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Massive Times Square Billboard to Show Video of WTC 7 Destruction During 9/11 Anniversary

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posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: GenRadek
a reply to: Flatcoat

That was a reaction to the firefighter coming up to them yelling at them to get moving cause the second tower is going to come down. Whoever added the sound effect used this moment to make it seem real.

Sorry, but that's a pretty poor explanation. Both the firefighters and the cameraman instantly turned towards the side street where the explosion came from. The other firemen weren't even near them. And why on earth would he duck and whip around like that just because someone called him from down the street?

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 10:46 AM
I think its funny that if you believe 9/11 was an inside job majority of people automatically think you are a "tin foil hat" wearing crazy person. When I think its a flip side. The majority of people that won't wake up are the "tin foil hat" wearing crazy ones. They live in a dreamland where they think everything is ok and that our government and world governments are great and are the good guys and always do the right thing and they would never orchestrate such things like 9/11. When they do. I see the world as it is. Massive corruption, deception, and manipulation. I do not run from it. I accept it. But I can understand why it is so hard for the majority to accept all this. They have been indoctrinated their whole life like everyone else.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Flatcoat

Sorry, but that's a pretty poor explanation. Both the firefighters and the cameraman instantly turned towards the side street where the explosion came from. The other firemen weren't even near them. And why on earth would he duck and whip around like that just because someone called him from down the street?

So this latest brew ha is over one video with one explosion sound?
When was the last time an entire building was brought down with one explosion?
Notice they didn't run away because the building was coming down right then.

As to tin foil hatters, they are called that for a reason.
Why is it that not one single newspaper has come out and said it was an inside job?
No where on the entire planet has one news paper supported the conspiracy side.

The tin foil hatters might as well believe in unicorns. They exist as much as a true 911 conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: samkent

So this latest brew ha is over one video with one explosion sound?
When was the last time an entire building was brought down with one explosion?
Notice they didn't run away because the building was coming down right then.

Completely missed the point I see. The argument isn't over whether or not that explosion brought the building down, it's over the the claim that there was no explosion in the video.

Why is it that not one single newspaper has come out and said it was an inside job?

And what's that supposed to prove? I'd bet there wasn't a newspaper at the time that claimed the Gulf of Tonkin was a setup either.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: Flatcoat

Completely missed the point I see. The argument isn't over whether or not that explosion brought the building down, it's over the the claim that there was no explosion in the video.

Show me the original source if you want to convince me. It's never been revealed to my knowledge.

However, that clip originally had the explosion sound in stereo, but ALL the other audio was in mono. The clip got debunked as being a fake, and was rapidly removed from youtube. But it then reappeared on youtube a few days later, but NOW with the explosion in mono.

It's like I said. The explosion was added in to some documentary, probably for dramatic effect, and then ripped as "evidence" of explosions. It's simply not believable until the original footage is revealed.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: real_one

The truth has got to be told, one way or another. If people are going to do the research themselves an blindly believe what they're told, shown this video to the masses is an excellent idea.

Wake up America! The government participated in the 9/11 atrocities!

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 05:01 PM
After just a few minutes of looking.

It was shot at the corner of Murray and Church, most likely around 1:45 pm +/- 10 minutes, by Lucia Davis. It was used in a documentary - 9/11 : Tales From the City.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 05:24 PM
Has been a very long time since I have posted on this is overrun with Zionist sympathetics (people posting). They only post in 911 threads...and only have one PAID agenda....promote the Zionist method of wars through deception. Just as what occurred on 911....just go through my signature thread from years ago and you will see nothing has changed. The same agenda applies...ISIS...I hope people start to wake up soon because it will be your very doom and it will lead to your own demise....there were no planes...building 7 is proof of that...just as the pentagon and shanksville shows this....the paid witnesses of the day of 911 shows this to be true...the Zionists are winning this war and we are letting them....please awaken yourselves to see past the through my signature thread to become aware....I post this to show you that we are being deceived...building 7 has become the thing that takes us away from the facts....the fact is that the deception is huge not focus just on single points of 911....focus on the whole scene....yes there was controlled demolitions...but that is the secondary guise of 911...know first the media is and has been the tool of the Zionist pigs....that was the bigger deception and it is still being used as the device to decieve.....please stop letting the msm deceiving you into seeing what is not really there....wake up before it becomes to late.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: plube

You're my new favourite poster. What a load of codswallop. Sir I salute your powers of waffle.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: lexyghot

You didn't answer the question. What were the firefighters and cameraman reacting to then?

