Yep, Ive always meant to do an Introduction thread covering the reasons why I signed up here, and the UFO sighting I had with 4 friends (we were
16-17) back in 96/97 is probably the main reason for my interest in the paranormal (though Ive had a fair few other un-explainable things happen as
well). I'll do my best to explain it below, so if you're not interested in the details and just want a "YES" or "NO", then it is a definite "YES",
and read no further!
I would hope I am a relatively rational thinking person, and I do not jump to conclusions about odd sightings. (proof of this could be seen in my
first thread started here, where I saw a very bright object pass overhead at night. I posted it in the Space forum, as I was fairly certain what Id
witnessed was only un-identified by myself, and there would be a rational explanation - It was ISS!)
That being said,
In 96/97, I witnessed, with others present, a large, low and slow flying vehicle, with very distinct lighting. It was night, and it passed over an
area we were skating at called St.Marys Quad in St.Andrews, Scotland (part of the Uni).
As it was night, it was hard to define the edges of the craft, but the lighting probably gives a rough shape of it.
EDIT: Just to mention, the description below is as seen from directly underneath it -
I would describe it as similar in shape to how a chid draws a house in 2D. A square, with a triangle on the top (leading) side. There were red
lights located at each corner of the square, and at the very top point of the triangle, with a larger white central light bang centre of the square,
and smaller amber lights running from each of the 5 corner points into the large central light (creating a sort of asterisk pattern).
I would guess it was approx 250-500ft up (leaning to the lower end of that), and around 40-50 ft wide, 60-70ft tip to tail.
It took around 2 minutes to traverse the visible sky above us (before obscured by the buildings at the opposite side of the quad). There was minimal
noise. Just a low monotone hum. We managed to leave the quad and follow its path over the town centre, before losing it at the west edge of the town
St.Andrews is right next to Leuchars air force base (1 of Scotlands biggest military airbases), so we were used to seeing many types of aircraft
overhead. The UFO was reported by others to a paper called the Dundee Courier, and I was told they ran a small story on it, where they contacted the
airbase, and were advised Leuchars claimed they had nothing in the air at that time. Ive not personally seen the article, and Ive never found it in
any archive when the moods taken me to look for it. Im not very savvy in that regard though, so doesn't mean it isn't out there.
Finally, just a little background. Until I was around 15, I shared a room with an older brother who, since before I was born, wanted to be a pilot (
his current profession). As such, I grew up with walls covered in aircraft porn, books on them, boxes of plane identification cards (the 1's where it
shows you the numerous silhouette's of aircraft at different angles), and many other items of aviation memorabilia. For someone who does not work in
the field, I feel I have a reasonable knowledge of the varying known aircraft out there.
To this day, I still cannot identify the craft I saw that evening.
The 1 thing I would put money on though, is that it was terrestrial in origin.
BTW, During 96/97, another scottish airbase at Machrihanish was being used by the US, and Ive read that this is where an Aurora may have been based
around this period. Whether true or not, I do have friends from around that area with their own sightings.
Thanks for reading if anyone has. Been meaning to type that up for a while!
Cheers OP.
edit on 9-11-2014 by AbdulAlhazred because: fixing a there/their/they're typo!
edit on 9-11-2014 by AbdulAlhazred
because: (no reason given)