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Fighting the Insane

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posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by 77
I did not take photos. But I have inspected our nuclear warhead program and assist special agents authorized to arrest FBI.

77 is one of THEM

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 10:28 PM
Why does he sew his eyes shut, then open them anyways. What is the point of sewing them shut, only to open them?

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Myabe nurture has an effect too. I mean maybe a question to ask is, what circumstance has this person been exposed to, which might make a person do what he did. I have to clarify that I personally don't support this or claim to understand it.

My only point at this moment is that this person is not necessarily an Arab as it is commonly assumed!.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by zurvan
Myabe nurture has an effect too. I mean maybe a question to ask is, what circumstance has this person been exposed to, which might make a person do what he did. I have to clarify that I personally don't support this or claim to understand it.

My only point at this moment is that this person is not necessarily an Arab as it is commonly assumed!.

Thanks Zur they original thread here siad "middle east". All of aisa minor is vastly different, but, you have "monks" who set themselves on fire, you have suicide bombers, you have animals that saw heads off. You have Saddam (classification unknow). You have Suni vs Shia "to the death". India/Pakistain. My point is that whole region seems to have some mental disorder. Its geographic...........

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:06 PM
I'm not sure if some of you live a totally straight laced life or what, but lip (although not so much eye) sewing is nothing near "original" here in the US. I guess you should be calling americans crazy because I can almost guarentee I have seen lips being sown shut, just in ohio, more than it has ever been done in the middle east.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:15 PM

Thanks Zur they original thread here siad "middle east". All of aisa minor is vastly different, but, you have "monks" who set themselves on fire, you have suicide bombers, you have animals that saw heads off. You have Saddam (classification unknow). You have Suni vs Shia "to the death". India/Pakistain. My point is that whole region seems to have some mental disorder. Its geographic...........

You obviously have very litle knowledge of the regions to speak of. India vs Pakistan, maybe should research as to why the two sides are 'warring' and what Kashmir has to do with this.

What monks set themselves on fire?

I don't see Sunni's and Shia's fighting to the death in the Middle East.

Animals that saw of heads number only in the hundreds, and by no means depict the entire en masse of the middle east; and, they do so under a nessictated precedent: illegal occuption of thier land by an agressive and oppressive force.

I am not sure how it's a mental disorder; what about the Native Americans that were killed in the millions by Americans? They, too, must have a mental disorder. They smoke more ciggerates than most of the world, and it's one of the leading killers on this planet; they must have some sort of mental disorder to commite a gradual and slow suicide, no? They spend more money on thier military, than they do on healthcare; they must have some sort of mental disorder to put security ahead of health..


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 12:16 AM
I'm pretty sure the majority of incidents of " "monks" " ( quotes around your quotes) setting themselves on fire involved buddhist monks and I'm also pretty sure that those monks aren't from "that region of the world". By the way for someone who doesn't believe everyone from Asia Minor is an insane terrorist you have a funny way of showing it...

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

This is an "award" winning picture of an Iranian protesting Dutch authorities. His eyes and lips are sown shut? Is this insanity genertic? Are all those in or from the middle east brain damaged?

c'mon, man, kids who don't know what they're protesting in this country do worse sh!t to their faces!

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 09:21 AM
Look I have dated chics with more things pierced that this guy. Thats not the point. I don't think this is a fashion statement. The area just seems to see things from some sort of fog or something. Differenct brain chemistry.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Look I have dated chics with more things pierced that this guy. Thats not the point. I don't think this is a fashion statement. The area just seems to see things from some sort of fog or something. Differenct brain chemistry.

The "fog" is called "Fervor" Dr, you should be familiar with it!

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by instar

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Look I have dated chics with more things pierced that this guy. Thats not the point. I don't think this is a fashion statement. The area just seems to see things from some sort of fog or something. Differenct brain chemistry.

The "fog" is called "Fervor" Dr, you should be familiar with it!

Sorry had that surgically removed some years back. Along with all my personal "humanity".

