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The Great Pyramid And Sphinx, The Lies And Deceptions

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posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet

There is no "PROOF" whatsoever of Aliens, so we can write them off
That leaves one possibility, GOD!

as the total lack of evidence for alien presence rules out the alien theory please present hard evidence for god's involvement in this matter (the Torah/OT is definitely not one of them)

posted on Aug, 6 2005 @ 03:42 PM
I do not need to offer proof of God, if you don't beleive there is a God, one day you will find out how wrong you were.

That choice is yours.

Some proof I gave earlier in the post with the measurements of the Pyramid.

[edit on 6-8-2005 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 07:08 AM
this has nothing to do with believing in god or not as i said "involvement",
as for being wrong .... maybe but maybe you are and in this case do mention my name when passing to the other side i'll be glad to save you some "trouble"

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 12:04 PM
HV, if you read through the thread, you will see where I mentioned these facts:

The Pryamid could not have been built without some supernatural inspiration. The Great Pyramid sits in the exact center of the land mass of the earth, how could any man know this ?

The diameter of the earth is encoded in the measurements of the Great, along with the days of the years, distance to the sun and a lot of other info that no man could have possibly known.

There is a constant reference to the number 144,000, this number is the number of jewish servants that will be called to preach the gospel during the tribulation period. Multiples of the 144,000 are also found in the measurements of the Sphinx, and hight of the Great Pyramid.

The "Coffer" that is in the Kings Chamber has the exact same volume as the "Ark Of The Covenant" and the width of the Kings Chamber is the same as the width of the wingspan of the Golden Cherubim that King Solomon placed in God's House.

posted on Aug, 8 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
The Pryamid could not have been built without some supernatural inspiration.

Why not? They had lots of practice pyramids around -- in fact, there are about 100 in the land of Egypt that are older and more primitive than the Great Pyramid.

And they moved blocks bigger than that to build temples and carved them and shaped them beautifully. You're saying that suddenly one pyramid was beyond their technology after they proved they could lift and move larger items? Really? And that building the Black Pyramid (plus the two pyramids next to the Great pyramid and the nine smaller ones around it) meant they still couldn't figure out how to buld the Great Pyramid?


Did they get Pyramid Stupidity Syndrome? Were they struck by sudden and incredible nearsightedness so they couldn't see the shape of the pyramid?

The Great Pyramid sits in the exact center of the land mass of the earth, how could any man know this ?

It doesn't. It really doesn't. Yeah, there's been some wibble-brain who tweaked the maps to make it look that way. But it doesn't.

The diameter of the earth is encoded in the measurements of the Great, along with the days of the years, distance to the sun and a lot of other info that no man could have possibly known.

Particularly if you use things like inches and feet that didn't exist back then. If you measure it in terms of THEIR inches and feet and so forth, it doesn't do that.

There is a constant reference to the number 144,000,

But only if you tweak the numbers. There's also a constant reference to 11, to 4, to 211, to 620, and to 842.

The "Coffer" that is in the Kings Chamber has the exact same volume as the "Ark Of The Covenant" and the width of the Kings Chamber is the same as the width of the wingspan of the Golden Cherubim that King Solomon placed in God's House.

I think it's been pointed out a lot of times that in fact, it doesn't.

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 05:20 PM
Indell, you need to do your homework, there is far too much information encoded into the GREAT PYRAMID that it becomes clear that some of this information had to be revealed to the builders.

The other 100 pyramids you refer to are inferior copies of the GREAT, not made by King Solomon but the Egyptians and thus is why you will find the writings in them but not in the GREAT.

I will not waste my time stating what I already have, scroll back, all the info is there.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 08:25 AM
Greek pyramids

chinese pyramids

North and south american pyramids

anything about these in the bible ?

the tiahuanaco one has an even larger volume than the kheops one as for the chinese ones the authorities haven't allowed anyone near them yet .....


posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
I do not need to offer proof of God, if you don't beleive there is a God, one day you will find out how wrong you were.

That choice is yours.

Some proof I gave earlier in the post with the measurements of the Pyramid.

[edit on 6-8-2005 by Lastday Prophet]

The existance of God requires no proof from you or anyone else for that matter.

