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I was just abducted by aliens and it was the greatest experience of my life

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by mpeake
Did you happen to check yourself for any kind of new "markings" on your
body? Anything that wasn't there before, that could be associated with the ever so popular alien "implants"

Have you thought of visiting a doctor to get your blood and urine checked out for anything weird?

EXCELLENT questions. I am looking forward to the answers.

(marks on the body - implants or even punctures from needles -
the needles being very 'of this world' reasons ...)

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by mpeake
I'm sure you would have mentioned this already if it happened, but I'll ask anyway...Did you happen to check yourself for any kind of new "markings" on your body? Anything that wasn't there before, that could be associated with the ever so popular alien "implants" that seem to go along with alot of abduction stories? the line of questioning performed by the aliens seemed to not necessarily be for furthuring their knowledge of the human race, but to get info on a particular subject (you) for the purposes of tracking you in the future...Therefore, it wouldn't be farfetched that a tracking devise of some sort would have been implanted in you...

Also, you say that you felt that feeling of ease and joy some time after the experience, and maybe you still feel it now. That could mean you have some unkown substance in your system now. Have you thought of visiting a doctor to get your blood and urine checked out for anything weird?

that is a great point, i did not consider the possibility of an implant, i havnt checked...yet..ill have to get back to you on that when i go to bed tonight...nothing noticable though....however, that feeling is definatly still with me...i plan to see my doctor within a week though to get a prescription refill (asthma) i guess i could ask for a urine and blood sample, but on what merit, and cost, would i ask? i guess i could ask for one simply becasue i feel different and i want to know what is going on or something, once i have the appointment, i will try to get the samples, it could be weeks before i could get back to you on that though. However, i can say that everything else seems normal. Sleep, eating, deficating(sorry had to ass that one) all seem normal, and yet, jubiliation. I might just be sensing that because of the experience itself, it feels good to know(or atleast be prtty sure now) that there is something greater. My life seems very complete right now, im worrying less about exams, thinking more about the joys ahead in life. I think i am going to talk to my uncle tonight about my experience, he saw a UFO when he was a teenager in hawaii, supposedly it was a very impactfull event on him .Furthermore, my family does has some history with the abnormal, my grandmother often encounters the ghost of her mother, and like me, has always said that it fills her with joy when it occurs, her mother seems to be a good presence. My father and mother though are sceptics, and my dad worries way to much about me, once i told him i was getting sleep deprived last year and he though i was doing cocain, which i wasnt, so i might hold out on him. But again, implants....huh...ill check...just seems that since i remember the majority of the experience that i would know if something was placed in me. Let me clarify though so that doesnt seem contradictory, i dont know why i felt like i did during and following the experience, it could be that i only realized the questioning after something had been done, further, nearing what to me was the end of the questioning, i started to become distant, spacing off, and dont rmemeber the last few quetions, i blacked out at the end and ended up where i began, looking at the sky, and still standing up!!! (how i kept my balance i wont know) so its possible the during the black out something could have been done. But the gray seemed very cordial, like i said, he smiled twice, i felt no hostile intentions where as some abductees indicate, from their dreams, terror and fear. I felt welcome, content. I doubt the implant, i dont think this was an experiemtnal abduction, the questioning was just not along those lines. And yes, it is true he seems to focus on me. However, since he could communicate with me, i beleive that they already had a vast capacity of human knowledge. If we were them , i can imagine after testing that knowing what you were looking at, that you would want then to aquire knowledge of the society, which i think he sought from me. E.g, my role in society, the current events (when he asked me what i though about the state of humanity. O,also to note, he didnt call me a human, sorry if i said that before, he simply refered to humans as your people. GOsh, the more i think about this, the more interested i become as to the qualities ofthem. When i mentioned war and terrorism he almost became confused, maybe thats what makes us so inferior to them. They seemed so advanced technology wise, maybe that suggests that they have been around longer and have learned the err's in war and such.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
It's the fact that you actually think some inkling of truth can
actually be verified via the internet

Actually, I don't. I don't think something can be verified here as
absolute truth, but I do think that some things can be debunked.
I also think that if it can't be debunked, then it 'could be' a possibility.
But definately I DO NOT think anything on the internet, and in a
conversation like this, can be hailed as 'truth'. Nope. Not at all.

But we can get closer to 'debunk' or 'could be'.

i will take your side on this one, i dont think that my experience can either be proven truth or fiction, unles ofcourse i was totally lieing, even though i totally beleive what happened to me happened to me, there are other explanations than aliens etc. I think flyerfan, now that we havea good discusion, he seeking the correct path of questioning. Lets eliminate the obvious, then get down to business.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:26 PM

i plan to see my doctor within a week though to get a prescription refill (asthma) i guess i could ask for a urine and blood sample, but on what merit, and cost, would i ask

Perhaps you could ask to take an aids test (although, I don't think you get the results right away)...I'm sure that they check for other things in your blood other than the HIV virus, and anything weird that shows up would be addressed.

