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Why Women Are Seen as Sex Objects More Today by Men.

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

While most or all of the causal stats that you offer are an element of the situation, they only point to the bigger situation. And that is as you imply, women are equal to about every standard of being equal to men. Actually, their sex appeal which they project in many ways make them superior. Old, simple folk truisms turn out to be exactly as true. Women, as an old song goes, are the velvet trap, sitting on top of the world. And they have learned to capitalize upon that distinct advantage. That puts them in a position of power and, thus, control.

I know. I know. It is socially suicide in Politically Correct circles to utter such words. Yet, any man that is yet a man will, must, agree to that view.

I won't continue this painful assessment of the males loss of dominance in the species. But today's savvy female is driven to display her mental and physical assets like never before. Need I remind male readers than lengthy flashes of thighs that demand the woman to keep her legs crossed and the current epidemic of extreme cleavage and tumbling breasts all have more to do with what women want from men than what men want from women. They know our weak points and we love for them to entice us in that way as they compete among themselves for best beauty. It is an old, old game.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: corvuscorrax
Another thread where genders come in to state their point and insist the other side adhere to their way and neither side listening. I predict 20+ pages.

As a man I do view women sexually. If only I could tolerate ones company for more than a few hours without wanting to run out the door. So I just handle my own sexual urges and leave them the hell alone, not worth the headache.

Women aren't your problem. You are your problem.

Very simplistic way to view it but I won't disagree.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Tangerine

I only focused on that because that's what the topic is about.

This isn't about Madame Curie, or Indira Ghandi...

It's about sex appeal.

If you must know I find more sex appeal in a lady such as Indira Ghandi than I would from Miley Cirus.

My interest lies in the subject matter...

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Realtruth
Men’s Roles for Ages
Think about it for a moment, a man is geared to:
1) Hunt for food and gather
2) Provide a home/ Shelter and provide protection for his territory.
3) Insure his genes survive (ie: Procreation/Breeding)

Women’s Roles for Ages, what a women is geared to:
1) Preparing food
2) Taking care of a male’s territory (cleaning) and caring for offspring (children).
3) Being seen as the sex object to produce children to insure that genes were carried on

Why, when talking about procreation, the man's role is simply to "insure his genes survive" and the woman's is to be an object? Why isn't her role the EXACT same as the man's? To Insure HER genes survive?

It may interest you to know that in biblical history certain lines had to come through certain women. Now the male element was there but they were required, they Abraham, Judah, to procreate with certain specific women and these women also obtained part of the promise of the line.

Folks talk about "Abrahamic religions" ect and so forth. But the real story there is Abrahams wife Sarah, to her offspring were granted, by God none the less, certain things as opposed to Abrahams concubine Hagar.

Go down to Maya land to the famous temple at Palenque. Pascal and son Con Balaam, both moralized there. But why was his son so special? Because he was born "in the likeness of the first mother" (which is another deep topic) as it is recorded at the temple.

Anyway these joint line, male/female line unions, considerations were important.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Ill get naked with ya, to the point men and women are inseparable and the equality and the object bs, i assure you dosent matter to anyone at the point of climax. I just think this conversation is pointless everything that was needed to change has changed. Now we are just beating a dead horse.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Are you flirting with me?

I don't think everything is said, about the topic sex, most guys don't even know how to make their ladies enjoy it.
Good for you I have a thing for guys in uniform, shoot a lot? Not talking bullets.
(And if that post gets deleted, and I get a warning by som mod again, I've prooven we need to get over ourselfs a lot more. We all are sexual beings! Just saying)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:14 AM
Dear God i watched a tv programme here in the UK last night about tv in the 70'S, it was shocking, grandads commenting on their grandaughters bodies, 50 year old blokes frothing at the mouth over schoolgirls. Beauty pagents all over tha show, focusing on 16 year old girls boobs and bums.
Jokes about raping women everywhere (although these still happen)
we have come a long way in a relatively short time, but we still have some ways to go, as you can tell from some of the comments on this thread.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Flirting a little, and i shoot enough to fill your cup sweetheart. i mean that in the most pg way. Of course theres a conversation about sexual gratification, equality has never really been something im missing. I was always taught to be kind to women, not to hit women, and if a woman can bring you to the point to break your morals, leave her dont look back. Btw saw your introduction, i miss Germany quite often; i was stationed in schwienfurt.
edit on 20-11-2014 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
Actually, their sex appeal which they project in many ways make them superior. Old, simple folk truisms turn out to be exactly as true. Women, as an old song goes, are the velvet trap, sitting on top of the world. And they have learned to capitalize upon that distinct advantage. That puts them in a position of power and, thus, control.