However, that clip originally had the explosion sound in stereo, but ALL the other audio was in mono. The clip got debunked as being a fake, and was rapidly removed from youtube. But it then reappeared on youtube a few days later, but NOW with the explosion in mono.

Do you have any proof of that?

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: scottyirnbru
OK let's look...I might be favourite for all the wrong reasons my friend...

Maybe this

Possibly this...might see my points through

But then again...I could be lying...just like the media.

Or I could be warning people of things to come.....911 one of the Zionists biggest media stunts to date...nothing you watch on msm is to be trusted...the choice is still yours you choose.
Please Let Us Be Enlightened...

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

and I have done it numerous times before. as I said, you have ATS Search. use it. Im not going to repost things aggain just so they can be ignored by people like you. As I said, you are not interested in the facts or truth. Your only interest is to make sure the answer is "inside job" and "explosives brought down the WTC". Nothing else. Prove me wrong. You have less than 24 hours now. So far you are proving me right. All you posted was two videos that were crap and have done nothing to bolster your ideas. I wouldnt call that posting evidence and backing it up.

why am I the one who has to go searching?

because you are the one that is saying that what you posted shows evidence of explosives. (which it does not) If you are this lazy in trying to find the truth, then there is no hope for you. i've done my work years ago and it took me one minute to find it again on ATS. I suggest you do the same then get back to us.

But now instead of actually doing what I recommended you to do, you instead reply with snide comments and rude behavior. Typical "truther" behavior. Not helping your case. Less than 24 hours. Prove you are better. My ego has nothing to do with this. Its yours that is on the line apparently. I'm calling you out to be an actual searcher to find the truth, you are not doing it. Oh well.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: GenRadek

I never said explosives, I merely posted footage of witnesses who reported molten steel. You got all uppity and wild with claims of debunkery, so are you calling those who reported molten steel at ground zero, liars?

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

Was that substance tested? was it confirmed by professional metallurgists? Just how can steel remain molten for weeks and weeks without an external source of heat? How did the eyewitnesses manage to get so close to molten steel and survive without proper safety equipment like those found in actual steel mills? When do explosives create molten steel that remains molten for weeks? You see questions like these should have gone through your head first. Then you should have thought about what else was in that structure that could have created a molten metal. Well we have quite a few things: the batteries from the UPS banks that kept critical electronics going in the event of a power outage. You have two airliners made from aluminum. You have vehicles with plenty of alloys and metals that can melt. What this firefighter is claiming to be molten, more than likely is referring to red hot metals that appeared to be molten. Thermite is not an explosive. Thermite does not remain molten for long after the reaction is complete. So, this should not be used as some sort of an "unexplained question" for a conspiracy to be hung up on.

You posted two videos for "evidence" of explosives used at WTC7. I dont know why you did that when you first posted a video of a firefighter that was repeating the same lines taken from every truther website there is. I brought up the fact that the two videos did no such thing and you were wrong. You demanded that I provide evidence of it and I told you you can find it yourself using ATS search nd 30 seconds of looking. You refused and got snippy when I called you on your BS about researching deeply into these topics. am I missing anything? I offered you where to look to find what I had spoken about and where I got my information from. You refused. So, who is getting uppity and wild? I told you where to go find your answers.

