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posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: NonsensicalUserName
a reply to: Rabb420

I think it's more about preventing co-opting of the movement,

So, I guess with that logic, only white folk are guilty of co-opting their movement. A black person would NEVER lie to them or lead them astray.......riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Everyone that believes that, should be required to seek hair style advice from DOn King.

edit on 12/6/2014 by Krakatoa because: Fixed spelling and other fat-finger errors

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Hey he's got some gorgeous hair. Full, thick, lustrous. Boxers rub it for good luck. They wring the water out on rainy days.

But Al Sharpton comes to mind. There's sell outs in every movement.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 06:47 PM

It does happen...On opposite day.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

Who is Abby Hoffman?

You supported...spitting on YOUR own TROOPS then?
WHAT is a Tea Party member?

So free sex and fatherless children have so GREATLY improved the US the Russians helped pay for it?
What was the World Peace Council?

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

Born 1960

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Sorry I didn't respond to that but here is her record.
I would think she does what the party tells her not express an opinion.
She is a domestic issue lady mostly.

AND she likes Bourbon...alot.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:42 PM
Again its the same old us vs them divide strategy. The very thought that any race, person, or thing/matter is different than any other is an illusion, all are the same and science backs this up. Did the universe not start from a singularity/THE BIG BANG? Dont all things have the same source? Not to mention god/infinate energy/counsiousness being part of everything in the universe. What you think of others is just a reflection on what you think of god and what you think of yourself. So be free from illusions in reguards to race or any other divisive us vs them mentality. You have been led to the waters of truth, its up to you to drink. I reccomend all should at least try and EVOLVE

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

I would think she does what the party tells her not express an opinion.

Your link bears that out. She parrots what others said. Spoke for WMD and regime change prior to the first Iraq invasion.

Lied right along with the rest of them. I guarantee you Abbie Hoffman and Thomas Jefferson both would spin in their graves at her.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: diggindirt

Who is Abby Hoffman?

You supported...spitting on YOUR own TROOPS then?
WHAT is a Tea Party member?

So free sex and fatherless children have so GREATLY improved the US the Russians helped pay for it?
What was the World Peace Council?

Abbie was a Yippie. He never advocated violence against anybody and he certainly never spit on returning soldiers. He advocated and practiced non-violent protests. He targeted Wall Street long before Occupy folks were born. He taught people to use humor and silliness to point out the hypocrisy and horror. He spent the last decade of his life working pro bono to keep the government from confiscating lands under the guise of conservation. He not only talked the talk, he walked the walk. There are thousands of us out here today carrying on because he inspired us to make changes, to "keep one foot in the street and one in the voting booth" and to do without violence.
What on earth does the Tea Party have to do with this thread? !!!
I don't know about virgin births but the free sex was good. Personally, I've never paid for sex but if you think that's the way it should be, I'm down with it for you.
I'm feeling a bit thick now and can't figure out what that part about Russians paying for "it"---the free sex or the virgin births? Hmmm, must be the virgin births cause it wouldn't be free sex if the Russians paid for I said, I don't know anything about virgin births resulting in fatherless children. You'd have to talk to the Jesus people about that one. They were a different group of hippies.
The World Peace Council? A communist backed organization if memory serves me. What has that to do with this thread?

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: diggindirt

Will you be so inclusive as to humor me on the TEA PARTY issue?
I didn't ask what Mr. Hoffman did I ASKED ABOUT YOUR choices diring that war.
Now where did your head just take a question about kids without fathers and the contribitions of such arrangements to America?
Rappers don't own THAT one,it's rolling since the Beatniks.
I HATE wikipedia ,
Here watch this.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: intrptr

No HIPPIES ARE IN CHARGE now in the US ONLY...OLIGARCHS run the world,IMF and the like. THAT type of group cannot FUNCTION on the world turf. They alienate the people required to do so who ACTUALLY have the skills.

Too right...

Who Runs the World ? – Network Analysis Reveals ‘Super Entity’ of Global Corporate Control


US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study

Anyone who thinks voting or protesting is going to change what we have become as a country (world, really) are deluded.

Way before any sincere movement grew large enough to make any kind of real difference, it would either be co-opted, derailed, or destroyed because of things like this:

PRISM - The Mirror That Betrays You

And if by some miracle, a group did manage to avoid the above, all they have to do is pull out their toys:

Electromagnetism, UFOs, and the Weaponization of Alien Technology

The only hope that I see we lowly peasants have is that there is some sort of anti-TPTB out there which will eventually come to our rescue.

I doubt that though.

I mean, these are the type of people we running our 'civilization:'

ANONYMOUS: Campaign to Highlight UK's HighProfile Pedo Ring #OpDeathEaters


Vatican Pedophilia Scandal: Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski Stored Over 100,000 Child Porn Videos

And yet, while all of the above continues unabated, there are not people in the streets over these blatant evil and corrupt organizations.

People do allow themselves to get behind supporting a crimnal who attacked a police officer by rioting and lootng, however. Which actions will only allow those in the oligarchy to justify further overreach.

All of which is lost on nearly everyone involved in the protests mentioned in the OP, I would wager.

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: diggindirt

Will you be so inclusive as to humor me on the TEA PARTY issue?
I didn't ask what Mr. Hoffman did I ASKED ABOUT YOUR choices diring that war.
Now where did your head just take a question about kids without fathers and the contribitions of such arrangements to America?
Rappers don't own THAT one,it's rolling since the Beatniks.
I HATE wikipedia ,
Here watch this.

