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The most dangerous man in Europe; Anjem Choudary FINALLY arrested!!

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posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:08 PM
Most Dangerous man in Europe?


I used to listen to James Whale rip the crap out of this guy 20+ years ago - he wasn't even the most dangerous man on the James Whale radio show.

There are hardcore terrorists, psychopaths and killers who are running loose and are a damn site more dangerous.

Choudary is just a loudmouth idiot who has some very stupid ideas. Admittedly those ideas have no place in regular society but most dangerous man? No.

The most dangerous ones are the ones who go about their business quietly.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: neformore

Exactly, we should fear the silent hand that moves behind the scenes not the idiot in front of the TV camera.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: neformore
Most Dangerous man in Europe?


I used to listen to James Whale rip the crap out of this guy 20+ years ago - he wasn't even the most dangerous man on the James Whale radio show.

There are hardcore terrorists, psychopaths and killers who are running loose and are a damn site more dangerous.

Choudary is just a loudmouth idiot who has some very stupid ideas. Admittedly those ideas have no place in regular society but most dangerous man? No.

The most dangerous ones are the ones who go about their business quietly.

Choudary has PERSONALLY converted and radicalized THOUSANDS if not millions in the west, tainting them with his perverse hatred of our society. I'm not talking about dangerous in terms of this guy might stab me, I'm talking about this guy is helping shape a MOVEMENT OF HATRED and FANATACISM.

What makes him extra special dangerous is that the UK have always refused to restrict his speech because they are scared of appearing racist....

Strange how hate speech is perfectly OK when it's directed at white people and western culture. And this guy goes far beyond hate speech even; he preaches GENOCIDE against western institutions, culture, religion, people and history!

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 06:38 AM
Good news that one got arrested, but I agree with Phoenix on this one, the ones that we don't know about are the real danger.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

I always love it when Americans try and tell me what goes on in my own country

Thanks for that, but I live here.

Here in the UK Choudray is mainly perceived as a loud mouthed idiot that embarrases himself and the islamic faith. He actually has a very small following and most of the islamic community shuns him - he generally has a very small following.

As I said, he has some ideas that have no place in society and obviously the security services have picked him up for that but he's certainly not the menace that you - with your caps lock - appear to make him out to be.

posted on Oct, 5 2014 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: neformore

I have lived in the UK also, and funnily, the times I've lived overseas are the times I've learned the most about my own nation.

The problem with your perception of choudary as just some loud-mouthed idiot is the same problem the UK gov't has had because they can't honestly fathom that such sheer stupidity can actually RESOUND with some individuals.

Individuals that Choudary has resounded with include Michael Adebolajo and his buddy who murdered Lee Rigby, beheader Jihadi John, then founder of Sharia4Belgium, and thousands more.

What you and apparently GCHQ have failed to realize (until 2 weeks ago), is that his sort of venomous drivel actually turns the minds of youngsters who had a crap childhood, anger issues etc and who just want to be part of something. Radical imams are pretty well known for preying on vulnerable minds and they specifically target people with anger at something. They know they can mold that anger and then point it down a path of their choosing. Prime recent example is the Oklahoma beheading last week.

As for me not living in the UK, well to be honest, you don't know what color your house is if you've never seen it from the outside.

1 year outside the US taught me more about my home than 30years living inside it.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
a reply to: neformore

What you and apparently GCHQ have failed to realize (until 2 weeks ago), is that his sort of venomous drivel actually turns the minds of youngsters who had a crap childhood, anger issues etc and who just want to be part of something.

I think you'll find the British security services have a better knowledge/understanding/handling of the situation than a guy sitting in the US typing on an internet forum, but the next time I speak to any of them I''ll be sure to pass on your commnents

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: neformore

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
a reply to: neformore

What you and apparently GCHQ have failed to realize (until 2 weeks ago), is that his sort of venomous drivel actually turns the minds of youngsters who had a crap childhood, anger issues etc and who just want to be part of something.

