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The Andean SPACE ODDITY at Vilcabamba Peru

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posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Painterz
Agreed. I know we have some amazing modern structures.
Modern being the 15th and 16th centuries to present.
But I have to say as far as colossal 1000-2000+ year old earthquake proof "wonders"
like Machu Picchu the Parthenon and the GP ? It's slim pickens.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: one4all

I read you post, I just want to ignore it because is not a valid argument. What you probably saw is way far from what Incas and Pre- Columbian Cultures did. You should read more about the topic before make a post.

Andean people constructions were made using a multi-discipline knowledge, inclluding spirituality and practical use of such structures. The structures had more than one purpose, they were astronomical observatories, weather forecast devices and temples, all at the same time.

Your tradesmen only can replicate similar stones in very small scale and they didn't build anything similar as far as we know. Cut a few pieces of stone means nothing. For andean civilizations, every single detail of a wall could mean something and have a pourpose.

By the way, I was born in the land that was part of the Inca's Empire. I guess that counts ?

We are looking at a Quarry.

You are trying to drag all of Human history into the discussion on your own side of things and that is not going to fly.

I as many other am also intrigued and amazed by "some" of the incredible constructions we see scattered all over the Planet,I as well as many others are well aware out true Humanitarian History has been withheld from the masses,this is pld news to many many people.

No,we do not have all of the answers but we are learning more and more every day.

You are refusing to face facts, and the facts say that people CAN AND DO reproduce the types of constructs we viewed on this thread,the facts say that men with handsaws can cut through stone like a knife through butter,we have facts from todays currently trained craftsmen that THEY could reproduce this work today,what else do you need?

I am NOT saying that I believe ALL ancient constructs were built using handsaws,that there was no higher technology in play at times.

I happen to believe that humaniys history is not formed in one long straight linear line and that this is evidenced by technologys which do not only overlap but also intertwine.

So I believe that there are MULTIPLE Stages of technological Humanitarian methods used on the CONSTELLATION of different ancient stone and other constructs including the Pyramids and what have you.

Anyone can see the differences in techniques which we should all be aware are caused by specific dynamic factors directly related to technology levels at those precise times,we KNOW that humans take the path of least resistance whenever possible unless directed otherwise,so obviously during EVERY different time period we are discussing humans were doing their BEST WORK using their TOP TECHNOLOGYS.

There is NO ONE SUPREME SPOOKY UNKNOWN TECHNOLOGY AT WORK HERE that will prove to illustrate the one single linear human technological trail you are looking to find.

ALL of these different ancient constructs come from different Humans who lived between Earth Cycles which wipe most infrastructure and technology away fprcing us to piece it back together over and over and over,we take BABY steps when we think we are taking leaps.

There are only several thousand years between Earth Cycles,and the highest our technology gets before the Cycle hits is the broken puzzle the people who survive may put back together,it is a random and haphazard rebuild ,this is why we have certain groups of private people who posess HIGH TECHNOLOGY THE MASSES MAY NEVER SEE IN THEIR LIFETIMES,because it is a free-for all re-discovery we go through on a cyclical basis.

If you are thinking that some of these constructs were built using lasers and anti-gravitic technology you are likely right on the money,but there are likely MANY different technologies that we would not be aware of which were used at different times BUT that would ALL BAR NONE be connected peripherally to technologies we ALREADY HAVE.

It is assinine to think that we do not currently have the technology to precisely cut any type of stone with lasers and that we could not reproduce any type of construct on this planet today,I know this to be fact because we are on the last leg of a Cycle and are at the APEX of our current Cycles technological evolution.

If you really want to understand how this principal works apply it to any technology,why do you think it seems like things just POP UP out of nowhere?

We arent DISCOVERING ANYTHING,seriously hardly a darn thing,we are RE-DISCOVERING THINGS that Humanity has already conquored and learned to understand but whcih the knowledge of has been broken to pieces and essentially lost.

it is simply a broken road we are forced to always travel upon and re-build between Earth Cycles.

