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Area 51 Scientist's Deathbed Show & Tell!

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posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 09:27 PM
BTW, why are aliens always shown naked?

Here we see a more modest alien. Presumably, relaxing between takes of making alien porno movies.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 09:27 PM
The truth is out there, and here too.
They cannot cover it up forever.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: OrionsGem

with 59 pages to wade through - I admit I have not read the entire thread - and keyword searches don't offer an answer so :

some of the vid in the OP relies on what I call " display boards " - of the type used at convention / expo stands and seminars etc

ie folded boards that open to reveal a montage of pics and printed docs

these are fine for expo stalls - but not really a logical choice for a y-tube // vid interview .

so one wonders - why does he have all this material mounted on display boards ?

the " obvious answer " is :

he has been // planned to go hawking this material to seminar // expo audiences

this is not a reply addressing the validity or orignis of the material presented -

just a musing on its prior use . " novelty " for want of a better word - ie - has it been presented before

if so - where / when , by whom ???

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Skinny Bob had a turtleneck.

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: CosmicRay
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Skinny Bob had a turtleneck.

Is that code to me or do you think the alien has a turtle type neck, or a reference to his missing male member??

originally posted by: thepixelpusher

Can anyone read the manufacturers toy tag? See closeup of it below.

Still trying to figure out what the toy tag says.
edit on 1-11-2014 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Fright Studios.. Fright Store?

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 07:11 AM
I can't watch the interview! It has been removed it says.

I've been reading some of the comments in this thread. I was wondering:

Does he tell anything ''new''? I mean, not just ''yeah ETs exist and are here etc'' but also stuff UFO 'believers' (lack of better wording right now) didn't 'know'/suspect? I'd love it if he had some kind of prediction about the near future, that we'd get some kind of technology or something like that.

Hmm I've seen this latest doll you post, but can you twist its neck like that?

I haven't seen the vid now, is it still online somewhere else? Is he specific, about things such as alien anatomy, culture, etc?

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Pitou

This link still worlds as of the moment...

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: thepixelpusher

Can anyone read the manufacturers toy tag? See closeup of it below.

Still trying to figure out what the toy tag says.
edit on 1-11-2014 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

I've done a bit of searching for this particular toy/company, but haven't found anything. This is a seasonal company most likely, probably a division of a larger maker of seasonal novelties. It may be very hard to trace.

This one definitely has more detail. Do we have any idea what year it was produced?

The thing is, the "grey alien" description/meme is incredibly universal. It has been for many years and is based on descriptions of the Roswell Aliens, the Betty and Barney Hill abduction, other "sightings", and is found in literature and Hollywood - it is the "stereotypical alien" that most people first think of when you say "alien." Thus the toys are made like this. Is it a description of "real" aliens, too? Heck if I know, but finding toys of this description is not going to be hard.

Interestingly, in the Roswell case, the rancher actually described the beings as looking like Jerusalem Crickets:

The alleged "Nurse X" who later disappeared according to the story (possibly Miriam Bush or Mary Lowe) had this attributed to her/them:

Later Warne would take her to an examination room and she saw several small childlike bodies. One was moving. Their skin was grayish to brown and they were covered in something like white linens. Their heads and eyes were large.
- M. Bush

They were, "Dark complected. I remember they was thin, and it looked like they had too big of a head."
- Lowe

Other Roswell descriptions:

They were about the size of 10 year old children, and base commander Col. William Blanchard indicated to him they were about 4 feet tall.

An eyewitness, recently found by Carey & Schmitt, to bodies and a live alien at the hospital was PFC Elias Benjamin (testimony), an MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. He was ordered out to Hangar 84/P-3 on the morning of July 8 (or perhaps the evening of July 7). There he was put in charge of a security detail to escort three or four bodies on gurneys from the hangar to the hospital. They were covered with sheets, but one of the sheets slipped during transfer, and that is when Benjamin saw the "grayish face and swollen, hairless head of a species that I realized was not human." He also noticed that one of the bodies seemed to be moving. At the base hospital, the sheets were removed, and doctors began working on one he thought was alive. He described it as "a very small person with an egg-shaped head that was oversized for its body... The only facial features that stick out in my mind now are that it had slanted eyes, two holes where its nose should have been, and a small slit where its mouth should have been."

Source (Also - Witness To Roswell, Chapter 15 "What did they look like?", by Thomas Carey and Donald Schmitt

I am not trying to validate these claims, just presenting them as the origin of the alien grey mythology and the reason that so many "alien toys" are similar in shape/size, etc. This "alien grey image" feeds off of the myth of Roswell and other sightings/abduction stories.

So... IF and only IF someone presented a photo of a "real" Roswell-type alien, it would most likely be the same/similar to the many such "alien grey" toys/images/movie props.

Food for thought...


ETA - the picture of the Jerusalem Cricket (w/out the antenna), fill in slightly larger and tilted eyes, tiny nose and mouth slits, might be the best representation of what the Roswell witnesses allegedly saw. The photo presented in the video did not look like this, and does look more like the alien toys/props.

