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The Andean SPACE ODDITY at Vilcabamba Peru

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+6 more 
posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 07:41 AM
More high strangeness in the Andes this time at Vilcabamba with the truly amazing Nusta Hispana. This thing looks like it was dropped off here to baffle us by beings from some alien planet. No doubt the wannabe archaeologists will say ‘it’s a ceremonial sacrificial altar’ but is it? If it were an altar then it doesn’t look very practical with all those ledges, knobs, cut outs and bits and bobs all over it. And if these cut out type rocks scattered all around Cusco Peru are altars then why aren’t they all the same shape?

Let’s have a look at this stone masterpiece of mystery -

Are these knobs a form of language that we don’t know about? I’ve heard people say they are for strapping ropes around to drag the rock well that’s just stupid in my opinion as you can see in this photo this object wasn’t going to be moved anywhere –

More –

And what about these strange ‘cubes’ what was their purpose? -

Look at these perfectly carved right angled ledges why such precision and yet why so random? –

Now it gets even weirder what are these? More altars? Obviously not! –

Now it gets even weirder what are these? More altars? Obviously not! –

A very peculiar object indeed! –

Well I'm sure it wasn't dropped from space but that's about the only thing I'm certain of when it comes to this beautiful object .

How about you?

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 07:48 AM
It looks like a simple rock Quarry.The stone is cool and the King would like it,seems to me.

We must get over the ways the stone was cut with precision already, we see the exact same techniques all over the world.

If there is nothing spooky about HOW the rocks were cut,it is a simple rock quarry.
edit on 24-8-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: JamesTB
Great find, S&F.

Some of the 'shelves' with knobs reminds me of the construction similar to a dove tailed drawer. Maybe its the support for a wooden roof? The knobs, and shelve would interlock with the wood to create a really strong roof, or to support a second story. So, maybe a two story house?
The square ones on the ground remind me of the cement blocks supporting my porch. Maybe they are floor supports? Again there is a ledge that would firmly support huge sturdy beams for flooring.
Very interesting. And I would have kept the original rocks, that the floor blocks were carved from, for unique patio chairs. lol
If the stair ways led to structures that once were built on top of the rock, then that is one sturdy foundation.
I believe in the giants theory, so I think it was created by them and it had to be really sturdy to hold their weight.

edit on 24-8-2014 by misskat1 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: one4all
It looks like a simple rock Quarry.The stone is cool and the King would like it,seems to me.

We must get over the ways the stone was cut with precision already, we see the exact same techniques all over the world.

If there is nothing spooky about HOW the rocks were cut,it is a simple rock quarry.
I really can't help but laugh at this response. We may see these examples in various parts of the world, but there's still no valid explanation how this was achieved, in my opinion. Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.


posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:55 AM
It looks to me like it was mostly used as a simple stone quarry, with a few features that could have been ceremonial or decorative, or possibly used as supports for structures that no longer exist. I don't see a single "perfectly carved" right angle. In fact the pictures show quite clearly that they're not perfect right angles, though the craftsmanship is quite good. Since you claim that they're "obviously not" what "wannabe archaeologists" posit them to be, why don't you enlighten us as to their actual purpose? And while you're at it, since you want to defame actual scholars and researchers, I'm sure you wouldn't mind providing your credentials?

+14 more 
posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Bilk22
Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:15 AM
For sake of argument...let's fixate that it is in fact a quarry...
...again we have megalithic stones precision cut & intricately carved.

Again the question arises of transporting said mega-stones...and of course -
for what particular purpose..?

Interesting find JamesTB, one I have not familiarized myself with.
You are on the right track, as Napoleon said, & I quote -
"History is a set of lies agreed upon!"

My personal belief is with todays resources such as the internet & Google Earth,
these answers will arise & it won't be by archeologist's stuck in a paradigm.

Be well.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: one4all
It looks like a simple rock Quarry.The stone is cool and the King would like it,seems to me.

We must get over the ways the stone was cut with precision already, we see the exact same techniques all over the world.

If there is nothing spooky about HOW the rocks were cut,it is a simple rock quarry.
I really can't help but laugh at this response. We may see these examples in various parts of the world, but there's still no valid explanation how this was achieved, in my opinion. Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.


It was achieved by someone cutting the stone,it is not a big mystery.

Who cares, we cant obsess over simple things like how they cut rocks,for goodness sakes what do you think about when you look at a diamond? Does your universe stop moving or something?