After reading a litany of posts that you have made regarding pyramids and other subjects it appears to me that you are representing that you speak for God. IMHO this does require substantial proof which you have not provided.

The measurements of the Pyramid which you cite as proof of your divinity seem quite inadequate to be something that God has inspired and wishes you to communicate to the rest of us. It strikes me that God would be much more precise in His math and would not be putting His spokesperson in the position of having to justify the rounding of numbers with statements like "close enough".

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:24 AM
DF1, give it a break, I have provided more than ample information proving that it was King Solomon that built the Great Pyramid.
I will not even waste my time going over this again, all the information is stated earlier in this thread.

There is far more than I have stated here, enough to write a book, which by the way is what I am in the process of doing.

I could care less about those that don't agree with the facts, the truth will soon be revealed.
I have no doubt of the truth.

There is no one that can give a better explanation of the Purpose, the People, the Technology used for the building and the assumed lack of this information, than that which I have provided.
The Bible has the written record, you just need to know where to look.

[edit on 11-8-2005 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
... a "Great Throne" and 26 "Lions" (Sphinx) in front of it, so we are clearly not talking about the same Temple.

When I hear you say that, I'd say your not talking about Giza at all, but about the Luxor temple complex. Thats the only known structure with that many Sphinx in front of it.


posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
DF1, give it a break, I have provided more than ample information proving that it was King Solomon that built the Great Pyramid.

I made no challenge as to who built the Great Pyramid, I challenged your distortions of the math. Since your math can not be defended you have chosen to build a strawman representing that I have challenged something else. Please, give us all a break.

There is far more than I have stated here, enough to write a book, which by the way is what I am in the process of doing.

It seems that every false prophet writes a book, I should have guessed that this is all about your making a profit and has nothing to do with your being a prophet.


posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 09:43 PM
Tut and David are the same name, t and d were interchangeable, and v and u as well. The King David that the bible describes as being very mighty may have been Egyptian, Moses almost certainly was. Raised by Egyptian royalty, and having an Egyptian name, are two points that strongly suggest so. But, just because Abraham, Joseph, and Moses lived in Egypt, and had links to Egyptian royalty doesn't mean Giza is Jerusalem. To me, it supports the opposite view, that Jerusalem and Egypt were well known to each other, and on a royal level, they had close ties. This is very convincing evidence that they are not one and the same. Allies cannot be the same people, so the present day site of Jerusalem is most likely where Solomon built his temple, and Egypt is documented in the Bible to be where Moses fled from, clearly making it somewhere different, and it is very well supported that that place is Egypt.
As for ancients not knowing the earth's diameter, etc. They did know these things, and no aliens are required, just good science, which they had.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 01:27 AM
Okay, maybe it's just me, but it seems the watermarks on the Sphinx almost HAVE to be rain water. I mean, why build a statue in an area where there's perpetual flooding and standing water??

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 03:03 AM
I can't say why the Sphinx was created where it was, but I agree that the vertical erosion marks are so deep that they must be very old. Geologists allegedly agreed it was rain erosion up until told that the close ups they had viewed were from the Sphinx, whence they all reneged and 'couldn't say for sure'. Since the wear was repaired in Khafre's time, the Sphinx was old even then, and the small size of the head proportionate to the body suggests that Khafre may have had his image carved onto the Sphinx, which would explain his claim of having created it when the physical evidence shows he couldn't have. Interestingly, about the time of the last cataclysmic global extinction event, 9 500 BC, this east facing lionine Sphinx faced Leo rising just before the sunrise, which might be a hint as to its creation time period. The erosion marks certainly could have occured in the time since then. The Oseirion, Giza Pyramid, Mortuary Temple, and Sphinx are all megalithic structures that stand out due to the immense size of the blocks, and the as yet still inexplicable method of construction. It is far too advanced for our present image of the abilities of that time. Maybe our theories need to be revised to fit the physical evidence, since it cannot be revised to fit our theories....

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:27 PM
BlackGuard, how could any ancient society know the diameter of the Earth and the distance to the Sun? Neither is there anyway they could have known the center of the landmass of the Earth.
We only know this today because of the technology that we possess, satellites, telescopes and such.

