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What is a feminist, what is feminism, and what is a 'feminazi'? Do you know what they are?

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posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Sorry OP, but how can anyone take you seriously when you have this notion that people are against feminism because they want to undermine all the progress women have made? I stopped reading right there.

Here's a long read about modern feminists:

It seems like most feminists are misguided girls, misandrists, victims of abuse, women who want payback for the thousands of years of female enslavement (LOL), women who want handouts, etc. Women have more privileges than men under the law. Affirmative action for women, small business loans for women, lower prison sentences, can have a man thrown in prison with no name just a few examples.

Read the entire link though. Oh yeah and it's disgusting what these scumbags (radfems...whatever) did to Erin Pizzey. The same kind of feminists are still around....way too many.

Also read this:

Is it ok that a young woman can claim she was raped just because she feels like a whore the next day? Feminists have made it where they can cry rape over completely consensual sex, which is why all men should stay away from them. Yes all men

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: ipsedixit
To me that showed clearly that, for some women, the battle for equality was really a battle for supremacy in disguise.

Hence, bullies.

Gender optional.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: BanTv

Feminism is an equal rights movement.

It is not based on individual extremists.

Every group has its extremists. The loudest voice doesn't necessarily represent the over all focus.

edit on 17-11-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: nenothtu

The debate makes me think of this Twilight Zone episode:

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: Annee

Yet feminists judge men's rights groups by the idiots.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: Annee

In some cases I'm sure the term "bullies" sums it up. If these bullies really believed that "my feminism includes bullies", that would be an example of the uselessness of the term "feminism".

I really think there are feminists who would regard a female Stalin or Hitler as progress. If that kind of belief is widespread in feminism, I think the "movement" is way off the rails.

I think there is, however, a segment at the top of society that is happy to foment chaos in the mainstream and very pleased to encourage "bullies".

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: Annee

You are absolutely right. It's ignorant to generalize based on the radicals. The problem is, most feminists are radical and think with emotion and not logic/facts.

Are you in a first world country and think there is pay inequality? You're an extremist. That myth is not based on facts, it's based on misrepresenting the statistics and relying on emotion. It's like taking a woman who works at mcdonalds and a man who is a scientist, and then claiming that is proof there is pay inequality. Feminists will have people believe that woman don't get equal pay for equal work, which is just not true.

Also, it doesn't matter what the moderate "sane" feminists think. What matters is the feminists creating laws and pushing for laws to be passed that put women at an advantage over men. For example that "yes means yes" garbage. Oh wow, nothing makes her wetter than signing a consent form before sex.

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: ipsedixit

I really think there are feminists who would regard a female Stalin or Hitler as progress. If that kind of belief is widespread in feminism, I think the "movement" is way off the rails.

That wouldn't be equality, now would it.

Anyone can steal the word Feminism and apply it to their agenda.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: Annee

Anyone can steal the word Feminism and apply it to their agenda.

That is the problem, and not just with feminism. All the "isms" have the same issue. People pick up the ball and run off in all directions with it.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: BanTv
a reply to: Annee

You are absolutely right. It's ignorant to generalize based on the radicals. The problem is, most feminists are radical and think with emotion and not logic/facts.

How can you say most? You can't. You can say some.

Don't stereotype with the "emotion" angle.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: ipsedixit

originally posted by: Annee

Anyone can steal the word Feminism and apply it to their agenda.

That is the problem, and not just with feminism. All the "isms" have the same issue. People pick up the ball and run off in all directions with it.

True. Kind of what this threads about.

My point is a bully, is a bully, is a bully. Women who want to dominate are bullies. It has nothing to do with feminism.

Legitimate, strong, intelligent, independent women ---- want the same in a man. They'd be bored out of their minds with a weak man they can bully.

edit on 17-11-2014 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:02 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ipsedixit

I really think there are feminists who would regard a female Stalin or Hitler as progress. If that kind of belief is widespread in feminism, I think the "movement" is way off the rails.

That wouldn't be equality, now would it.

Anyone can steal the word Feminism and apply it to their agenda.

I would love to hear what you want to be "equal" without mentioning the pay gap non-issue. No cat-calling allowed? Ok I'm for that. Implying "hey beautiful" is sexual harrassment? Nah that's insane.

Anyways, please enlighten me on how you are a second class citizen.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:04 AM
Do you or do you not believe in the pay gap myth? If you do, you're a radical. Most feminists believe in that little "fact".

What about the 1 in 5 or even more ridiculous 1 in 3 fabrication?

What's even more insane is that you can show these people actual facts/statistics and they REFUSE to acknowledge they are wrong.
edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2014 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: BanTv

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: ipsedixit

I really think there are feminists who would regard a female Stalin or Hitler as progress. If that kind of belief is widespread in feminism, I think the "movement" is way off the rails.

That wouldn't be equality, now would it.

Anyone can steal the word Feminism and apply it to their agenda.

I would love to hear what you want to be "equal" without mentioning the pay gap non-issue. No cat-calling allowed? Ok I'm for that. Implying "hey beautiful" is sexual harrassment? Nah that's insane.

Anyways, please enlighten me on how you are a second class citizen.

But, there is a pay gap issue.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Annee

No, there is not. That statistic is not talking about equal pay for equal work. That is a flat-out lie. Men do make more OVERALL because more men are in STEM fields. I'd share sources but once you guys are sucked in, facts don't matter.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 02:51 AM
If feminists want men and women to be treated equally , why be feminists and not simply put it as "Gender equality"
Feminists saying they don't hate men is like Clu Clux Clan saying they don't hate blacks . AM all for Gender equality and equal opportunity for all but feminists these days are just ridicules in their needs and the excessive victimization they portray of themselves and not to mention the excessive stereotyping of men and the undue advantage they get in the society these days.
edit on 17-11-2014 by maddy21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: diggindirt
Now the doors are open and the glass ceiling .... is at least in debate.