I think you'll find the British security services have a better knowledge/understanding/handling of the situation than a guy sitting in the US typing on an internet forum, but the next time I speak to any of them I''ll be sure to pass on your commnents

Congrats on getting the "smug Brit" thing down to perfection! Here, I'll have a go too,

Wait what's that? The DID arrest him finally? and they ARE finally changing their approach in the face of a decade of failure?

Progressive brainlessness and failure to act have ensured Britain will never be British again.

Have fun with your homegrown jihadis and Sharia law buddy!

posted on Oct, 7 2014 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny


Enjoy wallowing in your ignorance.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: old_god
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Anjem Choudary is loathed by the majority of Muslims in the UK, this is a fact also stated by the BBC now.

But mark my words, he is a paid MI5/MI6 stooge and will be out parading around spreading his BS and creating more sensationalist media reports.

I'm disappointed not to see more posters considering the idea Choudary is an intelligence asset agent provocateur, & so many falling into the trap of demanding further silencing of dissent using abhorrent 'hate speech' laws & political persecution.

Bogey men like him are traditionally used to take ALL our rights away by tyrannical governments.

If he's not a fully paid up member of the secret services, then he should be, because he's an establishment wet dream.

If I was working for government & the violent psychopaths who actually rule the UK & I was seeking to manipulate & control public perception, & attack remaining civil liberties, I would nurture & protect many Anjem Choudarys & preferably have at least one of his type in as many camps as possible.

I'd infiltrate other organisations such as the EDF too so I could polarise, antagonise, provoke as many factions as I could.

I'd give them all massive publicity, far beyond their popularity to incite race hate & in fighting because it's so much easier to control a rabble.

The UK government, secret services & media are the ones inciting hatred, funding terrorism & carrying out mass murder through illegal wars of aggression that has killed & maimed millions of innocent human beings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya & now Syria. All initially justified by government sponsored false flag terror events of 9/11 & 7/7.

We should be able to think & speak about whatever we want to, even if, especially if, some people find it abhorrent. That's what free speech is. We all have that right but only if we tolerate opposing & conflicting ideas & beliefs.

If I hate you, I should be able to tell you & say why I do without being criminalised.

You can not incite most people to act violently using words alone & you cannot pretend to care about inciting violence when you are bombing sovereign countries infrastructure & providing air cover to NATO death squads.

Nothing incites hate & violence more than murdering people's families & homes.

I wish more people would not be so easily manipulated by what I believe is psychological warfare involving fake bogey men like AC.

Remember, we are the targets of the never ending war of terror, as well as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria & Iran.

edit on 12-10-2014 by thehumanati because: omitted words

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
a reply to: Kandinsky

"most dangerous" was my thread title, not taken from any media source, but I stand by it, and I hardly think it's an exaggeration. This guy is responsible for Lee Rigby's death! A peacetime execution of a soldier in LONDON in broad daylight!

He is responsible for Jihadi John as well.

And personally I think the UK has put away the soft-touch PC pansy approach at this point, and is about to get Medieval on these bastards.

S&F It's about time.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
In my 20's I was much more idealistic in my politics and world view. I have come to realize that the pendulum swung MUCH too far in one direction in the short-lived sort of "golden era" bewteen post-war and around 1990.

It will be another few generations before the world sees such a period of overall easy life and prosperity for the west.

The gloves are off now, we have to go back to the hard justice that served our world quite well for millenia.

I don't want to see a martyr made, but Choudary needs a little accidental polonium210 or thallium injection.

Britain literally conquered the world (or very nearly) and yet in the last 30years we have let our culture, society, cities and people be utterly infiltrated, dominated, eviscerated and eventually subjugated.


People like Choudary want heads to roll??? Heads will indeed roll, but not the ones he'd hoped for. The sleeping dragon has begun to awaken.

