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I was just abducted by aliens and it was the greatest experience of my life

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 06:39 PM
Take a look at what facts he has posted:
it was Alien/Government/Something...
He came from a girls house at 2 AM in the morning
His Friends accused him of being drunk or drugged
He Crashed out as soon as he got home
He admitted that he's been sleep deprived (except for studying)
His dad has accused him of using Cocain

Sounds like college life to me. Not one thing has he said made me even think this is true. NOT One!

And near his last posts: they are now wearing 'uniforms'.... Flyer has some good points and shouldn't be punished for examining the details..

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:23 PM

Take a look at what facts he has posted:

Let's look at the facts you have posted, which all seem to be out of context of his original responses:

it was Alien/Government/Something: Which means, he does not know who abducted him and what happened, but he's venturing a guess at aliens. If what he says is true, can't say I wouldn't make the same guess.

He came from a girls house at 2 AM in the morning: Have you never come from a girls house at 2 AM in the morning, or a night club?

His Friends accused him of being drunk or drugged: Does that mean he is drunk and drugged then? Let's put this into perspective, if you had some college friends, and you told them you were just abducted by aliens, what would their reaction be? And would that falisfy your experiences?

He Crashed out as soon as he got home? He was abducted, have you forgotten this?

He admitted that he's been sleep deprived (except for studying): It takes almost an entire week of sleep deprivation, that is just a maximum of 2 hours sleep per night, to begin to have hallucinations. Even then, the hallucinations are just images that flash by, often seeing lights fly by, or other optical illusions,because of tired eyes. This will not cause you have auditory, kinesthetic, and visual hallucinations. These kinds of hallucinations are extremely rare and only found in schizophrenics.

His dad has accused him of using Cocain: Yet, the man himself is telling you he has not used an drugs or mind altering substances on the night of his encounter.

And near his last posts: they are now wearing 'uniforms'

I never heard him say they were naked? Did you? I hope you are not hallucinating now.

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Wonder why 'aliens' would care about career goals??

That's a college and corporate buzz word. Not very scientific
of 'them' to use college/corporate buzz words during a
scientific investigation.

Trying to find out what we as a race is up to with all those WMD lying around is not scientific? Wondering as an alien race, if it's just the few manipulating the many or if it's the poplic at large who has gone insane is not something that would worry beings from another planet, here to do a study on us?

Perhaps you need to try and imagine what you would ask someone if the you were the one doing the "intergalactic poll" ?



posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Canadaice99
sorry i should not of said head phones, rather is was more of a device that was inside the ear but held to the head with a peice of something that went around the back of our heads, this seemed to be the translation device

Interesting that you used the plural "our"....Were there other abductees around you, or are you just referring to "'our' heads," as in the human species....

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Canadaice99
hes, becaause, frist, thats, scrunity, cite, jubulation, wonderfull, occurence,

College student huh? I let the spelling from the first post go. (Believe).
I thought it might just be a typo. But there are far too many spelling
errors and dropped ' to be a post of college level.

he's, because, first, that's, scrutiny, site, jubilation,
wonderful, occurrence, reference

The 'aliens' wanted to know your gender and your 'career goals' ??
All these 'typos'??? Nope. I'm not buying it. If I'm wrong, then I'm
wrong ... but I definately think this is a fake. Someone (8th grader?)
is having a great laugh somewhere....

[edit on 12/7/2004 by FlyersFan]

Don't know if I really believe this story or not, but I do know that getting that excited over anything can cause extreme typos....

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:36 PM

Thankyou for answer my questions candidly. Just one of importance you missed. Lets go back to it if you dont mind please.
Did the interveiw room appear solid and real to you, was their any doubt in your mind what you were seeing was infact real, rather than a projection created for your confort?

let me digress to explain the question better. Did you ever see a movie called "the martian chronicles"? given your age, its unlikely although you guys have a million channels on cable iit remains possible. Anyway, in this movie these guys travel to mars, what they find is not a red barren world but rather a perfect rendition of there hometown complete and perfect for every detail including people.
This was a projection of the traveller's past, and the people, their own relatives etc were infact the martians. The martions had stlen their memories and built a complete reality for them, to disguise the truth.

Now with this in mind candice, I beleive "the grays" and other commonly expected aliens are merely a fabrication taken from the witness/abductees own mind/s to disguise the abductor's true idetity. First seed disinformation (aliens look like this) then use those preconceptions to hide behind. see what i mean.