I'm 10 years ahead of you.

I was raised there are many roads and everyone needs to find their own. My family encouraged me to do everything.

I grew up In an all boy neighborhood and it really sucked when they got to play Little League, and I didn't.

There is still in-equality, but watching my 14 year old granddaughter --- I can see that glass ceiling shattering.

BTW - I was a stay at home mom, until I divorced. I'm a terrible domestic, but loved being mom. Can't take back those days if you miss them.

Yeah, we didn't have any Little League in our neighborhood. It ticked me off that the boys could go shirtless and I had to wear one.
I missed a lot by being a working mother in the early years of the kids but was able to be at home with them a lot (thanks to a remarriage and career change) during middle and high school. I was kicked out of the local feminist group when I decided to put my family ahead of my career---attacked is an accurate word for what several of the women I had considered friends did to me. Calling an old hippie chick "Betty Crocker" and "June Cleaver" constitutes an attack in my world.
To me it was a simple decision. Our kids were a more important contribution to society than any obscure discovery I might make in Mississippian archaeology. I was able to pursue my career but only on a part-time basis until the last one was in college. It was my good fortune that most of the actual archaeological work is done in summer, when my husband/partner was free of teaching duties and could step in and be Mr. Mom. We were also fortunate to have a big family support system.
It is pretty amazing to me to think of how much the society changed in just ten years between the '60s and '70s. I have a dear friend who is exactly ten years older than me. She wanted to be an archaeologist but was turned away from every school that she could afford. The chairman of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Kentucky advised her to go on over to the Home Economics Department. She went to the Geology Department instead and was welcomed. She later made some nice contributions to the field of archaeology from her geological research.
I just always knew that I could do anything I set my mind to. My family and teachers reinforced that idea constantly.
I also knew from family and friends that it was entirely possible that I would have multiple careers in my lifetime. My father had moved from automobile manufacturing to being a mail carrier and farming, to being a surveyor and later a supervisor for the Tennessee Valley Authority. He left TVA to start his own construction business. He was 51 years old at the time and spent the next 25 years building homes, barns and garages and teaching young men and women the craft of carpentry. He taught me to use tools but always emphasized that my most precious tool was my brain.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: nenothtu

originally posted by: diggindirt

I could go with another poster's "Peopleism" but would really prefer "Partnerism" as in we, as children of the Creator can form partnerships to accomplish our goals. Not all partnerships are 50-50 propositions. How about we all look at others as potential partners in making a better community? I simply can't see how fussing and grousing about things that happened a century or more ago is furthering anyone's cause.

I could live with that - so long as i was not made superfluous, somewhere below the value of a test-tube or petri dish.

Being the hedonistic heathen that I am, pleasure is one of my primary concerns. I can't imagine anything less pleasurable than a world filled with only women. Excess estrogen is just as toxic as excess testosterone. I've seen it and it's nasty. I think some of those women you met might have been some of my former students....or their spiritual sisters.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:06 AM
I just find it another form of bigotry, I was on another thread where I stated I was a feminist, and then was subjected to post after post dictating, that therefore I must hate men, think all men are rapists, that I would shout at men that opened doors, that I would not wear dresses or heels, would treat my son like a second class citizen, never mind what my partner must be like having chosen to be with me.
The fact is that as a political ideology it is diverse as any other, to state that all feminists are a certain way is ignorant in the extreme. In the same thread it was also stated women who had casual sex were sluts. Proof to me feminism still has work to do. How dare someone force their own morality on someone else, and not even in a polite manner but using derogatory language to shame women who enjoy sex outside of relationships.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: cuckooold

To me at least, as a man in my 40's, Feminism is simply another way of saying Humanism.

Humanism in the sense that we're all Human beings, all have equal value, and all have equal rights as living Human beings.

It has nothing to do with personality, physical appearance or strength, force of will or lack of. It doesn't really have anything to do with equal salaries or job opportunities, although being that this equates to necessities of life and standard of living, this is often at the forefront of discussions surrounding Feminism and equality of the genders.

It's an issue for day to day living, not in my view what Feminism is really about.

In a nutshell, it is about respect. Mutual respect and value for people, whoever and whatever they are and irrespective of what ever reproductive equipment and associated hormones come with their bodies.

It's only called Feminism, due to Females being subjugated and classed as somehow 'less' than their male brothers for centuries, which of course they are not less or worth less, and never have been, it really ought to be called Humanism.

Personally, there is ONLY two differences between the genders...the obvious and necessary physiological differences required to perpetuate our Human species, and the differences that society imposes upon the genders, social conditioning if you prefer that term.

That's it, nothing else. We all have the masculine and the feminine regardless of our 'equipment' and exposure to conditioning. Individuals may embrace both aspects, or reject and suppress one or the other, but ultimately they are simply rejecting and suppressing themselves, nothing else.

We're all the same, perhaps we're all the same at different times during our lives, but that is true of those belonging to the same gender or either gender.

The major perceived differences, apart from the required physical differences between genders, are false, imposed and imaginary differences foisted upon our psyche during our lives, as part of some kind of long running, gender based propaganda campaign, obviously orchestrated by Males who fear or loathe the feminine aspects ingrained in both genders.

It's rather childish and playground stuff i've always felt, and there's much more important and real things to concentrate our collective energies on than fighting and bickering over essentially non-existent, artificially created gender issues.

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