I hope you're right.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: JiggyPotamus

I mentioned in a couple of other threads that if Islam truly does teach violence towards non-Muslims, and people like those in the video are inspired by this doctrine to commit violence against others, then Islam should not be protected under laws guaranteeing freedom of religion. Any non-religious group who was inciting violence on such a scale, even on a small scale, would not be allowed to flourish, much less be offered the protection of the law. There is a difference in free speech and inciting violence, and this is not a small problem by any means.

I ought to educate myself on the teachings of Islam a bit more, because I have a hunch that it is a terrorist doctrine in that it teaches its adherents to be violent towards non-Muslims. And if that much is true, then the entire religion should be labelled for what it is, and none of its adherents should be allowed to openly practice it. Any doctrine that serves to squash the rights of other should not be tolerated, and the only hate groups that should be tolerated are the ones who do not incite violence. This goes for any group that incites violence by the way. I don't know how many people must engage in violent acts in the name of their doctrine for the entire group to be outlawed, but I say that these Islamic extremists have definitely crossed that line.

Indeed, if you look into Islam you will discover how toxic it is to both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Muhammad (570-632 A.D) was the preeminent "prophet" of the Dark Ages. He was a mass-murderer and a pedophile. The Qur'an (The Recitation) is 430 pages long and is a record of Muhammad "hearing" the voice of the Angel Gabriel.

It is against Islamic law to criticize Muhammad or his Qur'an. Muhammad is considered a role model by Muslims.

Here's a quick taste of what's in the Qur'an:
(from “The Table” in the Qur’an)

“Cain’s soul prompted him to slay his brother, he killed him and thus became one of the lost. Then Allah sent down a raven, which dug the earth to show Cain how to bury the naked corpse of this brother.”

“ ’Alas’ Cain cried, ‘Have I not strength enough to do as this raven has done and so bury my brother’s naked corpse?’ And Cain repented.

“That is why We (Muslims) laid it down for the Israelites that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or OTHER WICKED CRIMES (the list is long), should be looked upon as though he had killed all mankind; and that whoever saved a human life should be regarded as though he had saved all mankind….”

“Those that make war against Allah and His apostle (Muhammad) and spread disorders in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the country….”

“As for unbelievers (in Muhammad), if they offered all that the earth contains and as much besides to redeem themselves fro the torment of the Day of Resurrection, it shall not be accepted from them. Theirs shall be a woeful punishment. They shall strive to get out of Hell, but they shall not: theirs shall be a lasting punishment.”

“As for the man or woman who is guilty of theft, cut off their hands to punish them for their crimes. That is the punishment enjoined by Allah. He is mighty and wise….”

“Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship shall become one of their member. Allah does not guide the wrongdoers (Jews or Christians and Muslims who befriend them).”

Strongly recommend you take a serious look at Muhammad so you can get a better idea of what we're up against.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: fishwhisperer
I actually like Choudary, why you ask ? Because although he is a scumbag and waste of oxygen he is educating a lot of non-Muslims on the Islamic scriptures who really have no idea about Islam and are happy to digest the bull that a lot of Imam's and the Muslim community are saying about how ISIS are not Islamic.

At least Choudary is coming out and telling the world how it really is, and what it means to be a Muslim.

Keep up the good work Choudary.

Exactly, I am astounded that 13 years after 9/11 how ignorant many Americans are about Islam.

Naive apologists for Islam make my blood boil. Islam has been dangerous to the world since its inception in the 7th century AD.

posted on Dec, 11 2016 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: Flavian
But is he really that dangerous? To me he has always come across as the Katie Hopkins of the Islamic Fundamentalist world - a rent a gob if you like. Yes he has an opinion on everything but lets face it, if you were in a "sleeper cell" of some description, there is no way you would tell Choudary anything.

He has been monitored for that long that surely he would already be in an orange jumpsuit if he was actually dangerous?

Good example of the RM/Sleeper cell programming.
Focus on the Muslim drummer in the upper right hand corner next to the world trade center towers in this video.

posted on Dec, 11 2016 @ 06:13 AM
Agreed with some posters here, dangerous? yes. Most dangerous? hell no.
If u want a person who might go for that title in Europe, take Erdogan. He fits that bill.

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