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Evolution is a farce: Evidence

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posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: Barcs

The person who made the discover can have their lives ruined, completely discredited, slandered and smeared. We all know that the powers that be are more than capable of this, and a lot more.

Like who? Kent Hovind who was using his church to cover up tons of money he didn't pay tax on and used for personal gain? Ken Ham who has a creationist museum that is for profit and blatantly false?

Dont throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Evolution science is full of lies and corruption, or do you pretend it is beyond question.

I am not saying its all corrupt, but a percentage has been proven to be.

Mars meteors with fossils, yeah right.
Fake missing link bones.
Its endless.
Evolution, holier than thou, holier than all.

but hey I know, dont read anything that challenges your faith, it could corrupt your soul.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: borntowatch

originally posted by: Barcs

The person who made the discover can have their lives ruined, completely discredited, slandered and smeared. We all know that the powers that be are more than capable of this, and a lot more.

Like who? Kent Hovind who was using his church to cover up tons of money he didn't pay tax on and used for personal gain? Ken Ham who has a creationist museum that is for profit and blatantly false?

Dont throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Evolution science is full of lies and corruption, or do you pretend it is beyond question.

I am not saying its all corrupt, but a percentage has been proven to be.

Mars meteors with fossils, yeah right.
Fake missing link bones.
Its endless.
Evolution, holier than thou, holier than all.

but hey I know, dont read anything that challenges your faith, it could corrupt your soul.


What they don't understand is that they themselves are the ones blindly following. I can almost guarantee most of them have never even contributed to the publishing of a peer reviewed paper on the topic, let alone made any sort of discovery or original idea that has been adopted or accepted by this 'community' they talk of. This community is often completely divided anyway, bickering with each other over nonsense.

The fact of the matter is, when you've got naive people, presenting other naive people false information, based on false scientific practices and wild assertions and jumps of logic... you can NEVER argue with with. They will literally just laugh you off because you believe in something they believe to be impossible because their FALSE theory told them so.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: borntowatch
but hey I know, dont read anything that challenges your faith, it could corrupt your soul.

My faith is in science. When new things come to light I change my world view quite happily. Do you?

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
What they don't understand is that they themselves are the ones blindly following

The fact of the matter is, when you've got naive people, presenting other naive people false information, based on false scientific practices and wild assertions and jumps of logic...

Dude, you and others, make zero attempt to understand the theory of evolution. For that matter you guys make no attempt at understanding what the term theory means in science. You call out people as being naive and ignorant but that is EXACTLY what you are. Completely and utterly ignorant, and willfully so. You reject it because of a few rotten eggs a.k.a. hucksters and frauds. Evolution has TONS of supporting evidence. I mean TONS. More than you can probably fathom in your closed off little mind. So, if you're all about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, why not chuck your religion out the window? You are aware that there are countless hucksters and frauds there too right? You love ranting on about how you are so absolutely sure evolution is fraudulent but I have not once seen you present any freaking evidence for that. Not a single one. You claim they are all over the internet. Show me then. Show me these outspoken scientists who actually use the scientific method to show evolution is false? Not some shoddy out-dated videos from the 90s that don't even get their facts straight. Facts you refuse to check. Even if you did check them you would attribute those facts to satanic deception. You use the Bible as your source of proof but you don't even trust the whole Bible. You said so yourself in previous threads that you suspect there is deception and perversion in there as well. Maybe that's why in four years you haven't even read the whole thing? Let me ask you this though. What makes more sense. Satan tampering with all the copious evidence (genetics, fossils records etc etc etc. ad nauseam) to make it look like the Earth is older than six thousand years old. Or Satan tampering with verses to make it look like everything was created in six literal days? Which sounds more absurd to you? Ever consider that Genesis wasn't meant to be taken literally? But no, nevermind the evidence that you won't even look at. Let's just roll with the persecuted Christian approach instead. That's easier than actually trying to use evidence to back up your beliefs. Believe it or not but people don't care if you're a Christian or not. They take issue with your lack of integrity when it comes to "discussing" these topics. They take issue with your hypocrisy! You know, I can appreciate where you're coming from in regards to the passion/desperation to share the good news and bring awareness to people about this and that subject of concern in the world. I really can. But if you expect people to take you seriously you may want to re-evaluate your approach. Provide something other than opinion, just ONCE please.