What im saying is, subconciously you have expected humanoid grays, having seen pics, movies etc. so your preconception is used as a mask to hide your true abductor.

Is it possible if the table, chair etc appearedto be solid and real, that your abductors mighthave been other than you bleive, perhaps human? This might explain the odd gender/ cummunity role/institute questions??

Just asking ok, no offence. Can you better describe your surroundings please, i.e your were in a chair? was it steel, timbre, vynal? how about the table? was "the being" clear and solid as your best freind would be sitting infront of you, or more shadowy?
Did you touch this being at any time? did you want to? what of your curiosity?
were you infact able to move? Im trying to get a better understanding of what you experienced, rather than debunk you, others are doing that just fine by themselves. Please clarify these details if you can. Also, this feelinf of well being afterward? would you say it was just happy, "i feel good today" or more "unexplained uphoria" ?does it remain? how long did it last?

P.s please clarify. you say you mentioned war and terrorism and the being seemed confused. You didnt mention this in your first post except to say you didnt ask questions. Did the being ask you about this? can you tell us what was discussed, outside the parameters of the questions?

[edit on 7-12-2004 by instar]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by mpeake
I don't care what they are...if they have space travel capabilities, they are FAR more advanced than we are

Well, that's the question. Zero point energy is being held from the public by the shaddow guys. Who knows what we already have here on earth?

Is it not true that different countries here on earth take the lead in different areas, have different fields of expertise? And if so why would it be hard to imagine that above light speed interstellar travel came quick to them while other areas are still struggling?

Is it impossible to imagine that they have interstellar travel capabilities but still use a teadset? Another possible answer could be that it was done for the comfort of their "guest" ? As in not exposing him to too many things that would baffle him? Any thing is possible, but there is only one truth



posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Tuatara
Take a look at what facts he has posted:
it was Alien/Government/Something...
He came from a girls house at 2 AM in the morning
His Friends accused him of being drunk or drugged
He Crashed out as soon as he got home
He admitted that he's been sleep deprived (except for studying)
His dad has accused him of using Cocain

Sounds like college life to me. Not one thing has he said made me even think this is true. NOT One!

And near his last posts: they are now wearing 'uniforms'.... Flyer has some good points and shouldn't be punished for examining the details..

You can ask a question from a disbelievers point of view in a polite way, and in a non polite way. Which one of those two angles do you think will take you to a place of greater insight?



posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun

Originally posted by Canadaice99
sorry i should not of said head phones, rather is was more of a device that was inside the ear but held to the head with a peice of something that went around the back of our heads, this seemed to be the translation device

Interesting that you used the plural "our"....Were there other abductees around you, or are you just referring to "'our' heads," as in the human species....

He was being interviewed. By "someone". When he says "our" heads I think he menas on his own had AND on the "interviewer".



posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 10:41 PM
i enjoy reading this thread very much
and i say

Thank You Canada for being brave enough to share it
I believe 96% that something DID really happen to you

your story holds up
its a good story

i like it
it makes me feel happy too
i dont know why

maybe im a schitzo lol
thats a joke

but in regaurds to those whom attacked our new member and ridiculed him for inconsequential and trivial reasons
i say Shame on You

if you claim to support Science and Truth
you would never attack someone over such unrelated factors
example :: you wouldnt make such a huge implication about his Bad Spelling being a "direct proof" of him being discredited

Nothing has discredited our new member yet
His story stands as there is no WAY to prove or DisPROVE it!!
it is just a story
he is sharing for OUR benifit/enjoyment/learning/research
all he wanted was some FRIENDS!!! To talk to about it!!!

