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Impressive Speech Made by Putin to The World...

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posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Ancient Champion

Here let me answer that for you. BECAUSE ITS OUR COUNTRY TOO. And we have EVERY right to try to make it better despite others telling us to leave. I really wonder what would have happened if King George would have told Washington,Franklin,Jefferson and that whole cast of characters "if you don't like paying those taxes and living under British rule,THEN LEAVE that land and go elsewhere".

I'll bet the Indians would have liked it,don't you think? I feel that anyone that doesn't want to protect our constitution and bill of rights should leave. Those are the most important documents every written for us and yet we can't get the lazy so and so's to get up and help us protect them.Instead they spend all they're time attacking those that want to protect them. Some Americans.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: rigel4

Spewtin didn't have the guts to stay and tough it out.

Seems he didn't like the discussion about Ukraine, so he took his ball and went home because he didn't like the way he was treated although he brought it all on by himself.

I mean...sending warships to Australian waters is just about the most arrogant, in your face
thing he could have done. short of baring his arse at the lunch table.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Thats right they are. Instead of Americans just looking over the fence and labeling everyone else as evil as we are wont to do,we need to open our eyes and look at things from a more global perspective. Those countries over in Europe have been around a lot longer than we have and will be there still after we fall.And oh yes,we WILL fall in time. All democracies do.

Though we call this a democratic republic makes no difference,it has become as corrupt as any democracy over human history. We need to stop with the simplified ideology of bad guy/good guy. There are many countries in the world and it is childish and total nonsense to say there is only one way of thinking.

This issue isn't about whether Russia is right or wrong,its more complex than that.This is really about America's thinking. Exceptionalism sounds way too much like manifest destiny for my liking. This is really just another way to say "we can do whatever we want,and whoever doesn't like it will be our enemy and have to suck it up and get over us trying to take over they're government,kill they're people,push our laws on them and then break our own laws to see that we win."

This is what happens when TPTB are let to run wild and do whatever they want. Americans need to look behind the curtain and pay attention to the man really running things. They won't like what they see. We should not be the 911 of the world. We are not responsible enough since we can't even get our own government under control.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: rigel4

Spewtin didn't have the guts to stay and tough it out.

Seems he didn't like the discussion about Ukraine, so he took his ball and went home because he didn't like the way he was treated although he brought it all on by himself.

I mean...sending warships to Australian waters is just about the most arrogant, in your face
thing he could have done. short of baring his arse at the lunch table.

Not really a big deal not sure why everyone is making it out to be. Often when the US president visits another country there is US ships setting off shore as a contingency plan. Usually a whole bunch of marines on board in case of problems even when he visits the UK for example. Nothing like having a bunch of guys to come in armed to the teeth if a situation arises. Also gives them the ability to treat the president or in this case Putin if something went wrong. With Putins popularity in the world right now having a backup in case of assassination attempt etc only seems like a smart thing to do to me.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
a reply to: Ancient Champion

Here let me answer that for you. BECAUSE ITS OUR COUNTRY TOO. And we have EVERY right to try to make it better despite others telling us to leave. I really wonder what would have happened if King George would have told Washington,Franklin,Jefferson and that whole cast of characters "if you don't like paying those taxes and living under British rule,THEN LEAVE that land and go elsewhere".

I'll bet the Indians would have liked it,don't you think? I feel that anyone that doesn't want to protect our constitution and bill of rights should leave. Those are the most important documents every written for us and yet we can't get the lazy so and so's to get up and help us protect them.Instead they spend all they're time attacking those that want to protect them. Some Americans.

And what have you done to make the country better besides complain on the internet? All you guys do is blame EVERYTHING on the US while making excuses for Putin.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Ancient Champion

Actually I do more than just complain on forums thanks. I don't disclose what all I do since those that put their necks out with their identity get labeled as terrorists.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: WCmutant

originally posted by: johnnyBgood
20 years ago I would have never believed that my future self would ever say such a thing as this but it seems to me that Russia may be the only thing (along with China and India of course) standing in the way of a complete nazi (or ashkenazi) take over of the world.

Has the world really changed that much or is it just my perspective I wonder? Probably just my perspective.

I'd say Russia only. China is a creation of the USA. As for India, has it ever really pulled away from it's English influence or did it just take a different form?

Communist Mao was a creation of TPTB. Everything that has spawned in China since Mao's death has been supported by US corporations and banks. We really need to seek to find the US/western influences in Russia and see if something similar is happening in Russia. (I'm pretty sure we can all see the western influences in India already.)

You raise some good and very legitimate points. The reason I included India and China is because it seems to me that in the event of world war these countries would side with Russia. They are both B.R.I.C.S. nations is one good indication that this is true.

I also believe this to be the case because India has long held disputes with Pakistan which would probably side with NATO and therefore by default India would be against NATO and use the opportunity to have a go at Pakistan (I don't think they are too happy in India about the wests vaccination/poisoning programs over there either).

Likewise China has long held disputes with Japan (who is mostly a US puppet just like South Korea) and therefore would likely side with Russia if for no other reason than to have a go at Japan and to unleash North Korea onto South Korea so that both can claim more territory and get rid of the western puppet regimes in the region.

