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The most dangerous man in Europe; Anjem Choudary FINALLY arrested!!

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posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: uncommitted
I know im going out on a limb but I feel the Charles Manson analogy fits..he never killed anyone, why is he in prison for life?, because he got a bunch of weak minded people to follow him and go out and do terrible things, pretty much the same situation here.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Adolf Hitler and his cronies pulled off something similar should they not have been held accountable considering none of them got their hands dirty and got others to do there bidding?

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:35 PM
Roddy (I hope you don't mind me calling you roddy),

I just have been mulling over precisely the point the other poster made.

We have to be very careful, that the standards we apply to ourselves are applied equally.

How many times on ATS have we said " It's 1984, thought police!"

Has this guy actually killed anyone by his own hand?

Not that I am aware of, has he killed through influence, by citing what he believes?

Yes, I sure he has.

Did he commit those killings?

Physically no, none of us like being told how we should be, what we should do, what to believe, yet our governments do it to us all the time, our friends, our employers.

What I'm trying to say, rather badly I might words do not kill on their own, it is the actions those words represent and the individual who carries out the action is ultimately the killer.

I'm not defending this Amenjamangythingymabob, just that we can't apply a double standard.

That said, I think this guy should be arested and be deported to a sharia law country and be forced to remain until he dies seeing as he loves it so much.

People like him think differently to us, we don't like, they don't like the way we are and want to change us, in turn, we want to label and criminalise their beliefs.

I think I just become so open minded my head just fell off, but sometimes we need to check ourselves...are we responding through a sense of fear which is realised, or seeded by people who wish to control us?

Big respect Rodinus

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: vonclod

Adolf Hitler and his cronies pulled off something similar should they not have been held accountable considering none of them got their hands dirty and got others to do there bidding?

You raise a valid point, reminds me of Milgram, why do people follow orders?

Morality can be a murkey place sometimes.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: solargeddon



posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: solargeddon
Party pooper

Its very true we cannot lose sight of our ideals..what seperates us from them, them being the very radicalized element.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
a reply to: solargeddon
Party pooper

Its very true we cannot lose sight of our ideals..what seperates us from them, them being the very radicalized element.

Radicalized in our opinion, to them it makes perfect sense, that said like so many religions people are born into it to, but there are those who begin life with one belief system only to adopt another later in life.

As I said before Morality is a very murkey place, I'm not even sure I understand fully my own schtick, let alone live up to it.

Have a beer on me _javascript:icon('')


posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny
finally taking this seriously are they?

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: Kryties
Excellent news that he has been arrested, lets all hope he is tried and punished accordingly and to legal standards.

However, those people who call for his rape, torture, crucifixion, suffocation and death are, in my view, acting no better than the radical preacher himself.

I was thinking the same thing,it made me cringe.

Sorry fellow ATSers but really?

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 04:30 PM
Fresh results of Choudary's sort of preaching:

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Anjem Choudary is loathed by the majority of Muslims in the UK, this is a fact also stated by the BBC now.

But mark my words, he is a paid MI5/MI6 stooge and will be out parading around spreading his BS and creating more sensationalist media reports.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 07:36 PM
I firmly believe that free speech has its limits. One can go so far as to talk about changing the government, but inciting violence or the overthrow of the government should constitute a crime. What REALLY bothers me is immigrants who come to a country and feel they have a right to change anything. They can go back to wherever they came from if they don't like it. They didn't help build this country, they weren't born here, and it seems that you would have to be pretty tactless to do something like that. I hate when I see people flying foreign flags within the US for instance.

I mentioned in a couple of other threads that if Islam truly does teach violence towards non-Muslims, and people like those in the video are inspired by this doctrine to commit violence against others, then Islam should not be protected under laws guaranteeing freedom of religion. Any non-religious group who was inciting violence on such a scale, even on a small scale, would not be allowed to flourish, much less be offered the protection of the law. There is a difference in free speech and inciting violence, and this is not a small problem by any means.

I ought to educate myself on the teachings of Islam a bit more, because I have a hunch that it is a terrorist doctrine in that it teaches its adherents to be violent towards non-Muslims. And if that much is true, then the entire religion should be labelled for what it is, and none of its adherents should be allowed to openly practice it. Any doctrine that serves to squash the rights of other should not be tolerated, and the only hate groups that should be tolerated are the ones who do not incite violence. This goes for any group that incites violence by the way. I don't know how many people must engage in violent acts in the name of their doctrine for the entire group to be outlawed, but I say that these Islamic extremists have definitely crossed that line.

