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Rioting, looting reported in Ferguson (Missouri)

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: thesaneone

Do the police know who he is? Is he locked up? Vengeance is served

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: thesaneone

originally posted by: NATIBOY256
a reply to: Destinyone

I have no thirst for violence, I haven't been in a fight in nearly 15 years. I have a thirst for vengeance, because I'm tired of seeing the murderers of my people go home to their families.

What about vengeance for the innocent young black girl who was minding her own business when some thug gang banger decides he wants to be a bad ass and shoot her in a drive by?

Where are the leaders of the black community?

Not anywhere because a white person was not involved.

That is just not true at all. You obviously do not live in one of these neighborhoods plagued by gang violence. There is an out cry when a gangbanger kills an innocent. Almost every time. Leaders do speak up. Their is marches and rallys and vigils. Even occasionally violence. Their are multiple people and programs trying to fight this. They are just almost never shown on the news.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 01:59 AM
If I were black, I would feel hatred towards some of these comments.

If I were white, I would feel hatered towards some of these comments.

If I were human, I would feel embarassed by most of these comments.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: karmicecstasy

I lived and grew up around Fullerton and California Chicago and I have seen it all.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

Its my belief it is an act of desperation fuled by rage in hope of change... People in a rage with a mob mentality may not behave very rational, but they will be heard...

Im not saying its the best answer, but it will proove effective as this has gone viral...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: netwarrior

How is referring to my people as my people racist? If I hated or disliked you or anyone else due to his/her race then I would be racist(Which I'm not). I've never hated or disliked another person due to his/her race, I was born with too much intelligence to be that stupid.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: thesaneone

My apologies then for assuming that. I am from Chicago also. Pilsen and Little village when I was younger. However my point still stands. There is outcry every single time.

edit on 11-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: justnotnormal
If I were black, I would feel hatred towards some of these comments.

If I were white, I would feel hatered towards some of these comments.

If I were human, I would feel embarassed by most of these comments.

I'll admit I am a lil prejudice when it comes to none humans.

Care to rephrase that?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:03 AM

originally posted by: NATIBOY256
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Let's be honest, do you really believe the American public will vote a black man into office? If you look at his presidency, it's obvious he's a puppet for the people that's really running the country(Bankers). I want everybody to look up the claims I made in the post that you responded to. Everyone will then see that everything I said is true, denoting the fact that America still hates blacks. I believe Obama was placed into office as a smokescreen, considering the fact that institutionalized racist attacks rised dramatically during his presidency.

HAHAHA... Get real! EVERY official "face" in the world is a puppet, no matter their skin tone. General population is the victim, not a specific race. ALL races have been hard done by at one point in history, and you can trace everyones roots back to very small groups of origin. The blame game based on colour... We all have an axe to grind if we choose to do so.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: randyvs

originally posted by: justnotnormal
If I were black, I would feel hatred towards some of these comments.

If I were white, I would feel hatered towards some of these comments.

If I were human, I would feel embarassed by most of these comments.

I'll admit I am a lil prejudice when it comes to none humans.

Care to rephrase that?

Not at all. You don't know who, or what I am. Canada welcomes ALL kinds.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: justnotnormal

That's cool then, I can always warm up to the idea.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: NATIBOY256
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Let's be honest, do you really believe the American public will vote a black man into office? If you look at his presidency, it's obvious he's a puppet for the people that's really running the country(Bankers). I want everybody to look up the claims I made in the post that you responded to. Everyone will then see that everything I said is true, denoting the fact that America still hates blacks. I believe Obama was placed into office as a smokescreen, considering the fact that institutionalized racist attacks rised dramatically during his presidency.

I certainly didn't vote him in, but somebody sure as hell did. Enough people obviously voted for him that there was not an outcry about some kind of voter fraud after his victory was announced. I absolutely think he was chosen and I absolutely think he is a puppet, but that doesn't negate the fact that he was elected to office.

There are a bunch of ignorant idiots left in America that do still hate blacks, I would not be so ignorant to claim otherwise. At some point the perpetual victim mindset has to be looked at regardless and not just for African Americans either.

Things like this do nothing for those that still buy and sell in stereotypes. It serves to give more ammunition to those who do actually want you to "know your place". You can't prove those arseholes wrong with this type of behavior. You and they have to know that. People empathize more than you know I think, but what is happening now is not right.

