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Did Jesus say anything about gay folk?.

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posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

Believe it or not, there is something much better then sex

We're talking about bacon, aren't we.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: BasementWarriorKryptonite
It's an issue that doesn't need to be one.

Agreed. It totally hear you. But unfortunately it's going to be an issue until people are educated on the subject. And that can only come by people discussing it. Hopefully information will break through indoctrination and people will learn something so that this can cease to be in discussions.

If you look at the language being used now compared to a few years ago, in everything from casual conversations to threads on ATS, it's changed dramatically.

I've really noticed the difference. Where there used to be hate, there's misunderstanding - that's awesome progress. The fact that the Beezer's thread exists with those members discussing it in the way they are is a huge leap from where we've been.

You're right that people need to be educated, but they can't be educated by someone else - not on this. We all learn in our own way and people are learning fast and thick these days.

It's almost enough for a friggin slow clap.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: beezzer

But that is unclean and not allowed !!!

(just had a lovely Bacon butty with brown sauce Hhhhmmmm)
edit on 5-9-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
a reply to: flammadraco

Men can have special relationships with other men but it doesn't mean you go out and commit Homosexual acts with them.. Are you saying that for one man to have a close friendship with another they must be having sex with each other? Where does that quote say the Roman Soldier is having sexual relations with his favorite slave? I missed it...

With the same logic you have asked in the question, one could then ask where did Jesus explicitly condone homosexuals as was the question in the OP. You cannot have it both ways, you either use the teachings of Christ word for Word or you don't. You have mentioned marriage, but this thread was about Jesus condoning homosexuality.

I'm still waiting for your opinion on this verse which came after the verse you seem to like using;

Verse 11,12: “Jesus replied, 'Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it'.”

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I never said I believed in the 6000 year old earth, please don't assume.

Perversion (like sin) is entropy upon humanity. The closer we get to the end times, more lasciviousness will be made known. The higher percentage shows how close we are to the tipping point, in my opinion.
It will be worse then Sodom and Gomorrah.

And science can't prove Adam and Eve didn't exist. I'd like to see how in the world you could ever claim such a thing.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Aedaeum

It's not higher than it used to be, it's just higher than everyone thought it was. I really don't think me jumping into the sack with another guy is going to be a sign of the end times.

I'm good - but not that good.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
a reply to: FlyersFan

And science can't prove Adam and Eve didn't exist. I'd like to see how in the world you could ever claim such a thing.

But.... if they did exist and were the first two humans on Earth then we are all related and a lot of incest and inbreeding went on in the Garden of Eden. I'm sure God was not to happy with sister and brother sleeping with each other surely?

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: DarknStormy

If it's God's will, then why do cows display overt lesbian behaviour? Why is there a gay penguin couple in a zoo with a chick?

Since when were humans Penguins or Cows?

Animals do not have the power of reasnoning or the level of free will we do and therefore should be free from the bondage of 'sin' due to their lack of knowing what is right and wrong. They simply operate on instinct.

Hey, I don't care whether people are homosexual or not, it's really none of my business, I'm just quoting verses from the Bible to show that Homosexuality is mentioned in the New Testament and not just the Old. The only time I do care is when people other than me are educating my children about Homosexuality.

I have given just two of far too many to list in one post examples of homosexual behaviour in the animal kingdom. Animals were created by God were they not? How come they are gay too then?

Animals eat their own crap, should humans start this practice? There are many things that animals do that humans wouldn't also. The point is you be who ever you want because only people who subscribe to the teachings of the Bible should refrain from Homosexual acts.. But at the same time if they disagree with what you do you should respect that also..

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

BasementWarrior- I read that You're gay. I don't mind and I still Love You.. To those who'd 'not' Love BW because He is gay, I still Love You. If I were to "die" right now, what would be in My heart? Besides imagining a 'wormhole' at that moment when "blue fades to black" if You are thinking of another or their 'inadequacy' (as You "judge" it...) Guess what?

Well, I certainly don't want to 'wreck' anyone's passing, so what does TheRuleBook™ read on the subject?? Better get caught up on "that" rather than what someone You'll NEVER know and will NEVER meet, thinks or does.. (Yeah, I know that defeats the whole purpose of a "message board" Hmmm. Why a 'wormhole' why not the 'bright light'...?

Plus, I have been gay in other Lives. So this Life, I just needed to get a tattoo... Better watch out for what You "think" because Your thoughts manifest, if not 'here' elsewhere (You're 'living' in more than one plane of consciousness)

Om bavi shaviya Om...