The Sphinx is not the image of any man. In the early days statues were made of the things they saw, why would anyone make a statue of a man with the body of a lion unless it was a creature they had seen. Throughout the Bible we see creatures that had wings and flew, some had the face of a man, some that of a lion, some that of an eagle.

As I stated earlier in this thread, the Sphinx originally had wings, this is why the body seems to be out of prorportion, if you add the wings it would look like a bird sitting and the proportions would be correct. The Sphinx is a Cherubim or Seraphim, a Heavenly creature.

Of all the statues and images they found of KING TUT, none had four legs. Why would they change the pattern if in deed the Sphinx was the image of a King ?

The Bible clearly tells us that King Solomon was very familar with Cherubims, for carvings of them were done throughout his Kingdom.
There were 26 Sphinx that originally stood before the Great Pyramid, if you take a look you would see that there was ample space for them.
He also had the ability to transport great sums of weight long distances.

The Great Pyramid is the Greatest of all strutures, so why would it only have 1 Sphinx when you can find several in front of other temples that were inferior copies ?

The Bible states that the "26 LIONS" that were in front of the House of God were greater than any like statues anywhere in the World.
This goes back to some earlier comments I made, if the Lions in front of God's House were greater than any other, and all the Kings of the Earth came to see God's House, the Great Pyramid could not have existed for it is the Greatest Ancient Structure still standing.

When you add the fact that God's house was made of "Stone Blocks", it took over 153,000 workers 20 years to build(along with the 2 other pyramids) there was over a million tons of iron used along with hundreds of thousands of tons of brass, silver and gold, the picture becomes clear.

Also of note, according to the Bible, God's House still stands ! Tell me where it is ? Please do not try to suggest that the temple King Solomon built that measured 20 cubits by 60 cubits and 30 cubits high is this temple.
You could not fit the materials alone in a space 20 cubits by 60 cubits and 30 cubits high. God's House was "HIGH" 30 cubits would not be considered High.

[edit on 13-8-2005 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 05:22 PM
Eratosthenes figured out the earths diameter thousands of years ago... in Egypt by coincidence. Phoenicians circumnavigated Africa many millenia before Da Gama, on the command of a Pharoah. Sesostris III I believe. The accurate longitude on the portolans maps proves that prehistory witnessed at least one great civilization, and I have seen evidence of more than one. The Vedas speak of metallic flying vehicles that only nobility could afford... The Mayans had a more accurate distance to the moon than we did up until the 1970's. In our arrogance in the 60's we praised their closeness to the 'right' figure, only to find that they were more accurate than we. The only thing that this age has for certain gotten perfected to a level unseen till now is arrogance. Okay, there are other things we excel at, weapons, warfare, pollution, extinction, hatred, etc.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 08:55 AM
I have a couple of links that support your theory. Only it mentions that Ramses II was King Solomon.

Concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle:

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
HV, if you read through the thread, you will see where I mentioned these facts:

The Pryamid could not have been built without some supernatural inspiration. The Great Pyramid sits in the exact center of the land mass of the earth, how could any man know this ?

The diameter of the earth is encoded in the measurements of the Great, along with the days of the years, distance to the sun and a lot of other info that no man could have possibly known.

I've read through this thread and I have seen this come up a number of times but I haven't seen the suggestion that maybe this information was given to the Egyptians by their gods. I don't want to start an argument over the existence of God(s) or the "One True God" just throwing out the idea.

If you don't believe in divine beings, there is also the theory that the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc... Gods where aliens who would have known this information as well. Again this isn't the place to argue over the existence of aliens or not, but these are things that I thought of while reading through the thread.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 05:07 PM
I personally do not believe in Aliens, here is a post I did concerning that subject.'

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 04:06 PM
what if i said a man named Siddhartha Gautama was the wisest man to ever live?

or maybe Einstein?

wisdom has nothing to do with what you know, only with how you use what information you obtain. solomon might have been as dumb as a sack of manure, but if he used the knowledge he had the right way, he was very wise.

truth is, wisdom cannot be measured and compared, only experienced...

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