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posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 11:35 AM
It's like some people never heard of the 3/5ths compromise.

Oh, and speaking of hanging, it's possible that lynching still happens but is being written off as suicide.
The strange death of Lennon Lacy: Another lynching mistaken for suicide?

"I need EMS," said the caller, a woman who got physically ill during the conversation. "I have a man hanging from a swing set … Bladen Rental Properties."

The dispatcher told the caller to cut down the person to see if he was breathing. He wasn't. The call ended with the dispatcher sending help as the distraught woman tried to loose the body.

The initial investigation into the death, conducted by a State Bureau of Investigation team working under the direction of the local district attorney, quickly concluded that Lacy's death was a suicide -- too quickly, the N.C. NAACP charges.

The civil rights group has gotten involved in the case at the request of the Lacy family, who find it difficult to believe Lennon committed suicide. They say he was excited about playing his first varsity football game on the very day his body was discovered. They bristle over investigators' claim that he was suicidally depressed and say he was just experiencing normal grief over the recent death of his great-uncle. There are also questions about why if the teen were going to kill himself he would do so at a mostly white trailer park.

There are a variety of odd things about this case. There are also others that have happened that are also odd - some of which are mentioned in this article. One could argue that this sort of thing wouldn't happen today - Michael Donald died 33 years ago - but given how many murders go unsolved... I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of suicides are actually murders.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: sirlancelot
a reply to: Boadicea

What I don't see from your post is how people especially black people have a high dis regard for authority. Not just police authority but all authority.

Okay. And? I'm not sure what you want me to do with that.

No one has to respect authority. Especially when that authority -- and the attendant power -- is grossly abused, violating both the letter and spirit of the Social Contract, from which all government authority and power is derived, including law enforcement.

More to the point, we already know and expect there will be people of every size, shape and color who grossly violate the laws protecting the rights of others, hence, the reason we have law enforcement. That does not excuse bad behavior on the part of law enforcement officers, nor does it excuse bad laws or procedures good law enforcement officers are expected to enforce.

I totally agree LEO's are over reaching with their oaths. I agree they infringe on ALL of our civil rights especially black people. That being said too many black people use white people as an excuse.

I honestly cant blame black people for having animosity but they need to rise above and take responsibility for their actions and lack of actions.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: diggindirt

OF COURSE its AGENTS. This DRAMA died in the 70s until OMAMA took office.
IT IS A COMPLETE WASTE of time and LIFE now.
If you can't take the heat of debate,I suggest you discuss MORE philosophical issues.
EVERY time we try to ask a question your resonse is off point egoic and self directed.
I couldn't care LESS about how YOU feel ,I speak of GROUP THINK failures here.

That's some leaps you've achieved there sir.
You asked a question:

Who is Abby Hoffman?

I answered your question as fully as I could by outlining who he was as I saw him, up close and personal.
Look it up---he attacked Wall Street---not with violence or vandalism---before the Occupy folks were even born!

You made it about me with your yelling at me:

You supported...spitting on YOUR own TROOPS then?

To which I answered you with a PM because I didn't want to further derail this thread.
For the record, no, I never spit on any troops. The troops were my friends, my relatives, men who went to war because they had no real choice in the matter or men who volunteered to defend our country. They were honorable men. As a matter of fact, I never spit on anybody---that is simply ridiculous and would have accomplished nothing. I wrote letters, I carried signs in marches, I voted. I boycotted the warmongers' businesses. I still do.
As I said, you saw the sensationalist protestors because they were the focus of the media. I could hold you blameless for that if it were still the '70s but if you still believe what you were fed back then about those of us protesting, you are indeed seeing with blinders.
Your rambling about the TEA party has no place in this discussion---the TEA party is about "taxed enough already" and began as a group who wanted to see spending reduced---allowing everyone who pays taxes to keep a bit more of their hard-earned money. This thread is about the focus msm and some other mind-numbed robots have put on the people who want to divide us by race.
You made this claim:

Those hippies are running the education system now.

And yet you have no facts to back it up and in the next post---

Sorry Hillarie and her ILK ARE whom I speak of legal,socialogy and science are completely glutted.