Please stop attempting to derail the thread. If you want to start your own thread about the TEA party and the happenings in the '60s and '70s I'll be sure to contribute.
But I will clear up your confusion on "fatherless" children. If they have no father, it had to be a virgin birth. I never heard of a hippie chick making any such claim but you must understand that back then there were no social media sites to keep us informed of what other groups were doing. Heck, Lexington had several distinct groups and each group did their own thing. We cooperated with each other and didn't exclude anyone unless they expressed the wish or plan to do violence.
But as it is today, the peaceful groups didn't get on TV. Those who threw urine on returning soldiers and those who firebombed buildings got on the nightly news. Once Nixon took office and our state elected a Republican governor the campaign to paint all of us as commies and anarchists was stepped up. And the attempted infiltrations became more frequent.
See, a lot of us had seen the success of the civil rights movement, how cooperation among people worked to make things better for all. We also saw how a few bad actors, bussed in by radical, violent factions could ruin an entire town in just a few months. I was only 13 years old when the troubles began in Cairo, IL, a town less than 2 hours from my home at that time. (Take a look ) The incident that began the troubles there was the death of young black man while in custody of the police department. Sound familiar?
By the time Dr. King was murdered I was living in Nashville. Again, the rioters got the attention from the media, not the peaceful groups that met to mourn and comfort one another. One of the student civil rights organizations at Vandy made it their habit to make snacks and coffee available to the police and the National Guard after martial law was declared. They practiced the teachings of Dr. King.
I simply don't see those espousing Dr. King's views getting any attention today. The radical atheists certainly don't want to admit that a man of God had anything to add to society.
Same with John F. Kennedy. He would be booted clean out of the party he once led. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." just doesn't fit the party today in any way.
Those men challenged us to be better people. They reached out and encouraged us all to join hands and go forward as one nation. I don't see that spirit manifested in those who get the attention today and it makes me sad.
But us old hippies just keep on trying to make changes, trying to follow what Bobby Kennedy told us:

Few of us will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of these acts will be written the history of this generation. Robert F. Kennedy

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

My feeling is, Ferguson is their fight. I am an ally and I support them. But they have to rise up and make this happen. No one else can do it for them.

Police brutality in general is my fight. But in the cases of police targeting blacks, I don't have a dog in that race. I will cheer for them, but if they would prefer I step back, I'm going to step back. Not because they don't like white people, but because they are fighting for their lives and I respect them for that.

This is not about me. Or any white person.

Im sorry, but if civil rights and liberties of a certain segment of the population are at stake, then its everyone's fight, not just of the group being targeted.

You can't ask someone not to fight for what they think is right, as this sort of issues affect us all someway or another.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: diggindirt

Havent derailled a thing I asked you simple questions. YOU are expressing FEAR not to spacificaly answer which is the halmark of your ilk.

Never a straight answer.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 01:24 AM
Yet another thread of us vs them, fanning the flames of seperation and hate rather than universal love and peace. There will never be a difference between the races no matter how ignorant people choose to become, all races are one.

Be prepared for a singularity where the illusion of race is gone and I say good riddance.

God lives in every heart white, black, yellow, or even blue get it got it good!

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

They don't believe you.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: FormOfTheLord


They don't believe you.

There is no they nor me all is part of the one divine, the illusion which seperates is just that an illusion.

God or infinate counsiousness permeates the entire universe, whats not to believe.

A blind man may not believe the sun exists doesnt mean its not there.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Nothing you say or do will change how they perceive something that affects them personally. Again, it comes down to each of us to decide based on the situation what our roles are in things. If you are not welcome into a situation then accept that and do something where you can bring about change to combat such concerns.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: diggindirt

Havent derailled a thing I asked you simple questions. YOU are expressing FEAR not to spacificaly answer which is the halmark of your ilk.

Never a straight answer.

Again, please stop trying to redirect the discussion. I'm not sure what my "ilk" is but look in your PM for my message to you. Ask me a straight question and I'll give you a straight answer. I didn't know any Russians. I never paid for sex. I never had a fatherless child. Just for the record.

Things like this distress me because the most divisive voices are given the most volume by msm; another thing that hasn't changed in the past 40+ years. "Peace, love and freedom" chants just don't get the same ratings as arson and mayhem. Just like in the '60s and '70s, I'm highly suspicious that a lot of that mayhem is the work of agents employed by governmental agencies. I know that it happened back then and I have no reason to believe that anything has changed.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: diggindirt

originally posted by: cavtrooper7

a reply to: diggindirt

Havent derailled a thing I asked you simple questions. YOU are expressing FEAR not to spacificaly answer which is the halmark of your ilk.

Never a straight answer.

Again, please stop trying to redirect the discussion. I'm not sure what my "ilk" is but look in your PM for my message to you. Ask me a straight question and I'll give you a straight answer. I didn't know any Russians. I never paid for sex. I never had a fatherless child. Just for the record.

Things like this distress me because the most divisive voices are given the most volume by msm; another thing that hasn't changed in the past 40+ years. "Peace, love and freedom" chants just don't get the same ratings as arson and mayhem. Just like in the '60s and '70s, I'm highly suspicious that a lot of that mayhem is the work of agents employed by governmental agencies. I know that it happened back then and I have no reason to believe that anything has changed.

I too have noticed that the more it divides humanity the more attention it gets, because people have been seeded with base hatred and want to find an excuse to believe they are bad we are good when in fact all are one. Love doesnt get a voice in mass media because that leads to a singularity in human kind.

Sad people always pride themselves on an us vs them when god/infinite enerfy/counsiousness dwells equally in all things and people but instead of seeing each other as divine/infinate energy/counsiousness society comes up with silly reasons to further delude and divide humankind so that it can be said that humans arent ready for the next step in their evolution back to square one. Truth be told god lives in all choose not to see or dont even try doesnt mean god isnt there in every particle of creation.

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