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originally posted by: tanka418
Thank you...the ONLY reason the craft won't get to 35,000 feet! The machine itself will...
Now then Zaphod...the aircraft still has the ability to shoot down the airliner...missiles!
AND, can do it from 10's of miles away...the 777 would not even have to "see" it.
originally posted by: tanka418
a reply to: _Del_
tell ya what; you stick with your fantasy, I'll stick with Physics and engineering.
I won't ask you to accept reality, you don't ask me to accept fantasy.
Along with a further assertion that an SU-25 can in fact reach 35,000 feet. Despite the dramatic lack of power of its engines.
tell ya what; you stick with your fantasy, I'll stick with Physics and engineering.
I won't ask you to accept reality, you don't ask me to accept fantasy.
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Can you show me the physics you used to determine it?
That's what I've been asking for in several posts, and you haven't provided any.
I'm not sure a 30mm cannon could even cause a 777 to break up in midair let alone before the cockpit could radio someone.
originally posted by: _Del_
Can you show me the physics you used to determine it? Maybe citations. That's what I've been asking for in several posts, and you haven't provided any. I on the other hand provided the data I used to determine the air density and the corresponding linear effect on lift. To the best of my years of experience those things represent "reality". Is there an error in any of my work? Can I see your work? Can I see the variables you plugged into the appropriate equations that show the Su-25 capable of surpassing 60,000'? Please feel to correct me so that I can resume living in "reality" and dismiss my "fantasy".
originally posted by: tanka418
originally posted by: _Del_
originally posted by: tanka418
Along with a further assertion that an SU-25 can in fact reach 35,000 feet. Despite the dramatic lack of power of its engines.
Again, can you show me the RoC formula you worked for that? Or is that just, that you feel it can reach 70,000'?
L = 1/2(pv^2) A Cl
L is lift force,
ρ is air density,
v is true airspeed,
A is planform area, and
Cl is the lift coefficient
Does that work for ya?!!??
originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: tanka418
I believe RoC is rate of climb, but I could be mistaken. What do I know, compared to the experts here.
originally posted by: _Del_
a reply to: tanka418
You gave an equation. You have shown absolutely nothing that supported the idea your equation somehow makes your spurious claims true.
No more than saying that F=Gme/r^2 means that the earth orbits the moon or vice versa.
If you can provide any hint using the equation that the Su-25 can maintain flight (lift) at 69,000', as you said "probably easily", please provide it.
The ability to calculate air density is not a dark art, nor is it "unsubstantiated BS". It is math. If you have a problem with any of my numbers or believe them to be "BS", present your own work. I'm more than happy to admit that I made an error if one is found, and it is a pretty simple matter to see errors in math.