Trying to paint Hildabeast as a hippie! Again, nothing to back it up, just your observation. Well, sir, my observation, having been in education for over 20 years is that the corporate interests were the ones who took over education, especially higher education via their grants to universities. You can bet that if the hippies were running the universities Monsanto and Dow wouldn't be a presence on university campuses, nor would there be any "Free Speech Zones" because we advocated for Peace, Love and Freedom and against the Military Industrial complex who were sending our brothers/friends to Vietnam to increase their profits.
It's really convenient, isn't it, to blame all that is wrong in today's society on people who actually got out there and did something constructive, actually got laws passed, like the Civil Rights Act of 1954 ( and the Clean Water Act of 1972 ( so that our rivers didn't continue to burn.
You know what---like a lot of folks in my family at the time----I was a registered Democrat because I believed in what John Kennedy said.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

I believed and still do, that if we all join hands and work together we can make a better world for our children and grandchildren. I raised my kids that way, to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate and to "kill 'em with kindness" when people are nasty and divisive. However, when the Democrat party left those principles in the dust and nominated a serial abuser and rapist to run for president....I left that party and all other parties in the dust.
You sir, are free to believe whatever you wish to believe and if putting me down makes you feel like a big fellow, that's all cool with me because you have no power over me. I refuse to be a part of the system that seeks to put everyone in pigeon holes because of their skin color, their clothing, hairstyle or economic status.
The only boards of directors I've ever sat on were those of Habitat for Humanity and our local free clinic and yeah, there were several of us old hippies on those boards because we believe in the principle of lending a hand to help because we know that , "There, but for the grace of God, go I." So yeah, we're still here. We're still doing what we can in our small ways to be the change we want to see in the world. In fact, there were half a dozen of us just the other day that got together and made pies for the guys at the VFW to say Thanks for your service. Maybe you think we've all gone away just because we don't frequent your preferred hang-outs but we're still here and if you got involved with serving your community, actually getting out there and doing the hard work of change, you'd meet some of us.
Peace, love and freedom.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 07:40 PM
Abby Hoffman IS a teacher.
Monsontao is the OTHER SIDE they haven't BROKEN the good ol boy network yet but yuppies from your ranks (Sellouts you call them)are DEFINITELY complicit.
I can't work bad lungs from D.Storm,whatever the hell GULFWAR syndrome is.
IF YOU think I have PUT YOU down you are WAY too sensative.
MY argument is SKIN is a dead issue,protesting is worthless,but RIOTING on behalf of a suspect shoot is assinine and to be scorned.

IF you think somehow my statements have POWER over anyone, you are lacking a spine.
I am a former SCOUT I talk to everyone as you NOW hear,THEY SEEM remarkably intact,SOME even debated BACK.
IT HAS NOTHING to do with you just your subgroups philosophical failures by supporting this crap.
edit on 7-12-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I'd argue there's more than just a few. Recently I've seen a flurry of various "kill white people" comments online via Twitter to Facebook over this Ferguson issue.

a reply to: Boadicea

Give me a break. Michael Brown was a criminal who attacked a police officer. He got shot, and the only reason this is "racism" is because black racists can't help but to tear into whites. And why shouldn't I be allowed to call them on it when they use every chance they get to call whites on it, even if the whites aren't racists but only say something they don't agree with?

This has NOTHING to do with police brutality or police in general, as anyone, cop or not, would react in the same way. Everyone would have protected themselves. Anyone that claims otherwise is only being dishonest. "Oh no! I wouldn't shoot a guy trying to kill me!" Mmhmm!
edit on 8-12-2014 by Auricom because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: Auricom

a reply to: Boadicea

This has NOTHING to do with police brutality or police in general, as anyone, cop or not, would react in the same way. Everyone would have protected themselves. Anyone that claims otherwise is only being dishonest. "Oh no! I wouldn't shoot a guy trying to kill me!" Mmhmm!

I agree. It's a natural response to danger. Fight or flight. Officer Wilson chose to fight based on a variety of reasons, including his training. We don't know if racism was one of those reasons or not.