I think you have poked the wrong pony, google the Badlands Guardian if you want to learn where your people originated from,you might recognise him if you know your local history from where you now live,you come from my home-lands.If you want to properly learn YOUR OWN history you must first learn mine,because where I live is where your people originated from during the last Earth Cycles beginnings.

edit on 24-8-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:50 AM
What I find interesting is the constant augment about how the 'ancients' cut rock with soft copper chisels, such as the Egyptians used, also the constant discussion on how the pyramid blocks were moved, 'ancient' man did it, so he wasn't stupid, about the only activity not shown in tomb paintings was cutting the blocks and moving them!

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
Beautiful quarry. But a quarry none the less.

Experimental archaeologist here. This has all been reproduced with tools and equipment known to the era.

Its fabulous and beautiful and wonderful, but it's really not a great mystery or conspiracy.

If it is a query I would assume the rounds and such are the root of pedestal or larger items and they were cut off and they should be easy to find if they were quarried where was all of the stuff used? It should be somewhere nearby, is there some such location known?

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: JamesTB

Are these knobs a form of language that we don’t know about? I’ve heard people say they are for strapping ropes around to drag the rock well that’s just stupid in my opinion as you can see in this photo this object wasn’t going to be moved anywhere –

An intrinsic property of languages is complexity. There is nothing here to suggest that these knobs are characters of an unknown alphabet. If I had to guess, these might have been the last points of attachment for rock that was being removed? As they were chipping away the stone between the block/slab to be removed, there would be points of attachment that were left (this sort of technique can be observed in other quarries) until it came time to remove the stone. At that point, it would have been pried away and the stone snaps at these points.
edit on 2014-8-24 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 02:26 PM
It does look like a quarry, with all the smaller dressed rocks taken out of the large rocks, making it look like the large rocks have been dressed as well except for no apparent reason, since there wasn't one.

The few pictures showing the smaller assembled rocks in a formal line does show a purpose for those smaller rocks, what that was I have no idea, maybe to carry a water viaduct or to trap moisture coming off the very big rock.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: one4all

Yours is a pretty big post for someone who never had a chance to stand in front of any of these kind of structures and never touched them. I know my comment was strong, but we must be responsable for what we post.

Show me photos/videos of what you think it's like Inca's or Pre-Culumbian structures made by your tradesmen and explain the cosmogony behind that.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Bilk22
Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.
Let's see your work and I'll be the judge. I'm an architect and developer. I hire stone masons all the time. If you're any good, maybe I'll hire you.

edit on 00711Sundayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Bilk22
Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.
Oh and buddy, don't call me ignorant. Not only are you in violation of the user agreement, you're showing you really have nothing more to say that's of any value. If that's the only way you know how to debate, then this conversation is over.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:30 PM
Thanks for posting these awesome pictures. I've not heard of this place before.
Looking at the pics, I get the impression of a 'training ground' for stone cutters. I play around with metalsmithing and will often practice to teach myself how the metal will behave when different techniques are applied. (Shaping, carving, heating, sawing, hammering etc.) This work is so skilled though that everybody else is probably correct that it is a quarry. I like it! Fascinating to entertain that it could be a celestial representative structure, who knows for sure eh?

edit on 24-8-2014 by Starcrossd because: clarification

edit on 24-8-2014 by Starcrossd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:34 PM
I have to wonder... what would be the purpose of quarrying a shape like this?? :

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 06:39 PM
For those saying this is just a quarry.

This doesn't look like its being quarried, it disappears under that huge boulder!
Its also not rock from which they've cut stone, just take a look at the close up below!

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 07:40 PM
Stupid, weird, ancient Andean people!! You'd think they would know that people thousands of years later would be like WTF???

They could of at least left us an inscription or something explaining this! Jeeeeezzzz!!

edit on 24-8-2014 by captainmjp because: spelling

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: one4all

Yours is a pretty big post for someone who never had a chance to stand in front of any of these kind of structures and never touched them. I know my comment was strong, but we must be responsable for what we post.

Show me photos/videos of what you think it's like Inca's or Pre-Culumbian structures made by your tradesmen and explain the cosmogony behind that.