That goes to any of you who don't believe in evolution.
Show us where you take issue and why for a change.

/rant over
edit on 11-21-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer

originally posted by: TechUnique
What they don't understand is that they themselves are the ones blindly following

The fact of the matter is, when you've got naive people, presenting other naive people false information, based on false scientific practices and wild assertions and jumps of logic...

Dude, you and others, make zero attempt to understand the theory of evolution. For that matter you guys make no attempt at understanding what the term theory means in science. You call out people as being naive and ignorant but that is EXACTLY what you are. Completely and utterly ignorant, and willfully so. You reject it because of a few rotten eggs a.k.a. hucksters and frauds. Evolution has TONS of supporting evidence. I mean TONS. More than you can probably fathom in your closed off little mind. So, if you're all about throwing the baby out with the bathwater, why not chuck your religion out the window? You are aware that there are countless hucksters and frauds there too right? You love ranting on about how you are so absolutely sure evolution is fraudulent but I have not once seen you present any freaking evidence for that. Not a single one. You claim they are all over the internet. Show me then. Show me these outspoken scientists who actually use the scientific method to show evolution is false? Not some shoddy out-dated videos from the 90s that don't even get their facts straight. Facts you refuse to check. Even if you did check them you would attribute those facts to satanic deception. You use the Bible as your source of proof but you don't even trust the whole Bible. You said so yourself in previous threads that you suspect there is deception and perversion in there as well. Maybe that's why in four years you haven't even read the whole thing? Let me ask you this though. What makes more sense. Satan tampering with all the copious evidence (genetics, fossils records etc etc etc. ad nauseam ) to make it look like the Earth is older than six thousand years old. Or Satan tampering with verses to make it look like everything was created in six literal days? Which sounds more absurd to you? Ever consider that Genesis wasn't meant to be taken literally? But no, nevermind the evidence that you won't even look at. Let's just roll with the persecuted Christian approach instead. That's easier than actually trying to use evidence to back up your beliefs. Believe it or not but people don't care if you're a Christian or not. They take issue with your lack of integrity when it comes to "discussing" these topics. They take issue with your hypocrisy! You know, I can appreciate where you're coming from in regards to the passion/desperation to share the good news and bring awareness to people about this and that subject of concern in the world. I really can. But if you expect people to take you seriously you may want to re-evaluate your approach. Provide something other than opinion, just ONCE please.

/rant over

Whoa, how angry were you when you wrote that?
Believe it or not you are wrong.
Don't flip it's just true. How can I prove wrong something that hasn't even been proved right?

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

Let's say I'm righteously indignant. As has been pointed out countless times.. And admitted by your own words. You don't even look at the evidence. "It's just crap" Dishonesty at it's finest. You don't understand the theory and make no attempts to. So your opinion on the matter really is utterly worthless. Enough said. You will disagree of course. No reason to keep going in circles over this.

Believe what you will... Take care.
edit on 11-21-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: TechUnique

Let's say I'm righteously indignant. As has been pointed out countless times.. And admitted by your own words. You don't even look at the evidence. "It's just crap" Dishonesty at it's finest. You don't understand the theory and make no attempts to. So your opinion on the matter really is utterly worthless. Enough said. You will disagree of course. No reason to keep going in circles over this.

Believe what you will... Take care.

Yeah my opinion in your farce Science is worthless, same as your opinion in my faith is worthless. You are arguing a theory, my faith is unarguable.

edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

Yeah my opinion in your farce Science is worthless, same as your opinion in my faith is worthless.

Well then why did you waste 4 days and create multiple threads that were all doing just that???

Was it your intention to put so much effort into something worthless??? Because apparently that's all you've done.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Good rant I think you nailed it. This would have been a good thread for that video you posted. Oh well the faithful would have never watched it anyway. Anyway I think this pic has a good home here as it describes the methodologies well.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: TechUnique

Yeah my opinion in your farce Science is worthless, same as your opinion in my faith is worthless.

Well then why did you waste 4 days and create multiple threads that were all doing just that???

Was it your intention to put so much effort into something worthless??? Because apparently that's all you've done.

I said my opinion in your farce science is worthless. My opinion of your farce science, is however entirely correct. Both of our assumptions of each other are based on our own assumptions. I know that you are wrong, just as you 'know' that I am wrong.