But here's the thing: One can just as easily (and truthfully say) this is NOTHING to do with Black thug mentality or Black thugs in general as anyone, Black or not, thug or not, would react in the same way. Everyone would have protected themselves. Anyone that claims otherwise is only being dishonest. "Oh no! I wouldn't try to stop a cop trying to shoot me!" Or, "Oh no! I wouldn't run away from a cop that's trying to kill me!" Mmhmm!

I'm not trying to say this has nothing to do with racism. I am saying racism is only one factor in this perfect storm. I am not saying that no one involved is racist. I am saying that not everyone involved is racist.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: sirlancelot

I totally agree LEO's are over reaching with their oaths. I agree they infringe on ALL of our civil rights especially black people. That being said too many black people use white people as an excuse.

I honestly cant blame black people for having animosity but they need to rise above and take responsibility for their actions and lack of actions.

All true. The biggest problem I see (at this point) is that too many people are profiting hugely by keeping Black people in the victim mentality, and keeping Whites in the defensive mentality, and keeping all of us fighting. The racial issues are there by design: the divide-and-conquer mentality.

Many problems... many instigators... few answers.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: sirlancelot

I totally agree LEO's are over reaching with their oaths. I agree they infringe on ALL of our civil rights especially black people. That being said too many black people use white people as an excuse.

I honestly cant blame black people for having animosity but they need to rise above and take responsibility for their actions and lack of actions.

All true. The biggest problem I see (at this point) is that too many people are profiting hugely by keeping Black people in the victim mentality, and keeping Whites in the defensive mentality, and keeping all of us fighting. The racial issues are there by design: the divide-and-conquer mentality.

Many problems... many instigators... few answers.

If there is a silver lining in all this it does appear some black leaders are not buying into the agenda and standing up against the machine. I have seen even citizen black people are realizing this as well. Even Garners daughter said his encounter was not about race it was about police brutality.

That being said I watched a documentary on CNN about how NYPD went about the stop and frisk, how they have arrest and ticket quotas, etc. Law enforcement is a business, a corporation, a tax even against the people. We do need major reform and public oversight. Internal oversight doesn't work. The band of LEO brothers will always protect their own.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I'd argue there's more than just a few. Recently I've seen a flurry of various "kill white people" comments online via Twitter to Facebook over this Ferguson issue.

a reply to: Boadicea

Give me a break. Michael Brown was a criminal who attacked a police officer. He got shot, and the only reason this is "racism" is because black racists can't help but to tear into whites. And why shouldn't I be allowed to call them on it when they use every chance they get to call whites on it, even if the whites aren't racists but only say something they don't agree with?

This has NOTHING to do with police brutality or police in general, as anyone, cop or not, would react in the same way. Everyone would have protected themselves. Anyone that claims otherwise is only being dishonest. "Oh no! I wouldn't shoot a guy trying to kill me!" Mmhmm!

Dude what on earth are going on about, a few ignorant people say ignorant things so what that changes nothing of the truth. There is no us vs them there is only us we are all the same.

It amazes me that some people will look for any excuse to hate and further divide saying look there its them see, see, they are bad we are good. We are all the same no difference between any race I recomend all people enlighten themselves to this scientific and divine fact. Go get quotes from a prison I am sure you will gets lots of ignorance go get quotes from a group of meditators I am sure you will get some enlightening comments. Look for bad and you will find it look for good and you will find that too. Look for god and I would only hope that you would find the divine.

UNIVERSAL PEACE AND LOVE thats what we all need not hate and division. God lives in everything and everyone if you choose to see it that way.

posted on Dec, 8 2014 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

And this guys excuse would be?

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: Auricom
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

I'm adding this here, not sure where else to put it and don't want to make a thread just for this video. However I feel it adds to the thread since it's about black racists in Ferguson.

The only reason why some believe the criminal Michael Brown was killed by a racist white cop, is because those very same people are racist themselves and see every single white person as a racist. The tables have turned, and I suppose this is the natural evolution of American idiocy.

Nailed it.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: sirlancelot

If there is a silver lining in all this it does appear some black leaders are not buying into the agenda and standing up against the machine. I have seen even citizen black people are realizing this as well. Even Garners daughter said his encounter was not about race it was about police brutality.