I didnt consider your comment to be particularly strong,it is your perspective,i accept that and validate that by being here enjoying the topic .

I have spent over 20 years in the Construction industry building everything from Sidewalks to Houses to Highrises to Mega-projects like the Syncrude and Suncor complexes,I have worked in the Oil Drilling sector on some of the worlds largest Land Drilling Rigs,I have worked with some of the biggest meanest Equipment and cranes on the Planet.

I have 'some" experience with moving bigger things than you have ever seen guaranteed, your ancient sites aside,but then again I havent taken on that challenge,nor has anyone else thrown all of the current technology and resources we currently have available at this type of challenge,so to claim it is impossible is assinine.

It is clear in the photos that there is a platform and more that we can not see all of and there is obviously craftmanship visible,however you can see also that the area is a Quarry,we have no ways of knowing when the construct was built,but it is obvious it is a quarry now and was intended to be so until the job was finished .

Were it not to be a quarry the detritus would have been removed,and this is not the case,to this end it appears to have been a work in progress.

As to the issue of wether or not people with hand tools could have built ALL of the Ancient constructs in the same ways I watched men slicing through solid rock nearly as fast as through lumber,well of course this is not what I was inferring on its own merits,I was showing peripheral evidence that you were not fairly considering the possibilitys that MORE could have been done in SOME of these constructs with handtools than you originally valuated.This is important because that validation opens the door to fairly intended speculation that MUCH more than you originally speculated COULD have in fact been accomplished,and this dynamic changes the momentum of our discussion.

I have seen pictures of giant slabs of natural rock with massive 50T+ pieces accurately quarried out of them rising hundreds of feet in the air,and geological displacement which is something we FREQUENTLY see associated with these sites,such as Gobekli Tepe which is a harbor on a mountain top in Turkey,these anomolys fit the profile of being created by the same influences which have in the past caused massive and erratic geological changes including elevation shifts,epic ones.

I have seen thousands of pictures and hundreds of videos most of which were data packed documentary type vids,I have studied the Coral Castle and have witnessed reproductions of the Baghdad Batteries with my own eyes proving that there was complicated mixes of technology being functionally appled,this means hybrid technologys were available .

I have seen intricate carvings scooped out of solid stone which defy my own reasoning, however this is tempered by the REALITY that in the last several HUNDRED years we have gone from seemingly archeic technology to lasers and masers and al kinds of things,particle beams,sonic hybrid applications,you name it and we are all over it right now,but only 200 years ago we were in the proverbial Dark Ages,it is entirely concievable that were we to WANT TO DEVELOP THEM there would be hand held types of tools which could be used to cut stone as I have witnessed with the same levels of 3-D intricacy.

This is simply over 200 years, now anyone reasonable would extrapolate that over several thousands of years by ANY curve or graph we would have to be Inter-Stellar and a Multi-planetary Species if the Gradient were to be NORMAL in any ways at all.

This is because we lose and regain technology many times and these constructs remain when all else is wiped clean.We did not develop our current technological levels normally MUCH data was held back,and this data was DISCOVERED EXISTING technology and knowledge from earlier Cultures which existed in earlier Earth Cycles.

One Earth Cycle of Humanity may re-discover COLD FUSION before the nasty sister,or Teslas wireless power transmission over Edisons contrived labor and material intensive methods.

Some of these sites show evidences of multiple technologies we have not necessarily failed to re-discover but have failed to yet APPLY.

There may have been several cultures using anti-gravitics or sonic cutting tools,or simple machines useing these technologies,with these applications you would never need heavy equipment,the tools would weigh next to nothing and if you neutralised the polarity or weight or whatever of the stone itself it would be childsplay to Quarry transport handle and work these stone pieces.

You see if you research alternative and hidden technologies with some passion you will find all types of technologies that have been around for documented centuries and likely much longer.Many are being developed today as we speak by Mustang Researchers who have found core data and re-discovered many concepts and ideas from the past which they are now functionally applying today at home and in schools.

I believe we already posses all the technology it would take to do the things I just posted,and effortlessly duplicate even the largest constructs,but this technology is not mainstream and much of this suppression is due to Military cross-applications which create a National Security issue and catalyse a tremendous and serious effort to keep lids on things.