Dude thats why I CAME TO ATS!
i wanted Friends whom i could talk about wild alien/conspiracy stuff with
i wanted to learn from others expierances
i wanted to gain knowledge thru the Friendly help of my newfound ATS family

this is why Most of us join!
So stop screaming that we are "on drugs obviously" or we "have mental problems and NEED to be institutionalized and studied in depth to confirm our psychosis for your pleasure"
when someone walks in and says "Somethin bizzare happened to me"

You have NO way to know if the story is True/False
No one Does
Not even the abductee

Theres NOTHING to be gained by Assulting this New Member with such an atrocious barradge of insults put downs and unfair implications which are based upon groundless irrational paranoid assumptions

In science;
testing a theory
or even questioning a situation

requires a few things
i cant list all as im no carl sagan but
i can list a few obvious 'train wrecks of logic'

1) do not attack the character , attack the idea/statement/theory
2) do not use insults or put downs to back your attack on the idea/statement **you lose by default for being a jerk**
3) instead of being a jerk, why not create your own Counter Theory
and Back it up with logical deductions and inferances based on the testimony put forth
4) you have a right to stand in the skeptical corner until eternity ends if you like, it is fair and its your Right
5) but however, do not impede on others character or rights by going agianst their Repeated Reassurance that they were NOT ON DRUGS and screaming at least 8 or 9 times that they are ON drugs. that is ranting at its worst just give the guy a break
6) someones personal skills and physical abilitys such as spelling abilitys or how fast they can run or what COLOR they are or any other non-correlating factor as a "smoking gun" beacause it Obviously isnt
7) use glaring scientific errors to back up your point , like if i said "the alien handed me a bottle of water" then later i said "i was never givin a bottle of water" there is a OBVIOUS Glaring INconsistancy and this Should be followed up with a strong rebuttle

People with bad spelling are no less of a human than you or me
People with bad spelling are NOT liars! thats prejudice on the level of "jews are evil" or "whites are all greedy" or "all asians eat rice"
its just Stupid Prejudice

Character Attacks Never Win Any Arguement
Having a theory with no reasonable point is just as bad

If you dont believe the guy
Fine really
Just make Reasonable deductions of why YOU disagree

Just blaring out "hes a DRUGGIE!!!" or "Hes a SCITZO!"
they are just character attacks
they are attacks on YOURSELF
because i see thru you
and i know your weakness
you only defeated yourself when you slammed him

He kept repeating and repeating "im no history of mental disorder, i wasnt on any drugs or alcohaul"
but you wouldnt listen

my point here is
Scientific arguement has No place for prejudice or rediculous rantings

Disagree or Agree , Great
But make a Logical Arguement First

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:38 PM

This may be a strange question, but do you remember the smell of the place? (I've got a very keen sense of smell, so maybe this is a wierd question.)

I'm also thinking of your state of euphoria. Possibly a gas (think dental office)? Could leave you content and tired afterwards. Also, could leave you with a 'hazy' memory of the event. May even not remember some things.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:55 AM
i beleive the story it sounds plausible enough. if i missed it im sorry, but do you think that you could give as vivid a description as possible as to the interior and exterior of the craft? also did they give you a chance to ask them any questions, if so what did, or now reflecting upon would you ask of them? also how many more alien/humanoid/space folk did you come into contact, visibly identify, or converse with? at what exact point can you recolect coherency of the situation, as in at what point did you 'black out' and 'come to'? i envy your entire ordeal, and wish i would someday become an abductee i would have 1001 questions to ask them!

[edit on 8-12-2004 by sturod84]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
moderate these attacks and ridicules, such as those of flyerfan in this topic. I also think telling abductes to get their brains checked or forcing upon them that they are somehow mentally unstable, is very rude, ignorant and negative, and should be recognized as an attack.

Grow up.

Nobody attacked the author of this topic. Many of us pointed out the
lack of information, the lack of wanting to give information, and other
inconsistencies. The author has now given more information to
satisfy IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Science dictates that you look at
rational and obvious reasons before accepting the 'irrational'
(for a lack of a better word about abductions). It's highly reasonable
and expected to check background, health, stability, etc. To blindly
accept at face value a posting like this would be irresponsible and
just plain stupid on the part of readers. And nobody 'forced upon
him that he was unstable'. Asking questions about the mental
health of him and his family background (biopolars often have the
problem run in the family) is vitally important. It doesn't mean
automatic dismissal of his story if he responds in the positive, it
just means further inquiry would be necessary. Also, considering
the place that this even happened, (a party school - to quote him)
it is also VERY important to ask if he consumed anything around
others that he just recently met.

To blindly accept without checking could be overlooking a serious
medical condition. That would be irresponsible and the misplaced
'political correctness' of not asking questions would be disasterous
for the author of this post. So as far as you calling my
behavior 'ignorant' ... I find your lack of concern for his medical well being
to be what is really ignorant.