You can SEE that they quarried small cubes out of small rocks,the biggest cubes they could manage,do you think this proves they had some super skills or super tools? They had to work WITH the stones as they were,they DID NOT HAVE options.

There are THOUSNDS of site globlly that show us stone working skills of various degrees,but so what,this simply means they used conventional tools.

A person standing on bed of nails is impressive to,but I dont give it this much thought.

It is Quarry, there is a platform we can see and structure,that is interesting,but the how of the work is mundane and takes us into silly areas of conjecture.

It is interesting but yesterday I watched men cutting huge blocks of stone with HANDSAWS and they were FAST and effieient and cut ABSOLUTELY STRAIGHT LINES.

I am glad you managed to get a chuckle out of the post,things needed a little lightening up.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Bilk22

Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

There are several explanations regrding the purpose of these sturctures you showed. In my opinion, they are unfinished works. I also believe in many cases they are places were the ancient andeans practiced and experimented with this technique, in order to reach perfection.

The last one with a circle inside a square hole for example, is probably a practice for similar structures, related to astronomy and/or weather. Rain water covering the hole would indicate important information for their agriculture. I wouldn't discard the concept of a sundial neither.

In reference to the technology and science used to create these magnificent structures, I previously posted a few thread here. There you will find some of the artifacts used by them, so if you are interested :

Ancient Broadcast Antenna Network : The Saywana System and other Andean Ethno Scientific Tools

You'll find interesting this one too :
Poro Poro

I hope that helps you

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

My first thought? ...These are foundation supports. Not sure what kind of building(s) they might support but...

Interesting. F&S

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Bilk22
Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.

Not my intention to offend you but, I don't know how you dare to compare yourself with the ancient andean civilizations. If you were able to recreate their work, you would be rich and also famous around the world.

Can you make a Machu Picchu or a Sacsayhuaman without modern equipment ?

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: one4all

Great response very rational thinking! Looks like a rock query to me too. As for the artistic looking carvings. They had artist back then too. Just because they did not have jack hammers and lasors to cut rocks does not mean they lacked intelligence or lacked in artistic design. Just like mars. Just rocks.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 09:57 AM
I dont want to go off topic but it is easier sometimes to approach these interesting questions if you do it from the perspective that TODAYS CULTURES GLOBALLY are hit with a Global Flood AS IN Noahs day,then we MUST RE-BUILD.

This puts us in the position we now find ourselves in with overlapping and interwoven technologies, now consider that this Global Flood happens like clockwork and now we can see the potential for MANY Global Cultural and Technological Cycles overlapping and interweaving,only small bits and pieces remain after each Flood and we are ALWAYS trying to piece together one single linear past history when it CANNOT BE DONE THAT WAY.

This is how I view it.

Native Indians in North America used a sweat lodge to cure dieases,they knew it worked and they knowing ly or unknowingly were using what we would call HIGH TECHNOLOGY MEDICLLY to achieve their curative effects,however mainstream literature today and education today LIE ABOUT THE ENTIRE ISSUE.

You see with todays internet data freedom we can learn HOW and WHY the Sweatlodge was working for the Indians who had NO EVEN MEDIUM TECHNOLGY.

Somehow they HAD HIGH TECHNOLOGY MEDICLLY and were forced to AD-LIB the impacts when they lost their infrastructure,they lost the infrastructure but RETAINED THE KNOWLEDGE and had to JUST MAKE IT WORK WITH WHAT THEY COULD FIND.

You see the Sweatlodge brings your internal body temp up so high it can be terminal,this is why water is poured on hot stones to create steam,this is to hydrate you so you do not die,the temp is brought up high enough to kill the PARASITES IN US WHICH CAUSE ALL ILLNESSES and their juveniles AND their eggs,THIS is the curative effect being sought after.Study Dr.Hulda Clarks works.

Today we would use a hyberbaric chamber and an I.V to keep you hydrated to achieve the same effect.

i am glad the OP is interested in these things and it is nice to see so many people also interested,we ARE THE TAPESTRY OF HUMANITY WHEN WE COME TOGETHER,it is wonderfull.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: Trueman

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Bilk22
Stone mason today would have a difficult time reproducing this utilizing modern equipment.

Every time I see someone regurgitating this same tripe, it infuriates me. What's your source for the above? Because I am something of a stonemason. I work primarily with granite, and there isn't a single individual feature shown that I could not recreate in a day or two with modern equipment. The entire piece would take a good long while to duplicate, but it could be done relatively easily. Take away the modern equipment, and I could still recreate any feature you ask me to, though it would take significantly longer. To say that it couldn't be done or that we would have trouble doing the same thing with modern equipment is nothing but ignorant.