We are both using our own methods of evidence to prove to each other, yet both of us don't recognize each others evidence as evidence. You guys not only think that I am wrong and you are right, you think I am stupid and that you are better than me, at least for the most part.

I only think that you are wrong and I am right, that is all. You guys have got some serious growing up to do.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Good rant I think you nailed it. This would have been a good thread for that video you posted. Oh well the faithful would have never watched it anyway. Anyway I think this pic has a good home here as it describes the methodologies well.

Oh, you guys are being scientists in this thread? Oh, by all means. Have you demonstrated any Science or anything original that hasn't already been spouted by someone somewhere?

People in this thread have given you personal, unique and individual evidence. Just because you didn't observe it doesn't mean it's not true or any less relevant. Furthermore you wouldn't be able to understand it being that most of you are completely devoid of God.

You are all so blind it is unreal.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique
My opinion of your farce science, in that it being a farce, is however entirely correct.

But you don't know anything about science nor will you even look at any evidence for it so how would you know???

I've at least read the bible before I came to the conclusion that it was BS.

BTW, your opinion, about virtually everything has been wrong so far. That of course is my opinion, which just happens to be entirely correct. See how easy that is to be right about our own opinions.

I have other opinions too. Would you like to hear them also???

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: TechUnique
My opinion of your farce science, in that it being a farce, is however entirely correct.

But you don't know anything about science nor will you even look at any evidence for it so how would you know???

I've at least read the bible before I came to the conclusion that it was BS.

BTW, your opinion, about virtually everything has been wrong so far. That of course is my opinion, which just happens to be entirely correct. See how easy that is to be right about our own opinions.

I have other opinions too. Would you like to hear them also???

Jumping to assumptions again are we? Half of my threads were written in the Science and Technology forum. Just because I don't know everything about your farce science and it's many facets, doesn't mean I don't know anything about Science at all.

See what I mean?

Grow up.
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

We are both using our own methods of evidence to prove to each other, yet both of us don't recognize each others evidence as evidence.

What evidence have you put forward???

I hope you don't mean the YouTube video's that are using the Loch Ness Monster as Evidence for Dino's walking with Humans. If that's what you mean by evidence I think you should try a little harder next time.

I can show you YouTube video's all day long where someone is spouting ridiculous nonsense and claim it's evidence of something but that hardly means it's valid.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
I have other opinions too. Would you like to hear them also???

Sure, feel more than welcome to private message me. That way T&C are more relaxed. That offer is open to anyone in this thread.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: TechUnique

If your opinion was backed by evidence then I could take it seriously however you haven't provided any evidence to substantiate your claims.

You do like to call people names I wonder if that is a facet of your religion.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

Jumping to assumptions again are we? Half of my threads were written in the Science and Technology forum. Just because I don't know everything about your farce science and it's many facets, doesn't mean I don't know anything about Science at all.

See what I mean?

Grow up.

I'm not assuming anything. You straight up said that you refused to even look at what was being shown to you. Do you need me to find your post and quote it for you so you can see it again???

Also, stop telling me to grow up, I'm a middle aged man and that's plenty old enough to know when someone is being dishonest about their claims. Remember it was you who came here and started making threads asking for Evidence and then refused that evidence once it was presented to you without even looking at it. You did this with me specifically. You must remember it.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: mOjOm
I have other opinions too. Would you like to hear them also???

Sure, feel more than welcome to private message me. That way T&C are more relaxed. That offer is open to anyone in this thread.

That was more of a joke actually. Thanks for the offer but I don't think you'd be interested in anything I have to say. You don't seem to enjoy my non-opinionated speech so I really doubt you'd care much for my opinions.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm

originally posted by: TechUnique

We are both using our own methods of evidence to prove to each other, yet both of us don't recognize each others evidence as evidence.

What evidence have you put forward???

I hope you don't mean the YouTube video's that are using the Loch Ness Monster as Evidence for Dino's walking with Humans. If that's what you mean by evidence I think you should try a little harder next time.

I can show you YouTube video's all day long where someone is spouting ridiculous nonsense and claim it's evidence of something but that hardly means it's valid.

I mean my evidence that God exists versus your evidence that Evolution proves YEC wrong. You are using a false science to try and prove my beliefs wrong.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
Thanks for the offer but I don't think you'd be interested in anything I have to say. You don't seem to enjoy my non-opinionated speech so I really doubt you'd care much for my opinions.

No but I would entertain them none the less.

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