take it, I used google translator, it may have grammar problems and mistakes, but you get the point..
R.T.Erntogan sends a fleet into Gaza. This "humanitarian aid" convoy is lead by warships, who organizes the famous "showcase" of MIT in the form of
Amid Enterprise Operation Protective Edge carried the Irail to stop attacks carried out by Hamas from Gaza, a "Freedom Flotilla" organized this time
in Turkey to provide "humanitarian assistance" in the Hamas-controlled Palestinian coastal pocket with the protection of the Turkish navy, according
to information published today by the Israeli Jerusalem Post
The flotilla, is called 'Freedom Flotilla II', and organized by the Turkish Humanitarian Aid Foundation (IHH), the same organization that was behind
the flotilla's Mavi Marmara, and tried to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip in May 2010, with the famous bloody results.
Israeli naval commandos boarded the ship, they were attacked and killed nine of their attackers.
To recall that 2010 reportedly from Israel under the R.T.Erntogan had thought sending military escort to protect the "Mavi Marmara"
For the notorious IHH we recall the following: the organization caused uproar in Turkey with the arrest in tourkish-syrian borders on instruction
judge who is in opposition to the R.T.Erntogan a load of weapons to Islamists in Syria in carrying the otherwise "special "NGO IHH, which had caused
the carnage in Maavi Marmara.
This organization, under the control of MIT course whose official rode in that convoy trucks!
The consignment in question was allegedly seized by the gendarmerie and moved instead for humanitarian aid, weapons and ammunition from Turkey to
Syria. What to remember the role of this "NGO"
According to the president of IHH Bulent Yildrim and as stated in the Gulf on line last week the "activists" salparoyn will soon take the necessary
permission from the authorities of Ankara that the Turkish army would offer protection to ships!
Diplomatic told told that Jerusalem studying carefully the reports, but said it was not clear if the flotilla will eventually departs from Turkey
So far there has been only a declaration of intent, no date has been set, said an official.
The Harold Rhode, a senior fellow at Gatestone Institute based in New York and a former consultant for the American islamikazitimata YPAM told the
Jerusalem Post in an interview Sunday that the real issue is that Turkey and Qatar supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in their goals.
"[Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip] Erdogan has been associated with the Muslim Brotherhood long before becoming prime minister," said Rhode.
It should now be clear to everyone that Erdogan "is out of the bag," (marginalized) said Rhode, adding that U.S. President Barack Obama speaks with
the leader of the Turks now, which in the past described him as one of his closest friends among world leaders.
"Erdogan is doing everything it can to help Hamas," he said, arguing that it would only hurt the Palestinian people in the end.
edit on
28-7-2014 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)