P.S. We're now into 'Yin-The Devine Feminine' w/the recent Mercury Retrograde, Mother Earth has moved into the 4th Chakra/ Love Chakra Best to "open" Your hearts to at least 51% or 'Have another go' repeat:Live/die/live/die and never "evolving"

Thumbnail: You can't "evolve" with hate.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

To be perfectly honest with you, I've wondered that myself. But in re-reading Genesis, I believe Adam and Eve were separate from the "humanity" (other Adam) created on the other day. I haven't worked it completely out yet, still need to do more study. Just seems as though God created people outside the garden as well.

That's all entirely speculation at this point, so, don't quote me on that. Some have also said that the line was so pure that there would not have been the inbreeding effect, however how could you ever justify marrying your sister or your daughter?

I admit there are some things that seem strange.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:29 AM
originally posted by: [post=18376992]DarknStormy

And I've shown verses in the New Testament and you have still not replied to?
edit on 5.9.2014 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
a reply to: flammadraco

To be perfectly honest with you, I've wondered that myself. But in re-reading Genesis, I believe Adam and Eve were separate from the "humanity" (other Adam) created on the other day. I haven't worked it completely out yet, still need to do more study. Just seems as though God created people outside the garden as well.

That's all entirely speculation at this point, so, don't quote me on that. Some have also said that the line was so pure that there would not have been the inbreeding effect, however how could you ever justify marrying your sister or your daughter?

I admit there are some things that seem strange.

I agree it does seem odd, especially when he threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden for eating an apple, if God got pissed about an apple and he don't like gay folk (according to some Christians) then I'm pretty sure he'd have a lot to say about incest and inbreeding and in any case the amount of inbreeding required to get to today's population, we would have deformities as a result.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

A Eunuch is someone who wasn't born with or has had their sexual organs removed... What does it have to do with Homosexuality?

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: DarknStormy

That's a really terrible reply.

Animals, like humans according to the bible are God's creation. Apparently everything on earth was perfect until man committed his first sin. Animals are relevant because they were made by him, just like us.

God only cursed man according to genesis. i.e. animals were left the way he made them. Gay and all.

PS I grew up on a farm and I have yet to see an animal eat its own faeces.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: markosity1973
a reply to: DarknStormy

PS I grew up on a farm and I have yet to see an animal eat its own faeces.

Going a tad off topic, but nothing wrong with animals eating their own poop!

Quite a surprising number of animals will eat their poop regularly. Animals like rabbits, rodents, gorillas, many insects (such as dung beetles and flies), and even man’s best friend – dogs. Some omnivores and herbivores (like rodents and rabbits) will consume their own faeces because a diet of plants and vegetable material is hard to digest. Eating their faeces gives them another chance to get more nutrients from their food. It’s very similar to a cow chewing cud, except that cows are able to re-eat their food without having to poop it out first.

I'm sure when you were on the farm you fed your animals well so need for them to do so

edit on 5.9.2014 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: BasementWarriorKryptonite

I think in some respect you're correct. I believe a LOT of things go on behind closed doors and because of the internet we're seeing a lot more of it. Also too, the acceptance of it all.

However this little nugget here:

I really don't think me jumping into the sack with another guy is going to be a sign of the end times.

Is exactly what's going to happen. There won't be any lines. "I really don't think <insert any sexual desire> is going to be the sign of the end times"

It will be like taking out the trash, or going to the mall, or hanging out with friends.
But, I must reiterate myself: I have no problem with what you do. You do whatever you desire

Fulfill your dreams, move forward with your life, love who you want to love, act how you want to act. Live.
I love you all the same.
I respect you, you respect me, I feel that's the best way we all move forward.
And to be honest, it just feels right to say "I love you" rather then "I hate you". Doesn't it? Am I alone on that?
edit on 5-9-2014 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2014 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: DarknStormy

I've never seen any animal eat it's own crap other than a human.

The internet is a scary place.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy

"Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality". 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

There was no word for homosexuality in that time. That's modern man's skewed interpretation of what the bible said.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Aedaeum

Nope, you're not alone in feeling like that at all. We aren't all meant to understand each other, or we would. That isn't a reason for us all to hate each other, it's a reason for us all to learn about each other.

You see what I mean about the language in some of these discussions changing? It's all about getting on and having a laugh over a cup of tea.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

lol, okay okay. So some animals do eat their own dung. Big deal, according to Christianity, God made them that way so who are we to judge them?

Oh wait, SNAP! That was the very first point I made......

edit on 5-9-2014 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

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