China seems to be having a sort of proxy stand off with the US puppets in the region cold war style which puts China at odds with NATO in my opinion.

Furthermore China is having territorial disputes (last time I checked anyways) with South Korea who is also allied with NATO, is also a US puppet and is directly opposed to North Korea whom I assume would side with China and would most definitely side against NATO.

China and Russia must also realize that if they ever fought each other it would mean the end of both of them and be an invitation for a complete NATO take over. The same is true of North Korea and China. They kind of have to stick together.

This is my basic breakdown and analysis based on what I know and just FYI I have never been wrong before about anything in my entire life.

HAHA JK on that last bit.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Ancient Champion
My question is, If people hate the US so badly then why do they continue to live here? I never understand that. If you love Russia so much then why haven't you moved there yet?

Love the country, hate the government. Pretty simple really. Even so, If I could move out of the country I would. This place is a ticking time bomb.

If you would like to help finance my move I can set up an account for donations.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: johnnyBgood

originally posted by: Ancient Champion

My question is, If people hate the US so badly then why do they continue to live here? I never understand that. If you love Russia so much then why haven't you moved there yet?

Love the country, hate the government. Pretty simple really. Even so, If I could move out of the country I would. This place is a ticking time bomb.

If you would like to help finance my move I can set up an account for donations.

lol I wish i had the money, I know i could use it right about now.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: johnnyBgood lets be serious here, I am just being honest. If you truly wanted clean hands when it comes to why Afghanistan was invaded, you would becomes Amish. The advance of consumer technology is a direct cause of why Afghanistan needed to happen. It the same game every empire has been playing since the beginning of empire. Have to consume resources to keep the masses happy. Lithium powered electronics today, or incense, perfumes, dyes and spices of the past. It is the populations thirst for luxury goods that is directly responsible for why nations are conquered and their resources stolen.

When we conquered the markets of central and south America, our market now has access to the supply of agriculture products that can keep our grocery stores stocked with bananas and others good we can buy in bulk on the cheap and gladly waste on food fights, smoothies and getting fatter.

When we conquered the markets of the middle east, it ensured our people had plenty of cheap crude to continue driving our growing vehicle fleet and plastics industry. Our penetration into Africa gave us ample supply of falsely scarce diamonds for the populations of Europe and America and unfettered access to continue plundering their mineral wealth for our sake at the cost of the populations liberty and happiness.

Now Afghanistan gave us unfettered access to the materials which are building our new electronics age.

The only difference between you and I johnnyBgood, is I don't pretend to ignore the true reason for why nation on Earth are conquered. They are conquered for the very wants of the populations to be fed cheaply and keep us happy.

If anyone on here believes that can be changed, then your just denying human nature.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: DYepes
I think its impressive because a world leader tells it like it is the way HE interprets it, and not parroting a script written to him by the rich of his country.

Putin is one of the rich of his country - and he 'used' to work for the government department that effectively ran the country. Is that slipping peoples minds here?

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: WilsonWilson
Russia is involved in terrible activities, stealing businesses within Russia from their rightful owners, corruption on a massive scale, the stealing of assets from it's people and putting into privately held hands of the privileged few. Murder on the international scale.
It's no better politically, and then you add the horrific atrocities it encourages on it's people. Why would you choose to support it. Weird.

Sorry buddy but those businesses that were nationalized were taken from the people of Russia by the very people who raped and plundered its economy with privatization in the 90's decade.

Pillage as Privatization

Over the past quarter century, several trillion dollars worth of public property in every sector of the Russian economy was illegally transferred or violently seized by gangster-oligarchs acting through armed gangs, especially during its ‘transition to capitalism’.

From 1990 to 1999, over 6 million Russian citizens died prematurely as a result of the catastrophic collapse of the economy; life expectancy for males declined from 67 years during the Soviet era to 55 year during the Yeltsin period. Russia’s GNP declined sixty percent – a historic first for a country not at war. Following Yeltsin’s violent seizure of power and his bombing of the Russian parliament, the regime proceeded to ‘prioritize’ the privatization of the economy, selling off the energy, natural resources, banking, transport and communication sectors at one-tenth or less of their real value to well-connected cronies and foreign entities. Armed thugs, organized by emerging oligarchs “completed” the program of privatization by assaulting, murdering and threatening rivals. Hundreds of thousands of elderly pensioners were tossed out of their homes and apartments in a vicious land-grab by violent property speculators.

US and European academic financial consultants “advised” rival oligarchs and government ministers on the most “efficient” market techniques for pillaging the economy, while skimming off lucrative fees and commissions –fortunes were made for the well-connected. Meanwhile, living standards collapsed, impoverishing two thirds of Russian households, suicides quadrupled and deaths from alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV and venereal diseases became rampant. Syphilis and tuberculosis reached epidemic proportions – diseases fully controlled during the Soviet era remerged with the closure of clinics and hospitals.

Of course, the respectable western media celebrated the pillage of Russia as the transition to “free elections and a free market economy”. They wrote glowing articles describing the political power and dominance of gangster oligarchs as the reflection of a rising “liberal democracy”.