More food for thought...

edit on 1-11-2014 by AboveBoard because: book credit...

edit on 1-11-2014 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

There is no actual validation of these claims other than the stories that have been told. Some stories with the convenient slipping of the sheet and getting a peek of these aliens. Or the tarp that doesn't quite cover the crashed spacecraft as drives through downtown Roswell. You'd have to be fairly naive and gullible to fall for these types scenarios. A highly secretive and secure scene but... OOPS there goes the sheet again. Really?

Betty and Barney Hill's description of their aliens varied. At one point Betty Hill described them in a dream as short, with black hair, and Jimmy Durante noses. It only changed after Barneys description. Barney described them as wearing tight shiny black suits and baseball style caps with one looking like an evil German Nazi. Betty in later years believed she was a beacon for UFOs with many encounters. Their story is a poor example of a case.

The generic description of the Roswell aliens comes down to a few things: Large head, large slanted eyes, small nose and mouth, grey skin, and tiny body. There can be many interpretations of that description. There's no mention of an indentation around the center of the skull, veins on the back of the head, hollowed out cheeks, folds/wrinkles around the eyes, etc. These are all the artists interpretation of the an alien being based on the mythology. The likelihood that the photographed "alien" would share these exact features outside of that generic description, are slim. I never stated these props are the alien, only that the amazing similarities of the human created props can't be ignored.

Further, the entire appearance of aliens is anthropomorphized. Not only with the humanoid features i.e. Stands upright, two arms/legs, but:
- Large head = Large brain/high intelligence.
- Small thin bodies = Their life is dependent upon intelligence not strength.
- Small or no ears = Communication via telepathy, no need for ears.
- Large eyes = Wise/Intelligent - Communication through the eyes into the mind.
- Small or no mouth = Again, no need because of telepathy.

All properties being attributed from our own belief and our own features. As I have pointed before and someone mentioned in this thread, looking at the wide variety of life on Earth, we have no idea what an alien life form would look like. What it may need to survive on their own planet and environment. For example, the octopus has survived for millions of years in a completely different environment and evolved features to do so. It shares the same basic needs as humans- eyes, mouth, arms, method of transport, communication, and on, but looks completely different. It's foolish to fit aliens into this human-like mold.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

Hey Ectoplasm8,

There is no actual validation of these claims other than the stories that have been told. Some stories with the convenient slipping of the sheet and getting a peek of these aliens. Or the tarp that doesn't quite cover the crashed spacecraft as drives through downtown Roswell. You'd have to be fairly naive and gullible to fall for these types scenarios. A highly secretive and secure scene but... OOPS there goes the sheet again. Really?

Betty and Barney Hill's description of their aliens varied...Their story is a poor example of a case.

1. I made no attempt to validate any of the claims from Roswell, or other "sightings," I merely indicated that they were source material for people designing alien dolls/props, etc. The "egg shaped, big eyed, bi-pedal, grayish" alien is a cultural meme. That is ALL I was saying about these incidents. I made NO attempt to say these were credible or verified experiences, only that they fed the cultural meme.

That being said, I find the rancher's depiction of "them" being like Jerusalem Crickets fascinating, and the picture is quite interesting, fitting with black eyes and egg shaped head, etc.

All properties being attributed from our own belief and our own features. As I have pointed before and someone mentioned in this thread, looking at the wide variety of life on Earth, we have no idea what an alien life form would look like. What it may need to survive on their own planet and environment. For example, the octopus has survived for millions of years in a completely different environment and evolved features to do so. It shares the same basic needs as humans- eyes, mouth, arms, method of transport, communication, and on, but looks completely different. It's foolish to fit aliens into this human-like mold.

2. It is true we have no idea what an alien life form might look like. Therefore, we do not know if it looks anything like us or not.

3. It is quite possible that the majority of life, intelligent or otherwise, in the universe looks nothing like us at all. In fact, I would put money on that as it is certainly true for Earth itself.

4. Certain features in nature are advantageous to being able to build and create, to forming thoughts above survival level needs, etc. Opposable thumbs, positioning of the eyes, brain development and nervous system, etc. This is true for our planet, so it is possible to say that another planet might develop life with similar symmetry, eye position, nervous system formation, hand and feet structures - a lot of why we look the way we do has to do with physical mechanics on our world. According to the "Goldilocks theory," life is most likely to develop under certain conditions that are similar to what we have here on Earth, with the exception of the class of extremophile life-forms.

In other words, we KNOW that bi-pedal beings and quadrupedal beings exist on our world, therefore this form is possible in the universe and is generally at the "top of the food chain" on our planet. We know that life tends to develop into symmetrical forms. Since that is a known, we cannot make the broad assumption that beings from another planet would NOT look like us, any more than we can make the assumption that they would look a lot like us.

