomes the sacrificial lamb for all sins before committed and all after. Everyone gets a Pass Go FREE card to heaven (do not think that was the plan; not sure he's that happy about his unfortunate physical demise or his (unintended spiritual birth of an organized belief system).

Or it was intended. If I was in his shoes and knew hat being born here I would rememember my origins and that being crucified would free even a handful of souls from getting recycled or entering "hell," then sign me up for getting killed. Would be totally worth it.

So; Demiurge can be any belief system (faith): .gov, Hollywood studio or traveling carnival you have doubts or suspicions about.

no, demiurge is specific to a creator god, that thinks he is the one true god. Has nothing to do with hierarchical structures and belief systems.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:56 PM
The path to Enlightenment is paved with the rotting corpses of organized religions.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Eunuchorn

The path to Enlightenment is paved with the rotting corpses of organized religions.

That's true. People learn by making mistakes and finding solutions. The more mistakes there are, the more solutions to be found. The more questions to ask, the more answers to discover. So, it makes sense that the road to Enlightenment is paved with war and dead. People aren't born knowing everything, it takes time to crawl, walk, and hold peace.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: dominicus

was just trying to make a point, like an "ant" seeing us, doesn't have the ability to fathom or comprehend, "us", so to, logic/reason dictates, that human logic/reason are limited (i.e. we can't fathom the size of our own universe, let alone galaxy), so it would be impossible for us to fathom inanimate beings that operate on a level a million times beyond us. And there are such beings, where we are like "ants" in intelligence compared to them. So a person can come across something like this via indigenous culture's "plant" substances, or NDE's, or sponataneous obe, and to them, a being like this has to be "god", even though in reality it is not.

kinda makes you wonder...if god came across a being vastly greater and more intelligent than himself, would he recognize it? and would he accept it as superior?

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: dominicus

Christians/Jews/Muslims.....that last line sound familiar to you?

Yeah, reminds me of what satan wants to claim for himself.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 07:23 PM
originally posted by: dominicus
a reply to: veteranhumanbeing

All animate beings (and some not) have sentience that differ in degrees of "awareness". An ape would look at your structure as something to take apart and play with. A bear would consider it a possible winter 'den site' (bears are practical and take advantage of an opportunity). Neither animal would/could conceive this place you built as one created by a higher intelligence because it has no capacity for discernment on a human level (nice geodesic dome).

dominicus: was just trying to make a point, like an "ant" seeing us, doesn't have the ability to fathom or comprehend, "us", so to, logic/reason dictates, that human logic/reason are limited (i.e. we can't fathom the size of our own universe, let alone galaxy), so it would be impossible for us to fathom inanimate beings that operate on a level a million times beyond us. And there are such beings, where we are like "ants" in intelligence compared to them. So a person can come across something like this via indigenous culture's "plant" substances, or NDE's, or sponataneous obe, and to them, a being like this has to be "god", even though in reality it is not.

You made your point (I was adding fuel to your argument). Does it truly matter that the ant recognises that giant foot as God or that it represents instant death; will step upon/squash them. I'm thinking metaphors here, we are no better off in understanding 'the grand plan' than the lowest of low on the evolutionary scale.

We see the created world as one we created.

dominicus: The world was here before humans existed.

Tell that to the powerful; the wealthy influential industrial robber barrens, the Hitler's of the world (they would sigh in exasperation) as would have no other answer than this "The world is my oyster, there for the taking".

Why does the truth have to be 'mythologicalized'; myth is truth one way or another no matter what belief system it originates from. They all mimic the same story lines (oddly). It is not hard at all to conclude this planet is a petri dish, experimental lab for all forms of potential to spring from by "others" (and they have many names throughout many cultures). I agree with "if a human observed a being doing/would think its god"; however they missed the part of the engineering process that caused them/made them cognizant or aware (enlightened as to their immediate circumstances).

dominicus: Some think myth, or think there's some truth to it, while others still think its entirely true. Thus the nature of human thinking.

Any contemplation regarding any difficult concept is a positive; unless it organizes into something destructive and unnatural (thought forms can manifest upon themselves and grow into ugly outcomes).

I am of the opinion we are God Particles it divided from itself to KNOW ITSELF better and ITS potential (as was lonely) and all behavior (human/animal) is allowed as it OWNS all failings or triumphs/living as/through us, its minions to express itself. There is no foul.

dominicus: I mean, everyone has a variety of opinions of how it is, but really it is only one way, yes? I agree with you in as much as there seems to be some sort aspect of freewill, or the allowance of duality to play itself out. Still, its chaos on earth, and in the spirit realms where I've seen/heard hells and souls trapped there, so at this point I am of the opinion that it shouldn't be this way. Something somewhere went wrong and the suffering that exists, should not be. The majority have a conscience and spontaneously "act" if they see a helpless puppy/kitty, child, old woman struggling/suffering. Now multiply the degrees of suffering to global scale.

Yes, still it is seeming Chaos on earth (always has been) we have instant access to the hotspots via communication satellites something came off of its wheels (seeing as we are informed MODERN societies). There is an imbalance that is tactile. Organized religion may have maintained a 'sort of' balance' between nations for 1800 years but these last 200 hundred? Perhaps the speed up of information dissemination is speeding up reaction times (slow boat communication threat to china is long in the past).

dominicus: "Source" is just a word, and yet in my own experience, separating the observer from the observed, I've found that the "source" of me as the observer, is the infinite ocean of beingness (omnipresent), to the drop of water that seems to be the pure subjectivity of pure obeersver, hence the term, "source." Any hang ups on the word are created in your own mind.