Next time vet your youtube videos first and make sure they are not crap that has been exposed as either hoaxes done by "Truth"ers or videos that do nothing to support your claims. That firefighter? Why was he so quiet for all these years? Is it because he was threatened with death or something? Or is he coming out now to get his 15 mins of fame? I mean really. His quotes are practically word for word taken from the pages of "Truther" websites. i couldnt listen to him long because I felt like I just had someone reading to me from the AEfor911T website. It sounded like someone was paying him to say it. I tell you what, after you go and take me up on my challenge (less than 24 hours now) I will go through that video and tell you every single thing he got wrong. Just because he says "Im a 30 year veteran and now Im retired so Im not afraid" is a load of horsedung. he made so many errors in first words that this whole interview reeks like the Hudson River.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: GenRadekOK just going to ask a question...what is the earths long has it been you believe it is molten prove it is molten...the only thing you are going to have to conclude is that it is molten from others telling you it is molten.
But that my friend is not even the issue with it.
Simple thing is...prove that explosives were not used...I can understand you telling this person to research..but the thing is....It works both can say forever there were not explosives used...but you know DAMN well you my friend cannot for one second prove beyond all shadow of doubt that explosives were not used.
Now you can go on about YouTube...but if you only choose to believe the MSM...then you become delusional as many people who actually believe what they put out....bless those who are not so blind.
The MSM should be changed to MMM mass media manipulation.
So sir.....could you please prove that explosives were not used.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: plube
Simple thing is...prove that explosives were not used....
So sir.....could you please prove that explosives were not used.

In the real world those making silly claims have to prove those silly claims, not others disprove them.

It appears in the fantasy world truthers live in things work differently.... however we are in the real world, so things do not work the way you want them to.

Oh, and they blame the Jews!
edit on 21-9-2014 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:41 AM
I would like to say to all people whom post in 911 can all possibilities not be on the table as to what happened on the day of 911.
Since there was not a criminal investigation....since there wasn't a release of information or physical evidence 3rd party participants....there has not been any investigation into where the money came from(properly).
You have pages blacked out in have media have millions of people that have been affected in a false war for false flags.
You have the Zionists led media spoon feeding have Saudis involved that were not even have three steel framed skyscrapers collapsing due to two apparent planes hitting buildings...I say apparent because your told this by paid crisis actors sent in by the media(yup I trust what they say).
You have a Zionist led media only...exclusively telling the story using the same footage from station to station.
You have non paid witnesses dying while the paid witnesses are seen at yet other crisis telling yet more lies to keep the mass media machine moving in its Zionist ways.
I have been looking at this since the day of 911...and I must thank the scum for this it woke me up and I have ever since then become very active in exposing the the frauds when ever I can.
Don't be lulled into thinking your thoughts are way out there...these people are very very very rich....they are very very very intelligent...but most of all they are very very very evil....they want one thing...they want absolute control...and they do not care how many people die to get what they want...and the more they can appear to legitimately kill...the more they will keep on going.
Please Let Us Be Enlightened

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 02:53 AM
I think the Elites of the world have pulled this plot to have a good excuse to tumble the capitalism and Zzzionism at any time they wish to...It is not going to be a very long time before all truth about the western governments and most of the eastern and European governments as well reveals to the public and then that would be the End of most of them as we know it.. But the Rothschildian Elites and TPTB will always remain in their Palaces and under water mansions sipping on fresh virgin blood and playing world order games no matter who is in charge in the outside world.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: hellobruce
Wow very nice tactic Bruce..trying disassociate ...funny thing is I thought we are all in the same reality...I think you my friend might need to get help if you think there are two worlds out there.
You have shone through on your perceptions,hiltler used those tactics of disassociation to further his has been used over and over throughout is so much easier to kill people if you make them out to be less than human for their thoughts and opinions.
Since you so proudly missed the cannot just have it one way where one side needs to show proof but the otherside is excused from proving fact because of general consensus...look up Copernicus..might be too tough for you.
Just because you might find it hard to believe that such things could be occurring it does not mean it isn't now does it.
Do you actually believe Isis are an Islamic fundamentalist group (believing the MSM)..or do you think they are very well paid mercenaries being used to invoke a holy war that the Zionist led MSM really know is the truth.
You see I am allowed to be crazy with any thought or beliefs...but can you prove them wrong...nope you can not...because if for one moment you could 911 would already be a dead issue.
Did you see the 911 paid actor...who further went on to comment at the lax airport incident.
Yet you can say that I am living in an alternate world of reality... Come on Bruce you can do better than that.

posted on Sep, 21 2014 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: shapur
Good to see someone else who is not walking this planet blind to what is going on around them....but eventually even they shall be exposed to the masses if we just stop being sheep.

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