I suggest you click the link for a more thorough and enlightening view of why Putin should have know better than to cooperate with our empire. Either we get total and complete submission on our terms or nothing at all. There is no equal ground when it comes to our empire, and the actions of the last decade against Russia prove that. In all honesty, Russia should also just annex the East Ukraine lands and call NATO out. All they would do is slap on more sanctions, but reality states Europe is not ready to feel the wrath of an angry Russian counter offensive for the sake of our imperialism, even though we end up victorious. How unfortunate, the war coverage would generate excellent ratings on TV.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Dimithae
a reply to: Phage

1.Give the masses a crap education,keep em dumb.
2.Twist history and feed them the ole red white and blue nonsense that we are perfect.
3.When someone finally gets sick of our corrupt bums and attacks us for meddling in they're affairs,label them the bad guys and drop bombs on them.
4.Keep the band playing and the flag waving,and have others try to ridicule and berate any who don't tow the government line with the rest of the little flag wavers.
5. 'yawn' whatever.

Change the colours in point 2 and which one do you think does not apply to Russia? Feel free to ask people from Chechnya or Georgia.

'Yawn' indeed to people who don't seem to have any handle on actual international issues.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 01:08 PM
the people of Georgia did not suffer any violence from Russia, they suffered violence from the fascist of Georgia. The fact that the bloodshed stopped when Russia crossed the border where the attacks occurred to defend those regions people pretty much sums it up. Personally I think its high time America cross into Mexico and take on the damn drug cartels, but stopping the flow of illicit goals or the violence it produces is not exactly the goal now is it??

(post by Vehemens removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

As a world leader representing the land mass of RUSSIA, it is good to see President Putin discussing no longer PLAYING the out in the open express to the masses one thing but behind closed doors carrying on with whats real. That is something 1 knew has been going on, so we shall see if there are any benefits for the masses that come out of this type of thinking...


posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: uncommitted

And I should care about Russia why? Let them do what they will. What I am concerned about is the country I live in. I don't want to live in a corrupt country that doesn't care about its citizens. We deserve better than that. I don't want a country that dumbs down its population,our kids and grandkids deserve better. I don't want to live in a country that tells its service people to go fight and die in wars that only serve to keep money rolling in a war machine so that others may profit off their blood. I want a country that truly cares about its citizens and doesn't think of them as the 'stupid' masses. That leaves its vets on the streets to commit suicide and just shrugs. That has some stupid screwed up way of teaching kids that makes no sense to anyone. I want a better America! But we need more people tuned in to what is going on to correct it. If the government won't listen to the Occupy Wall streeters when they were demanding that the president NOT bail out the banks and auto makers,do you really think they would listen to a few people that were demanding change that they didn't want?

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: WineWithIce5

This has got to be the biggest fact twist you ever did.

Trucks full of food and medical stuff was delivered and keeps being delivered to Eastern Ukraine. You'd prefer people starve ?

Where in my post did I say anything about aid to Eastern Ukraine?

And the question still stands...what has Putin done to help remove the sanctions, because he knows what it takes he just doesn't care.

As for Weapons ??

Well you'd love it if Kiev Fascists could just kill all the Eastern Ukrainians, luckily Putin is not YOU, and has sent them plenty of guns.

And where did I ever say that?

Your right luckily he isn't, because if he was I guarantee this conflict in Ukraine wouldn't be happening like it is today. It's called using common sense.

Also what gives Putin the right to send weapons to people fighting in a sovereign country?

Also do you really think he hasn't been sending them from the beginning and is still doing so?

You hate that, I love it, sounds like my kind of people are winning

I hate what exactly that you love, and who are these people you are referring to?

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Dimithae

This issue isn't about whether Russia is right or wrong,its more complex than that.

Well actually it is, because he is wrong for doing what he has done in Ukraine...but there are some who say he is right to do what he is doing.

This is what happens when TPTB are let to run wild and do whatever they want.

And just who are these super powerful PTB, because I have yet seen someone who has been shown to be one?

Americans need to look behind the curtain and pay attention to the man really running things.

And who exactly would that man be?

We are not responsible enough since we can't even get our own government under control.

And that gives Putin the right to do what he has been doing in Ukraine...don't see the connection.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: TrueAmerican

originally posted by: DJW001
Apparently, in the New World Order of Putin's the United States must respect the sovereignty of other nations, but Russia is free to annex its neighbors.

If the people in Crimea did not want to be part of Russia and had not filed officially to that effect, I believe he wouldn't have done it. And you're leaving out A LOT of the events as they proceeded to that point of a general referendum. You must be one of those "revisionist history" dudes.

Can you show me where the people of Crimea filed to be annexed by Russia before the Russians invaded? Pretty sure Russia invaded, had a vote they refused to allow to be monitored, leaked false numbers about the turnout, and then by mistake let the actual numbers get out that showed very few people voted, and only about half voted to leave the Ukraine .. all while Russia soldiers occupied the area.

How sure is pretty sure? Can you show me?

You can't say "gimme proof" then say what you think without.. Proof.
edit on 18/11/2014 by Taggart because: (no reason given)

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