As far as the reasons for the types of questions they asked...that to me is the strangest part of the story. I see no reason that beings so technologically advanced would not be able to tap into the necessary resources to get any and all information about the human race. Which is why I think the survey that was conducted was specifically for the purposes of getting knowledge of an individual. They were all directed at you and your opinions of the world and the details of your life. If what you say is true, then perhaps you just may get another "checkup" from you abductors to see how life has progressed for you.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:29 PM
this is the craziest damn thing i've read. keep in mind i haven't read much.

i'm gonna believe this one awkwardly.... that is to say, i'm believin' , but the moment the smallest discrepency appears -boom! other side of the line. just one question for you though. I didn't get that good of a description of the alien from the posts. think you could do a run-through of its features once more?

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:34 PM
I haven't read al of this..but the title does read " aliens/government/something " not just alien....

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by satchbfoot
this is the craziest damn thing i've read. keep in mind i haven't read much.

i'm gonna believe this one awkwardly.... that is to say, i'm believin' , but the moment the smallest discrepency appears -boom! other side of the line. just one question for you though. I didn't get that good of a description of the alien from the posts. think you could do a run-through of its features once more?

Sure thing, keep in mind however, i will state right now that if you want the 100% i canno give that to you, for given that i felt sorta drugged and parts of the experienc were weary, a discrepency might occur, but if you note it, i will try my best to remember and fix it! The gray seemed much like us. Two arms, two legs, little bit bigger eyes, and i couldnt note eyelids, it seemed like a he, and his head was either shaved or they have no hair. I also didnt notice any other hairy parts but 1)wasnt looking for them, and 2) he seemed to have some sort of suit on, which will take a great recal to specify, so i will have to get back. His nose was slightly different i remember, but i dont rmemeber how, i jsut remember looking at it quickly and noticing the difference. The ear seemed further back on the head as well and they were quite smaller than the average human. His skin was VERY white, not quite albino, but like i said, there was a birght light from above in the room, not really really bright, but it was the white light not yellow like our bulbs, so he might of only seemed more light than he was. There waas a desk between us, and we both had headsets on, he also had a small transparent device infront of his that he was using , like a small white laptop, but the screen was see through and all i could percieve at the time was wierd "letters" and actual numbers (like we are used to) going across. he didnt use it after every question, only every so often. But yeah, thats my most accurate description i can give you without really taking shots at the wind. I have conception of what else there might of been, but i dontwant to say them since i am not 100% sure.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
I haven't read al of this..but the title does read " aliens/government/something " not just alien....

it seemed alien, but hell, i figured that as far as we know the government knows aliens an works with them?? or something , so i didnt want to make a conclusion, i figured it someone had a similiar experience they could shed light on what they might have percieved the being to be.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:45 PM
thanks, man. just wanted to be sure what it was exactly you saw. didn't mean to sound "proddy" or what-not (awful pun). not sure if i came across like that or not.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by satchbfoot
thanks, man. just wanted to be sure what it was exactly you saw. didn't mean to sound "proddy" or what-not (awful pun). not sure if i came across like that or not.

naw its all good, i have had quite a shareof what-not so far, haha, you came across fine, i would not beleive my own story probablly if i jsut randomly came across it, it is totally far out, and as far as i can tell, a very unique abduction scenario, i am still getting used to the idea of being apart of such a unique experience!! its nice, but gosh, i am spending so much time talking to yall, i have to study....haha..i will try to answer back as quick as possible though, i really am want to hear everyones take on teh situation

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 02:13 PM

There is a difference in being skeptical and asking many questions and being critical, offensive and generally an a-hole...

You accuse Canadaice99 for all sorts of things while you don't have any right to speculate one way or the other in public, keep those thoughts to your self and focus on getting the absolute truth without taunting and being paranoid all around.

Do I believe this story? That is inconclusive, but I do lend a listening ear and make out my own conclusions, and ask some question and try not to offend without the BS like: OH I bet he is a 8 grader...because...because...etc...

I have met brilliant people who can't spell, I have met incredibly stupid people who are great spellers, that doesn't make them more credible...but you already said that your self...

anyway, i'll be asking questions to Canadaice99 now...

Tell us more about the being you saw, be as descriptive as possible, I personally don't believe you ran into a "grey" since the description doesn't match...

To me it sounds like a Nordic or possible a nordic-grey hybrid, but i'll bet my money you were lucky enough to be taken by a nordic, which are by far the most pleasant experiences.

Greys rather don't want you to remember anything, I suspect I have been abducted many times since I have had many strange bruises, scars and bleeding noses that I can't explain and missing time as well...(in the past I was in bed and was sitting up, this was at night, and the next second I was sitting up in my bed the next morning).

I am not going to speculate the truth of this or the truth of my encounters since it all can be other things than we imagine, but I am very open minded, open-mindedness (is that a word?:lol
is something people lack on the forum...they are being ignorant if you will...this can be attributed to the fact that they are scared of being abducted, and frankly I am too but by curiousity is bigger than my fear...

edit: Ahh man, I was a bit late with responding!