Check medical issues first. When all that clears, then this moves
from a 'No' to a 'could be'.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:13 AM

Nobody attacked the author of this topic. Many of us pointed out the lack of information, the lack of wanting to give information, and other

There have been at least three different members who have condemned your behavior, including myself. One even called you an "a$shole"

Further, I do not remember you asking for information. I do remember you continously attacking him, his writing style, and forcing suggestions on him. If you actually came of your trip, you might have realized others were asking him questions, and so did I.

I won't be responding further on this issue.

[edit on 8-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
A suggestion to the moderators and the admins: I have often noted whenever we have a personal abductee account on this web site, many members always have a tendency to attacking or ridiculing the poster, and this often results in the poster becoming so disenchanted, that they express the desire to leave the forums. This is not very good, as it will just deter others from sharing their accounts with us, which always make for compelling reading and interesting topics.

So, my suggestion is to either implement a special law on the general decorum on member abductee accounts, or moderate these attacks and ridicules, such as those of flyerfan in this topic. I also think telling abductes to get their brains checked or forcing upon them that they are somehow mentally unstable, is very rude, ignorant and negative, and should be recognized as an attack.

It should be recognized, given the weight of the evidence for abductee accounts, that this is a plausible phenomena. We should treat it more seriously than we find some members doing.

Canadaice, a questions for you:

What was your emotional state when you were onboard the UFO and being asked questions? What kind of thoughts were running through your heads? Can you remember all your answers, and would you be able to recount them verbatim for us, including any thoughts and emotions at the time.

Can you describe as much as you can, about the surroundings, the devices, and the table itself.

Did you feel something different from the presence of the alien beings, like an energy, a feel, perhaps even a feel of wisdom?

How did the alien talk to you? was it shy, confident, analytical, empathic, compassionate, superior?

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

My emmotional state once i realized i was somewhere different was very calm and relaxed, as i said, i almost felt different, and this feeling has carried on even till now, a very relaxing feeling, yes i can remember many of my answerrs, refer to my previous posts where i talkedabout some of the questions they asked,specify a couple, and i will try my best to recount in verbaitem what exactly i said, like i said, the room was quite bright, that being said, what exactly my surroundings were is hard to say, it was hard to focus in the room and i was jsut getting by trying to interpret and answer the questions, however, i do know that we were both on chairs with a table between us, to me it appeared as a white glossy flat table, pretty small, but i could look under to see what was holding it up, i have no account of the exterior of the ship since all i first saw was a light in the distance, he did have some small laptop device in front of his with a transparent screen that i could see through, i didnt see however what hewas touching beneeth the screen to make "letters" or "words" come up on it, in the room, it was a smaller room, its hard to give the exact dimensions, if i recall, maybe like 100 sq. foot surface area, the walls were usually a white or smooth grey surface, i did see a slit in the wall with two things (like banisters or collu nms) beside it, which may have been the door, i couldnt see any sort of roof to the room which was interesting, so i didnt know where the light source was coming from. the alien as i have said seemed very cordial and gave off a very warming aura, he smiled twice, and didnt seem to want to prove any superiority or anything of that such, i think he wanted me calm and collected so i could answer the questions to the best of my abilities.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by instar

Thankyou for answer my questions candidly. Just one of importance you missed. Lets go back to it if you dont mind please.
Did the interveiw room appear solid and real to you, was their any doubt in your mind what you were seeing was infact real, rather than a projection created for your confort?

let me digress to explain the question better. Did you ever see a movie called "the martian chronicles"? given your age, its unlikely although you guys have a million channels on cable iit remains possible. Anyway, in this movie these guys travel to mars, what they find is not a red barren world but rather a perfect rendition of there hometown complete and perfect for every detail including people.
This was a projection of the traveller's past, and the people, their own relatives etc were infact the martians. The martions had stlen their memories and built a complete reality for them, to disguise the truth.

Now with this in mind candice, I beleive "the grays" and other commonly expected aliens are merely a fabrication taken from the witness/abductees own mind/s to disguise the abductor's true idetity. First seed disinformation (aliens look like this) then use those preconceptions to hide behind. see what i mean.

What im saying is, subconciously you have expected humanoid grays, having seen pics, movies etc. so your preconception is used as a mask to hide your true abductor.