It is not getting justice, but it is giving the cops more opportunity to "make them pay" and that's not what they want or need right now.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: justnotnormal

You're from Canada, you wouldn't understand. America isn't really a civilized country like Canada. I've been to Toronto, it was a different world.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: 5StarOracle
A black suspect gets killed, and the response by the black community is to go on a huge crime spree. Makes them look really bad to the rest of the country. Yes, I understand the anger, I an mostly native north american, I know what what it is like to be pissed on, abused. I can't condone this response, it's nothing more than using an emotional opportunity to steal. It doesn't make sense at all, and it doesn't bring any outside support to the cause, it does the opposite.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: TKDRL

Its my belief it is an act of desperation fuled by rage in hope of change... People in a rage with a mob mentality may not behave very rational, but they will be heard...

Im not saying its the best answer, but it will proove effective as this has gone viral...


Yes... more will die.

Great job guys and gals. Give them reason to justify this calamity with more violence.

Sounds eerily similar to the hypocrisy being played out In the Middle East right?


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

I can agree with most of what you stated.
edit on 11-8-2014 by NATIBOY256 because: I Left out some words

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:13 AM


posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: GreenMtnBoys

Lol so now I'm filled with hate because of my unwillingness to live with or surround myself with people who do not share my beliefs, customs, traditions, way of life?

That does seem to narrow it down.

I disagree

Truth be told, I spend as much time as I can in Japan (which isn't nearly enough) The reason for this is it's nearly impossible to find a community in America anymore period which is based around a family unit, shares a set of traditions, is modern and educated in tandem with those things...

You see in in places in America but often it's tainted with religious nonsense but outside of Western Europe and eastern Asia it barely exists anymore...

it's not prejudice, it's called CIVILIZATION... people who's lives revolve around a functional society, not entertainment and self indulgence.

I wont live in a Black hood...hell no, I wont live in a white hood or a hispanic one either lol... I don't care about twearking, i want my kids to freaking learn music and read books and have dinner at home at night, be in a community with fathers who make sure being in a gang isn't "cool" where there are safe community activities...

In AMERICA all that stuff is Lame to people, everyone wants to be a "superstar" lol, get laid, rock on... bunch of idiots I don't care what color you are...

Am I racist NO... But I do seek out Asians because they form study groups and like nerdy stuff lol.... I know I can find those people in other communities but why get shot and made fun of wanting to seek out those 6 people in 300,000 when for an 800.00 ticket I can be around people where the gangbangers are the 6 of 300,000 nice people?

I don't want to sell meth... or crack, I make video games and stuff, I'm taking my daughter hopefully to the Hatsune Miku show to watch a non existent character make Music that was never sung by a live person and perform as a hologram... I love my life lol...

Racist ... maybe by IQ

I've never been turned on by trying to be cool... I am cool, the only thing I want to make my "B!%@H" is Technology, I take drugs... TA 65 to lengthen my Telomeres lol so I live longer, I have a Music scene... I own vocaloid and fruity loops... I have a Youtube channel, 50,000 followers on facebook alone... I am even getting my own drone for xmas... so I can fly a go pro around, I'm lord of the Adwords, straight up digital pimp son....

And yeah... I separate myself from MOST people every day... I rant on here about Islam, I hate gang bangers and all religious fundamentalists really... But I don't care about color or what faith you stem from... Just get with the modern world and be cool for real....

Do i have money? NO lol... I'm just not an idiot... I pay my excessive corrupt bills on flyer miles lol... I avoid health care and eat whole foods, my toys earn my living for me... I could be rich but i'm too busy having a good healthy time in an AWESOME Modern world... I don't smoke crack and buy bling lol or do meth and screw all night and rob walmart for a living....

And truthfully... I hope they drone morons, for real... Like I said in prior post, I haven't even been pulled over in 4 years... in the police state... I have had One Misdemeanor in a lifetime of 44 years and I deserved it I was drunk as Frug...And I didn't get tased or shot lol... I was aware after many, many rounds of GTA that I wouldn't win that fight lol....

Nerds have no racism lol... We want to bang Gamora the Green chick from gaurdians of the galaxy lol...

Staying out of Moronic communities of the soon to be extinct species of homo sapiens in general just isn't racism... It's just siding with Homo sapiens sapiens

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: TiedDestructor

You sound like a cop, stfu you say... i say pull your head out of your butt..

Like it or not its the truth...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: NATIBOY256
Bahahaha yeah, canada is so civilized..... Until you realize canada pisses on their native population just as bad as the US does. And that canada flies in migrant workers from haiti and jamaica and uses them in seasonal work and exploits them just like the US exploits illegals.

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