[edit on 7/12/2004 by GrOuNd_ZeRo]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo

There is a difference in being skeptical and asking many questions and being critical, offensive and generally an a-hole...

You accuse Canadaice99 for all sorts of things while you don't have any right to speculate one way or the other in public, keep those thoughts to your self and focus on getting the absolute truth without taunting and being paranoid all around.

Do I believe this story? That is inconclusive, but I do lend a listening ear and make out my own conclusions, and ask some question and try not to offend without the BS like: OH I bet he is a 8 grader...because...because...etc...

I have met brilliant people who can't spell, I have met incredibly stupid people who are great spellers, that doesn't make them more credible...but you already said that your self...

anyway, i'll be asking questions to Canadaice99 now...

Tell us more about the being you saw, be as descriptive as possible, I personally don't believe you ran into a "grey" since the description doesn't match...

To me it sounds like a Nordic or possible a nordic-grey hybrid, but i'll bet my money you were lucky enough to be taken by a nordic, which are by far the most pleasant experiences.

Greys rather don't want you to remember anything, I suspect I have been abducted many times since I have had many strange bruises, scars and bleeding noses that I can't explain and missing time as well...(in the past I was in bed and was sitting up, this was at night, and the next second I was sitting up in my bed the next morning).

I am not going to speculate the truth of this or the truth of my encounters since it all can be other things than we imagine, but I am very open minded, open-mindedness (is that a word?:lol
is something people lack on the forum...they are being ignorant if you will...this can be attributed to the fact that they are scared of being abducted, and frankly I am too but by curiousity is bigger than my fear...

edit: Ahh man, I was a bit late with responding!

[edit on 7/12/2004 by GrOuNd_ZeRo]

when i said grey, i said that with ignorance! douh! in reality i have no idea what classification these aliens would fit, however, from my recent research, i would say that although this alien did have the characteristics of a nordic, in that he was sizeable compared to me, i think, which is 6'3, and that he was calming and pleasent, however, i beleive it is said that nordics communicate telepathically(sp.) hehe, and this one did not, rather our convo wastranslated via headsets that we were both wearing...however, this alien also didnt have the characteristics,alot of, a grey in that i was given total memory recal and other reason that i investigated. What was it then? i dont know, i will have to do more investigations, maybe some of you have pictures "drawings" of supposed aliens that might somehow resemble the one i encountered, then we could come closer to a classification.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:00 PM
I didn't try to offend you or anything, just trying to help out

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Can you describe the headphones that you and the alien were wearing? I ask, because it just seems weird that they would use headphones to translate. Were they the kind you put in a walkman? It's just a pretty primitive peice of tech IMO.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
I didn't try to offend you or anything, just trying to help out

i didnt take it offensively!! i appreciate your help in this determination, your comments cause me to investige their orgin, and i greatly appreciate your input!!

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Well, glad I can help

The Nordics are by far my favorite for many reasons...the Grey strike fear in me...

as for the headphones, I doubt they were like our headphones, they were probably something more advanced than that, but remember, if they are nordics they are related to our species and perhaps we are not that far behind their technology...often it was speculated they were the original atlantians...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:38 PM
I don't care what they are...if they have space travel capabilities, they are FAR more advanced than we are

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:55 PM
sorry i should not of said head phones, rather is was more of a device that was inside the ear but held to the head with a peice of something that went around the back of our heads, this seemed to be the translation device

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:33 PM
Were you scared when you first saw the alien I know I would be especailly since I think i was abducted by aliens.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:59 PM
A suggestion to the moderators and the admins: I have often noted whenever we have a personal abductee account on this web site, many members always have a tendency to attacking or ridiculing the poster, and this often results in the poster becoming so disenchanted, that they express the desire to leave the forums. This is not very good, as it will just deter others from sharing their accounts with us, which always make for compelling reading and interesting topics.

So, my suggestion is to either implement a special law on the general decorum on member abductee accounts, or moderate these attacks and ridicules, such as those of flyerfan in this topic. I also think telling abductes to get their brains checked or forcing upon them that they are somehow mentally unstable, is very rude, ignorant and negative, and should be recognized as an attack.

It should be recognized, given the weight of the evidence for abductee accounts, that this is a plausible phenomena. We should treat it more seriously than we find some members doing.

Canadaice, a questions for you:

What was your emotional state when you were onboard the UFO and being asked questions? What kind of thoughts were running through your heads? Can you remember all your answers, and would you be able to recount them verbatim for us, including any thoughts and emotions at the time.

Can you describe as much as you can, about the surroundings, the devices, and the table itself.

Did you feel something different from the presence of the alien beings, like an energy, a feel, perhaps even a feel of wisdom?

How did the alien talk to you? was it shy, confident, analytical, empathic, compassionate, superior?

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

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