In between other projects, I work on enclosures for high-end DACs for a company that my company is contracted with. These enclosures are solid granite, with a high-polish and dimensions and right angles accurate to 1/100th of an inch, and guess what? It's done entirely by hand. So please, instead of regurgitating what they said on Ancient Aliens, and furthering ignorance and outright lies, try educating yourself on stone working techniques.

Not my intention to offend you but, I don't know how you dare to compare yourself with the ancient andean civilizations. If you were able to recreate their work, you would be rich and also famous around the world.

Can you make a Machu Picchu or a Sacsayhuaman without modern equipment ?

Did you not read that I watched men with HANDSAWS cutting solid stone in perfect straight lines in NO TIME AT ALL?

Did you not hear a Tradesman tellig you it is easy to reproduce these actions?

Have you researched either of our claims?

I saw what I saw and the Tradesman is a PROFESSIONAL,you of course have free-will to choose what to believe but we all have acess to google if we are on ATS.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:39 AM
It reminds me of the sunken ruins, I mean natural formations,
off the coast of Japan.
The precision is amazing. And like many of the impossibly cut
and sized stone work from prehistory, this place is surrounded
by much later stone works.
Also like ALL later builds they are puny and childlike by comparison.
For me, this puts yet another feather in the cap for supposed
wheel-less language less ancients being able to erect stone monuments at will.
Weight, scale, precision, and quarry distance appear to be a non issue.
I wonder when our architects will attempt a Great Pyramid ?
Oh yeah they won't even though the glory of building one would assure huge pay offs.
It would be the talk of the world.
So again why hasn't some group attempted it ?
They have GPS lasers, massive cranes and a much heartier workforce available,
instead of copper chisels and hemp plumbs this time.
And still .... Anyone ? World glory awaits? one is attempting it.
Ok, Half scale? Come on anyone?
We are missing a huge hunk of history.

Even though I believe all of these are human built;
If I were an engineer I would go with the alien angle. It takes the pressure off.
edit on 24-8-2014 by UnderKingsPeak because: Not alien built

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:40 AM
Beautiful quarry. But a quarry none the less.

Experimental archaeologist here. This has all been reproduced with tools and equipment known to the era.

Its fabulous and beautiful and wonderful, but it's really not a great mystery or conspiracy.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: one4all

I read you post, I just want to ignore it because is not a valid argument. What you probably saw is way far from what Incas and Pre- Columbian Cultures did. You should read more about the topic before make a post.

Andean people constructions were made using a multi-discipline knowledge, inclluding spirituality and practical use of such structures. The structures had more than one purpose, they were astronomical observatories, weather forecast devices and temples, all at the same time.

Your tradesmen only can replicate similar stones in very small scale and they didn't build anything similar as far as we know. Cut a few pieces of stone means nothing. For andean civilizations, every single detail of a wall could mean something and have a pourpose.

By the way, I was born in the land that was part of the Inca's Empire. I guess that counts ?
edit on 24-8-2014 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: UnderKingsPeak

"I wonder when our architects will attempt a Great Pyramid ?
Oh yeah they won't even though the glory of building one would assure huge pay offs.
It would be the talk of the world.
So again why hasn't some group attempted it ?"

Have you seen some of the glorious buildings that have been put up recently? Put the pyramids in the shadow of the London Shard, or that building in Dubai.

These buildings are the talk of the world. Our architects are building things that are on a scale far beyond the Great Pyramid.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Trueman
Not my intention to offend you but, I don't know how you dare to compare yourself with the ancient andean civilizations. If you were able to recreate their work, you would be rich and also famous around the world.

Can you make a Machu Picchu or a Sacsayhuaman without modern equipment ?

Likewise, I don't mean to offend or insult anybody either. And I'll be the first to admit that there have been many individuals and cultures throughout history who have honed their skills to levels far beyond I ever will. Puma Punku comes to mind...

Of course I could not recreate Machu Picchu or Sacsayhuaman without modern equipment, by myself. Nobody could, due to the sheer scale. I could, however, recreate most, if not all, individual features at said sites, without the aid of modern tools and equipment, but obviously it would take a significant amount of time. But if there were hundreds, if not more, artisans working for years, decades, perhaps even generations on such a project, as was the case with these and other sites, then it absolutely could be done. Never underestimate the ingenuity and drive of the human species.

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