I know. I know. It is socially suicide in Politically Correct circles to utter such words. Yet, any man that is yet a man will, must, agree to that view.

Not social suicide at all, in fact it is the truth and women know it.

Men typically think with their lower brains, and women as you say, capitalize on their sexuality, brains, hence making them superior for sure.

Granted this doesn't mean they sleep around to get to the top, but rather use their physical beauty to their advantage.

And my opinion is "Why not!" if you have an asset (no pun intended) use it.
edit on 20-11-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: CranialSponge
These threads never fail to display the obviousness of those individuals who have experienced happy healthy relationships and those who have not.

Gender notwithstanding.

I find your comment a bit condescending to the ATS member that had the guts to post, and contributed to this thread.

What is obvious is that you are judging members from your high horse.

This thread was about discussing and understanding better, not for the pleasure of people to pigeonhole other members, from their input.

Perhaps you could contribute something more positive?
edit on 20-11-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma

What if the man perceives of himself as an object... a sort of physical machine, with nothing of value inside besides guts and bones?

If he perceives and treats all others as equals, he will treat them as physical machines with nothing of value inside.

The simple idiom "treat them as equals" is one of those like "do unto others...."- it is what we do, already, instinctively.

This is the point I repeatedly refer to about men and their objectification.

This is very insightful because it applies to both genders here.

Objectification, sexism is part of this material world we live in, but it's subjective also.

Value is very subjective with each person, and how they view themselves is an amplification of how they will treat others.

People need to have a healthy relationship with themselves, before they can have a healthy with another person.

The fact that men these days seem to painting themselves into a victim type role is beyond me, instead of empowering themselves. With the victim role they will put more emphasis on objectifying the opposite sex, so basically placing blame, or deny they are a fault themselves.

This OP was intended to disclose the misconceptions and fallacies that are happening today from a man's POV.

And the responses were imo extremely helpful, if members take to the time to try and understand the bigger picture.



posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 12:30 PM
It's actually more than the opportunities. Anti-intellectualism has a greater role in this. Most women seek out dumb men. And most men do dumb things. The women would shake their booty towarss the men and usually seek out the idiot guy. Women are encouraged to kill off their pregnancies and get pregnant at 16 by the media. In courts, the decisions favor women so that a woman who gets a man in trouble quote on quote "for fun" can get away with it. The man who is smart gets less girls and become quote on quote "dateless losers" and the women who are smart gets made fun of so that idiots prevail. It's a bad day for smart people. Since most women aren't seeking out responsible, intelligent guys, the guys turn to the media for answers. The smart girls who want to get guys then excessively drink and dress nudely and shakes their behind super close to men.The media spoon feeds them the idea that idiots have it all. The thought that women aren't seeking responsible men to become responsible fathers have offspring with combined with a number of factors leads men to think that since women don't want a family for them, the only thing left to do is to see women almost as sex objects. There are sperm banks everywhere, but where are the women renting their vaginas to have babies with men? If a dude wants a child, they're doomed! It's a sad day when you feel the inability to reproduce and the need to go to extremes to reproduce. Sexual components also play a role. The mixture of new information is, however, too crude to distill into clear answers. If only there was a website where a woman wants to have a baby with a man. Men want to have children with their DNA.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: ShadowGhost
I don't know where you got your ideas. What tells you woman are seeking dumb men? Maybe you watch too much TV, but woman aren't doing that. In fact, woman seem to be doing all the right things, but the men aren't meeting them halfway. Men are falling behind in college. Getting educated is now probably the single most important thing a young adult increasingly has to do. Failing this, men are proving to be unequal to woman and not up to the challenge.