And then there is the fact that places like the UK and America allow freedom of religion, we allow these idiots to come to our country, they take advantage of the system in various ways, and then they incite violence against that country. Perhaps we should put away the idea of political correctness and take a stand against these people who hate us. I for one do not wish to live near a person who hates me and wants to kill me because I do not believe the same thing they believe. Even putting the law aside, perhaps the majority should rule in this instance. But I wonder how many people would be for expelling Muslims from their country? The woman in the video attempts to understand the Muslim woman, and you see what happens. Pure hate. I almost would never even entertain the idea of the majority acting out against the law, but perhaps expelling the entire doctrine from our nations is the best course of action. And like I said earlier, we could likely do so with the law on our side if it could be proven that Islam incites this violence purposefully, and it is laid down within the doctrine. If there weren't so many Muslims doing this stuff then I probably wouldn't care so much, but when so many are doing it you have to wonder why.

And to say that they have some moral leanings that prohibit them from participating in a government like that of the UK or US, then why in the heck are they here taking free money from the government? Where are their "moral values" in that instance?

(post by urmenimu removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 02:32 AM

originally posted by: old_god
But mark my words, he is a paid MI5/MI6 stooge and will be out parading around spreading his BS and creating more sensationalist media reports.

Ask yourself. "Why"?

Soon you'll realise what a plonker statement that is! Not everything in life is so neatly orchestrated. It is possible for someone to be nasty without the help of some sinister "other" force.

edit on 27/9/2014 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Hurray, down with free speech, down with freedom of religion!

Even worse if his speeches are inspiring. Britain is supposed to be dull.

And calling for the break-up of the UK! Lock him up for that, although we'll need a lot of cells if we include 45% of the Scots.

Seriously, we need to break from the EU and get some basic freedoms back. This isn't just about the Muslims, the French prosecute Britons if they make fun of Germans, the Germans prosecute historians if they don't follow the government line.

We need free speech.

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 03:44 AM
if Choudry is the most dangerous man in Europe, then Europe is doing pretty well right now. Choudry to me always came across as almost a comical figure. The muslim boogeyman to strike fear into their tv audience or to get them throwing their tv remote through the tv. I'm surprised by some of the irate responses in this thread. Dragging some people down to the level of The people or groups you most despise and hate.

edit on 27-9-2014 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 12:42 PM
This islamic nutjobs are an excuse for british racist groups to operate openly in public. Its becomeing big issue for non islamic and non white britons ( not english, incase if hou get confused what british means) Start with Banning the freaking burga. Ban public display of protests you seen the first post. Above all ban racist political parties.

In sri lanka, we banned halal, burgas, and other bits and bobs.. No problem. Human rights watch people not very happy.. So we ban them too..

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Rodinus
a reply to: vonclod

Only bacon I hope?

For the rest of his sad life!

Kindest respects


that would be a waste of good bacon, we should feed him to the pigs instead. saying that they would probably turn up their snouts at the thought of eating such a pos

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: supermouse
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Hurray, down with free speech, down with freedom of religion!

Even worse if his speeches are inspiring. Britain is supposed to be dull.

And calling for the break-up of the UK! Lock him up for that, although we'll need a lot of cells if we include 45% of the Scots.

Seriously, we need to break from the EU and get some basic freedoms back. This isn't just about the Muslims, the French prosecute Britons if they make fun of Germans, the Germans prosecute historians if they don't follow the government line.

We need free speech.

Speech that incites murder is not and SHOULD not be protected.

And equating Scottish people who PEACEFULLY voted for their own independence, during an AGREED referendum, with bloodthirsty terrorists who want to see every non-believer DECAPITATED..... pure foolishness

posted on Sep, 27 2014 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: supermouse

Yeah his speeches are inspiring alright, inspiring enough to some people that they go out and run somebody over with a car, then get out of the car and murder that person by attempting to decapitate him with machetes, all in broad daylight on a busy public street in the capitol city of England.

Inspiring stuff eh?

You need to adjust your compass, it's pointing at your ass.

Michael Adebolajo and Choudary

Oh look there's Michael Adebolajo again, what a coincidence!
He looks so inspired.

edit on 27-9-2014 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

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