posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:17 AM
In the beginning was a vast disintegration of fractal chaos and a great mind was shattered into countless parts.
Thousands of years ago, there was a woman who was so passionate that the spirit of a higher-dimensional queen descended into her to become the living
embodiment of this planetary cosmos. She became the holy mother of a bloodline of individuals who are spiritually different from the other humans on
this planet. She and her husband conceived a child through sexual magic so that a single sperm (the best possible) was directed directly to her egg
and the resultant offspring was fused with the soul of a powerful extra-dimensional creature making that child an avatar of that god instead of
allowing an infantile human soul to possess that body.
Throughout the ages, these mystics have directed humankind to teach them how to become gods so that someday they can liberate this planet, creating an
immortal race of beings on this planet who are independent from any usurpation or control.
Darius "the great" was a tyrant who inflicted continuous destruction on the innocent people that surrounded his empire leading the horse-tribes to
flee off to Caledonia. There, the secrets of magic and mythos would incubate for the better part of two millenia.
In 1400, a similarly oppressive series of tyrants invaded Scotland and led the mystics to flee with their secrets to Nova Scotia where they had been
vacationing regularly for hundreds of years.
They had chased us to the very ends of the world and we could run no further. Thus came revolution and the Scottish Age of Enlightenment that you all
enjoy today. You're welcome.
Stand by for the next part of the story when the goal of total human liberation is finally unveiled and a new Alexandria and a new age of Chronos is
bestowed upon humankind.