Although related, the different "races" do have significant brain chemistry differences. Part evironment and part DNA. Those of us decended of the "lost tribes" have cleaner, superior genes. Also the devine intervention and blessings from God. All others are just "Philistines"

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by SiRiNO

Originally posted by Croat56
That does look pretty crazy. How does that guy supposed to eat anyway?

He doesnt, i'm guessing he is on a hunger strike too.

I'm not sure why this kind of anti arab biggotry isnt stopped on this forum by the mods, every second topic is full of ignorence and is usually (not always mind you) started by an overly patriotic american. Its a conspiracy I tell you! A conspiracy within a conspiracy forum...*dramatic music*.

I am quite sure he eats through a straw. He sewed his eyes shut too, but he still uses them.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Sorry had that surgically removed some years back. Along with all my personal "humanity".

Although related, the different "races" do have significant brain chemistry differences. Part evironment and part DNA. Those of us decended of the "lost tribes" have cleaner, superior genes. Also the devine intervention and blessings from God. All others are just "Philistines"

You know, I remember a u2u you sent me and exulted your 'so-called' academic credentials, I am having a very hard time saturating those...

That above post is not even worth a response, but i decided to anyways..


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 02:39 PM
"You know, I remember a u2u you sent me and exulted your 'so-called' academic credentials, I am having a very hard time saturating those...

That above post is not even worth a response, but i decided to anyways..


So prove me wrong there DEEP. Purity of genes is not a racest statement just simple fact. Blessing upon Israel is also fact. Blessing upon the lost tribes = fact.

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 02:47 PM

So prove me wrong there DEEP. Purity of genes is not a racest statement just simple fact. Blessing upon Israel is also fact. Blessing upon the lost tribes = fact.

Fact, tell me how it's a fact, and then tell me how the Israeli's (share the same genetics as Palstinians) are "blessed."

Now, don't bring up Biblical verses; circulatory logic really pisses me off. That's just ignorant, and coming from you, someone who just wants to 'understand' the whims of the world, it's just arrogant.

I, honestly, at the moment, can't contrive an argument against such egoism, so, i shall let you PROVE to me that you are blessed.

Deep (my name)

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:00 PM
First Israelis as you call them are JEW's. Close to closed gene pool based on historical fact. Palestinians are not "native" to the area. The is no such thing as Palestinian. All those who lived there 5000 years ago were killed, man, woman, and child. Archeological proof of the 5 cities being demolished does exist. How far back do you want me to go?


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 04:27 PM

Here is a generalization that is bound to offend the followers of that "peaceful religion".
I noticed an aful amount of homosexual activities in Iraq. Including little boys auditioning to groups of men by sucking on their thumbs. I was told they practice homosexual acts because they want to keep their women virgins for marrage.

"I sucked my thumb till 10 years ago; i was 12 at the time. That is an irrelevent point, and has so factual basis whatsoever. Iraq is still a culture shaped by Islamic and Arabic influences. Homosexuality is very well denounced. And this insinuations that boys are exploited to keep the elder women virgins is just plain ignorant and unmerited; i want to see some proof of this."-ZeroDeep

As for proof? What proof short of photos could there be? Let's see if anyone else notices a change among the Iraqi sexual orientations.

I can well believe you had a great many problems growing up and one that you have still is being RUDE.

Tell me when you were sucking away at your thumb, was there a crowd of the same sex but thirty to forty years older looking at you with glee and biding amounts of money?
I am addressing events during this last summer. I have no idea when you were in Iraq or where you were. I have muslim friends that say there is a semi-homosexual nature to boyhood in many of those cultures but it is not what were view as homosexual - whatever that means. I am certain this comes out more during a war.

To be honest the people when they are allowed to work under an indeginous Sheik are happy and hard workers. Outsiders are warping their society for the worst at present. The US needs to fund the Sheiks that were beaten down under Saddam. Bye and large the Sheiks love their people and the people love them. Funding is being misplaced. Iraq need training Guilds to teach cratsmanship that was lost too many idel hands and too little pay.