Men still do dominate positions of power, but in the first world they're losing ground. And of course just dominating postiions of power does nothing for the masses of men failing in college.
edit on 20-11-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Peeple

I was always taught to be kind to women, not to hit women, and if a woman can bring you to the point to break your morals, leave her dont look back.

Sorry, it wouldn't work...
I like what I like and because of that: I can't have sex without love

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 03:45 PM
Why Women Are Seen as Sex Objects More Today by Men.

Maybe because of crap like this?
Break the internet?
Just makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a hot poker.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: ShadowGhost
It's actually more than the opportunities. Anti-intellectualism has a greater role in this. Most women seek out dumb men. And most men do dumb things. The women would shake their booty towarss the men and usually seek out the idiot guy. Women are encouraged to kill off their pregnancies and get pregnant at 16 by the media. In courts, the decisions favor women so that a woman who gets a man in trouble quote on quote "for fun" can get away with it. The man who is smart gets less girls and become quote on quote "dateless losers" and the women who are smart gets made fun of so that idiots prevail. It's a bad day for smart people. Since most women aren't seeking out responsible, intelligent guys, the guys turn to the media for answers. The smart girls who want to get guys then excessively drink and dress nudely and shakes their behind super close to men.The media spoon feeds them the idea that idiots have it all. The thought that women aren't seeking responsible men to become responsible fathers have offspring with combined with a number of factors leads men to think that since women don't want a family for them, the only thing left to do is to see women almost as sex objects. There are sperm banks everywhere, but where are the women renting their vaginas to have babies with men? If a dude wants a child, they're doomed! It's a sad day when you feel the inability to reproduce and the need to go to extremes to reproduce. Sexual components also play a role. The mixture of new information is, however, too crude to distill into clear answers. If only there was a website where a woman wants to have a baby with a man. Men want to have children with their DNA.

Clearly, you've been looking for a woman in the wrong places with the wrong attitude (yours). I think you've gotten exactly what you deserve.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Realtruth

I see, why I might have come across a little bit wrong.
Women are in my point of view better for many reasons, we're not ducks, with humans the females are mostly prettier.

We are smarter, the statistics how many girls get their bachelors and masters in comparisson to guys shows that. Also the selling number in books, proves women read more, etc.
The problem is the same reason why women use make-up: selfesteem. And that's why I can't really respect most women (yes I don't have many friends) they could be more independent happier and stronger, if they'd embrace who and what they are.
Unfortunately girls are more depending on approval, or a different more complex way of that kind of back petting than guys are.
A man looks in the mirror and says: Oh dear I'm so hot!
A female looks in the mirror: Oh damn I gained two pound, my hips are too round and I got a pimple on my nose!

That's not entirely true for everybody, there is a growing number of guys developing eating disorders and stuff, because they can't find approval...

Actually, men are just as dependent on social approval as women. It's just that what they have to do to get that approval from women and from men is different. I have observed young men (some I knew personally) who dressed like near clones, styled their hair like near clones, engaged in near identical activities, and selected girlfriends who looked like near clones all because of social pressure. In individual conversations with them about this topic, some revealed personal attitudes that differed significantly from their actual behavior but desperately wanted to fit in with their peers.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: ShadowGhost
If only there was a website where a woman wants to have a baby with a man. Men want to have children with their DNA.

Maybe that's the problem, you want to have a baby with their DNA and not with an actual woman. You have objectified women to an extreme degree yet remain oblivious. That, alone, should prove that women don't want oblivious men.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Realtruth


Could it maybe have something to do with 'Julien Blanc' the self professed

*pick up artist* who is on a world tour on "how to pick up girls?" .... He

apparently begins his seminars with >>>>

"If you are a white male you can do what you want ....

There is much to be said for the saying ' that a man chases a girl until SHE

catches him'
and life has progressed to the point where she no longer

expects just to lie back and think of England ....LOL!!

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 10:01 AM
Actually, men can be objectified too in a way. They can be seen as merely sperm doners!

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