Is it possible if the table, chair etc appearedto be solid and real, that your abductors mighthave been other than you bleive, perhaps human? This might explain the odd gender/ cummunity role/institute questions??

Just asking ok, no offence. Can you better describe your surroundings please, i.e your were in a chair? was it steel, timbre, vynal? how about the table? was "the being" clear and solid as your best freind would be sitting infront of you, or more shadowy?
Did you touch this being at any time? did you want to? what of your curiosity?
were you infact able to move? Im trying to get a better understanding of what you experienced, rather than debunk you, others are doing that just fine by themselves. Please clarify these details if you can. Also, this feelinf of well being afterward? would you say it was just happy, "i feel good today" or more "unexplained uphoria" ?does it remain? how long did it last?

P.s please clarify. you say you mentioned war and terrorism and the being seemed confused. You didnt mention this in your first post except to say you didnt ask questions. Did the being ask you about this? can you tell us what was discussed, outside the parameters of the questions?

[edit on 7-12-2004 by instar]

the room seemed very very real, everything seemed real. I could feel my body, the earpeice (connectedt to my head) that i was wearing, i had all my senses, by the way, i think one person was asking this, i couldnt smell anything wierd, or better yet, i smelled nothing, like clean smell,haha, they got the new and improved lysol up there, i couldnt touch the being, i was under some influence, which i say with caustion, and all i wanted to do was answer and observe, he was across the table, but i never moved my arms, for some reason i felt no intention to, also since he appeared very humanoid, i felt no reason, plus he had some uniform on, but for some reason as to exactly the uniform was i have lost a little, i THINK it was robish,but i couldnt see under the table below his waist. i mentioned war and terrorism when he asked me about what i thought about the state of our people, i said in general good, but terrorism and our coutries war with another nation bothered me, when i mentioned terrorism, he seemed to get a quizzicle look, but continued in his questioning, i asked NO questions at all, only answered, lets see, above the state of humanity , he ask about my plans for a family, and some planning questions, what i wanted to do at certain states in my life, but thats when it starts to get fuzzy, i definatly know how hestarted, sex, name, role in community, institution, plans after student, state of humanity, family, then i cannot state for you for sure what was asked,

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
There have been at least three different members who have condemned your behavior, including myself. One even called you an "a$shole"

So what? They, and YOU, are wrong. Actually, I find it amusing that you
would dare accuse anyone of being ignorant, insulting, yada yada yada -
considering the emotional rant you outbursted here -

Emotions devoid of facts. Insulting and stating that you don't care that you are insulting.
That is what you had down before you just changed it to say
'politically correct'. AND ... at least three different members
condemned your behavior, including myself. Looks like a whole
lot of nonsense and emotion, and this was self induced because
you accepted false information at face value.

[edit on 12/8/2004 by FlyersFan]

[edit on 12/8/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
There have been at least three different members who have condemned your behavior, including myself. One even called you an "a$shole"

So what? They, and YOU, are wrong. Actually, I find it amusing that you
would dare accuse anyone of being ignorant, insulting, yada yada yada -
considering the emotional rant you outbursted here -

[edit on 12/8/2004 by FlyersFan]

Alright, I'm by no means a moderator, but lets get back on topic. I have been lurking for months and really like the way both of you post. You both have very interesting, albeit, different povs. So please let's get back to asking the op questions about his experience. I'd hate to see this get to a insult war between you guys. If you'd like to continue this banter, may I suggest U2Us?
Don't hate me, I have just been on other boards, where stuff like this abrupts on every post and I'd hate to see it here. This website is truly amazing, and peeked my interests on subjects I knew nothing of before I got here. I hope I'm not coming off as bossy, as I don't mean to..

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 10:18 AM
Diana's point is valid. Let's keep to the topic please.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by diana
I'm by no means a moderator, but lets get back on topic.

EXCELLENT idea! Actually, I'm pretty much done with this. I got
satisfactory answers to my questions and, after the author of
this thread gets checked out medically, I may be able to move this
from 'no way' to 'perhaps'.

One last note - my daughter has asthma. I'm sorry to hear that
the author of this thread does too. I hope for the best for him
and his asthma. NOTE TO AUTHOR - If you were taking singular
or advair at home, don't forget to take it while you are in college.
I know things will get busy for ya' .... but please take care of yourself.
Get your rest (ya', easier said than done) and take your meds.

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