posted on Nov, 10 2014 @ 02:20 AM
I guess I’m pretty skeptical when it comes to reported sightings of UFO’s, and flatout disbelieving about reported encounters; especially those
that include probings, telepathic communications, implants, blinking lights, etc. Like Carl Sagan once said, “extraordinary claims demand
extraordinary evidence”. I’m also very skeptical regarding claims of other-worldly paranormal experiences. I’m not saying that ALL reported
events (UFO/paranormal) have no substance, and that there aren’t things going on around us that are simply beyond our understanding. I do, though,
set the bar pretty high on meeting a certain standard of credibility.
That being said, to my recollection I’ve had 2 UFO sightings in my lifetime. Nothing spectacular, I’m sorry to say. Nonetheless, unusual by
conventionable standards. They go like this:
1 - This happened many years ago. I was outside relaxing one spring night, by myself and gazing up at the heavens. I wasn’t drinking or doing
any dope, and I wasn’t looking for alien activity; just gazing at the stars in wonder. I noticed a point of light that looked like any other star
except that it was moving slowly in a straight trajectory. I say slowly, but I don’t really know that since I couldn’t judge it’s distance.
Since there appeared to be no blinking lights I figured it wasn’t a plane. So, I thought, it’s probably a satellite; I’ve seen those pass over
before, and it looked a lot like that. But then, the point of light shed 3 other points of light. Now I’m looking at 4 points of light moving across
the sky. They moved together for a minute or 2 and then branched off in different directions. I watched them until they faded out of site about 3 or 4
minutes later.
After mulling it over for a few minutes, I then decided it was time for a drink...
2 - This incident took place about a year ago. I was standing outside talking to a friend this time, and both of us witnessed the same thing.
It was late in the day, but the sun hadn’t set yet and it was still pretty light outside; too light to see any stars or planets. While talking I
looked up and noticed a small, bright, spherical-looking object in the sky. I brought it to my friend’s attention and he acknowledged it, as well.
It didn’t appear to be moving; just hanging motionless in the sky. There were no lights or sound, and it had no discernable features. We looked away
and discussed it for a moment and concluded that it simply couldn’t be a star or planet, as it was still much too light outside for that. Not more
than 10 seconds had passed when we looked back up, but now it was gone; nowhere to be seen. We then looked back at each other in astonishment, puzzled
and slightly alarmed. We had looked away for literally just a few seconds. So where did it go? It was like it just suddenly vanished. Both of us,
being skeptics about such things, decided it must have been a drone, or maybe some other Earthly technology we’re just unaware of. More likely that
than something extraterrestrial, in any case.
That pretty much sums up my unexplainables. Exciting, huh? No little green men, no greys or reptilians, no motorcycle chicks from Mars, and no probes
up my butt (thank God!!).
Have fun...