It is, however, fascinating to imagine other creatures on other worlds achieving technological superiority that look nothing like us - perhaps they are oceanic creatures, or insect-like. I've often thought that if we manage to destroy ourselves and a few million years evolves another batch of technologically minded creatures, they might be more like insects or ocean creatures like the octopus, but with more dexterity and, in the case of insects, greater size.

5. I am in agreement that the photograph of the Boyd Bushman's alleged alien and the toys look extremely similar. That is a strong case for the picture in the video being a prop.

So again, I'm not attempting to bandy about pro or con Roswell arguments, or promote as credible any other "sighting." I'm just looking at the lore and mythology of what we think of as "aliens" and where that came from, how universal it is, and how that is reflected in commercial merchandise, movies, etc.

I appreciate your comments - thank you for responding.

- AB
edit on 1-11-2014 by AboveBoard because: clarity

edit on 1-11-2014 by AboveBoard because: more clarity

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 06:13 PM
Has anyone seen this before? I wonder what the story is behind this image?

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation how every image is captured in a picture without zooming in. These are all digital prints. If they're legit, why not upload them? He's obviously printed them off a computer.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

This was a great post, and your description of a grey was really good. I wouldn't dismiss the idea of an alien species like the greys from actually existing. Yes there could be all sorts of strange things visiting our planet that we can't even imagine, but the mythology surrounding the greys revolves around an interaction with humans. I would think in the abundance of the Universe, there would be species that could interact with humans and have some similarities with us.

There is a chance the humanoid form could be a constant for a superior being throughout the Universe. There may be other forms of life that we haven't even discovered yet, that can be classified as a superior being too. However I think we should suspect there to be many civilizations of humanoid beings throughout the Universe, and especially in our Galaxy. I think visiting humanoid life forms intelligent enough to communicate with us, would.

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 10:24 PM
link is calling it a hoax. So I guess it's official now

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 10:48 PM
Well there certainly seems to have been a lot of "deathbed" confessions about the crash at Roswell.
Im sure something out Worldly went on there, I doubt if they would make such a big deal of a weather balloon and foil.

What always surprises me, is the main reference of the Brazel debris field etc etc. But the actual UFO crash was a few miles away, where they discovered the disc impacted an escarpment, and found the 2 dead and 1 living beings.
This is well documented, as it was found by a family group of 2 men, one teenager and one boy. At the same time, a geo survey group of College students arrived with there professor on a field trip. They were all attracted by the reflection of bright metal in the arid area.
There is quite a story to it all, and documented by those involved, of the military turning up, threats made, lives threatened etc etc, typical of that time period (and now i guess).
So it wasnt just the debri field.....that is the decoy....the real "Action" was a little further away.

ALso there is the documented Kingman Arizona crash on May 1953.....also bodies retrieved, this time actually wearing silver tight fitting suits....I dont think they are ever nude....they just wear these tight turtle neck one piece suits.

Though I have no idea....I still cant get to grips that these creatures would fly light years from some wondrous place, in little 30' diameter craft to get to Earth and crash.
I still believe they are either us/humans from the future (or past) or they have bases already on Earth, underground, underwater, or on the Moon, wherever......and just commute for their takeaway food (roast beef...or human...yum)

They may say they are "Aliens" because they already know the past/future, that's what the primitives want to hear and it is easier to explain it as that , to the primitives...

edit on 1-11-2014 by gort51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2014 @ 11:46 PM

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 01:25 AM
Of interest on the snopes website...

The man who appeared in the video hasn't been positively identified as a former Lockheed Martin engineer named Boyd Bushman. But even if the fellow is who he claims to be and he genuinely believed the images displayed in the video were of a real alien, evidence points to someone's doing the hoaxing.

posted on Nov, 3 2014 @ 04:26 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: OrionsGem

with 59 pages to wade through - I admit I have not read the entire thread - and keyword searches don't offer an answer so :

some of the vid in the OP relies on what I call " display boards " - of the type used at convention / expo stands and seminars etc

ie folded boards that open to reveal a montage of pics and printed docs

these are fine for expo stalls - but not really a logical choice for a y-tube // vid interview .

so one wonders - why does he have all this material mounted on display boards ?

the " obvious answer " is :

he has been // planned to go hawking this material to seminar // expo audiences

this is not a reply addressing the validity or orignis of the material presented -

just a musing on its prior use . " novelty " for want of a better word - ie - has it been presented before

if so - where / when , by whom ???

I have a very different take. My first impression was that his form of presentation was just an indication that he was still stuck in the methods of the era in which he was most productive as a scientist. Before Powerpoint and lacking the time/resources to have a full slideshow produced, (without the aid of WYSIWYG computer platforms), I can easily imagine a scientist presenting information to peers around a meeting table, or making a presentation for for executives or military brass, via fold out poster board.

I think that's the way he always did it, so it was natural for him to do it that way when trying to get his story on video.

No one today planning on doing an expo circuit would rely on such primitive, shoestring methods of presentation.

For me, it added to his genuineness.

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