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Ezekiel 38,39, Psalm 91 ATTACK to Happen on Yom Kippur 10~4~2014 ?

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posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 07:00 AM
New Greek finance minister accused of anti-Semitism

Greece's New Finance Minister: 'You Have To Be Prepared To Blow The Whole Thing Up'

Jewish humor - by Jacques Attali :

Speech transcript and translation :

would like to start first with two Jewish stories.
Before switching to something less funny.
The most embarrassing thing with stories is when the others know already about them.

The first one is the story of two old Jewish persons sitting on a bench in Montevideo after their return from the camps, on Sunday afternoon, it's warm, they are bored.
After a long silence one says to the other :
'Did you saw that Brazil defeated Argentina 2-0 in football (soccer) ?'
And after 15 minutes mute the other answers :
'Is that any good for us ?'

I tell you that one first, because I think that you will ask yourself 'Is that any good for us' about all the other things I'm about to mention...

The second is the one that summarize – better than any other economical theory – what's going on today :
It's about Shlomo calling David and telling him :
Listen, I have a truck full of trousers – a bargain – the trousers are at 1$ piece. Do you what them ?
Great says David, I take them. Then David calls Jonathan, tells him that he has a wonderful bargain to offer him : a truck full of trousers, 2$ piece.
Jonathan then calls Saul, 3$ piece, and the story goes on.
Until finally Moshe ends up calling Christian and offer him as a bargain, a truck full of trousers at 49$ piece.
Then, the day after, Christian, furious, calls back Moshe : you are a thief, you sold me a truck full of trousers but they are all useless ! They only have one leg, no one can wear them.
Then Moshe explain : but please Christian, the trousers, you are not supposed to wear them, it's just in order to buy/sell/buy/sell/buy/sell …

And should you be able to get the joke then you have understood perfectly what is going on at the moment with the international financial market.

posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 02:42 PM

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 07:08 AM

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

Why are you spamming this thread with articles?


The Spring Equinox is of Saturday, March 20th 2015.


The Almighty on High has no name. However ye may calleth Him, shalt He hear thine prayer.

In other news, Einstein's back.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 02:58 AM

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

Why are you spamming this thread with articles?


Shouldn't you be able to find any meaning in this list of posts at this stage, I still hope it may makes sense for you later.
“When a wise man points at the moon the imbecile examines the finger.” - Confucius

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
The Spring Equinox is of Saturday, March 20th 2015.


The Almighty on High has no name. However ye may calleth Him, shalt He hear thine prayer.

In other news, Einstein's back.

OK. Let's say that the Israeli elections are on the 17th of March.
17th March is St Patrick's day.
As a British christian, you may have heard of the confession of Saint Patrick, who was in charge of bringing Christianity to the celtic peoples. And the celtic people are addressed in the Bible through the Epistle to the Galatians. These are - for sure IMO - interesting readings.

Now to get how it all started, please scroll back to page 8 of this thread and realise what for an event took place on the suggested OP date.

So you think Einstein's return will save us ?
I think personally the redemption will be achieved on an individual basis whenever people start to realise one thing : among all the various religious scriptures available on the market, only one provides a clear statement of what its followers are supposed to expect at the time of revelation : the jewish scriptures.
The Jews are told that they will ultimately be allowed to return on their homeland, rebuild their concept of Israel and their temple. The description of the events of revelation is more alegorical in the other scriptures (Christian Bible - Islamic Qran - Ragnarok - Quetzacoatl - ...) but a synchronous accomplishment of all of them is perfectly possible IMO.

So the Jews know what to expect, and they thus know what to run after ...
But even among the Jews, the understanding of these scriptures and it's use as a mass control system lead to conflicting perspectives from Jewish people on modern Israel and judaism : the point-of-view of the zionists is clearly not the same as the one considered by Naturei Karta for ex. If you look at the latest election polls, we are heading to a zionist victory in a few week time.

As explained in the latest video, the zionists need a messiah of some sort to make their point-of-view consistent with their own scriptures. And my personal suggestions for that role are listed here.

So yes, this list of posting will sound weird as long as you don't get a perspective broad enough on the topic. But all the info revolves either aroung Israel, the Jews and other religious understanding that are, somehow, linked to Israel as part of monotheism.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 06:30 AM
Fair enough, if they're relevant then I guess it's all good. It's just a lot of links and few people are going to trundle through and examine them. Now to read your reply properly...

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