posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to:
"An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple, and obvious Truth: she is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it."
talk about stating the obvious there captain. shes freakin mortal. but he was speaking in immediate terms, and neo thwarted whatever higher mechanism
was at work. not that it *SPOILERS* saved her in the end...but i guess that was the whole point of including her to begin with. it was symbolic of him
being pried away from physicality in the same sense that jesus was aloof from the material world. just like when he lost his eyes. he was being forced
to perceive the world as something other than a synergistic molecular structure. with his mind, not his body. i think thats what prepared him to face
smith on his own terms by embracing the yang inside all of us. which brings me to the hope quote.
"Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.... "
hope is a delusion indeed. but it is a useful delusion and gives us a reason to go that one extra mile on the mere possibility of success when sitting
down would have guaranteed failure. hope in a higher being at the cost of our own impetus and personal sense of capability is a contradiction. i was
talking to someone the other day and she explained how she used to be a self-degrading introvert until god helped her become more social. she was
convinced she had no power in herself. thats not what i call salvation, freedom, or grace. hell thats not even humility. thats the cowed submissive
regard an abuse victim has for their tormentor. its what gives the abuser power, the belief that they are helpless without them. its not
representative of all believers and i get that. but i do feel that trading the power to save yourself for the power to hope that someone will save you
is trading your car for gas money. i would prefer to exercise regularly and have a healthy diet than make best friends with the local bartender
because im ugly and out of shape. no thanks bartender you can keep your liquid consolation. its all about having the power to change things myself
instead of answering to someone who insists on being paid for the favor. especially when the price is my soul.
btw thank you for bringing the matrix into this. i love that series and i love exploring its philosophical quandaries.
edit on 6-10-2014 by
TzarChasm because: (no reason given)