Again I don't know when you were there but in the South this summer it was present. I am an inspector and notice more than most. If it was not there perviously than it must be getting imported and if this is the case it is damn well worth looking into for the good of all. So I suggest we put our poison pens away and try to work together. No fighting, no bull, if what I saw is new I really want to know. In fact if anyone has any input please lets see if there is a cultural warping going on along these lines and who exactly is bringing it.

The oil is the bigest detriment to their social evolution. If the Iraqi had no oil they would be left alone. My point orignially was that the Muslim culture is not peaceful not in the least. My point at present is to see who is exploiting Iraqi children. US military, US businessmen or visiting Iranians?

I guess it will be up to me to find those news reports of missing children in Iraq.

[edit on 13-12-2004 by 77]

[edit on 13-12-2004 by 77]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 04:56 PM
I am sorry, but I do require substantial proof of these spurious claims.

Now as to the notion of homosexuality and the original notion of this thread, it's nowhere on the same page; you're just trolling and making any mediocre attacks that you can; this is how I perceive it, and will continue to you, untill you give me good reason to beleive you. I was raised around Muslims my whole life and I have never heard of this, esp being that homosexuality is strictly denounced in cultures of Islamic influence, if not Indian. The sex trade in countries all over the world, including the U.S; of the countries mentioned, this sticks out like a sore thumb:

It says more than 15,000 women are trafficked into the United States every year, many of them young girls from Mexico.

It estimates that 100,000 children and women in the Philippines, 400,000 in India, 100,000 in Taiwan, 200,000 in Thailand are subject to commercial sexual exploitation in the region.

I don't see the Arabic countries topping off the charts here, and in a part of the world where homosexuals are stoned to death, I find your nonsensical dogma to be unfounded. You should stop trying to degrade a region of the world without an ligitimate facts.

I am not sure what you point is anymore: all this talk about 'missing children', have you ever wondered maybe that the U.S. led invasion and the lack of civilian death tolls may have lead to an unkown number of children missing --under debris?

You're jumping around too much. The Iraqi oil industry, under a benevolent rule, could have a major impact on the Islamic world in a positive manner. Thank the U.S.A for exploiting that part of the world and the vast amount of wealth to be made there.


posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 08:41 PM
I am officially leaving this thread and I suggest all rational people should do the same. This thread is not and never was about the spirited debate of facts its just an exercise in disingenuous anti-arab propaganda.

Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in these two quotes?

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Many in the US currently think anyone from aisa minor is a terrorist or terrorist "want to be". I know that is very untrue.

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Although related, the different "races" do have significant brain chemistry differences. Part evironment and part DNA. Those of us decended of the "lost tribes" have cleaner, superior genes. Also the devine intervention and blessings from God. All others are just "Philistines"

[edit on 13-12-2004 by boogyman]

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

Originally posted by instar

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Look I have dated chics with more things pierced that this guy. Thats not the point. I don't think this is a fashion statement. The area just seems to see things from some sort of fog or something. Differenct brain chemistry.

The "fog" is called "Fervor" Dr, you should be familiar with it!

Sorry had that surgically removed some years back. Along with all my personal "humanity".

Although related, the different "races" do have significant brain chemistry differences. Part evironment and part DNA. Those of us decended of the "lost tribes" have cleaner, superior genes. Also the devine intervention and blessings from God. All others are just "Philistines"

This quote could be directly from the Nazi Himmler. I don't see a difference between a Himmler or an Adam Sandler. They are both the same. I guess the good doctor would have to explain further his pet theory on "cleaner" genes? Was the genes bleached therefore it was cleaner? Or is there a special cleaner employed by god to make his special people stand out from the other?

Racial superiority is what the good Dr. is trying to say. Right? Heil Hitler. Or is it Heil Sandler?

I am all confused. Is it Hitler or was it Miller, did I say Himmler or did I mean Sandler? It's all german to me.

[edit on 13-12-2004 by Justanotherperson]

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