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Masked and Armed Anonymous Protesters Just Swarmed the Beavercreek Walmart

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posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 12:21 AM
We need to start accepting that we're doomed as a country and start making other plans. This thread is a case in point. The majority of people wringing their hands about "peaceful solutions" or "working within the system" and looking down their noses at those who want real change.

America is long past a peaceful solution. You're either going to accept your yoke or use those guns you're so privileged to have. My money is on Americans doing F-all and accepting their bread and circuses like good little cogs. So relieved not to live there anymore.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 01:55 AM
Armed with ....?

Signs ?? !!!

not sure where you're getting that they have 'weapons' .. your title is seriously misleading .. ~!!!

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Maybe if people quit hiding behind masks or putting upon a pedistal those who do, things might change.

Maybe if people quit reacting with emotion rather than logic, things might change.

Maybe if people quit destroying cities in response to officer-involved shootings, things might change.

Maybe if people quit using the national news media as an outlet to incite rage and hatred, things might change.

Maybe if people quit blaming everyone else for the actions of their children, things might change.

Maybe if people quit sitting behind a computer hoping for change to happen and, instead, actually do something legal and constructive about it, things might change.

Maybe if people quit walking around in public, obvlivious to what's happening as LEOs are voicing commands at them as they have an AR-style pellet gun propped on their shoulder, accidents like the shooting of John Crawford won't happen and things might change.

Maybe if law enforcement organizations quit being so quick to fire a weapon and, instead, learn the art of negotiating and talking, accidents like the shooting of John Crawford won't happen and things might change.

Maybe if legislators and government officials quit feigning concern and actually become concerned and motivated to do something constructive, things might change.

Maybe if those in positions of power quit disregarding the rights of U.S. citizens and start acting within the parameters of the law, things might change.

Until things like this happen, we'll just sit and wait for the next illogical outrage at LEOs when the next criminal gets shot (unless it's not a black guy by a white cop, of course). Until things like this happen, we'll continue to post every power-hungry-cop video we find on YouTube and pretend that all LEOs act like this (which they don't). Until things like this happen, I'll continue to shake my head at the ignorance of people who comment unitelligibly on these types of serious issue, propping up criminals and putting down the police.

Groups like Anonymous and the Ferguson rioters are not the answer, they are the cancer. They are children throwing tantrums over perceived injustices, even when they are not injustices at all (I'm talking more about Ferguson than the Crawford case at this point). They are people who often place blame on the wrong individual, or just relieve people of blame altogether and blame "the system." When these are the 'voices of change,' it's no wonder change doesn't happen--and for good reason.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey
In this day and age, where people's employers' routinely fire people over facebook, twitter, etc posts they don't like.... It's kinda thoughtless to attend a protest without a mask if you have an employer. Sad truth.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

You don't need a license to open carry in Ohio, and I'm quite certain that you can open carry when the "protest" is about 15 "hacktivists" to whom no one is paying attention.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: onequestion

Following the refusal of the Beavercreek Chief of Police to meet any of the very reasonable demands of the Ohio Students Association and other protesters against the shooting of John Crawford by Officer Sean Williams, the “hacktivist” group Anonymous initiated Operation John Crawford early last month.

Masked AND armed! Honestly this is what we need. We need to start showing that were serious.

Ive been thinking about it a lot lately and i think my generation is lacking a voice. I hope we find our ground here with these 2 issues and start taking serious steps towards making real change happen.

So armed swarming of a private business has exactly what to do with the shooting of John Crawford by Officer Williams?

Sounds like criminals being opportunistic criminals to me.
edit on 25-11-2014 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: onequestion

And storming a wal-mart branch is really going to change the political landscape isn't it?

Why do aggravated protestors never seem to storm government buildings and demand change...what next a sit in in a local burger joint?

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

Yeah--I guess that still equates to cowardice to me, I guess. You feel strongly enough about something, you take those chances. If you don't, you stay home. But nothing is accomplished in the grand scheme of things when masked, secretive people pretend to be outraged. But, you put your face and reputation out there for something you believe, then people might take them seriously.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey
Tell ya what. I will stop wearing a mask(except my gas mask when needed) at protests, when cops remove their masks and put their personal badges back on at protests.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Nechash

THAT is what it is for, depending on the individuals bravery or haughty behavior.
If YOU don't KNOW guns isn't it a BAD idea to attact those who do?
Logic says always.
PEOPLE who should leave guns alone...or hold them sideways.
edit on 25-11-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 09:00 PM
It's obvious something needs to change, but I dont think this is what is going to change it. Unless I missed one, which is entirely possible, I didn't see any blatant firearms display. Masks and signs, no matter the truthes written upon them, will never work against something ignorant of human decency. It's a terrible thing to see and sadly it's happening everywhere right now.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: SlapMonkey
Tell ya what. I will stop wearing a mask(except my gas mask when needed) at protests, when cops remove their masks and put their personal badges back on at protests.

The difference is, the officers wear masks to protect themselves from other masked (and non-masked) individuals who think peaceful protesting includes throwing sh*t at said officers. LEOs wear what they wear in response to the childish, immature history of what modern "protests" entail.

Why is it that people like you--these masked protestors--fail to realize that the LEOs in our country respond the way they do because of your actions, not in spite of them?

You can keep wearing your mask, but all it does is marginalize your efforts and message during the protest, all while causing America to roll its eyes at the kids playing dress-up and acting like fools (often times). I'm not trying to be blatantly disrespectful, but for all the people I know who don't follow politics or protests, when I bring up "the people in the masks," they all just chuckle--you're not taken seriously, and I think the fact that you hide behind masks is a big part of that.

(yes, that's a generalized statement, and I know examples exist to negate it, but I'm speaking in generalities, here)
edit on 26-11-2014 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: eisegesis
Police killings highest in two decades

WASHINGTON — The number of felony suspects fatally shot by police last year — 461— was the most in two decades, according to a new FBI report.

Not to say that this is acceptable. But, what is the number of homicides over the last decade? How many of the people shot and killed by police were threatening the lives of the police or others? If you are brandishing a lethal weapon and making threats and not following the orders of police, don't be surprised if you get shot. Yes, not all of those are cut and dry situations... And not all people shot by police deserve it.

BUT, there have been 244 TEENS shot and wounded in Chicago from the time Mike Brown was killed to now. And probably more since those stats were posted. Who's rioting over that?

Based on current actions by the public at large, it's OK to kill each other, just not the cops?

WTF? Pure insanity!

I can appreciate the need and want to curb corruption, especially in the worlds PD, but come on. No amount of looting or disorderly conduct will ever right those wrongs.

Forget Ferguson. Check out Chicago!

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