I do not however believe that there is only one two or three ways to achieve these constructs with technology there are likely many more than that we may never learn in this Earth Cycle.Imagine if the developmentel and evolutionary graph of our technological development had placed Cold Fusion and wireless free energy transmission in Humanitys hands 1000 years ago? Where SHOULD we be now on a normal uninteruppted Graph?

It really is a Pandoras Box you open up when you begin to try to place archeology on a linear straight timeline,it is impossible to maintain the timeline.Technologies and Cultural norms overlap and intertwine,our history is created in circles or cycles and they are stacked one upon the other,it is not developed in a linear one dimensional manner,if you can envision a slinky toy half-stretched out with all of the different technologies from each ring washed into the middle into a smorgasbord with many different parts of many different technologies floating to the very top again to be picked up by the next ring up on the slinky,this is how our technologies are re-discovered and carried forward through these Earth Cycles.If anyone is with me on this and can post a picture of a Slinky half-stretched up I would dearly appreciate a post to help illustrate thi9s point.If anyone even knows what a slinky is anymore I guess,ha ha ha.

I wasnt being clear in my presentation i guess,I meant more accurately that it looks like a Quarry now but that it also appears to be a work in progress with some artfull construction already completed showing elite craftmanship .

As to the validity of there being technologies available to reproduce these epic constructs we discussed earlier,well I still feel that we DO have the technology and means to do these epic things without lasers and particle beams and anti-gravitics,if I had unlimited resources and manpower as a King or a President of today would have I believe we could see these constructs reproduced.Even the largest.

You have to have been witness to some of todays MEGA-PROJECTS which create impacts clearly visible on sattelite from space,which I have in fact been privilaged enough to monitor for decades of growth and evolution to understand the scope of Humaniys combined abiitys.We CAN do unbelievable things today if there is a fiscal end to the actions,but if there is no money in it we will see no serious actions.I have literall witnessed the very earth being on a scale few grasp and comprehend is possible in todays world.

If I had one wish it would be for humanity to be able to see the many spirals of our History sequentially and clearly delineated from one would be something to see,each Cycle an entire evolution of its own within an even larger Earth Cycle evolution.Each cycle one ring of the Slinky.

I do think this is a great thread,thanks for the discussions,there are some good points being made.

edit on 24-8-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
For those saying this is just a quarry.

This doesn't look like its being quarried, it disappears under that huge boulder!
Its also not rock from which they've cut stone, just take a look at the close up below!
Exactly! Not sure why anyone would look at this site and call it a quarry. It's clearly not that at all.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: Xeven

Nice thought about it being a stone quarry. But if I'm ripping out the rock why would I leave the remains so smooth? Get the rock you want out and if the remains are rough so be it. Unless you intended to cut another level out and left it smooth for the next cut.

Ok time for dumb idea. Could the upper square rocks be places for targets like archery? Then the lower row of squares would be places to shoot from to hit the targets placed higher in the rock. Doesn't seem worth the effort though.
In a nutshell someone cut out rocks by an unknown process for an unknown usage. They must have had a real need for this type of work. That doesn't even touch where the cut rocks when to and what the ultimate use was.
Another riddle in rock without a keystone. It seems the ancients took some secrets to the grave. The puzzles they left tantalize us and befuddle us.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
For those saying this is just a quarry.

This doesn't look like its being quarried, it disappears under that huge boulder!
Its also not rock from which they've cut stone, just take a look at the close up below!

It is a Quarry that was a work in progress when an Earth Cycle ended and the boulder was placed there during the event.

The little stubs you see with cubes quarried out of them are the left-overs,showing it was a Quarry with work in-situ and in progress.

The general consensus it that it may or may not be a quarry,but is definately an ancient stone construct,and wasnt built from the boulder laying on top of part of a large base or platform that for all we know may very well be a ROOF.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: VoidHawk
For those saying this is just a quarry.

This doesn't look like its being quarried, it disappears under that huge boulder!
Its also not rock from which they've cut stone, just take a look at the close up below!