Alright. Your explanation is personal as to a division that happens with perception of "ME VS THEM" or (Am I or am I not that reflection in that mirror). I do not have a hang up regarding the word 'Source"; only the being that calls itself "Source Entity".

Right. Christ becomes the sacrificial lamb for all sins before committed and all after. Everyone gets a Pass Go FREE card to heaven (do not think that was the plan; not sure he's that happy about his unfortunate physical demise or his (unintended spiritual birth of an organized belief system).

dominicus: Or it was intended. If I was in his shoes and knew hat being born here I would rememember my origins and that being crucified would free even a handful of souls from getting recycled or entering "hell," then sign me up for getting killed. Would be totally worth it.

You should have a conversation with him. Even though born fully 9 dimensional he did not sign up for saving souls LITERALLY. It was the good news message regarding the guarantee that the soul is eternal and in so being your 'now individualized spirit' remains everlasting. Eternal. Forever existing. Not to be recycled as a paper product.

dominicus: demiurge is specific to a creator god, that thinks he is the one true god. Has nothing to do with hierarchical structures and belief systems.

Can you name a specific creator god that thinks he is the one true god? If it has nothing to do with governmental systems in the higher realms or human belief systems what has it TO DO WITH (monitoring ocean wave activity, plate tectonics)? I can name one that fits, Source Entity.
edit on 18-12-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: Eunuchorn
The path to Enlightenment is paved with the rotting corpses of organized religions.

The 'enlightenment of meeting your creator via death' aftermath caused by an organized religion (funded by a monarchy) coming upon your civilization with "Welcome Us (we have glass bead baubles that will vastly improve your circumstances)".
edit on 18-12-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 08:08 PM
originally posted by: NOTurTypical
a reply to: dominicus

dominicus: Christians/Jews/Muslims.....that last line sound familiar to you?

NOTurTypical: Yeah, reminds me of what satan wants to claim for himself.

Or sees as 'easy pickings'.
edit on 18-12-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Humans have traces of the divine in even our fallen non Buddha nature.

It’s a humdy-dumpty thing

Putting the broken faculties of perception back in order. As of now our perception leads to suffering as the great Buddha taught and also the Vendanta and Sufi masters teach.

The divine is actually only the basic reality of being: which is feeling or consciousness or aliveness

That’s why the Muslim idea of God being closer to us than our very life vein is true.

What else but feeling or consciousness or aliveness is divine, imo.

Humans have six(7) natures; the divine nature is the most fundamental… which is feeling. We are trying to cultivate good feeling again: putting hunpty-dumpy back together.

edit on 18-12-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-12-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Demiurge is the reality and combination of God plus the evil in this world.

What we have to understand is that the problem IS THE WORLD

That’s it. The world that created the broken faculties (the fall of man) Ibles

And that which maintains it (Satan) and its negative emanations: Dajjal and Gog & Magog;

Dajjal= False religion, deception, Gog & Magog=War, violence, crime etc

5 negative archetypes

Gog= Materialism
Magog=Violence, warfare, conquest

Add to this all the good stuff (there is good left over from the fall) and you have:


edit on 18-12-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 10:33 PM
Let’s straiten out this Mara thing.

This is the idea that when a seeker is ready to get to the last stage of enlightenment when they actually are ready to advance, so the myth goes THE DEVIL SHOWS IN THE FLESH!

I hope this ain't true cause I don’t ever want to see the ugly son of a bitch.

Cause I will go up side his head!

Even though they say when he, she, or it, shows, it may be in the form of a beauty.

I won't go up side her head

Maybe upside something else

That’s the meaning of this Mara entity allegory or true story, imo.

Something similar happened to Jesus when he did his 40 day fast and at the end the devil showed and offered him all this world if he would do this or that.

So Mara was Buddha’s “devil “
It wasn’t anything to do with any demiurge

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Willtell

I think he's the guardian/dweller of the threshold from the esoteric traditions but it's just my guess.

Tempting, manipulating and provoking, yeah he's very good at that.

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Can you name a specific creator god that thinks he is the one true god? If it has nothing to do with governmental systems in the higher realms or human belief systems what has it TO DO WITH (monitoring ocean wave activity, plate tectonics)? I can name one that fits, Source Entity.

our lives/personalities here reflect the possibilities in the afterlife. There are TONS, and I mean T O N S of people who are narcissistic socio/psychopath types who thing they are "god" in their own minds. Not that hard to see a number of beings believing that in the spirit realms as well considering the spirit realms are filled to the brim (just like the billions here) with all sorts of beings of various sizes and various intelligence levels.

And just like here on earth 99% of people don't remember their origins, so too in the spirit realms, those beings also forget their origins, therefore live in ignorance of their true nature. I'm lucky enough to have remembered, and for everyone reading this, the memories of your own pre-existence are in your just have to dive deep and meditate with the intention to remember.

posted on Dec, 19 2014 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

For the last time: saying you are the son of god is perfectly nomal for a mystic to say (we all are children of god). It only makes no sense if you haven't experienced god yourself (god is an inner experience), which is likely your case, and keep believing god is some kind of dude who decides who lives or die.

Well I'm glad it THE LAST TIME.

If I had to choose between your shot out self ascending ideas about god?
( No consequence, it's all good peaches and cream forever do as thou wilt )
And my belief that scripture will live forever because that's how it is for

Do I need go on?

Your lil man made religion is pathetic.

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