a reply to:
Noticing that you see the persistent contrails when there are already cirrus clouds in the sky is telling. Why were there cirrus clouds? You have
two choices here. Choice 1. the conditions where the clouds form were consistent for cloud formation. Choice 2. some evil government entity used
some covert device to manufacture clouds in hopes that they would divert attention to the spray operation that ensued. (Of course choice 2 is a bit
over dramatized, but the general idea remains)
Persistent contrails can only form where the temperature, humidity, and saturation levels are correct for their formation.
If you saw white lines forming behind a plane at say, 10,000ft, that would be very unusual, and from what I know, almost impossible. But if that was
the case, you would have some real evidence about chemtrails being real. Trouble is, it's very hard to judge altitude from the ground based on sight
Several factors in recent years have contributed to this phenomenon. The biggest being the newer, more efficient engines which have a by-product of
producing more contrails due to their bypass ratio. ( I think that is the proper wording) Once you have more visual indications of contrails, you
will have more people noticing them. Where those people get their information from is key.
If they come into contact with a person with science in mind, they may get a factual answer as many here have offered. If their first contact is with
a conspiracy person, they may get the chemtrail excuse offered. How deeply they decide to investigate will likely give them their thought process.
Given that most people are a bit lazy, they will take whatever answer they were given that makes sense and stop there.
You don't seem like the average lazy type, so that's a good thing. The only way to find the truth is on your own. I have an agenda. Chemtrail
pushers have an agenda. If you look at the pure science side. The unbiased real information, you may come the same conclusion that most do, that
based on science, the ability for a plane to make a trail intentionally by spraying anything, and have the trail longer than a few hundred feet is
quite impossible. The aircraft cannot hold the necessary amount of anything for that to happen.
The original chemtrail theory is based on the misconception that contrail cannot last longer than a few seconds to at most a few minutes. Since we
know that is false, it kind of makes the logical mind question the entire premise after that failure.
But again, please find your own truth by looking at meteorological science. Understand clouds, contrails, and weather at the basic levels. If you
truly do that, and still think chemtails are a reality, we can have a fantastic discussion and all may well learn new things.