That being said I watched a documentary on CNN about how NYPD went about the stop and frisk, how they have arrest and ticket quotas, etc. Law enforcement is a business, a corporation, a tax even against the people. We do need major reform and public oversight. Internal oversight doesn't work. The band of LEO brothers will always protect their own.

Let's not forget civil asset forfeiture! It seems many people, from all races and walks of life, are beginning to look at the issue of police brutality and other police-related issues in a new light. It's really about abuse of authority at all levels of the bureaucratic hierarchy. I saw headlines that the supervising officer was a Black woman. It makes it a little harder to see race as the issue when the head honcho is the same race. Even for the daughter of Eric Garner -- perhaps especially for her.

It sure throws a wrench in the works for the race baiters. Let's hope it continues.

posted on Dec, 9 2014 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: Boadicea

And this guys excuse would be?

I have no excuse for him... I don't know what his excuse would be. He's obviously freaking crazy... values symbolism over substance... more than a little over-dramatic... can't see past the nose on his face... and looks at everything thru race-colored glasses.

My question is: Is this just him speaking from his heart? Or is he being paid to race-bait and keep our country and our people in a perpetual state of chaos and hate?

What do you think? Why do you ask?

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Both sides are responding to nuts who have started this mess and a system bent on exploitation.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 10:54 AM
We have failed, meaning this generation of people failed to move ahead or more simply evolve.

Guess it will be dumped on the kids of the next generation to deal with because this generation was incapable of getting over the Us Vs Them mentality.

It will keep going to the next generation until its no longer an issue, eventually a generation will be evolved enough to see past this Us Vs Them mentality which does nothing more than divide society.

Hate to pass this on to the kids but this failed generation just couldnt do it, its nothing more than an obsticale now, or in the way of progress and evolution.

The future generations of kids will have to meditate and see the divine within themselves and others because this generation just couldnt do it. If the next one doesnt get it right, it willl be passed on to the next after that, and continue until one of them finally gets it, a generation of universal peace and love, not universal war and hate.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

Sooo... how do 'they' expect the rest of society to get on board, if they stop the rest of society from getting on board? There is strength in numbers, especially when the numbers include a wide diversity. The message is stronger. What part of this is lost on these protesters? Now it just sounds like they want to whine 'no fair' and not really create change. Weird.

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 11:33 AM
With protest behaviour, things can get ugly and crowd psychology can quickly become irrational.
Where violence and violent tendencies exist, it is on a hair trigger.
Opportunism and the rush of diffused responsibility arises.
Peaceful protest , although intended, may not always end up that way.

Although the presence of white people protesting in solidarity, may be regarded by some as antagonistic.
If the numbers were great enough to make their exclusion impossible,
it would revert to a non racial issue, and become more into an inquiry, by all,
into police behaviour in their use of force.

Which I think cuts both ways.

With all your rights, but even with none :

When dealing with the police :

Rule #1 : don't make them nervous, the get jumpy real quick as they face real danger.
They can shoot you by mistake through their own fear.

Rule #2 : Respect their authority ,even if you despise doing so, and they are being real dicks.
Not doing so makes them feel undermined, invoking anger.
This is where you may get some testosterone based rough housing,
and/or other needlessly extended inconvenience.

Rule #3 : Know your rights, and note any procedural issues.
At an opportune moment, politely express them, hopefully with an impartial witness present.

More than likely a few more rules, not to get your self under boot or killed.

A good thing too, may to not engage in criminal behaviour, if it can be help.

edit on 10-12-2014 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 11:40 AM

Just get it over with...

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: Boadicea

Both sides are responding to with nuts who have started this mess and a system bent on exploitation.

There, fixed that for ya.

The fact both sides often can't see that they share more than each think hinders progress more than anythng and if people could ever learn that, the ones really stirring the pot would be in trouble.


a reply to: new_here

Indeed, and in this context (official abuse of authority and brutality operating under the color of law), is an issue that affects people of all genetic lineage the world over. It is something that should always be stood up to and support should be rendered by all.

Now, I happen to think that using Mike Brown as inspiration for such effort is misguided and there are many other instances which would be more apropos.
edit on 10-12-2014 by jadedANDcynical because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2014 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

My thanks.
My fingers have been rebelling lately..must be the nerveagent flash backs...

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