It is a Quarry that was a work in progress when an Earth Cycle ended and the boulder was placed there during the event.

The little stubs you see with cubes quarried out of them are the left-overs,showing it was a Quarry with work in-situ and in progress.

The general consensus it that it may or may not be a quarry,but is definately an ancient stone construct,and wasnt built from the boulder laying on top of part of a large base or platform that for all we know may very well be a ROOF.

I'm not understanding

Are you saying that the picture above shows rock from which they have cut square cubes, and thats why what we see has "stubs" left behind?
If that is what your saying then we'll have to disagree

I think what we are looking at in the picture above is the base of a building.

I agree about the big boulder being the result of some event though, if it was a flood then it must have been instant to have shifted a rock of that size.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: one4all

originally posted by: VoidHawk

For those saying this is just a quarry.

This doesn't look like its being quarried, it disappears under that huge boulder!

Its also not rock from which they've cut stone, just take a look at the close up below!

It is a Quarry that was a work in progress when an Earth Cycle ended and the boulder was placed there during the event.

The little stubs you see with cubes quarried out of them are the left-overs,showing it was a Quarry with work in-situ and in progress.

The general consensus it that it may or may not be a quarry,but is definately an ancient stone construct,and wasnt built from the boulder laying on top of part of a large base or platform that for all we know may very well be a ROOF.

I'm not understanding

Are you saying that the picture above shows rock from which they have cut square cubes, and thats why what we see has "stubs" left behind?

If that is what your saying then we'll have to disagree

I think what we are looking at in the picture above is the base of a building.

I agree about the big boulder being the result of some event though, if it was a flood then it must have been instant to have shifted a rock of that size.

It appears like the boulder on top is a part of a "flow" of overburden that you can see outline uphill as it slopes down covered by greenery.

It looks like this overburden material was used to quarry out chunks from the top that were then moved and then had seemingly perfect squares quarried from whese small chunks.

The construct UNDER the overburden is built with cubed stones as well but we do not know what type of stones were used to build the construct

it looks like a "construct" with overburden on top which has been turned into a makeshift Quarry,which is why we see the chunks with cubes missing looking like they belong on the overburden piece.

The craftsmanship displayed on the construct is similar to that of the cubes quarried out of the chunks of overburden,so it seems similar technology was used before and after the overburden was placed,we need to know what the overburden is made of and what the construct is made from so we can tell the geological ages of both.

The "stubs" would more accurately be described as the rounded edges of the overburden piece which have been hewn off in chunks and then optimised by having perfect cubes quarried out of them,good materils management.

This is why it shows evidence of being a Quarry and part of a work in progress seperted in time from the construction of the platform or roof we see underneath the piece being Quarried.

A big question is if that overburden is a part of a flow-type formation,because we have conflicting timelines.

The SCALE of project the platform represents is on an entirely different level than the Quarrying of the overburden piece.

Some of the bigger pieces seem to be erratics or pieces which have been upended onto their sides,like pieces of broken pavement.

These may have been in a horizontal position originally.

It appears as if there was a massive earth event and an original massive construct was broken from a horizontal position into pieces which were haphazardly strewn about and that there is a possibility that a lava-type flow placed overburden on top of some of the wreckage,then that post-event the site was revisited and the overburden quarried and re-worked to some end not neccesarily related to the sites original intentions.

If the overburden is not a part of the structures outlined uphill and upslope and flow-like then yes a boulder that size would need a Global sized Flood to move it.There are similar examples of these erratics in Canada and in other places on the Planet.I have not seen ones with work on them but have seen ones 60 tons and larger,I have also seen the irregular type of seamless perfectly fitting stone mason work near these erratics and near the BadLands Guardian.

@VoidHawk Thanks for the nudge.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:21 PM
This is no more a quarry than a hill of beans!

Here's some photos from the immediate vicinity -

Does that look like it's been quarried? Or does it look like it was shaped this way to preform a function? You decide.

Beautiful ancient wall and well/aqueduct/fountain next to more modern shoddy stone work -

A closer view of the 'cube' objects -

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